You morons realise every website and program you use "spies" on you right? It's marketing data, it's the most mundane shit in the world, you wouldn't even know it existed or anyone was taking it if you weren't told. Individually it's not even worth money, only when it's lumped in with hundreds of thousands of other users data is it of any actual tangible use.

The Epic Store is shit for other reasons but "CHINA SPY ON ME" isn't one. Get a fucking grip, you sound like dumb boomers who don't know how technology works. Thanks to retards like you every time I visit a new website here in the EU I get a pop up saying "HEY BRO WE USE COOKIES, COOL?". Fucking educate yourselves and get a grip on reality, you're expendable subhuman trash so lose the ego. No one gives a fuck about you.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Also, well done for being indoctrinated by your government into instinctually hating everything Chinese and thinking everything they do is out to get you. Americans are the dumbest fucks on the planet, even dumber than street shitters.

too late faggot the rumors are already spread and there's nothing you can do about it

why are you desperately defending some corporation anyway? you some kinda shill?


you already posted this 4 times

I said in the OP, thanks to retards who believe these dumb stories and have no context I have to deal with shit like cookie popups on websites.

Dumb boomers write the rules on shit they don't even understand because they listen to drooling morons running their mouths about shit they don't comprehend.

>It's totally cool for a foreign government to spy on you, don't be racist bro!
>Everyone totally does this, so you should be cool with it, same as how every major industry has pedophiles so we should totally accept that too!
Imagine actually being this retarded though?


None of those are me you sad little fuck.

Do you seriously run off to the archive every time you see a thread you don't like to find links and think anyone will give a fuck? Pathetic.

FFS stop making the same thread over and over.
>inb4 pcbro
I'm pirateall idort masterrace

Attached: 1554799353842.jpg (627x567, 104K)

>You shouldn't blindly trust what people on the internet say
>You should blindly trust big corporations though, they *clearly* have your best interests in mind!
Cmon dude, it's obvious that you're pretending, why even bother if you're going to be this blunt about it?

>no reviews
>no forums
>no community guides
>no workshop

maybe this cocksucker should raise his price cut so that he doesn't have to datamine me on top of me already paying money for this privilege
He can go fuck himself

Epic Games Launcher is the OFFICIAL PC games launcher of White Nationalists and racists worldwide. Niggers, kikes, and women are NOT welcome on Epic Games Launcher.

>It's totally cool for a foreign government to spy on you, don't be racist bro!
Everyone spies on everyone, especially America. Boycott Google, Youtube, Amazon and Netflix because they all spy on you too retard. America is the spying capital of the world.

>Everyone totally does this, so you should be cool with it
It's just a fact of life and whining like a child won't change anything. If you use the internet, your data will be used by marketers. End of discussion, whether it's right or wrong it just happens and nothing you do, none of your whining, will change it. Just get a grip and put things in perspective, is this REALLY the biggest problem facing you right now? A few kb's of data about what shoes you like?

>Imagine actually being this retarded though?
Imagine being so ignorant and uninformed that you think cookies are Watergate tier.

>no reviews
>what is Metacritic

How much do you get paid?


It's literally nothing. "user likes blue shoes and snickers and video games with faggots in them". Get a grip, holy fucking christ. Tell me one fucking way this would actually affect your life. ONE.

Just give me one statement about how marketing data being harvested affects you.

>no reviews
>no forums
>no community guides
>no workshop

User reviews either rate games a 10 or a 0, so they're worthless. Forums are cesspools and never contain any useful information. Community guides can exist elsewhere, it's not hard to google. Mods can exist outside of a store and did for decades.

>Everyone spies on everyone, especially America
Why even regurgitate this point that already got refuted? It's almost like you're frothing at the mouth and responding before reading the whole post.

>It's just a fact of life and whining like a child won't change anything.
Ironic, coming from someone whining like a bitch about people not liking your spyware platform. Why the fuck are you even crying here? What is the point of you defending some big corporation like a little shill bitch?

>Just pretend it's no big deal bro, everyone is doing it!
Again, imagine actually being this retarded, we should just ignore everything bad in the world the moment it becomes commonplace, right? Only bugmen would think like this.

>Imagine being so ignorant and uninformed that you think cookies are Watergate tier.
Oh shit dog you got so told you started debating your imagination? That's hilarious, do it again! I know you will.

Tell me why, just because it doesn't affect you directly in your day to day life, that justifies giving away personal information wholesale with no explicit permissions given?

>maybe this cocksucker should raise his price cut so that he doesn't have to datamine me on top of me already paying money for this privilege
Steam mines your data, google mines your data, Yea Forums MINES YOUR DATA. It's just a thing that happens when you use the internet, you fucking 12 year old.

>how does corporations gaining even more power over your subconscious via advertising affect you?

are you some kinda moron?

Most websites and programs do not have have direct ties to the Chinese government.

>Just give me one statement about how marketing data being harvested affects you.
Just give me one statement about how Epic being despised over this affects you, and I will. The fact that you're already resorting to giving people homework to prove their point of view while you've done nothing to prove yours already says it all.

Epic spied on Steam users so they can slander Steam for having less users which is pretty screwed up
which is stupid because Epic has multiple platforms while Steam only has one
also reminder that spying is only one of the issues that Epic has which it has many

Attached: Epic Spy.png (1286x1112, 1.08M)

t. room temperature iq

stopped reading right there. Fuck off chinkroach. 1989 tiananmen square massacre

Attached: 1553903920236.gif (478x360, 1.36M)

>Everyone steals so theft should be okay
Imagine actually being this retarded, imagine being such a loathsome bugman.

1989 June 4th Incident

1989 Tiananmen square massacre
10,000 civilians killed
40,000+ injured

Attached: 0CFADEE7-8206-4495-8019-8013C1D1F93B.jpg (831x1024, 68K)

>Just give me one statement about how Epic being despised over this affects you, and I will.
Read the OP and the other guy who already asked this. This is how I know you're an actual idiot, you don't read you just skim and scream.

Oh but user, my intelligence is far more worth than you simple peasants. Anyone would simply yearn to access my fantastic mind that would unlock the secrets to life, so no, my data is worth more than anything, which hence I must defend it on my dignity and honour.

