Why People Are So Mad About The Epic Games Store

Why are you mad, bros?

>"Concerns about “spyware” and/or conspiracy theories"
>"A vision of a fragmented PC future breaking up Steam’s convenient monopoly"
>"The great equalizer (or un-equalizer, as it were) is, as ever, money. That’s infuriating to realize. It is the colossal bummer at the heart of capitalism."


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Other urls found in this thread:


Did this fucking guy really just waste a thread with a link to Kotaku?

winnie the pooh hates my plastic nation

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>tfw Kotaku is getting canned soon

i only care about convenience

sweeney is a faggot

I wouldn't give a shit about all this Epic or BL3 controversy if they at least had half the features of Steam. Steam is just way too convenient for me (especially w/ game streaming to TV) for me to just forget.



Nice nigger capitalization, Nathan.

And what's good about EpicStore challenging Steam?

Does it offer better service? Nope, enjoy your spyware btw.
Does EpicStore offers better prices for better games? Nope, Chinaman offers shitty exclusives.

Its a piece of shit with no features



Just use isthereanydeal.com
That's competition.

Glad to know Kotaku is on our side.

Together with the power Fortnite, Kotaku, Twitter, Randy Pitchfork and Communism, we will bend the patriarchy to its knees and our granddaughters will remember us in the history books as the "The Epic Gaming Alliance"

Go to bed gabe

Not yet, babe

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At the end of the day i think it's about attitudes. Other storefronts existed and nobody gave a shit, then epic comes, offers nothing new except buying exclusively rights to games and and then acts like it's gods gift to man. Then the articles get published and the spamming happens "epic only takes a 17% cut" "epic ensures quality of its games" "entitled gamers not appreciating how epic is saving gaming", people pretend to get offended when you don't want to get on your knees and suck epic off because it's so good despite it's only notable qualities are less of an established presence over steam, buying exclusivity rights in attempts to garner loyalty despite not producing those games at all, and annoyingly aggressive marketing. This doesn't make me mad, this is annoying. fuck epic, i can tell you now that 17% shit is gone once steam is.

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So, let's get this straight.
The advantages of epic games launcher:
>more money for developers
>buys the shit out of exclusives
Not a single benefit is passed onto the consumer.
Meanwhile, Steam takes a bigger cut of the dev paycheck, but also has
>social media features and profiles
>very common sales and bundles
>huge selection with lots of filters to easily view what you want
>community forums
>community reviews
>Linux support
>shopping cart
>Mac support
>screenshot hosting
>in-client streaming and game clip hosting
>steam family sharing
>steam link/ big picture mode
>significant VR hosting
>profile inventories and trading
> live pages where debs can post news and patch notes
Outside of paid exclusives, I can't think of a single thing Epic has that steam doesn't.

>not capable of understanding capitalism, competition and anti-consumers practices
Checks out.

Everyone talks about how it's better for devs but who gives a shit if it's not offering the consumer anything? Do you really give a shit if your local department store, or grocer, or electronics store negotiates a better deal with their wholesale distributor? Not a fucking chance, especially when you see no change in the retail pricing of the shit you buy from them.

>yfw Kotaku shuts down

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This man deserves a bronze statue at Blizzcon

>epic is able to take a smaller cut because they pass on transaction fees to the users


Tiananmen square massacre

>linking directly to Shitaku

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For me it isn't about the features, they have some of the worst customer services. Want a refund because the game you bought was nothing like what we advertised, well go fuck your self.

And this bullshit over paying to hold game hostage just makes me not want to play those games. I don't care enough about BL3 to download that Chinese spyware.

Love how you can't answer a goddamn thing he brought up but think you can just handwave bullshit practices.

Because i can't buy from it

People are mad about EGS because competition is supposed to come with benefits for the consumer, yet EGS is WORSE for the consumer. Higher prices, worse service, lower selection likely forever. They're literally just trying to replace Valve's monopoly with an even worse monopoly.

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Holy shit, I honestly didn't expect the chinks to fuck over the gooks that badly.

> Pure White Westerners get dozens of games
> Koreans get two
> this is real

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Why they cant release it on both stores?

Tldr; there a yongyea vid to read it for me yet?

I don't pirate myself, but a distributor paying devs to yank a game off of a storefront to make you download their shady software is a good enough excuse for me, about the only one other than "I'm poor" that isn't self fellating bullshit like "Muh multi billion dollar company, this means I'm exempt from pa-" just say you want it for free nigger.
Anyways, I'm glad if they do shit like what they did for Cage's games, if they yank more console exclusives that have 1 year exclusivity deals for Epic, that means I'm 100% ENSURED to get a game I was never gonna have in 1 year.
Epic is increasing the PC library, even if you aren't buying from them.

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Did not expect this type of objective reporting on the issue from KOTAKU of all places.
However, nearing the end they draw a different conclusion than I would draw given all the arguments. They say that in the end fair competition is not available against someone as big as Steam and that's simply not true. If you do what Epic does (offer a better cut to devs and also cut down prices in the process), users would flock to Epic. They could make the argument that they pay devs more AND make games cheaper. The only logical conclusion is that Steam would have to reduce prices as well to keep relevant, which is exactly what a healthy competition should be doing.

But again, even though I disagree with their conclusion, congratulations on fucking Kotaku of all places of having a relative objective report on the issues.


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Free Tibet

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>Why People Are So Mad About The Epic Games Store

Because the chinks can go and suck it.
Bang! Fuckin period, nigger!

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because it literally brings nothing to the table aside from exclusives that they've taken hostage.

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This. I understand why people ITT do not click a Kotaku link and only read the headline, but the articles pretty fucking unbiased. At least for Kotaku norms. It clearly states WHY people are against it, without blasting them for it, only providing arguments that both sides give.
Best reporting I've seen so far from these websites desu

Because it's forced as fuck and I want to punch Sweeney in his dumb fucking face for being such a smug cunt about it. also fuck chinks
>gimme dat game EXCLUSIVE
>dat game too EXCLUSIVE
>dat game? gimme EXCLUSIVE
>game mine EXCLUSIVE
There's nothing wrong with it, of course, but that's why it pisses me off so much.

I'll be more pissed if Valve doesn't respond with a better offer though

If Valve starts buying exclusives, I'd be equally mad.

Why is that character doing the white power symbol?

I mostly meant cutting back on the 30% take, but I mean there are already steam exclusives technically


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Oh yeah, that would really shut them up for good.
>everyone takes 30%
>okay fine, we'll make it 15%

Kotaku was sold this morning for 1/5th of it's market price.

Why would I, as a consumer, give a fuck about developers when my experience with Epic is objectively worse?

Same guy? But the article in the OP reads pretty unbiased. Maybe he got a slapped by daddy Kotaku?

>Not a single benefit is passed onto the consumer.

Not only that the storefront itself is fucking non existent. Even the basic store functionality of it is missing and not present.

This entire shit show happened because they have a bunch of accounts already on PC for Fortnite and fuck it why don't we try to sell them other shit so we never lose out on money.

Answer me this then:
If Epic weren't buying the exclusives and devs were wilingly going to them to put their games up as exclusives....would you still be mad?

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Which means they will make about 100 million times as many outrage articles posted here with direct links, so they can keep their jobs.

Is the user from last night who was posting the pics of Orangekisses still around

>hyper toxic "pro-consumer" user base
He belongs in re-educational labor camp and his kidney belongs in someone with higher social credit score.

This whole thing has no benefit to consumers at all. Epic is snatching up games with exclusivity deals and the promise of a fatter cut for the companies. It's all for the company's paycheck, at the expense of players since they have to deal with the shitty Epic Games Store Launcher. All this bullshit about 'Taking down a monopoly for the health of pc gaming' is utter manure. Just because Steam provides a superior service, doesn't mean they have a monopoly.

Honestly, it just seems like this is all to maximize profit, and a bunch of spin doctor articles are trying to paint this in a way that convinces players that this is helping them. Fuck Epic.

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It literally says that they will transfer transaction fees of payment methods outside of the industry norm to the users. Not that it means the user is paying for the 12% cut.
I hate EGS, but please be accurate in your criticism.

People have always shit on publishers making their own shit tier distribution platforms, remember when people used to shit all over Origin and that progam doing shady stuff?

The only difference is with Epic Store they'll locking games outside of their publishing into exclusivity deals.

