Why is Lara so hot after all these years?
Why is Lara so hot after all these years?
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because she's not real
she is that kick ass type of woman who isnt about being a woman but rather an adventurer. Problem is women cant seem to identify with this because 1. how she looks. 2. she isnt in a game all about being a girl and the girl life.
>who isnt about being a woman
You should try playing a Tomb Raider game sometime.
Pretty much this
She isn't, didn't buy the last game cause she looks like a emotional old granny.
really, Tomb Raider is a story about being a girl and not a video game Indiana Jones getting ancient artifacts and shooting tigers? Hmmm doesnt seem like they focus too much about Her being a girl in a mans world and more on the ancient artifact hunting.
Her backstory is about rebelling against her uptight parents who had arranged a marriage for her. She's always flaunting her sexual appeal and femininity in violation of her upper class upbringing in the games. This is not inconsequential shit, it's a key facet of her personality.
She's a peak human adventurer with a tight body and a desire to show it off in a tank top that clings to her prodigious titties and some skimpy hotpants.
Hnnng, this image makes me want to pick up drawing for some reason.
Because physically strong and athletic women are attractive.
>Problem is women cant seem to identify with this because
Growing up all the girls i knew who played video games wanted to be Lara Croft, Misty or Chun-li. Maybe be born before the year 2000 next time.
That's not the soul purpose of the game faggot. It means Jack shit when you are just playing a game. Back story doesnt equal game. It just mean backcstory
she looks like she fucks shotas
That means what? All the girls you knew are probably 2 so frankly I wont put my bet on what some faggot on Yea Forums says.
>Problem is women cant seem to identify with this
That's not a woman problem. It's an "outsiders barging into something they don't understand and proceeding to throw tantrums until it's neutered" problem.
>This is not inconsequential shit, it's a key facet of her personality.
personality doesnt equal back story. Her character doesnt rely on being a woman.
Right back at you zoomer, you clearly have zero clue what you are talking about.
so the majority of women who get pissy over a hot female character.
I'm probably older than you kiddo. So already you dont know Jack shit nor see the mountains of articles bitching over Her design by women.
have sex incel
close your legs whore
>waaaaaaaa women are the enemy
Holy shit you fags really believe the shit you say dont you? Seriously, did girls magically stop playing video games at the start of the 360 gen when you all started gaming?
She was created before social media became a thing.
>you dont know jack shit
it was the other way around gruntilda.
It's just that female participation in most genres is significantly lower than male participation outside of match 3s and casual puzzlers. The ones who do actually like core video games generally aren't going to scream and cry like your typical SJW.
user, I literally said the opposite of that. Men do this dumb shit too.
>>waaaaaaaa women are the enemy
Nice strawman. Now fuck off.
Men are the enemy?
The character is straight out of a GIRLPOWER! Disney cartoon and that was not an accident.
Based but also redpilled
>Lara is known for her giant titties
>not even once does she have pokies, even in cold environments
that's not what it means kiddo.
Women usually see other women as competition not as as inspiration or however you wanna call it to improve themselves .
You are missing the point .
Can you make some sense or fuck off.
It means you dont know how to use the word ironic. make enough sense for you dipshit?
Women can only identify as an "average" girl who gets picked up by a pretty and strong romantic guy
They yap about a bunch of shit, but at the end of the day, that's the only thing they enjoy
only when you compete in the mental gymnastic for retards.
If this image were true we wouldn't have memes about chad, basement dwelling incels, blacked, riced or cucks. Men literally do not want to see other men succeed ESPECIALLY men from other races because that is for them not for blacks and asians. People literally ask white girls to their face why they wanted to date an asian man, pic related. Men are hugely jelly about things they think are owed to them as long as they work a bit for something. Try to deny it.
You really are fucking retarded. Let me guess, American understanding of irony mixed up with sarcasam again?
not all my post was just generalizing, but mostly the reason many women complain about Lara is because of the body image and she doesnt focus on being a girl but more on being an adventurer.
You said "its actually the opposite". Try to be more clear next time.
>realistic adventurer
>perfectly manicured nails
Pick one.
no it's just you thinking what I said is Ironic when the fact your opinion of something doesnt make it into irony its you making a retard put of yourself.
>making a retard put
all points discarded.
How did you get men are the problem when you discribed thismy point is thats when girls actually started playing. But you had to be stupid.
>tough luck kiddo.jpg
>oh no a typo!
you late for the book burning spelling nazi?
You aren't supposed to space out the words for a file format greentext.
never was that said nor having magical artifacts like thor's fucking hammer isnt realistic either, dipshit.
>girls never played PS1
>girls never played Pokemon
>girls never played PS2
Where the fuck did you people grow up? Dis girls not play with pogs, Tamagotchis or yo-yos where you grew up either?
I dont make the rules user. ESPECIALLY for a typo that was made when trying to call somone else a retard. Ouch.