I'm Australian fag.
Granted our government is arguably the most concerned about the security risk China poses, I just wish they would stop letting them buy land here.

Yup, got so BTFO you got nothing but "you poo-poo-head" responses left in you. Amazing, why are you even still here bugman?

OP is mad his police state harassed him for browsing this site.

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>America is the spying capital of the world.
It's third place at worst, UK and China are both worse.

Because it literally doesn't matter and people don't REALLY care. They get told "YOU'RE BEING SPIED ON" and they recoil but they don't actually know what that means.

It's like reeeing at the microorganisms inside your body that feed off your waste. If you go around screaming about every pointless little thing like this you'll be too busy to actually do anything else.

What about things like Family Sharing, VR support, Linux and Mac support, filtering out games you don't want on the store, a shopping cart, wishlist, game time tracker, cloud saves and controller support
I would say those are pretty useful

>Actually being illiterate and accusing people of your own faults
English had better not be your first language, faggot, nothing has been said about why anyone loathing Epic personally affects them.

>more power over your subconscious via advertising
If you actually get influenced by ads YOU'RE the moron.

>If you go around screaming about every pointless little thing like this you'll be too busy to actually do anything else.
Nah mate, it's actually really simple; Don't use the Epic store, literally zero effort.

The OP will likely defend the idea these are "useless" features while continuing to worship the dumpster-fire that is EGS.

>Being this naive
Surely that's not possible, so you must be fully aware that you're full of shit and are lying on purpose. That's rather shameless of you user, but I guess bugmen have no shame in the first place.

>What about things like Family Sharing
Kill yourself normie faggot

>VR support
Name one good VR game, there isn't one

>Linux and Mac support
AHAHAHAHAHAHA, Linux is a fucking meme and Mac is gay.

>filtering out games you don't want on the store
Epic doesn't allow hundreds of trash games on it every day like steam

>a shopping cart
Why is this such an issue? Just hit buy and buy the fucking game. Why are you crying you can't buy 10 games at once you'll never play?

it's not linked to your account therefore meaningless

Nigger you got totally BTFO and even trying a pathetic post like this is just utterly hilarious, what the fuck were you thinking?

>Most websites and programs do not have have direct ties to the Chinese government.
So what? What's your point?

"China bad, China enemy". China's a second world nation, they can't do fuck all to you, they're not gonna rape your sister. They're just gonna try selling you fake iphones and nike trainers.


Relativization is not a valid argumentation, smallbrain.

>I'm crying about something every technology company and website in the world does becuase "REEEE CHINA"
Do you not realise how dumb you look?

Why don't you ask the kids at Tienanmen Square?
Was fashion the reason why they were there?

I'm not chinese, you're wasting your time. You forgot Winneh the Pooh btw.


You clearly never went to China.

This is unironically what all the faggots itt reeing at OP think of themselves

If China has more global influence than America at this point brainlet-kun, but you obviously already know this and are lying on purpose.
>No no don't worry about the totalitarian regime that is massively expanded it's global influence over the last decade stealing the personal information of hundreds of thousands of your countrymen, it's harmless, it's only doing it to be nice to you, honest!
I mean imagine being this retarded, right?

Steam spies on you too retard

Make no mistake, China is an authoritarian dictatorship we're democracy does not exist.

And the threat doesn't stop at their borders.

I realize how dumb you look for debating an argument nobody has made, user, and I'm sure you're not so retarded as to not realize that as well, which makes me wonder why you even bothered in the first place.

Nobody said anything along the lines of "it's fine for anyone but China" you dumb nigger.

>Merely pretending to be retarded

Attached: 1553115764458.gif (344x391, 3.2M)

>stealing the personal information
"Faggot McFaggotson like snickers" is not "personal information". Get a grip on reality.

They were there to get shot and killed by the rural Chinese the government hired and then have their bodies pulverised by tanks and hosed down the drains.

>T-they do it too!
Cool story bob. How does this change anything about the subject we're actually discussing?

>being an unironic chinese shill, probably for free as well
would sooner support russians tbqhfamalam

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every website and program spies on what I do with it
Epic spies through my personal data

50 cents have been sent to your community account.

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Yes it is. Some things matter more than others, cookies don't fucking matter.

Reading through all of your Steam files is absolutely spying on personal information.

Attached: 1550615747430m.png (1024x429, 527K)

>Kill yourself normie faggot
Didn't realize having friends made me a normie
I guess congratulations on you for being alone
>Name one good VR game, there isn't one
Parlov VR
Beat Saber
Super Hot
>AHAHAHAHAHAHA, Linux is a fucking meme and Mac is gay.
Don't really understand how that's relevent
people use it but they can't use Epic store because they are too lazy to actually do something for the consumer
>Epic doesn't allow hundreds of trash games on it every day like steam
Its not just for filtering out trash its for things like genres you don't like
>Why is this such an issue? Just hit buy and buy the fucking game. Why are you crying you can't buy 10 games at once you'll never play?
Its just more convenient and it is something that is useful that nearly every person who has more than a few games on Steam has used at one point

But even if these were all just not very necessary why would I use Epic Store? It is a complete downgrade and gives nothing compared to Steam so why should I use it?

That still doesn't excuse Epic for being a shit serivce. I remember seeing ques to boot your fucking games up.

>I'll pretend it's trivial information, surely someone else is completely retarded like me and will believe me!
Pathetic, you bugmen really make me sick. There is literally zero excuse to believe the bullshit you're peddling given what is already common knowledge about data acquisition.

>Epic spies through my personal data
Such as?

Basically everything in unhealthy for you, so you should give up on eating healthy and just eat like you want to be that woman I saw begging to have her foot removal surgery expedited.

She was fat but she wasn't even THAT fat.

This OP is logically based.

Nigga, literally one word - TENCENT. Do you even know what they are?

Attached: 5c3bd73b0817331a38650b84_1280px-tencent_logo.jpg (1200x675, 62K)

>Reading through all of your Steam files is absolutely spying on personal information.

Really faggot?

Same, that's why I gave one nation my vote in nsw

Closer to them highjacking your computer to steal political information from other people in your country.

My anti-virus kept saying it's trying to access/scan my drive while playing Fortnite. I blocked it and didn't get booted or anything. So it's not the anti-cheat system I was suspecting making the problem.