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i fucking wish

Hey shilly

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Still waiting for an answer

This, all I see is a worse service for me and no deals on any of the games. I don't even buy from steam when I've got the choice, I'll get it from a key site elsewhere


Less mad, but still mad. The only reason a company would accept a cheap, barebones launcher like Epic is because they save money on the cut that Epic takes. It's a choice entirely for profit, and that almost always comes at the detriment of the customer. Prices aren't going down for the customer, so why is this good for us in any way?

I don't get it either. I would understand if Valve still actually made games, but after Artifact who are you trying to kid that Valve matters at all?

Another newfag shill thread linking directly to Kotaku. Please kill yourself and have sex.

>criticize a single point of an ideology means you have to be against all of it
About as brainlet a take as all those retards who think that socialism = welfare capitalism.

I want to send him to china

Anyone have a link to the Epic Discord?

Considering that Epic is going with a limited exclusivity of Borderlands 3 as opposed to only being on their platform, if it wasn't the shady nature of the software and their shady business practices with third party exclusivity I'd have no issue with it.

>if epic weren't shit, would you still think it's shit?

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Because Valve still provides a much better service in Steam than Epic does. Just because they don't make games anymore, doesn't mean that should affect your opinion of Steam itself.

The distinction doesn’t matter. They both lead to waste and mediocrity.

>Would you be mad if they werent doing the thing youre mad at them for?
No? What the fuck kind of question is that?
Funny how if you take away the exclusives, i can suddenly think of nothing to use epic launcher now. Its almost as if thats the only thing it has going for it.

if the epic store wasn't a featureless piece of shit, I don't think people would be so upset
why do I have to use an inferior platform just to play 1 game

>what is Origin
>what is Uplay

>Conspiracy theory
There never was, and will never be, better detector of lemming/NPC than use of this term, especially not regarding some real crazy shit like government officials being reptilians in disguise, but about everything that goes against Official Discourse which lemmings are being fed. It was invented by alphabet agencies for this exact purpose btw, you can read "Countering criticism of Warren report" about that.

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Oh I can't wait for Epic Store to get enough good exlusive on their store and watch people eat their words for it.

Can it launch the fucking game I bought? Then it's fine

I also wouldn't be upset if it didn't literally pay publishers to NOT put their games on other platforms

I also think the distinction between DEVS and PUBLISHERS needs to be highlighted
Devs aren't getting paid more, publishers are

Nathan Grayson is an annoying cuck. Stop bringing his shit here.

I'm absolutely fine with Origin.

It's bots, user. It's literal spambots.

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evry tim

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yeah, I mean, it also posts my CC info on the web and lets russian and indian hackers log into my account but honestly though? I'm just here for the games

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Disparity of online userbases between games if they're stretched between Steam and EGS.

games can do that on their own

>Nathan Grayson is an annoying cuck.
I thought he was the cucker?

>"Concerns about “spyware” and/or conspiracy theories"
+10 social credit points have been added to your profile.

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>epic gamestore
>unreal series, gears of war and jazz jackrabbit nowhere to be found

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How can you be fine with Origin and not with EGS? The only difference is that EGS is getting third party exclusivity deals.

What makes it a better service? Forums? User reviews? I don't care about any of that shit.

Can we start banning people that don't post archive links?

I stopped playing consoles because of exclusives. I don't want that shit on PC.

Free games from time to time? Not sure about it since I don't use epic but I remember something about ocasional giveaways due to the Subnautica shitstorm.

Capitalism. Your problem is capitalism.



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Don't come back complaining when more companies follow in Epic's footsteps and start locking down exclusives forcing you to use an inferior product and perhaps even pay higher prices. Be smart, vote with your wallet so the market remains open and you can pick your preferred store.

>"Why are paying customers unhappy that a company is trying to force their inferior product onto them?"

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Oy vey, don't you want to play Fortnite?

origin is a functional client
egs is not
and third party exclusivity deals are dumb as fuck
EA doesn't do those though

Advertising is against the rules yet it's so clearly obvious Kotaku advertises here. Every single article they write gets a perfectly cropped screencap and linked here.

Yet earlier when people talk about Kotaku and the lot getting sold, the mods went on a smear campaign to erase all threads talking about it and criticizing Kotaku.

The mods are full on SJW refugees from neogaf

Oh look
Kotaku built another strawman
how quaint

Yea Forums has been posting Kotaku articles long before you were born kiddo.

Good point

Alright, let's take this apart.

>The epic launcher could be pretty good competition to Steam so they'll finally improve

Improve WHAT exactly? I hear this argument all the time yet no follow-up on what Steam needs to improve on, and how Epic's '''competition''' will fix this imaginary problem.

>and Tencent can't take user data, they would need 51% stock for that

They have the data at their disposal, and there is nothing stopping them from using it. Just because they don't have the majority stock, doesn't mean they are physically barred from the data.

>Review bombing the Borderlands series and Metro just because the latest installments will be on the Epic Store just shows how unreliable Steam reviews actually are

Internet reviews are unreliable, that's the nature of the beast. If people choose that outlet to vent their (justified) anger, then so be it. It doesn't actually change the legitimate reviews, only affects the Overall Rating which is a lazy way to decide if you want to buy a game or not. Read the actual reviews.

>The Epic Launcher benefits devs more
Yeah, at the expense of customers. There is no benefit to buying through the Epic Store, that's why they strongarm them by making games exclusive.

>The Epic Launcher is just the result of capitalism
It sure is. You know what happens when a company tries to coerce their customers? The customers vote with their wallet.

I'm older than you and no Yea Forums hasn't.

There would be times someone would post kotaku but they'd be laughed off the board and/or deleted.

No lol. Their approach is that instead of coming up with a service that benefits consumers and thus makes them want to use it they have instead made NOT using their service an inconvenience by holding certain products hostage because they know that there is nothing attractive about their platform on its own. It is like paying someone not to trip you up or kick your shins. And sure, they are well within their rights do this as a way to make an otherwise unremarkable product competitive, but it does not endear the current consumer base to them; although I don't think they even care because their focus is on capturing/keeping the Fortnite Zoomers as they mature into wanting to play other games.

How the fuck are people still not getting it. The problem isnt that there is another store, it is their methods of getting a one up on their competition. Instead of making competitive pricing so consumers CHOOSE to shop with Epic and other stores need to offer better services in response, they just buy exclusivity, meaning that if you want to play X game you MUST go through Epic, they decide how much it costs EVERYWHERE and can simply choose to never reduce the price and noone can shop anywhere else. This is a really shitty precedent for PC gaming since it doesnt actually mean competitive prices, not at all, all it means is that platforms have to start scooping up exclusive deals like consoles do in order to make sure the sales only happen in their store and not their competitions.

This almost purposeful misunderstanding of this situation is fucking retarded. All journos are seeing is "people dislike that there is something other than Steam, those manbabies are just upset there is something other than Steam now haha gamers acting pathetic again *rolls eyes*" like they dont know other platfroms already fucking exist that arent Epic, this is nothing new, other platforms to buy games is NOT new, what IS new is the practice of buying exclusivity, I am actually driven to distraction with how ignorant this shit is in regards to discussions about it.

Well for one they don't force exclusivity deals. They also don't run shady programs through Steam.

>don't have shit taste in games
>therefore, have no interest in installing a garbage launcher
>therefore, have no problem at all

There, was that hard?

>b-but i can't live without based fortnight and my close friend ninja, he even said my name after i donated him $20!
Kill you'reself

Yeah, not caring is totally the smart thing to do, and isn't lazy at all.

That was before Yea Forums was a bunch of reactionary outrage junkies. It's not "advertisement", it's Yea Forums needing things to get mad at. 2014 fucked it all up.

>replying to game journalist advertising bots

no reviews, doesn’t allow indie games unless they’re very popular, they’re bringing in surcharges (illegal in the EU btw), no community, no mods tab.
It’s literally worse for the consumer in every way. Its good for big business and is buying exclusives to try and force itself into the market rather than outcompete steam through being better

anyone who likes what they’re doing is either a shill or a contrarian troll

Unironically games. Plus everyone already has more or less experience with Steam, which is something Epic still doesnt have.
The only thing Epic has going for it are exclusives, which is the biggest reason why theres a huge controversy around it. Take away exclusives and youre left with the Fortnite launcher. I get that theyre trying to make a dent in the PC playerbase, but honestly buying out games for exclusivity is hard to defend.
>but what about Origin, Uplay, and Steam itself?
Origin carries EA games which they also developed and published. Same goes for Ubisoft and Uplay. Steam hasnt made a worthwhile game for so long. Epic doesnt develop nor publish those games. They just buy the sole rights to sell them on the PC platform. Big difference.

