So... This is the power.... of PC gaming.
So... This is the power.... of PC gaming
Can't wait to buy a new computer in summer so I can apply this shader to all my old MC maps.
Where the hell is the official lighting/HD update?
grow up
That's pretty good.
>shitting on Minecraft to fit in
grow up
its still a bunch of stupid blocks with zero aesthetic creativity
These threads made me play minecraft again
seriously look great.
Just release proper minecraft 2 sequel with actual graphics, gameplay, campaign, challenges, combat and cheevos.
>and then let chinks to pay the devs to make it "exclusive" for a year before it leaves early access
sorry famalam i didnt have autism back then and i dont have autism now
I don't give a shit about meincraft. I would play raytraced quake though, are they going to release it?
Looks really good but also pretty taxing performance wise
Dead by all accounts
Terraria > Portal Knights > Minecraft
>disliking minecraft just because it's popular
fuck off
how is Portal Knights?
>Portal Knights
worse than terraria but better than minecraft
How, the maps are the size of ps2 levels.
dammit, now I want to build a PC so I can enjoy ray tracing and minecraft.
Pretty good, there's lots of gear to choose from with varying effects and boss fights.
theres more to a game than pure map size
>not Maple Stories 2
Play Terraria
Is this the thread to discuss the new Wurm update?
I got fucked by the bee because I didn't have a ranged weapon and panicked.
it's less minecraft but more action but still a lot of minecraft
pretty good especially with a friend
>inb4 everything good with a friend
Minecraft + dwarf fortress when.
Worst part about that webm? Barely anyone plays in those servers. They're just dead, empty.
Isn't it Satisfactory?
eh, like your mom
gregtech 6 + millenaire
Why Microsoft doesnt release Minecraft 2 but as a Xbox/WIN10 exclusive?
everything microsoft publishes nowadays is xbox/win10 exclusive. so if there ever is a minecraft 2 it will also be.
Because nobody cares about xbone nor pic related?
I don't wanna be a works on my machine faggot, but I've never dealt with this and neither has anyone I know. Are we just lucky or is this really overblown?
This is why I game on the Playstation
>pic related
Nobody deals with things like this ever, and if someone does, it's 100% the user's fault. As someone who works in IT, I can say that it's always the clueless retarded people who somehow manage fuck their computer over so that they get shit like this all the time.
The rule goes like this: It's the user's fault, and if it isn't, then it's the programmer's fault, and if it's not the programmer, but all planets are aligned and christ has returned, then it's the computer's fault.
I work in a computer repair shop, I see this quite often even to points where it's unrecoverable and Windows needs to be reinstalled. Yes it happens but not as frequently as you'd think, most of my customers are potatoes and I suspect majority of them don't understand what "Don't turn off your computer" means.
>using real names and location in gta
Still looks better than any console game
This shit in VR is so cash
Also if you haven't built a swastica in mc you havent lived
fucking BASED
>Arma III (vanilla) look better
good job right there
It is
I can do that too
What point are you trying to make?