Not going to say which AV tho because fuck Ebin

>Nigga, literally one word - TENCENT. Do you even know what they are?
Yes, and it doesn't affect my life at all.

I don't give a fuck about you, the "community", or whatever shitty companies they take over and run into the ground. Fuck your crusades. Tencent is a company, one that makes shit tons of money. That's all.

I don't give a fuck what they do.

Stop talking about stuff you know nothing about retard.

>I don't give a fuck about you
Then what the fuck are you doing right now you retarded mongoloid. Why the fuck did you even think to use this retarded bullshit? Are you literally twelve years old, what the fuck dude?

>I'm not chinese
Sure thing, slant eyes.

>You morons realise every website and program you use "spies" on you right?
I know they try. I use Linux and Firefox with uMatrix blocking all tracking scripts and cookies. Just because you're too dumb to fight the botnet doesn't mean other people aren't successful.

Attached: A5fWI.png (653x353, 42K)

I bet you're one of those I have nothing to hide faggots.

>Closer to them highjacking your computer to steal political information from other people in your country.

Yes user, you're the key to it all. If the Chinese can hack into your mainframe they can hijack the whole system. They'll use their keyboard mashing skills and crack the encryption on your senators secret server and then blackmail him into forcing the president at gunpoint to launch nukes at Americans.

You're truly a great American hero for protecting your data and stopping the Chinese menace from destroying the greatest country on earth. I salute you.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Fuck Tencent and their puppet companies.

Attached: london.png (720x1280, 400K)

>I bet you're one of those I have nothing to hide faggots.
There's a difference between governments reading your emails and Tencent knowing what games you like playing.

>Do you even know what they are?
They are based.

It's not about one specific person, its about the processing power of all computers with epic games spyware on it.

Get a job nigger. This is getting boring by day.

Ok Mr. Chang. Winnie the Pooh must be proud of you

Sorry, but I have my own reasons to hate China.
You are not me, you are not my people, you are my enemies.
Are you saying you wish good on me?
No, you wish to take advantage of me, that's why I will support any scummy shit my governments do to you, be it sabotage, killing or even causing China's complete collapse.

Attached: 1547958592959.jpg (247x247, 11K)

The only good thing about epic is no refunds
Fuck the EU and fuck those idiots in the aftc

This, don't forget adnauseum for the extra middle finger

Attached: 1552222969241.png (960x720, 727K)

Had sex

>You morons realise every website and program you use "spies" on you right? It's marketing data, it's the most mundane shit in the world, you wouldn't even know it existed or anyone was taking it if you weren't told.
so are you saying steam access private files of other programs, like epic do? read my private certificate? if so it should be super easy to prove, just run process monitor on steam.

I guess what I'm saying is... post proof or STFU faggot.

>It's not about one specific person, its about the processing power of all computers with epic games spyware on it.
Is this the plot of a Nicholas Cage movie.

>Also, well done for being indoctrinated by your government into instinctually hating everything Chinese and thinking everything they do is out to get you.
I hate China because I worked in the past at cyber security stuff and after you see all the trojan, spyware and shit in the world is either Chinese or Russian, you grow some hate.

I hate China because I had a startup company and during a very crucial time we had our work nearly got to a halt because we stored out code on github and it was down for 3 days. why you ask? because they hosted a project that helps bypass the great firewall of China and the Chinese government in response threatened them to remove them. after GitHub rightfuly refused, China ddos them using the great cannon of China until they complied.

I hate China because their government use illegitimate and illegal means to destroy Western competition to Chinese companies.

and I hate China because they support and fund extremist groups and regiems around the world, as shown by the way they vote in UN and by their international trade.

also nearly all Chinese I've met were literal scums.

>chinks, like ruskies want to destabilize the west to appear better to their own citizens
>starts seeing what hot controversial politics gamers have
>start funding and pushing parties with said politics
>gamers get what they wanted

finally some sense. I guess you probably already familiar with this but for idiots who think "what could go wrong if we all give China control over our CPUs?":


No there fucking isn't

Tiananmen Square 1989 Winnie the Pooh Lin Biao Gang of Four KMT

I still haven't seen proof of any spying, I don't know how this shit's gotten people into such a frenzy.
Data scraping? Yes, but there's no proof of spying, much less chinese spying.

Meanwhile the only ones caught spying on europe, it's leaders and the (ethnic european) people was CIAniggers and mossad. Our "closest allies"
And nothing more than a stern letter was sent as Americans bribed the media into silence.

>Tencent knowing what games you like playing.
we already confirmed they read private steam files, certificates, and change dlls. what makes you think it's just that?

My name, email, home address, and my credit card information

If this shit actually worked, don't you think the threads would have stopped by now?

Why the fuck did that giant anti-China post with the winnie the poo picture get instantly deleted?

The Chinese buying property here was good though.

They were dissenters wanting to escape china, not supportive of it.

Its the corporations you have to worry about.

Mods have it on autoban

It only kills chinks that have a Yea Forums pass. If they don't have one they know how to bypass the great firewall.

>also nearly all Chinese I've met were literal scums.
The fact that all Chinese are assholes is partially true, but the non-scummy ones hate their governments anyway so your hate is still justified.

that's true there are some based ones that also hate China. kinda feel bad does them.

>Rootkits are no worse than cookies.

Attached: 1519489551330.png (657x539, 110K)


Attached: 1500405923017.jpg (800x587, 42K)

Retard alert. None of these websites scan you pc ancd collect information about your computer's hardware, your steam client and steam account. Epic games store does.

Attached: q1d89ou1oeq21.png (640x662, 205K)

China scares the shit out of me more than any western government does.

With the biggest pop in the world there’s gotta be some bros there

The only difference is that the other one indoctrinated its citizens faster.

Oi m8, you know that eating food can get you cancer? Just smoke, it gives you cancer too

The two scripts you highlighted aren't listed in my umatrix. Is this picture old or are there some scripts that aren't picked up by default?

Reminder that Tencent just launched their own game launcher/storefront
They also own 40% of EPIC
they're trying to build a userbase for EGS, sabotage EGS, then transfer the pre-existing userbase to the Tencent launcher

Pic is old and was taken from an image search

Attached: v3uks5fed2q21.jpg (576x499, 80K)

Go fuck yourself, Chink apologist. I will do whatever the fuck I want and I DARE you try to do anything to prevent me, faggot.