Give me a $10 discount on the """~*Epic exclusives!!!*~""" and I'll throw up a virtual machine to run poohbear's Epic Games Launcher on. The developers are earning SO MUCH MORE MONEY with that 15% hosting discount, aren't they?

Otherwise, I'll just fucking wait for a full release.

Don't you dare to quote me ever again, shitstain


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>kotaku enabling judaism
Wow we needed a thread reminding us that journalists aren't people, thanks OP

>Nathan Grayson

So your'e saying games are what makes Steam the better service, while also admitting EG has game exclusivity, so which is it? Steam is the better service because it doesn't have modern games?

I'm a poor nigger who cant afford internet for anything besides my phone. Epic has no offline so even if I bought the game i couldn't play it.

I just don't really care all that much for having my software spread out over multiple platforms.

A lot of people invested their time into steam and are now suffering for what corporations are doing

Don't respond to newfags, just let them know they need to lurk more.

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>epic doesnt have an offline mode
this cant be fucking true. Do they really expect anyone to use their launcher when it doesn't even have the most basic funtions?

So I don't actually use EGS, how is it exactly non-functional? I mean I think its a PoS because of the exclusivity deals, but is it actually shitty software on top of that?

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Yes? Both of those things are true though.
>Games are what makes Steam the better service
Unless you only play Fortnite, or the new Metro, or whatever next exclusive theyll buy out, is there another reason to use EGS?
>Epic has exclusivity
Yes. They buy out rights to games they have not developed, and force customers to buy and play it through their launcher.

Its drm user, how are they suppossed to know if youre enjoying your game the way they want unless youre online?

>They buy out rights to games they have not developed, and force customers to buy and play it through their launcher.
Isn't that kind of what publishers already do? They don't develop the games, but they do set the terms of release.

This wouldn't happen if workers owned the means of production.

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>thinking the launcher is the problem

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yeah it's lacking in features

>It's not "advertisement"

Kotaku exists to make advertising money, every part of their existence is an advertisement.

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I would have probably been vile cunt who's ready to work with chink insects to annoy people too if I was this ugly.

>nathan grayson the gamergate dood
Can't make this shit up

>steam: launches games
>epic store: also launches games
What more do you need?

Its new software, don't expect it to leave the door with the same features as Steam that has been worked on for 16 years.

I'm asking if it works properly on a fundamental level.


>new software
its been out for years

>Want a refund because the game you bought was nothing like what we advertised, well go fuck your self.
Steam didn't have a refund system until 2015, you know. For 12 years of it's existence it didn't have a refund system, and you people didn't bat an eye.

But now Epic store exists for like what, 2 years, and you people are bitching literally about everything.

>Its new software, don't expect it to leave the door with the same features as Steam that has been worked on for 16 years.
oh fuck off
if you're going to try and play in the same league as the big boys, you need to be bringing your A game
in this day and age it's inexcusable to be having such a shitty launcher like the egs

Epic shilling gets funnier every time they get outed

No its not, it released last year.

So its not fundamentally broken, gotcha.

a lot less, epic would still be a shit launcher, and I would still pirate, but that would be a sign of real protest against steam, not just some stinky bribing

If you cant see how different publishing is from releasing onto the sales patforms itself i dont see any hope for you at all. Platforms like Steam and Epic both carry third-party software, the only difference is that Steam doesnt force publishers to limit their PC release on Steam. They could also do so on various other stores. Personally, i prefer GOG, but you cant really deny the mass appeal Steam has. And to think that Epic’s answer to this is just buy out games. This was doomed to be controversial.

>Nathan Gayson
Like cockwork

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No... but they would never do that. Because the market is so many more times bigger on Steam. You’d be nuts to prefer 88% of a pizza bite vs 70% of one of those worlds biggest pizzas in the Guinness Book of World Records.

what games though? why would i install epic’s launcher if i dont play any of the games there or im already playing it on steam.
more importantly, whats epic gonna do, buy out all the games so that they can only be played on their own launcher?

You are lucky sonny!

Literally this thread daily. Are Yea Forumsirgin contrarians really this autistic?

>people are worried about EGS because the pc industry and its acquired consumer rights are threatened
you're 12 at most

Why are you so much of a faggot, OP?

Most threads are just the same shitposting, this is not excluded from that.

refresh me my memory, but I don't recall EA shilling their shitty Origin like this back when it released
neither did GOG, but their whole thing is more tolerable on all aspects

So how is it different from Rockstar refusing to release RDR on PC, or any other third-party publisher signing exclusivity deals with console manufacturers? This is absolutely nothing new to gaming.

I think they did? I mean people shit all over it just the same.

It would help if Tim Sweeney didn't actively poach games and make a complete ass out of himself.
I don't see why people have to take it lying down just because other parts of the industry are already fucked.

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you're talking about capitalism now right?

Nathan Grayson is one of the journalists who fucked Zoe Quinn and then gave positive coverage to depression quest


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>Kotaku made 80 million dollars
>yet somehow still managed to lose 20 million
>Kotaku was bought along side a bunch of other sites for 150 million in 2016
>the company who bought the sites for 150 million sold the site for 50mil or less, because they were losing that much money
I hope you guys at Kotaku got new jobs lined up, because that new company is going to axe so many of your jobs!

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Steamfags are manchilds

Never thought I'd see the day where veddit joined Kucktaku in the fight to defend the monopoly known as Steam.

How sad. What a bunch of communist cucks.

stop shilling

Remember, kids.
If you buy and play video games, then you are the enemy.

>shitty version of the steam store with less functionality
>steals files from steam
>Chinese ties
Yeah I’ll pass

He looks like Vinny's meat.

Steamdrone SCREAMING

>what are modern standards
You ever wonder why everyone uses the car seatbelt analogy?

i will bust the fattest fucking nut on that day

>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna pirate it teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you

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It's just weird to see people complaining so much about this compared to console exclusives, which are really the exact same practice. Surely PC gamers have found themselves wanting to play certain console games before? I know I have. And in those cases it could mean a 599 US DOLLARS investment instead of making another account.

Only one can still launch games when you're offline though.

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Epic isn't trying to compete with Steam of 2007, genius

Timed exclusives are the stupidest marketing deals ever, on home consoles its a countdown until the game is on other platforms. On PC, same deal, it's fucking worthless. Epic partaking in that cancerous activity is a massive cunt move and I don't like Chinese spyware or the idea of having 100 launchers to play a game if this keeps up.

Unironically its making me want to go to GoG than put up with a Epic Chinese Spyware client.

You guys been saying this since 2014.

>Mr. Spanfeller hopes to bolster the company’s profit margins from automated or “programmatic” advertising sales, targeting marketers who are seeking brand-safe content and high-quality audiences that are difficult to find elsewhere, the person said.
>He will also seek to diversify the company’s business by further developing its e-commerce efforts and offering some premium paid content, the person said….
I hope you're ready for "premium Kotaku content" for 10 dollars a month!

Lmao corporate cocksucker.
Give me an option to buy a physical copcopy and i wouldn't have to plunder the web.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nathan Grayson
unironically kill yourself, you shitstain on humanity.


>tfw pic related
I don't give a shit about Steam or Epic, I just want to shit on Kotaku getting sold.

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Its the devs using epic's payout to gain more profits when the game is selling alot, then using steam as either eternal life support or a secone bump to profits in order to basically sell the same game twice.

oh no no no no look at this dude

>b-but console is cheaper than PC!

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Look at all those useless feature. The gaben army rock!!!

Take his journalistic license, he doesn't understand English.

I really hope Gayson will be laid off and will never find work in """journalism""" again, but chances are slim since he's a professional victim who will just cry about MUH GAYMERGATE for attention.

I'm not sure you understood my post.

On one hand, Gabe is a Jew.
On the other hand, fuck chinks.

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But people are always complaining about console exclusives. Did you forget when the go-to insults for PC users here were about petitions?