>If this image were true we wouldn't have memes about chad, basement dwelling incels, blacked, riced or cucks
I think this applies to todays times of submissive betas who dont wish to improve. The average dude would be inspired by a mans man and would want to learn and aspire to be like him. The image that dude posted is just a brief shit where women will use "WOW BODY STANDARDS" as an excuse to not get fit and become even more seething whales when they see shit like Lara
we grew up in reality. You can keep pretending the majority of girls were playing games but the fact is they werent. not until they started turning into movies.
White men are racist
>women can’t identify
>women can’t eat a fucking apple without chipping a nail
>I dont make the rules
there is your mistake, there are no rules when it comes to typos or spelling errors. So I know you are new here so here is the beef, honey Bunny. Grammar and spelling dont mean shit unless the person bitching about peoples spelling and grammar are simply losing an argument.
I think thats a LOT of "here is what i think happens" though user. The gyms are full of motivated women too. I dont think men are free from the "fuck that guy, hope he gets cucked or worse" mentality.
I didn't say a majority. You just want to make out that all women are a certain way though.
isn't that just racism ?
>there are no rules when it comes to typos or spelling errors.
Its a meme you dip. Holy fucking autism.
None of the nu lara games even have cleavage. While other random games do.
>realism means what ever I want it to mean.
try again fucko. If you want realism then play something else.
>I'll just say it's a meme!
I never said you did, infact I said majority for a reason, not to say all of them are. So frankly go fuck yourself.
yeah there's always exception to the rule that applies for men too . But if you hang with women long enough you realize this things , they are perfect the way they are no room for improvement .
>losing the argument
lol no. Do you go through real life like that too? You just say words and assume you won? kek. I bet you are one of those fags that says "i already prooved that wrong in the thread" when all you did was say some anecdotal shit, convinced that was the end to it.
>find the reboot character model more attractive
>but the reboot games are fucking shit
Why can't I have the best of both worlds.
I'm not the one using "it's a Meme" and laughing over typos. really look at what you typed. It's obvious you arent in the right what so ever and are trying to hide behind the fact that you have no argument so you result to pointing out mistakes in text. That's how bad your argument is. You cant come up with something that holds any ground so you rely on making fun of typos and screaming "it's a meme!"
>I bet you are one of those fags that says "i already prooved that wrong in the thread" when all you did was say some anecdotal shit, convinced that was the end to it.
Aaaaaaaaahhh i hate those cunts! I see that a lot on Yea Forums and they are usually the ones that get multiple replies telling them that they are wrong.
What were we arguing about again specifically? Was it if girls play vidya or not or something else?
The whole point of this thread is that Laura is hot because she isn’t real.
Rise Lara best Lara
from my stand point it turned to shit when you misuse the word Ironically. Bit where it started was your point of having female friends identifying with Lara. I was saying I dont care how many friends you got frankly they arent the ones bitching over Laras tits and making article about it. So those are the ones that are getting attention. I was pointing in my first post that a lot of women couldnt identify with Lara because of her body proportions. Now I generalized using just women but the fact is that when the majority of women complain about Lara it's their excuse for not playing video games.
>A hot girl will never be stoked to bear your children
and what was your point?
Top kek, if you were worth shit you'd realize how petty and jealous damn near every male is if they think you're better than them. Hit the gym bitchboy
the thread is actually about how she stayed hot over all these years. Not over who is real or not.
And she IS fucking hot by the way.
make something of yourself and that will change.
this is true. I think I am gonna get a better job. I cant handle my current one right now.
jesus who is that
>Problem is women cant seem to identify with this because 1. how she looks. 2. she isnt in a game all about being a girl and the girl life.
women dont play video games, women dont want to be adventurers it's literally all biological
Alessandra Alvez
that's bullshit though, thing is some do but they dont like how something physically looks they wont give it a chance. They love Zelda.
Huh... and here I thought it was her rockin bod.
>women dont play video games
This thread is getting fucking boring, im out. This is why people call us incels.
That Lara before... you know... the "incident"
Poor woman. She will never be the same after that.
I think women who actually play and enjoy vidya on their own are exceptions. Yeah, they may in the thousands, but they're still exceptions. Video games never caught on with women in the mainstream until they became a social phenomena to pursue for whatever reason. It's all about that social currency with woman.
nah there's literally research into this and women actively avoid any games that aren't braindead puzzle games or games with a social emphasis
1. was how she looks
>ree incel
how's it feel to be anti science
maybe the betas you hang with turbonigger.
No, 1, was lip service about her being an awesome woman. 2, was only there to augment 1.
But that graph is pro science
shit i shouldve formatted my post better i guess
>not muh real men! Also nigger haha!
cant just ignore what was part of my post dawg.
it was meant for the tard screeching about incels
But it shows he is right, women do in fact play video games. It shows YOU were wrong. How DOES it feel being anti science?
I'm not. You didn't list that Lara was hot because of her appearance. You listed why women can't connect with Lara. You actually stated that she's hot for being a kick ass type of women etc.