Attached: 1554502133430.gif (200x214, 257K)

>when lefties keep trying to make this about spyware, steam, or steam-vs-epic because they can't defend the real issue which is forcing exclusivity into the PC gaming market.

Fuck you, consolefags that don't even know how to turn a PC on if wiggling the mouse doesn't work. Stay on subject.

I don't have to, your own government will end up raping you in the ass mutt.

Get eaten by an escalator Chang


Attached: 1554647783327.gif (966x1000, 374K)

Ching chong potato

>the real issue which is forcing exclusivity into the PC gaming market
Said user as he buys games from every launcher that has exclusives. This was never about exclusives, this was always about Steam drones crying because Metro got lifted from their platform.

Nobody cares

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Why is it that Steam wins every time?


Because PCMR retards are easily manipulated by reddit and kotaku



>they would need 51% stock for that
lmao this faggot fell for the majority of stock = absolute power meme
read about a board of directors faggot, there are CEOs with majority of stock that were literally kicked out of their own company (of they kept the stock and still stinky rich but don't have any power today). one example: Ubers founder.

Tencent literally hold Tim by his tiny, empty balls.

When you realized that all of the anti-Epic rhetoric was created by reddit and kotaku.

This begs the question, are we being infiltrated or are the people of Yea Forums being brainwashed by Valve shills?

Attached: kotaku.jpg (861x687, 182K)


Nice try

>Grayson is defending Epic
that's all you need to know on the subject to make up your mind

You could not possibly be more wrong. You're just trying to deflect again from the real subject of exclusivity because you know you can't defend it.

just kys my man
you are human trash
nobody gives a fuck about your opinion :)

Fuck PC gamers. This is the future that you faggots deserve. Enjoy your Chinese overlords.

Attached: 1554747298756.png (558x365, 295K)

Why are we so obsessed with grasping at straws, steambros? Maybe we should see our platform off with some dignity and make way for the new.


>tfw you realise there are people out there who don't realise that the large majority of people on Yea Forums are pc gamers and have steam

Attached: 56746574567.jpg (205x246, 14K)

>nobody cares
>replies to the post showing he cares a slight amount
absolutely btfo'd

Every fucking time)

Attached: 1529741934112.jpg (1000x1000, 444K)

Fuck spying. I don't wanna support Tencent


If you're implying steam is spying too, feel free to post proof. If not STFU.

>when the cognitive dissonance hits valve drones so hard that they deny reality
Man, it must really sting to be manipulated by a website you hate so much lmao

Uber is not Epic. Sorry, sweetie.

> 147 replies and 24 images omitted. Click here to view.

Seriously? Stop replying to this shill. Let him starve when the chinks stop paying him.

Attached: 1385060102425.jpg (500x500, 28K)

the funny thing is that there is not even any actual proof of EGS spying on you, and you are being a retard for even lowering the discussion to defend this crap

this whole shitstorm was just made by some Reddit user (then spread on Yea Forums by some fag who made an image out of it) who was a self proclaimed amateur at datamining, but still went out of his way to make a lengty post that got several thousand likes.
He found out that EGS is trying to access browser files like Explorer and just claimed that this must mean that the game is trying to collect data from there.
In reality, EGS is just an internet browser based launcher (something that was stated long ago when it was asked why EGS doesn't support offline play yet), and it is just doing the same behavior as browsers, accessing the same files. There is zero proof that any of this would be "spying on you", when this is the exact same thing most launchers do, even Steam. The only extra EGS has is that it is also accessing your friend list on Steam (something that is legally accessible) for friend recommendation purposes.

>manufacturing imaginary narrative in his head and rolling with it
so out of touch

>It's marketing data
Yeah, and it costs money. Epic is basically stealing from you.

>Just install it! Everyone else does it! JUST INSTALL IT
No way, fag.

Right? Valve drones are pathetic and delusional.

>chinks are THAT retarded
right, because in Uber it was 3 guys vs investors who were mostly Americans, and epic is one faggot vs the Chinese government who would literally not only kick him out but also assassinate his family if he piss them off too much.
anyway if theres any reason why epic is special and somehow Tim has special protection that literally no other company in human history have, feel free to share this info with us.

who gives a shit, we don't like epic powerplay and we shitpost to fuck with them, end of story
just how retarded are you to try to analyze anything about this

>Yeah, and it costs money. Epic is basically stealing from you.
Yes, here's your .0000000001 of a penny. Enjoy, because that's all your data is worth retard.

Whoops, Uber is not Epic, sweetie!

>my bro Tim who sold out to the chinks will literally risk everything and fight his Chinese overlords only to protect my privacy because he loves us customers so much! (that's also why he took games off other stores and raised prices..)
imagine being this stupid.

Having been to China, fuck that place

this, I don't want epic earning money on this data and I don't need a reason for that
fuck them

Nihao Chink shill.

>Whoops, Uber is not Epic, sweetie!
post the difference or STFU. because the general rule every single company on planet Earth abide to means the chicks own Tim. if there's an exception in epic somehow no one heard about, share it with us and post reference / proof.

Steam has no ties to an oppressive communist regime.

Steam tracks your usage of their platform to tailor games based on your preference or asks for your consent to get your pc specs (once ever 5 years) to optimize their games and platform.

There is no evidence steam tracks your info on other stores and launchers, steam never scanned my friend’s list or games from other platforms.

post proof or STFU.

Okay, here we go.
Ready for this one?
Pay attention, sweetie.
Uber is one company
Epic is another company
Whoa, imagine that!
Glad you learned something today, kiddo.

>oppressive communist regime
Get your head out of your ass moron, America's a Military Dictatorship.

This desu.
I don't know why I should care what fucking China knows about me, they don't have any effect on my life. However western companies can be innfluenced by local governments and having them know things about you can fuck your shit up.

your software, your drivers, your hardware, your routers, your ISP hell even your own fucking mom spies on you

privacy is done for

and what makes Tim "niggers fuck my wife" Sweeny different than literally any other founder / CEO who ever lived on this planet? when you're the exception you have to prove / provide reason. just like I can't claim to have superpowers "because" and expect you to believe me.