It was never this bad. It was just "hey we want to play this game too" not "the entire concept of exclusivity is immoral"

>implying Steam is going anywhere
They have more services for more people in more countries than EGS could've even comprehended. They have steamworks API, they have their own backbone so service isn't compromised when shit hits the fan. They have the Workshop, and tons of community assets, they have more in the works currently. Steam is highly matured, EGS isn't even competent in competing with them.

That's just plain wrong

Consoles and PCs are two different markets. Dont even try to be retarded with that shit. The difference is that Steam and EGS are both on the PC platform, and theyre both third-party software platforms. Epic just went full retard and thought that they can pull exclusivity between launchers now even if theyre just buying the licenses. Big fucking difference.
This is probably you as well, and i can honestly tell that youre a console user.
Console exclusives only exist in order to justify buying different consoles in the first place. Why should exclusives exist between different PC launchers in the first place? Everyone did fairly well with having the options to release on multiple platforms before Epic comes in and says, “no guys, it would be totally better if we bring exclusives to PC”.

but user, everybody knows PC is the new console war, so we have to meme it as hard as we can (on both sides)

>that whole article

+5 social credit score has been added to your total citizen score

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Well I for one have rarely seen anyone argue that consoles shouldn't exist, but it seems to be the Yea Forums consensus on the Epic store.

>Consoles and PCs are two different markets.
Gamers are the market. As I already pointed out, plenty of PC gamers have wanted to see console exclusives on PC in the past.
>The difference is that Steam and EGS are both on the PC platform, and theyre both third-party software platforms.
That's not a real difference.
>This is probably you as well, and i can honestly tell that youre a console user.
Lmao, last console I had was a borrowed gamecube.
>Why should exclusives exist between different PC launchers in the first place?
They shouldn't, really, but then neither should console exclusives for the exact same reason.

Think harder before replying this time, alright?
>Plenty of PC gamers have wanted to see console exclusives on PC in the past
Yes, but they never did get to see that. Know why? Because they are different markets. If exclusives didnt exist, then we’d be one big fucking happy market, but do you see yourself owning a console if you can play everything on a PC?
>That’s not a real difference
I literally pointed out multiple times that Epic and Steam are both on PC. Do you see Microsoft making games for PS4s? Do you see Sony making games for the Xbox?
>They shouldnt, really, but then neither should console exclusives for the exact same reason
Then why are you wondering why there is a big controversy surrounding this then? If this shouldnt exist on PC, why are you asking what the big deal is? Because it happens to consoles? So everyone should just take it up the ass?

>Yes, but they never did get to see that. Know why? Because they are different markets.
Okay? So Steam and EGS are different markets too. Only now it's a bigger problem?
>I literally pointed out multiple times that Epic and Steam are both on PC.
They're still different software platforms, as you already said yourself. Just because they don't supply the hardware themselves that doesn't make it not fundamentally the same thing as console exclusivity.
>Then why are you wondering why there is a big controversy surrounding this then?
I'm saying it comes across as weirdly contradictory.

>defending ebin store
>linking to Kotaku

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Thats just you dude. Ive had zero problems with refunding games and ive refunded maybe five to ten games now. Its so fucking easy.

What? I've refunded at least 20 games on the basis of it not being what I thought it was, with zero issue. All played for 2 hours.

Now if only they could bring some good games

Epic doesn't even have twenty fucking games. Did you buy and refund all of them?


Borderlands 3 Discord, we will do raids together!!

oh I was talking about steam my bad

I like my home, I don't wanna move if I don't have to, it's a nice home

>People mad
>Paypigs = People ?????
What people are mad? I am pirating anyway.

>links shittaku
Yep, Epic shills are Kotaku shills.

Funny, because in 2003 and 2004 everybody was shitting on steam.

This is what happens when people on Yea Forums ridicule shit heads for linking directly to their articles. Shitty businesses go out of business. Treating people like assholes here makes the world a better place.

Yeah, they were, because the service was terrible

which ones are useless shill? don't you have a shopping cart to add to your shit platform?

But that isnt exclusive to epic store.
Ive gotten many free games from steam over the years.

Steam does not have a monopoly.

Other online stores exist, key sellers exist.
They are not the ones fixing the prices.
They are not the ones changing the price or quantity of the product at any time.
Steam is not preventing other companies to enter the market.

Epic Game bribing publishers to only publish on their store IS building a monopoly.

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How can you be so disingenuous? Seriously? Steam and EGS are both on PC. They are in the same market. Consoles are different for the reason that the only way they could sell is through games which are exclusive to each.
>Different software platforms on PC are now different markets

>Nathan Grayson
>Literally fucked a developer in exchange for a positive review
Yeah, no.

You're supposed to capitalize every word in a title you illiterate fucking redneck


>Nathan Gay-son

>Kotaku article trashing Epic Games Store
>They're Epic shills!
What? Is the cognitive dissonance of Valve cucks this strong?

I literally don't see the difference. They are all trying to appeal to gamers. Why is "consoles" a separate market, rather than Xbox, Playstation, and Nintendo separately? Why is PC grouped together into a single market separate from consoles?

>They are in the same market.
When all stores are forbidden from selling a product except for one store, that one store is not competing in the same market. You're not understanding the key difference and why there is a problem. Epic is not funding first party exclusives. That would be adding more games into the system. They're bribing publishers for third-party exclusives. This takes a game that could have been available to more customers and making it less available for the sake of them taking 100% of the revenue. Revenue from a game they do not need to lower the price of in order to compete.

So as a result of this customers have less choices and pay higher prices.

If he literally did that then show me the literal review in addition to the literal proof of there being a quid pro quo arrangement.


But again that's been happening for decades already with consoles

>Why People Are So Mad About The Epic Games Store
The real question is "Why is every single news media outlet united in pushing Epic Games Store so fucking hard?"

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And now they do have a refund system.
So your point is???
Let me guess:

>When all stores are forbidden from selling a product except for one store, that one store is not competing in the same market.
False. McDonalds can't sell the Whopper and Burger King can't sell the Big Mac, but they're very much burgers in the same fast food industry. It's competition.

I fail to see why this makes it permissible. If you're a console player you should be complaining even more because the market is so out of control in that space customers are needing to pay 3x more on hardware and online costs just to have a similar level of freedom to choose what games to play as PC player.

Epic store in its current form is less value for the same price. Until that changes it’s bad for the consumer simple as that.

I don’t understand how that is so hard for people to understand.

>food analogy

Attached: pretty amusing what you said.jpg (498x360, 61K)

>Article pointing out issues of EGS
>pushing Epic Games Store
What did he mean by this?

This is a false equivalence logical fallacy. It's also avoiding the point. Those named burgers are first party exclusives. Imagine if for 6 months Burger King could no longer sell a Whopper because McDonalds bought the exclusive rights to sell burgers from meat patty manufacturers.

Analogies are best when the target audience can relate, in this case, you're all lardasses so food is the best bet.

Because they think Epic's smaller cut and competition for Steam will help the industry, and also because they like to spite "The hardcore" who scream and review-bomb over nothing.

Except your analogy is shit and doesn't work. You're not listening to why this is a problem.

>Food analogy

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The article is honestly pretty decent coming from Grayson. He gets a little "textbook Gizmodo I'm too fucking lazy to do 5 minutes of research so I'm just going to laugh at the counter argument" during the chinese interference bit but the rest is pretty reserved.

The media is supportive of any idea that silences customer opinion because this in turn makes their news outlets more attractive as a source of information. Getting reviews removed from distributors means more clicks for them.

No they're not in the same market.
When a developer releases a game through steam, they're also given the ability to obtain a number of codes to give/sell to other online markets, with zero cut from Valve if they're sold on another site/service.
Then, despite not getting a penny from 3rd party site sales, valve then still offers all steam features a game bought on steam would provide (cloud saves, achievements, cards, infinite downloads, etc).
Epic on the other hand does not allow the title to be released or sold on any other site/platform while its "exclusive" to the epic platform.
Yes, Steam is currently the most popular and most widely accepted form of DRM (and is close to having a monopoly on the DRM market), but it's no where near a monopoly with regard to sales. Far too many sales are made through third party websites, and many can even be bought directly from the developer's own website.

Regardless of the many reasons to not support Epic, the Tencent ownership allegations, the spyware on their launcher, the bad business practices by forcing exclusivity, no regional prices for where I am from, I'm not going to give money to a company that is actively demonizing customers and stripping their store from features that they should have.