You are one of those females , now all your shitposting makes sense .
yeah but I thought you were pointing out the reason women couldnt identify with her because of how she looks. I.E. a hot body. She is also hot for being kick ass and an adventurer.
yeah ok fag i mightve been slightly hyperbolic in my original posts but that graph literally shows women would never be the majority to play tomb raider which was the original point of contention
also notice how the biggest genres in gaming are all genres with women in single digit range for participation? hmmmm
>you are the enemy, look everyone the enemy! Dont look at me look at "her"
Nope im a dude, Id post a pic of my dick, but you would probably get off to that.
>women cant seem to identify with this because 1. how she looks. 2. she isnt in a game all about being a girl and the girl life.
based incel
that shouldnt stop you
They still play video games, your point is retarded. All you want to do is post hyperbole. WOMEN do this. WOMEN dont do this. WOMEN are one person. And then you just say "oh come on you knew what i meant, obviously SOME women do but dont miss the point!"
Nah i dont wanna see you Bf's dick .
had sex broseph, The key here is to date women who are more conservative. Libral girls are spoiled as fuck.
>now you get called the girl instead
then why are you posting 2013 pigface
yes yes user i know you're looking for a woman hating incel boogeyman and therefor cant accept a single case of mild hyperbole calm down now
you dont think women do the same when it comes to describing men? If anything it's just a case of tit for tat.
I was mocking the fact that you went all m'lady for Lara Croft. When you could have just said her body is amazing. But you'd rather talk about how hot her personality is.
> article writer says he's straight male
> girl staring is clearly giving off lesbo vibes
Hope the guy who made that .webm wasn't retarded enough to project the wrong intentions on a dyke who just wants some pussy.
You might not think it user, but you are acting like the generic boogeyman. This whole thread is dumb now its just turned into "we cant have cool shit because the whamen wont let us." When it should just be Lara posting.
>girl staring is clearly giving off lesbo vibes
lmao really reaching there, obviously it's a display of female envy
that. I just mention that she isnt about being a female but and adventurer? that's the whole point I was trying to make. That is what makes a personality. Not that she has a vagina but she is an adventurer. That's just pointing out the facts. She isnt some chick who was made for being a tough chick. She is her own iconic character.
>When it should just be Lara posting.
oh so you're a butthurt waifufag that only wants to post shitty ruined nulara then, now i get it
you could try sticking to the subject though, which was why women dont play tomb raider, which i explained through use of that graph
>270,000 gamers
do it faggot i believe in you
>n-no these statistics dont count because X
sure user ok, find me a more relevant source
user, you seem to be confuse. OP ask what makes her so HOT. Not her likeability as a character
>you could try sticking to the subject though,
>OP's only subject is "why is Lara still so hot after all these years"
>user has to turn that into a "why whamen" /pol/ thread
Do you see the fucking problem here user? YOU are the off topic one here.
and her being her own specific character that rivals Jessica rabbit in looks and the kick ass ability of Indiana Jones is what makes her hot and an individual. Her likability as a character is part of her hotness factor.
>reeeeeee /pol/
>willfully ingores
yeah ok faggot keep arguing in bad faith
Why does the header look like the set up to a blacked film?
hey what are ps3 games that allow you to play 3 players at once on the same screen?
PlayStation Allstars, COD4 MW, little big planet karting to bame a few.
ah ok, Most of the time its single or 2 player is what I see.
ok user im done arguing i hope you have a nice day regardless of our bickering goodbye
I bet r/Hapas spend most of their time wishing they were this guy.
Im not trying to be an ass user, but that first post started "here is why she is still hot" and then immediatly turned into "by the way, whamen, can we talk about them for a second? They dont GET video games. Or hot women. Or videogames about hot women." And you turned the whole thread into "what whamen do and why its bad"
If classic Lara debuted today you all would have hated her as another "stronk woman"
This. Being an angry incel is a choice.
user i understand that you're offended by what ive said but there's no reason to lie and say i was the one to bring up female participation in the playing of tomb raider games when very obviously this poster did that instead by typing and i quote: "Problem is women cant seem to identify with this because 1. how she looks. 2. she isnt in a game all about being a girl and the girl life."
i was not the first to start talking about the subject, nor were he and i the only people to talk about the subject, in fact many posters spoke about it which makes me think you're not so much worried about the subject itself but rather my person opinion on the subject
at any rate now im actually moving on, have a nice day
Don't forget, she has tan skin. So she's a mutt by current Yea Forums's standards.
That is good shit
>if western devs would make a game with a hot confident woman you would still screech
are you retarded? that's literally all they want
Becaus she has huge, squishy milkers,
The postures on all 4 images are horrible.
>reddit spacing
Cringe user, you can do better than that
But that's what they're called. How else do I refer to a subreddit full of insane asian incels?
>reddit spacing
>on a single sentence post
I want her to step on me with those dirty smelly feet!
Probably because the barrier to entry Nintendo the real decent tomb raider games is too high for your average casual gurl gamer
Just trying to funpost
>tfw no 4% Tactical Shooter gf
TOMB RAIDER NEEDS A REEEEAAALLY EASY MODE! we just cant have nice things can we?
>user says its not a woman problem
>sperg proceeds to claim he said woman are the enemy
learn to read, you retard
>tfw culture tells girls not to lift weights or else they'll become 'manly'
who the fuck is making these rules