No one gives a damn about spyware or china. The reason people want Steam to stay monopoly is because they are heavily invested in it with their huge collection. This is fine and understandable.

Bringing up these bullshit spyware/china arguments is retarded though and doesn't speak for steam users.

1989 tiananmen square massacre, Chang.

He owns his company, for starters.

>this is the intelligence level of subhuman chinks

Lmao imagine being this buttblasted that other people have a different opinion than you.

Newsflash friendo, people don’t like it when an application copies files from their computer without their permission, that’s the type of thing that occasionally leads to “data leaks” and 100,000 people get their credit card information uploaded to the web.

Also, you’ve made this thread repeatedly, denied it, and continue to just screech the same shitty arguments on repeat. My advice is go somewhere other than the echo chamber that is Yea Forums, all you’re gonna get here is a mix between the same arguments and shitposting. Fucking newfag.

I don't think you know what that means.

Horrible shitty argument that isn't true. The "everyone spies on you" bit isn't even a real argument because if you believed that then you would be the type to click on SIGN ME UP FOR YOUR NEWSLETTER on everything you come across, which you don't.

had a mum who was schizo that would flip out anytime she got targeted adds/emails and all that jazz. tried to limit her settings on the pc and phone as much as we could but i'm not nearly techy enough to block it all and preventing her from doing normal person things often made her feel even worse so we let it slide and just tried to explain it as best she can. she an heroed about two years back and while i wont blame ads or any of that shit on the cause, she was mentally suffering from a lot, I do think it had a very negative effect from time to time when she would be browsing and see things linked to her past clicks/orders that she couldn't rationalize how that got there. it just kinda irks me in a way and it certainly affected me because I had to deal with her emotions due to things like data gathering and skimming.

so did Uber founder + the 10 others I posted + every other CEO in the world who "owns the company" but can be fired by the board of directors.
there's not a single company on this planet where the board of directors can't fire the CEO, even if he owns 99.9999999999999% of shares.

try again.

>strawmanning the entire country of America because your jimmies are rustles into the next dimension
This is too funny to be true

Are you mocking China's policy to censor content on the internet? Why don't you try writing something insightful about niggers or jews on American Twitter and see how it goes.

Oh thats right, your ass will get censored and banned hard #freedom

glow in the dark cia nigger
snowden proved it
intel ME in your hardware proves it

That's cool, but irrelevant to Tim Sweeney having 100% ownership of his company.

>gets banned from a website
>muh sensorshippppp
also sandniggers on Twitter post literal Nazi propaganda 24/7 and rarely gets banned.


>people want Steam to stay monopoly
it's not a monopoly
nobody wants this, epic may sell the same games as steam does and absolutely nobody will deny them the right
moreover, many will cheer if the prices will be lower

lmao being in denial
he owns ~51% faggot

Look at this assblasted shit

>A monopoly
Oh you sweet summer child.

>being this mad
Listen Qin, you need to go home to your 4 foot tall wife and calm the fuck down. Too much more of this shitposting and I’m sure the government is gonna crack your vpn and bust your door down and epic isn’t gonna protect you.

Seriously though, why is it only Asians that get so utterly triggered by shitposting on the internet?

epic drones are literal braindead
>inb4 I was only pretending to be retarded


you are retarded, don't ever reply to me again

>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna pirate it teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you

Attached: border pirate.jpg (701x649, 77K)

>It's just a fact of life and whining like a child won't change anything
Exactly, you fucking tard. That's why I refuse to use it.

> well done for being indoctrinated by your government into instinctually hating everything Chinese and thinking everything they do is out to get you.

isnt it funny that Americans believe they're not racists and their media are free and objective while any others from china or russia are propaganda and brainwashing


guess i shouldnt expected the brainwashed to think anyway

I'm not the one who doesn't understand what a monopoly is, ya doofus.

Is this what a brainwashed yellow nigger looks like?

I don't really have an issue with the epic store outside it not being time tested the way steam is. Can't say I like the exclusive deals either.

>Admitting to wanting to pirate the game on a server

Attached: 1542153664838.jpg (377x567, 19K)

who cares what exactly the definition of monopoly is. i never feel confused when people use that term, its usually pretty clear what they mean.

>captcha is making me copy and paste a code that doesn’t work on iPhones

China is here boys

China/Russia LITERALLY OWN THE MEDIA. They directly oversee everything that is said. In America there are a billion newspapers, local and national news stations, and even websites. All owned by different companies or individuals, all with different views. You're a fucking moron. Freedom of press is enshrined in our founding document while China openly tells the media what to say. I honestly hope you're trolling because to be this arrogant about being completely wrong is just sad.


>He owns an iphone
You deserve to be raped by gooks



>believing Tim
anyway, in the same thread just teo posts below, Tim says:

>All members of a board of directors weigh in on discussions and vote as fiduciaries on behalf of the interests of the company. Tencent's directors are super valuable contributors whose advise and participation helped make Epic what it is today.

which means it's a majority vote rule (unless you have a reliable source saying otherwise).

number of Tims on board of directors: 1
number of Tencent slimes on board of directors: 2 (out of total of 5)

they literally just need to get one of the other two on their sides and they are in control. it's that easy.

Oh no its retarded

I'm not american, you missed here, zhang.

Attached: 183 - bNWZeOL.png (720x775, 454K)

tencent got 2 directors while Tim is only 1, he literally got less voting power than tencent.

>he uses androind and google account
you deserve to be raped by chinks

>he's lying!
I'll wait for proof but I know you don't have any

>samefag and praising self
highest level of faggotory

Your country is a joke, they're just better at hiding how you're controlled

Attached: Infographie-des-marques-mondiales1.jpg (2000x1333, 2.07M)

*rubs bug hands*

Attached: 4e9.jpg (501x585, 42K)

Yikes, Steam fags BTFO

>I'll ignore the actual main argument of the post proving by Tim's own words how little power he actually have compare to tencent and only cling to a half-joke at the beginning of the reply
so basically you're admitting you got BTFO by your own source?

>which means it's a majority vote rule
How the fuck did you get that from that

Hmm, no proof I see. Just as expected. Thanks for playing! Bye sweetie!

also stop samefaggong, Zhang.