Where's the proof, user. Why do you have to link me to a defensive and heavily editorialised piece that only refers to other people editorialising on the issue. How hard can it be? Show me the review.

No, it's an analogy. How autistic are you?

Underrated post right here.
Spot on dude.

I haven't used a single review website ever since steam included user reviews and added refunds. No reason to ever consider what these faggots think after being paid to write a positive review when I can simply check the user reviews and then download the game for two hours, and then make my decision to either request a refund or keep playing.
Notice how the Epic store offers neither of these things?

Apparently I'm some kind of autistic rainman savant because you can't figure out how the fuck to argue a point I make.

Not an argument

I'm aware. My argument was already made and I'm pointing out how you didn't acknowledge any of it.


Okay Nathan. Time to go back to your safe space.

Hi Nathan.

>has given me the customer 0 advantages to pick stores while developers are given everything
>Brought the worse aspects of console wars to PC

hmmm wonder why

You fucked a tattooed whale, how desperate can you be.

What would it matter? They will be accepted with open arms to any other website like it or make one on their own and get the same people who read Kotaku to read that.

Actually, my mistake, upon reflection it didn't appear to be defensive but rather deeply sarcastic, and it linked to those secondary sources to call them full of shit. Lmao you posted a link that disagrees with you. Admittedly they had me fooled too though so don't feel too bad.

No need to argue moot points.

Your original argument was that competition can't exist with exclusive products and that is patently false.

fuck EPIC and fuck commie bugmen

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>pro-consumer BAD
>anti-consumer GOOD

lmao I wish

Don't act like Yea Forums isn't thirsty af for Zoe

based and redpilled

Competition over prices is what benefits customers. When we're discussing competition we can treat each product on an individual basis because those products are being treated differently by the market. So when one store is offering a product that cannot be offered by other stores it no longer needs to be priced competitively. Businesses compete in this context when they're selling the same products. Epic is actively trying to prevent other stores from selling their products. It's why exclusivity is economically viable in the first place. Your zoomed out definition of competition is semantic and not relevant to the fucking argument. Epic is trying to create a market where it doesn't need to compete with other storefronts. The businesses are still competing over customers, but not by selling the same products. The distinction is important to this discussion and you're ignoring it because you have no fucking reason why you as a customer would support it.

COVERAGE, you retard.

You have the face of the foulest rotten fish stench.

Also not true but at least it's vague enough that you can pretend it is for longer

>Your zoomed out definition of competition is semantic and not relevant to the fucking argument
Says the guy who's literally gatekeeping the definition of a word LMAO.

Look, if you're trying to make an actual argument, then make it. You cannot twist the meaning of a word to fit your narrative.

You don't even deserve a (You)

Isn't it funny how even the simple request to back up your claim in the most straightforward way is only met with ad hominem attempts to poison the well?

Nah, its simply racism. People will never admit though, even liberal such as Kotaku. If EPIC was not a subsidiary of Chinese big tech company, No one would make this fuss as much as now it causes. IMO, American are really nationalistic people, including liberal, so even washington post and newyork times often be harsh on and heavily biased to China and Chinese companies as if they are representing the interests of republicans or nationalists. As for China, conservatives and liberals seem to be maintaining the same attitude, as far as I observe.

by the way I am not a chinese but japanese

t."game-dev" tranny

>to be informed
This right is the one we have the most, but publishers still applies review embargo on some of their game in an effort to mislead consumer.
>to choose
With video game it would be the platform or console. Video games have been shaky on that one ever since its inception. It didn't help that retailers would encourage publisher to give them retailer exclusive items. Also, now PC is coming to grasp how truly shitty is the inability to choose.
>to safety
This is pretty much quality of the product. Nintendo used to have their own Seal of Quality. Over the years, it slowly became meaningless. With day 1 patches and "content roadmaps", all games aren't safe anymore.
>to be heard
This is the weakest right we have right now. We have no way to externalism our grievances outside of social media where we are mostly ignored. Review bombing is/was the only way we could directly hurt a dev/publisher doing bad business. Now Steam is actively fighting this practice and we have no way to speak. Using official forums doesn't work because they tend to silence dissent.

You're literally ignoring my argument. I've now written two posts explaining things very clearly and you're ignoring both of them. You need to dissect both of them sentence by sentence and respond to each point individually if you want to continue this discussion. I've proven you wrong and you haven't done shit about it. I'm not going to make a third post trying to educate you when you won't even meet me halfway. You have no fucking arguments which is why all you're going to do is kick the dirt and whine about how you don't need to do any of that. Precisely the sort of behavior I would expect from some Epic shill. Your ideas can't stand up to even the most basic scrutiny.

I can understand being embarrassed in your position, user, but doubling down at this point is just delusional.

Don't think anyone can poison your well any harder than you did. And that goes for your STDs too.


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Let's start from the beginning:

>When all stores are forbidden from selling a product except for one store, that one store is not competing in the same market.
False. McDonalds can't sell the Whopper and Burger King can't sell the Big Mac, but they're very much burgers in the same fast food industry. It's competition.

Again, your statement is patently false. You're twisting the definition of competition to fit your narrative. This was your point and it has been refuted.

>N-no u!

This means that as Gamers, we should all RISE UP!

Niggers being niggers

>not being able to tell they're replying to a different person.
Want to know how I know you're new?

It was never about ethics anyway, that's just virtue signal shitposting by Valve drones to mask that they're just upset over losing games on their precious platform that they're corporately groomed to use.

The eternal beta orbiter strikes again!

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>Faggot can't wait six months to play on the superior launcher.
>Most likely a chink trying to shill EGS

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Lolfag, jus play on a console.

Enjoy having to buy no less then three season passes to have the complete game.

Why not just pirate it if you don't want to talk about ethics? Or is that... Unethical?

Concession accepted, see you around fish face.

I'm just engaging with the contents of your reply, really. I don't care who you are, nor does it matter, considering you're completely interchangeable.

So desperate for a win. Understandable, you haven't had a single one in nearly five years.

Go home Tim

Then why do we live rent free in your head ever since?

You're ignoring why I said that and the explanation that came along with it in order to focus too heavily on a definition of competition without understanding the different ways companies compete. According to you there is only one context and one perspective. Using this unfocused interpretation all business across the globe are competing and any discussion about how they're competing is irrelevant to the customer. This is incorrect. I've given you vivid examples to help you understand why Epic isn't competing with other storefronts as it is a fact that are actively trying to prevent their competition from selling the same products. If you extrapolate this behavior and give Epic unlimited money to do exactly this with every game then the result would be a complete and total monopoly because no other storefront would have the rights to sell any video games ever again. This action is thereby monopolistic in nature because it prevents competition. Epic, through its actions, is attempting to create a second market out of an existing userbase and it's injecting money into the system to make this second market larger and larger. Do not think that because the products are called video games that all video games are treated equally by the market. This is a failure of basic economic understanding. If you need an example of this games are priced differently because the products are different. I also illustrated to you that your analogy was incorrect because you're using examples of what would be considered first party exclusives and ignoring the part about one company taking steps to prevent the other company from selling burgers.

Pirating leads to other bad things. You also have to buy a VPN which puts you on a list. No thanks.

>Your zoomed out definition of competition is semantic
Holy shit my man, make your argument but don't go and try to redefine a word. Retail pricing a minute fraction of what makes up competition.

Shut the fuck up samefag.

Every reply without an argument is a confirmation that I'm right. Thank you, friend.

>It's just another launcher

Attached: 4chan got overrun by soy gobblers.jpg (1000x1000, 243K)

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Unfortunately you're just objectively wrong.

Nathan, you replied to me as if I were the guy you were originally talking to, let's not try to hide that fact. Just admit you only came here because of your shitty article and ended up trying to defend yourself.
The fact that you've been baited into having such a long conversation about a topic like this shows how green you are Nathan.
Just leave Nathan. There are no id's here, and this thread will be quickly forgotten if you do.

>I've given you vivid examples to help you understand why Epic isn't competing with other storefronts
It's clear that you need to read a dictionary, son.

Big talk from some retard that can't even refute a single point with any degree of rational thinking, logic, or facts.

>Every reply without an argument is a confirmation that I'm right. Thank you, friend.
Except everything you just said has been debunked, amigo.

>this is fine, this is fine, this is fine...
Ok Tim, just keep telling yourself that.