I'd love to try dog meat desu

You literally cannot refute lmao fucking owned

Steam doesn't steam my encryption keys and login cookies, though.

because that's the default unless specifically stated otherwise. if that was the case, Tim would have said so. you can go look up in epic incorporate docs and prove me wrong if you won't, but you're gonna find out I'm right.

Its an American Company. They all operate like that

>Steam doesn't steam my encryption keys and login cookies, though.

Attached: 1549378779542.png (1000x432, 165K)

except I literally did
Tim is one vote, tencent are two.

not to mention it's just a tweet by Tim saying "t.. trust me guys!"

chin chong detected

proof to what exactly? the fact that tencent got two directors?

wrong, steam decompiles the DOM and sends the server certificate to the flux compensator

Attached: e36.jpg (500x375, 35K)

Sorry sweetie, you lost.

you knew what he was trying to say Zhang, how about you go and eat some more boiled dog you savage worm

Attached: 1549318428365.png (330x243, 151K)

fuck the jews

You claimed Tim Sweeney is lying, you have no proof.

Do you honestly think the board of directors are just a bunch of yes men for Tim?

>company makes decision
>company says to investors that x day by y time theyll make z back
>investors either bail or stay
>company goes back to keep investors happy

not really tbqh

Gabe's going to dock your Steam emoticons for the month for that fuckup, Timmy.

reminder that Chinks are based and redpilled

Attached: Z7p9qct.png (791x842, 840K)

>this entire thread
I thought the shilling was bad from the start but they have been BTFO so many times that they are practically just rambling at this point

Attached: Ballad of Marty.png (640x633, 357K)

flux capacitor you brainlet, do you want to cause a resonance cascade?

>Do you honestly
Not proof or an argument. Next?

>look up in epik inc docs
You sound like you've done that already. Any pointers as to where I can find such peculiar terms, keywords, section numbers, anything?
Not like I care anyway. Gaymers have proven time and time again that they have no power to topple any sufficiently sizable gaymen establishment anyway, so even if the guy's being blackmailed by 10c it's not like it matters in the end.

come on now, you're not fooling anyone, xing

Attached: lol.png (300x168, 87K)

aside from the point the other guy replied to you,that the media is mainly controlled by some of the most rich groups/families with tight hold on the politics itself and lobbiest working for them 24/7

the newspaper and media fan the nationalism and write what the reader already like to sell well

its literally like making creating textbook for underage teenagers a market oriented business, the text book will be filled with porn and games, because it sells well

which is literally how today's media is filled with click bait shit, and how this populism/nationalism/racism got where it is now, and how ppl like trump taking advantage of it gets elected.

>2009 Yea Forums blasted and critiqued AE for Origin scanning their entire computer at each start up
>2019 shill says that it's ok for Epic Store to scan entire computer for each start up

Attached: I live through the power of (yous).webm (854x480, 2.07M)

ok lets pretend we don't have 70 IQ

Epic is a USA based company, they are already under NSA surveillance
if EGS really was a Chink spyware the NSA and feds would raid Epic by now
you faggots don't even know how laws work


>the NSA monitors companies
Government agencies only like monitoring the individuals they claim to protect, companies get a pass because they increase the GDP far more than any individual consumer

Even if there was no threat of this, until they have actually obtained kind of games I want to play why would I rush to support companies in countries that want to supplant/destroy western civilization and constantly engage in the most questionable practices possible?

>NSA not monitoring a company with havey connections to China

yep, you have 70 IQ

what are you talking about, when American does it its not surveillance, Epic store is under "protection" of the NSA like this user pointed out gloriously that i coudnt put it better myself

I demand you to correct your false claims other wise youre a worthless chink paid by the cn gov

It's a valid concern. The problem is, Steam users lived under the illusion that Steam = PC. Like PSN = Playstation.

They only have themselves to blame. This is really just a tough wake up call, they will come to their senses soon.

Nice comeback, commie

you can open epic store and steam store at the same tiime on your pc


Then why post this? No one is fooled, you marketeer dog

the NSA has probably the EGS.exe source code by now, if anyone is spying on us its probably the NSA and the fucking Jews

No one with brains is review bombing just not jumping on epic store dick


Attached: 6gBSXWj.jpg (3156x1488, 533K)

You're not important.

No one gives a fuck about you. You and millions like you could die tomorrow and the world would keep turning. You're expendable and disposable. You're not in any way shape or form special.

You’re clearly retarded if you think the NSA, a federal agency, would ever give a shit about Epic stealing marketing data from consumers; even if it’s wrong in the eyes of the consumer.

I really wouldn’t even be surprised if Epic is also spying on China in some way or directly feeding data to the NSA so the feds can understand gamers better. The government is fucking retarded sometimes, and they do things that anyone from the outside looking in would think is retarded, and when it’s gets revealed 20 years later they were data mining from steam nobody will care and the only people who do care won’t have any idea what the fuck they could possibly have been thinking.

free tibet
tiananmen square massacre

Dude look what the government did to Huawei (a Chinese company) on unsubstantiated rumor.
You bet your ass the SEC and FBI are going to raid Epic and Tencent asses bare if EGS is spyware. The government does fuck around when it comes to espionage

You know what'll piss these retards off? WMAF.

t. Asian Woman.

good lord steambros, steam is already dead. next to endless amounts of junk, you can find a few second tier single player games, and recently lots of japanese console ports, but thats it.

steam is not relevant anymore as we speak. its a minor store already. get that through your head.

stop crying and move on already.

are you fucking retarded or pretending?

the NSA is literaly spying on every company, mostly forcing the companies to put backdoors into their programs

fucking zoomer i bet you dont even know who Snowden is

And that's why every company with an internet access wants MY data. Looks like i'm the most important person in the world.


Attached: lkjsdlhdsghn8b75wv5525.jpg (724x778, 158K)

>MY data. Looks like i'm the most important person in the world.
How pathetic is your life that you cling to bullshit like this?


Fuck off Chong

Most people will come to the conclusion that epic store is shady on their own, user

Every single chink in china dying would be a net positive

That’s literally what I said. The spyware on epic, which has been discovered already to be copying files from steam, could literally be NSA funded/requested.

The NSA could literally be stealing marketing data from steam because the NSA is full of mentally handicapped faggots who think that somehow data mining from steam will help them in the future.

Oh and Snowden was and is a faggot

Tiananmen Square 1989
Winnie the Pooh
Taiwan Independence

This, they made steam a part of their identity and they're mad epic's gonna devalue their account

ohnonon the chink police is outside my door now

doesnt matter at all who he was. he was just a simple outsourced IT guy, who happend to stumble on lots of interesting documents.

fuck off Tim

t. NSA nigger

If Epic wasn’t pushing for exclusives nobody would be as buttmad. Both stores could easily have the same games, and if Epic cared about the consumer they would lower the prices on their store to pass the savings on and let consumers vote with their dollar.

This is not what’s happening, instead they’re making it so if you want certain games you absolutely have to download their shitty store and still pay the same price you would anywhere else.

See the difference? Do I need to spell it out even further for you?


Nobody cares about your dead platform, Gabe.

I wish I could sell my own data.

Attached: Donkey Kong The 2nd.jpg (156x322, 10K)

I don't know what's worse, paid shills or shit posters ironically defending egs

>gets himself caught
>doesn’t flee to South America/Africa
He literally stayed in the EU for no apparent reason and put himself into shitloads of danger without covering his tracks that well. For an IT guy he sure couldn’t figure out proxies and vpns much better than half of Yea Forums did, during that time period, when boards like Yea Forums had their gay little obsession with le deep web

nobody wants to know what you fap to loser

deal with it

>VPN and proxies working on NSA

oh you fucking underaged nigger, not even TOR can save you from the NSA

you do
(for free)

Fuck off, Tim

OP here.

kukuku...you fools. You fell for it, as expected of peasants. I am the MASTER BAITER.

China numba wan

This post was made by China Gang

Fuck America

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.jpg (550x309, 23K)

damn bro you smart as fuck surely got those NSA niggers with that vpn haha!

hourly reminder that this is why everyone's uneasy about Epic Games launcher

Attached: Screenshot_20190407-152307.png (1312x2560, 275K)



>admitting to a crime
>to a random person
>to multiple random people

kids nowadays deserve whats coming to them

>5$ VPN can save you from the NSA and the whole USA govrnment

imagine being this retarded

>muh savings muh discounts
Publishers get a better deal and more profit to reinvest in other games, what's the issue? If you don't like devs getting money, why aren't you piratefagging in the first place? All the whining about china and data mining is just an attempt to justify continued existence of the all encompassing steam ecosystem that you've called your home.

you can't sell it goy, but Tim can take it and sell it for his profit alone whenever he wants to

Attached: sweeney todd.jpg (1280x1920, 389K)

There’s a joke in the Boondocks, I’m not gonna fully explain it, but it states that most people foreign to China will believe a lot of things China says. They lie.

The launcher reads ALL your cookies and root certificates, not just the ones needed to do basic browsing operations.

This means that if you have a login session, Epic can literally hijack it.

>implying I said one vpn
You’re all obviously the true newfags, retards on Yea Forums would post several page instructionals on how to absolutely secure your IP and it may only delay the inevitable but It’s definitely a lot more bullshit than a single vpn

You'd be surprised, got this targeted ad on FB. I slap it to BBWs on the daily.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-08 at 7.58.40 PM.png (624x546, 256K)

sorry but thats bullshit. don't believe any fancy Yea Forums infographic you see, or overestimate its relevance

hahaha you faggots are fucking funny, you don't even know what the words you type mean

>cookies and root certificates
>login session

hahahah, im saving thisthis shit for /g/ cringe threads

You're wrong.

Attached: 1554332961701.png (850x1060, 1.01M)

>absolutely secure your IP
what about your hardware? software? bios?
botnet is so far up your ass you cant beat it

lol, you can't even have multiple VPN connections at the same time you fucking mongoloid, and proxies are fucking usless

the big difference is its the chinks that are spying on us!

not our own government that can actually do stuff to us, but the CHINKS


i aint having bugmen spying on me

Attached: epic_tengames.jpg (816x1356, 354K)

>doesn't fap to private window

Dude I don’t remember or know about half of this shit, I was never autistic enough to do illegal things on the internet and rely on my own stupid ass going through like 20 steps perfectly and not fuck it up. It was a pretty intensive guide and I’m sure it did the most possible to protect everything. Like I said, I’m not gonna pretend I know what I’m saying and make myself sound retarded.

Someone who’s a literal IT nigger should’ve been able to do a lot more then get himself caught quickly.

OP is fucking right. You really think Epic is the only one spying on you? The new Internet has companies constantly spying on you. The Silicon Valley are farming your data as we speak.

Attached: DgqKUYMU8AAOafi.jpg (1199x799, 177K)

I know that you stupid nigger but literally all three of you implied all I meant was “lol download a VPN you’ll never get caught by anyone ever”

I really do think it's a bugman trying to push egs just flips out when you talk shit about tencent

Attached: 1427275860851.jpg (306x306, 23K)

>no reviews
>no forums
>no community guides
lucky we have Yea Forums

i just hate the chinese
deal with it shill

yea but why add one more to the pile especially when epic lacks a catalog other lunchers have and many features.

Hey hey hey, I'm American, and I'm not enough of a sucker to think that the Epic Store spies on you, or at least any more than Steam does.

Does the truth trigger you, steamfag?

Attached: n1.png (309x85, 16K)

nah they'll keep posting that stupid, already debunked to moon and back "proof" anyways

September 11th World Trade Center Attack

Not really.

Attached: 1461462337893.jpg (864x970, 288K)

All of these tinfoil hat wearing faggots crying about muh chinamen spying on them and steam doing the same probably don't even understand this post like absolute morons

Attached: 1542781537041.jpg (400x300, 26K)

who's they chinkoid?
I think you mean you

Right, so does anyone have a single positive argument for why I should download the Epic launcher? Like anything positive at all that isn't just 'other companies do X as well!' or 'do you really need features though?'
Anything at all?