China hates when other Asian nations do well.

Ignoring the argument is admitting I'm correct, retard. Epic is trying to not compete with other storefronts. That's the point of bribing publishers for exclusivity.

That's 3 now, thanks for the upvotes!

Is...is he dead? Are they all scared he'll get up as a zombie?

You're wrong and in desperate need of a dictionary, sonny. Once you learn the meaning of words, then you can start discussing actual points with the other adults.

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"Great big company operates at unsustainable levels to starve competition" is Monopolization 101. Even if Steam could match Epic's undercut rate, smaller distributors don't stand a chance.

Gabe said they've been funding VR devs with the condition they at least release on steam.

I can go months without thinking of you sad tossers at all until someone once again brings up Zoe Quinn out of the blue in one of these threads and gets BTFO by one simple question.

People don't want console style exclusivity contracts on an Open platform like PC. Fuck off coinslots

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>listening to burgers and fries

You're replying to me as if I'm Nathan Grayson. I think that's a weirder assumption than the idea that one anonymous person coming to the defence of a point made earlier by an anonymous person might be the same person.

It also doesn't matter who you are because you still doubled down on the point which makes you utterly delusional, whether you're the guy that originally made it or not.

Origin sucks but at least it has profiles and avatars. Epic has nothing.

2 more games than they have themselves in china, it's not released there (I won't say it's banned, just not released)

Looks to me like you got so blown the fuck out you're scrambling to -pretend like you won when you've run away from every point. You have no argument. You got put in your place because you were wrong, and you can't even respond to any of the points presented to you because you acknowledge that if you tried I would just continue rubbing your nose in the pile of shit you left on the floor. Next time don't say stupid shit and you won't be corrected by someone who's smarter than you, you boot licking shill.

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You're arguing against principles first year business undergrad dropouts understand. There are more ways to compete than on retail pricing.

I'm aware. The point is that Epic is trying to prevent this competition that directly benefits customers. There is no argument against this fact because it is an actual fact.

Imagine seething this hard after getting BTFO lmao I literally can't

Chinks are probably planting malware spyware in the launcher under Sweeneys jew nose



Even when you try to mimic my post that ridicules you for getting shit on you can't even be bothered to do it eloquently or humorously. Your low effort shit talking mirrors your low effort English and low effort points. Maybe if you pretend like you won your overlord won't take away the dog haunch you family needs to survive tonight.

>I'm n-not Nathan!!
Nathan, I'm gonna have to screencap this shit now.

I don't trust a chink run company

Gotta source on that image bucko?

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People who are upset about the Epic Game Store are entitled whiny little Steam fanboys. There's literally nothing wrong with what's happening and this is the same shitty whining we saw when Steam launched and again when Origin launched. Literally the same controversy.

No one would give a shit it it was a Japanese company who owns shares

>at least release on Steam.
Is not the same as
>only release on Steam.

Thanks for the laugh, incel.

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Someone else post the pic, the epic games store browses and reports on your computers private data and fucks with the registry, among other things. It is spyware.
Fuck tencent.
Fuck gearbox.
And fuck randy pitchford.
I'm pirating BL3 day one, and i'm going to seed for many, many years.

>Hi mister I would like to buy this Ford
>"Alright no problem, it's on sale in 2 weeks, come back soon"
>Sure I love this car!

2 weeks later

>Hi mister I come to buy the Ford
>"Sorry mister we don't sell the Ford, they don't want us to sell Ford anymore"
>B-but why
>"Money sir, they don't care about you enjoying the great car and rather build a new set of clients"

Thanks for nothing, retard. Also using incel as a suffix to an argument demonstrates that only someone with more free time would be able to construct a better argument than you. It's the same with autism. It tells everybody that you've put no thought into your argument when you try to mock people who do put thought into theirs. It also tells everybody that you believe men only have value when women want to fuck them, which raises the likelihood that you are in fact an incel because your idea of self worth is dependent on the opinions of women.

You retards always make the same mistakes.

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the boys at r/Yea Forums are gonna love this shit


It's not racism when it's more than likely an issue with the way their government operates.
I don't give a fuck about Korean, Japanese, or even HK/Taiwanese Chinese companies competing in the world markets.
But I do care about an insane, power hungry, faggot government trying to use state funded corporations to bully its way into markets I'm involved in and have to deal with though.
So no, it's not being racist, it's being "anti government funded corporations".

But that isn't to say they aren't being competitive, which was your point when I replied. They aren't competing for customers via cost leadership at the moment, but they are competing for them via product differentiation. You're conflating the concepts of buyer power and competition.

Keep double spacing. It makes it easier to follow your comments Nathan.

Post images safe for Chinese distribution

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Different launchers exist because publishers want to save on that 30% cut, which is a financially reasonable decision for a AAA publisher. This is why Uplay, Origin, and the Bethesda launcher exist. I dont have a problem with the Epic Game Store itself, I understand they pushed it out half baked because of the Fortnite dollars and it will eventually be a pretty decent PC launcher. I have a problem with it stealing games from Steam.




>But that isn't to say they aren't being competitive
They are competing businesses. They're competing over customers. Epic is doing whatever it can to make sure they're not competing with the same products. Trying to make it seem as though they are still competing despite this is arguing in bad faith. It's attempting to gloss over what Epic is doing and why it's bad for customers. You're not acknowledging why customers are dissatisfied. You're actually trying to engage in a semantic argument instead of focusing on the point. Until you address what Epic is actually trying to do we're not going to be able to discuss this. You're going to continually try to change the subject and I'm going to continually try to bring you back to the actual point.

Address my point.

CONFIRMED for incel lmao. You can play these autists like fiddles

>there's only one kind of competition
Gaben cocksuckers everybody

In the context of this discussion we're talking about something Epic is doing that isn't competitive. Are you trying to imply that Epic is being competitive by preventing their competition from competing with the same products?

Yep, there was some other autist in the thread that got BTFO because he tried twisted the definition of the word "competition". These brand-loyal sheep will jump through any hoop their corporate overlords tell them to.

Yup. That's one way to compete. Completely valid. Are you only just now realizing that capitalistic competition doesn't always benefit the consume

Why do idiots that have never worked in an executive position a day in their life think they can lecture others over whether a 40% ownership of a company is meaningful or not?

Using a singular zoomed out definition of the term while explicitly ignoring that Epic is avoiding competition. You are guilty of the very thing you are attempting to pin on me.

Nathon Grayson willingly stuck his dick into Zoe Quinn, why would I trust him regarding anything?

>Valve's monopoly
But there is no monopoly from steam? Devs can take out as many keys as they like and resell them on whatever fucking site/ service they want.
Fucking nigger argument, steam never had a monopoly most devs just decided to only sell their games on steam


Release it on GOG if you're so great.

I would be mad at the devs still and still boycott their games. This is part of the reason I don't use Origin, exclusivity is bad for the consumer.

Not bother reading kotaku's take but exclusives on PC is retarded

You're an Olympic level mental gymnast champ.

Watch out guys, this incel is so autistic that he's trying to rewrite words in the dictionary. He's like a black hole of brain cells.

You're still doing everything you can to avoid the point that Epic is being anti-consumer by avoiding competition.

I don't see you refuting my point.

Every Asian country hates every other Asian country.

China will grow larger.


*fucks some whore in exchange for positive press*

>It is spyware.
It literally isn't and some guy on reddit proved that. But retarded Steam incels will still repeat that bullshit.

having sex with a source is totally unethical but this is "game journalism" and no one cares about ethics so this retard is still writing

Anti-consumer, sure, but still competitive.

Remember kids, corporations are not your friends.

Explain to me how Steam or other vendors can compete over the sales of Borderlands 3 for the first 6 months.

>and you people didn't bat an eye
What kind of historical revisionism is this? People wanted a refund system for years and it took a lot of fighting to get that feature implemented. You could always send in a support ticket for a refund but it wasn't likely to work and wasn't a dedicated refund interface. When they eventually did implement it, Steam at the very least tried to garner good faith by even looking at refund cases from years ago. I even managed to get a refund on one of the worst PC ports ever and it came out over ten years ago.
Now if we use Steam as a point of reference and put on our critical thinking caps, why would the Epic Games Store not have a refund system right out of the gate if it claims to be pro-consumer, especially if a platform as anticonsumer as Steam has had the feature since 2015?

Attached: best game gets worst port.jpg (215x304, 25K)

>it was unsustainable
Does this guy not remember when people laughed at Steam and were trying to figure out how Steam was going to survive on something as tiny as 30%? Back when the cut used to be closer to 60%-70% for brick and mortar stores, and typically still hangs around close to that number?

Revisionism is inevitable. Lies always win. I've seen so much of it in gaming it's incredible. Topic doesn't even have to be that long ago, either. Lies spread faster.

I don't hate Epic Game Store because of pic related. Any game that is exclusive to EGS whether timed or not means I save money. Thank you Tim!

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>chingchong sitting literally 3 feet from a dead person.
>doesn't stand up

They could have offered a better deal to persuade publishers that it’s not worth selling their product in a different shop. There’s competition at multiple stages in the process of selling a game, dumbass.

If you were looking for a moral justification to pirate you were never a real pirate.

Ask Randy Pitchford what a "peacock party" is for.

did that ever happen? it feels like a lot of people weren't aware of Steam's cut

This. I pirate because I want to. Any reasoning beyond that is just making excuses.

This is not an explanation as to why this is competitive. It's trying to change the subject by insisting that other things could have happened to prevent this outcome. It's not looking accurately at this outcome.

So it has made even non-pirates pirate. Truly a miracle.

The Epic Games Store is actually a front by Valve to make Steam look better in comparison by pitting it against a single competitor with a worse client and more ruthless behavior so nobody will question the hypocrisy in saying that Epic Store Exclusives are a Bad Thing while many PC games nowadays are in fact Steam Exclusives, while using the China boogeyman to trick even Yea Forums.

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Steam offered a 30% cut and their current installbase, Epic offered a better cut and payment for exclusive rights. Guess who won

This is not an explanation for what I prompted.

In the same way that car companies sell their vehicles exclusively at their own dealerships

>Guys you don't understand, the auto market and competition doesn't exist because vehicle sales are exclusive!

I don't need steam to have a monopoly but if every company is going to have their own fucking launcher how about nobody has a launcher and I can just run my games without their bullshit on top of it.

First party exclusivity is not relevant when we're discussing a company bribing publishers for third party exclusivity. This is not addressing what I'm telling you to address.

>I won't accept facts or reality, so it's not an answer
No problem, Valve drone.

The first 2 paragraphs of that article make it very clear that the entire piece has an anti-Steam bias. Thus, it's not journalism. It's ""journalism"". Garbage. You can't accurately report the news from a biased angle.

By offering a better deal. As it turns out, Valve didn't have a very good deal. Competition at its finest.

Selling their own product exclusively at their own stores isn't why people are mad at Epic. You don't see anyone demanding Fortnite on Steam or Left 4 Dead on Epic Store.

You're not listening. What you said is true. Steam could have done the same thing at that level of the business. It doesn't change the result. Epic has exclusive rights to sell Borderlands 3 for 6 months. I'm telling you to explain to me how one company bribing publishers for exclusive rights to sell a game is competing with other storefronts that also sell games.

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This is not what is being discussed. You're talking about competition between businesses which is not relevant to the discussion. I'm talking about competition over products.

nice strawman

Your unwillingness to understand the point does not mean the point has been changed. It just means you have no argument against the point.

Why are they mad at Epic, then? Because Randy took their deal over Valve's?

Well I was never a pirate in the first place because Steam made it convenient for me to not pirate. The first game I pirated was Metro Exodus so yeah, you are right in that regard.
Based and redpilled.

> I'm telling you to explain to me how one company bribing publishers for exclusive rights to sell a game is competing with other storefronts that also sell games.
They're procuring goods to make their storefront more attractive than other storefronts to bring in more customers and more revenue. Competition at its finest.

More because they're bribing third party publishers to not release on Steam.

I'm not especially worried though. From the numbers we've been given from people who actually took the deals, Epic's throwing out completely ridiculous amounts of money in a way that's not even remotely sustainable, and seem to think they're going to run Steam out of the market within the next year or so. Which is hilariously shortsighted.

Now imagine volkswagen decide to expand their dealership and buy exclusive rights to sell peugeot, citreon, vauxhall, whatever. You now can't get those through any other dealership, not through small nonspecific dealers, not even privately. How do you feel now?


So what? Most of the storefronts have exclusives.

That does not offer an explanation as to why you think one store selling a product other stores cannot is an example of two stores competing over the sales of that product. Other companies cannot compete. Literally they are forbidden from competing. This is not competition. Your insistence that all companies should adopt this exclusivity mindset in order to compete is asinine and does nothing but harm the customer and line the pockets of the publishers. You're endorsing anti-consumer practices on a false assumption that it is competition when it's already been explained to you that if this course of action were enacted with impunity on a larger scale the company responsible would be popped for monopolistic business practices SPECIFICALLY because it subverts the economic principle of competition.

Nah, what you'll get is more of the uplay-tier shit where you buy a game on one store and then you open another client to another store to play that game

The same. Why should I feel any different?

When it was shutdown in my country it was glorious

>The only thing other launchers have are their 1-2 dated exclusives

First part exclusives fund the creation of new games and the owners of those IPs have the right to sell those games on their own storefront. This is permissible because those companies took the risk of creating the game so they deserve the rewards of control over its distribution.

Bribing for third party exclusivity does not create new games. It limits customer choice and invariably keeps game prices high strictly for the sake of making publishers more money and gives absolutely nothing to the customer in return for this inconvenience.


>tfw sweeney is doing damage control on reddit

do you agree with him Yea Forums?

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Can't you people simply understand that steam is old and worn out and needs to be completely replaced by a superior and amazing store that actually cares about the devs who make the games?

Because your selection is limited? Because you can't shop around on price anymore? Because maybe you don't particularly like volkswagen's way of doing business but now you have no choice? Because having that much control would give them free reign to do whatever they want?

I don't know why I'm bothering, if you're that blinkered go ahead and throw money at Tim, don't come crying back to Yea Forums when they shaft you down the line.

In case anybody wants to make some detective work to know who controls the SJW media, this is the global holding which owns GDC, gamasutra and most of the SJW leaning nu-games media:


>Most of the storefronts have exclusives.
Self developed or published exclusives, as in they actually invested money to develop and distribute those games.

This is akin to shit that happens on consoles where one console company pays for timed exclusivity, like what happened with rise of the tomb raider and dead rising 4.

>have decent features and do literally nothing to fuck over customers
>hyper toxic pro consumer
This is why drumpt won

They're shafting people right now with their shitty transaction fees and they've shafted PC gamers in the past. It blows my mind that people are shilling for a company that abandoned PC because they thought that PC gamers were just a bunch of pirates

2 years ago linking Kotaku was a ban on Yea Forums
Sad how this board has faded

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>epic proven to be stealing your data
>"conspiracy theories"
lol, just hand wave it as a conspiracy theory, good goy

>Not hating Epic is SJW


It's a business. Wtf do you think their goal is? to make less money and appeal to some kids on the internet?

It's amazing how this place has almost completely withered away in 4 months.

>"Last month, Epic said that Metro Exodus sold two and a half times as many copies at launch as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light, did on Steam. It’s not just that Epic is using tactics that are perceived as “unfair.” It’s that those tactics are working."

These dumb mother fuckers. Yea Forums had this debunked a week ago. Try to keep up.

>Epic is stealing the same data that Steam is stealing from you, but it's ok when Valve does it

Not only is this not relevant to the point, but it's also a shitty way to do business. If they wanted to compete with Steam they would compete over the same products but offer better prices. Holding games hostage does the opposite of developing customer loyalty. It generates hostility. They've already established they're willing to drop tens of millions of dollars into attracting customers to their storefront. Instead of convincing customers to go there by appealing to the customers with better prices they're trying to force the customers to go there by appealing to the publishers.

There's literally no way they can succeed in competing with Steam on this level because they're hemorrhaging millions of dollars more than Steam is. Once they stop making everything exclusive people will have no reason to go there since Epic has nothing of actual value to customers.

News Flash

That's what's happening

Racing to the bottom in the name of competition is how you fuck up industries in the long run. Epic has already come out and said if they continue to buy exclusives they will end 2019 in the red.

Other than timed exclusives, is there any reason to switch from Steam to Epic at all?

Shoving things up your ass may not be gay, per-say, but it's a hell of a coincidence that all gay people do it.

Touching your own dick may not be gay either, but it's a hell of a coincidence that all gay people do it.

It's your own body, bro. There's nothing gay about touching your own body. If you think that then you're a faggot for touching your own dick.

Are they still bragging about Exodus doing better than a shitty rushed port that had zero marketing on account of it's publisher still going bankrupt?

Man, Exodus' numbers must really be shit if that's what they're comparing it to instead of giving us solid sales numbers. Because you know if it sold amazingly they'd be shoving the sales numbers in everyone's faces after how much they were damage controlling the move in the weeks up till release.

>It's not gay to shove shit up your ass
>It's gay to touch your own dick

that's all epic has, they didn't even have a search function till a month ago

It took them 4 months after launch to add the ability to search, this is worse than valve time.

Well, I guess we have factual evidence now that this board is indeed full of faggots.

It's not gay to do anything to your own body. If I wanted to dress up like a sissy and suck on a dildo with my dick in a cage it's still not gay unless I'm being sexually aroused at the thought of masculinity. That's why it's called homosexual. Sexual attraction to a sex that is the same as your own. Which is why futanari is heterosexual to everybody because it's a sex that is different from males and females.

>have 20 games
>require search function for zoomers that can't handle that amount of content being displayed on the same page without 6'x6' no-contrast thumbnails

This logic is the reason epic is taking 6 months to add a cart.

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>linking to Kotaku

come on son, we've been over this already. fucking archive the shit

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You didn't hear the news? Kotaku is going to be shredded soon. They just got bought up for a fraction of what they used to be worth by a company that is only interested in cannibalizing them for useful parts. The war has been won.

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First, kindly fucking archive that shit.
Second, considering his earlier tweets I am suprised he was mostly unbiased here and actually showed stuff from both points of views. Linking a Haweii article in particular.

You only need to look at who shills for EGS to definitively know it's not worth using.

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>it will take 3 months to search for a genre of games
>it will take half a year to write text about a game
>it will take half a year to make a list of things you want and their prices
>it will take half a year to make a list of things you do in a game
>it will take half a year to make a list of things you want to buy at once
>it will take god knows how long to buy a game and send it to another person
What the hell

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>go to steam to buy a game, lets say, Quake
>check the user reviews
>hmm so it doesn’t have the soundtrack and needs some fixes to work?
>check the discussions and ask
>nope it doesn’t, GOG version does user, includes the fixes
>i can now either get the game on GOG with the fixes installed and the music included, with some fun extras like the manual
>get it on steam on a sale and use the user guides to fix it up and presto
>or just pirate it from /vr/ threads for free because fuck it
>voila i can enjoy the game

Meanwhile everything I stated here is impossible to do with EGS. It’s the reason anyone buying Bloodlines 2 there is a fucking moron, there is no way it won’t be buggy as shit too, good luck fixing and finding mods in that fucking barebones store. I’m getting it on GOG.

You forgot

>it will take half a year to write text about the game if and only if the publisher wants them to, and they will probably vet the text to make sure only what they want to use for marketing gets put up

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Money is tight, they're going into the red paying for all these exclusives so there's not much left for anything that benefits the user

It’s a pro publisher store user, what did you expect?

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That's more than I would do. I don't give publishers any money if they've demonstrated they are willing to fuck me over no matter how long ago it was or how cheap the game is.

i do agree with this... but why is regional pricing seen as a good thing? does most people not get fucked over by it?

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>> live pages where debs can post news and patch notes
The fact that EGS doesn't even have this blows my mind.
Even fucking Switch has online patch notes.

Considering places like spic countries and oceania aren’t reliable with the dollar conversion, paying on your own coin is much better. In some places, especially latin america a dollar can cost more the next day and fuck you over.

>communists taking over the marketplace with their government monopoly money is capitalism
>its not spyware... its a conspiracy theory
>steam monopoly in 2019

i hate these lying faggots so much.

If there is no regional pricing then the differences in the economies of different regions would mean that a game that costs an American 2% of their weekly paycheck (for the sake of an example) would cost a slav 20% of their weekly paycheck. This would inevitably mean that sales in those regions would drop to almost nothing and the publisher/developer would make less money. Less profit than ideal is better than no profit at all, and more exposure means more opportunities for growth in the future if economies improve.

we've been over this

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Randy Bobandy
thought he was so dandy
drank a lot of brandy
had a little girl give him a handy

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nothing can trump the family share feature. if your client doesnt have that, its worthless to me.

Basically, they released their shit 2 years earlier than they should have. If they'd waited and improved their store client for 2 years, they might have actually had a shot. But now they aren't even going to surpass GoG. Also, they'e permanently tainted the PC digital store landscape by setting a precedent for 3rd party exclusives. God, I hate those faggots.

This can't be genuine. Is it still April fool's?


here you go user

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>cloud save
>early access
>big picture
Literally who cares.

There are still plenty of useful things on Steam

>buying games

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needs more tencent logos

I genuinely struggle to find any which would still justify it's existence. Every aspect I listed before are joke and rest is just irrelevant. Without shoehorned clients things would be so much better in any possible way.

only shills believe steam is a monopoly. gog, origin, humble, and some others I don't care about.

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What about things like Family Sharing, VR support, Linux and Mac support, filtering out games you don't want on the store, a shopping cart, wishlist, game time tracker, the ability for developers to post news on updates and controller support
I would say those are pretty useful

because it allows poorfag people living in 3rd world countries the chance of actually buying the game

Oh shit! Kotaku?! Let me read this shit right now!

forgot to mention screenshots too

Third party exclusives. For example, the CoD series on Steam.

>durr I don't use those features so using a client with literally NONE of those features is better
how much are the chinks paying you shill?

he fucking listed cloud saves/syncing as a useless feature. he'd suck tim sweeney's cock at the drop of a hat

now this is epic

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Who said I'd prefer using a client of any kind, you fucktard?

then what the fuck are you even arguing about you pirate/gog faggot? a lot of people do not like the EGS because it lacks a lot of the features that steam and any store worth it's salt has. it's 20 fucking 19 there's absolutely NO reason that it would lack even a fucking shopping cart for check out. even fucking Uplay is better than the EGS

As if I needed another reason to be anti-chinkstore

Not even the biggest Yea Forumstard would agree with anything Kotaku says so only honest to God shills will be defending epic now.

You gonna respond to how these things are useless or what?

Learning that different people value different things is what children develop by age 6. Failure of this is an actual earkmark of autism. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean other people have to agree.

Not him but it's only the one's that are significant i.e. Lord of the Rings

I just don't want to install another game shop for 1 fucking game. And epic is to expensive for eurofags like me

>We want to compete with Valve
>What should we do?
>Give consumers better service?
>More useful features?
>Cheaper prices?
Nah lets just pay publishers for exclusives to force people to use our store.
Cause fuck the paying customers, those don't matter at all

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>"A vision of a fragmented PC future breaking up Steam’s convenient monopoly"
It isn't about protecting anybody's monopoly. I don't mind BL3 or Metro being sold on Epic, but they need to be available everywhere as well so as to give the consumers the choice. Not exclusivity deals shit like you only buy this at X store, and only buy that at Y store.

Why the fuck do normies approve this cancerous practice? I "defend" Steam over EGS because they never paid anybody to only keep games on their store so that they won't go to GOG or Uplay or whatever the fuck.

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>you have autism because you are confused as to why I think all these features are useless
whatever man you just got BTFO

I'm not the prick you were arguing with. You're insisting that features should not be valued because you don't value them. You're a fucking autist.

I think you got it mixed up dude
I value the things in and asked how he is able to find them to be useless

why are these ugly normies dictating things they know nothing about


Valve has spent years pretty much ignoring games journalists wholesale. They see this as their way of having more influence on the industry since epic seems more open to listening to these simpering cunts.

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My opinion is that any game in the Epic store should get zero attention, literally, no torrents to show that people WANT to play the game, and no purchases EVEN after the exclusivity period has passed and released on steam what so ever.

Show the devs and publishers that their games will fail, and they will lose their jobs because of no sales if they are such arrogant shitheads.

The boycott should be absolute.

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And that will never happen.

I know, but that's what we should do anyway, that's what I'm doing.

Which is really easy because I have zero interest in the games they are ransoming.

Which is why only archive links should be used for their articles.

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