Attached: 1458386169020.jpg (1280x720, 80K)


You seem pretty interested in talking about Valve and Steam so could you answer me this?
Why should I use Epic instead of Steam?
Steam has shit like this
>social media features and profiles
>very common sales and bundles
>huge selection with lots of filters to easily view what you want
>community forums
>community reviews
>Linux support
>shopping cart
>Mac support
>screenshot hosting
>in-client streaming and game clip hosting
>steam family sharing
>steam link/ big picture mode
>significant VR hosting
>profile inventories and trading
> live pages where debs can post news and patch notes
But Epic has absolutely nothing

Who gives a fuck? Bend over and get pegged by every big corporate cock that comes near

I don't give a shit if you do or not. If there's a game you want to buy, that should be the only reason you download any launcher.

These posts kill the Epic drone

Why would you buy anything from Epic?

You can just pirate all their games. You don't have to feel bad for the devs, Timmy boy already paid them.

Attached: 1457278251132.jpg (1252x1252, 113K)

It simple I hate the Chinese Communist Party. And wish for them to be destroyed.
Republic of China is True China. TAIWAN NUMBAH ONE

Can you imagine what the Chinese would do with your data. Just think about how many chinese websites you visit, all of them will have your data. Think about the Chinese government agencies who can prosecute you for the data you own. I mean the next time you wander in the dollar store and see all those chinese products, they'll probably be made taylored to the data they harvest from Epic Game Store.

Don't be a dimwit. Stay safe, stay steam.

>Implying China isn't already datamining your info from U.S. based companies

You make a convincing argument

Dude, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China did a study on forums and reviews for games. It turns out public opinions have a harmful affect on your liver and also may cause lung cancer. We literally are better off without. Its in our best interest.

1945 Holocaust 6 Million Dead Jews Hoax

Is this irony? i can't tell

I wouldn't, just like I wouldn't buy anything from Steam.

t. Chink shill

Based desu

I will not buy a game from Sweeney just because he thought he would give me no other choice

Nobody cares


just like anti Nintendo threads, amirite?

List of Atrocities committed by US authorities
Middle East part
•On April 14, 2018, the US, UK, and France launched 100 more missiles at 3 different targets in Syria,again claiming that the Syrian government used chemical attacks against itsown citizens in douma as justification. On 10 April, the Syrian governmentagain invited the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to senda team to investigate the sites of the alleged attacks. Trump, Macron, and Mayhave all issued statements saying that this is not an intervention in theSyrian civil war. 1
•Starting in June 2017, photos and videos from Syrian civilians in Raqqashowed that the US-backed coalition in Syria was illegally using white phosphorus in civilian areas. White phosphorus canburn human flesh down to the bone, and wounds can reignite up to days later. “No matter how white phosphorus is used, it poses a high risk of horrific andlong-lasting harm in crowded cities like Raqqa and Mosul and any other areaswith concentrations of civilians,” said Steve Goose, arms director at Human Rights Watch. Oneattack on an internet cafe killed at least 20 civilians, while other deathsare still being confirmed. One of those civilians killed was in the process ofsending a report to Humans Rights Watch, when the cafe was struck. The USkilled 273 syrian civilians in April, slightly more than the number killed byISIS. A US attack in July killed another 50 civilians. In August, the USkilled another 60+ civilians. 1,2,3
•On April 4th, 2017, following the Khan Shaykhun chemical attack, Trump ordered an airstrikeof 59 tomahawk cruise missiles(worth $70 million) fired at the Shayrat airbase in Syria(one that Trump claims is the source of the chemical attack) inthe 2017Shayrat Missile Strike. This is

>this is

other countries can't even compete

Attached: 1457015701611.png (200x204, 93K)

Attached: big_1475915894_image.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

OP does

>the countries we're spying on are spying on us
What the fuck

I'm about to leave this place forever. It's just low-effort shitposting / shilling now.

That's what happens when reddit/kotaku/steam shills invade other boards and sheeppost


Holy shit you scumbags are beyond belief.

Attached: 1554230090326.jpg (416x416, 76K)

Can someone post that thread where an user worked for some metal company in China and bugmen fucked him over and over again?

Attached: 1536061872445.jpg (246x205, 7K)

See you tomorrow


This one?

Attached: Mandarin.png (1400x5552, 946K)

In the last 5 years I havent bought a single thing because of commercial.

Yeah that one.
I was in that thread, what a ride.

Sorry about that, Chang. Here.

Attached: Winnie.jpg (750x603, 86K)

How do you know that guy is American

Traced his IP like the Chinese spy he is

>If there's a game you want to buy

So the only thing that would make one buy there, is a game that they brought by force ?

This seems like some forced love relationship.

Attached: fu.gif (386x217, 521K)

>Epic Store is awesome! They're totally not spyware

Attached: 1554037632773.webm (634x360, 986K)

Yep and I'm fucking tired of it. Valve has forced me to use their launcher for 17 years.

This is some cyberpunk shit.

>Valve has forced me to use their launcher for 17 years.

What ? why is that a bad thing ?

Steam isn't just a launcher, false flagging dork. It's an entire community and a fully featured system of gaming tools.

Couldn't you do all of that with one server running a bunch of VMs?

Kill yourself Ping.

As an American, I'd rather an American company spy on me than a Chinese one.

>Steam isn't just a launcher, false flagging dork. It's an entire community and a fully featured system of gaming tools.
None of which is neccesary to play video games. It's forced DRM with a coat of normalfag friendly paint.

>Other companies and websites spy on you
>That's why we need even more of it
No, Valve and the other companies can fuck off too.

Attached: 1540967099262.jpg (791x1024, 83K)

>Why is being forced to use DRM spyware a bad thing
Gee, I wonder.

Oh, you're trying to be smart and turn around the spyware thing, go ahead.

fuck you and fuck chinks and fuck epic

Attached: chink_stealing.png (979x846, 892K)

The fuck are you talking about?

This is news-speak for "renamed TXT extension to JPG"

It's an anti piracy measure. You're forgetting that Steam was created to do something everyone thought was impossible, which was to offer something better than stealing games for free. Getting 0% hurts a lot more than getting 70%. I'm sure those in bed with Epic will learn this before long. Every launcher is the same thing and the launchers themselves don't actually hurt you in any way. In fact, they make things very convenient.

Valve literally saved PC gaming, which was almost nothing but piracy, by making Steam. Now Epic is doing the exact opposite and forcing people to pirate again.

Attached: the-easiest-way-to-stop-piracy-is-not-by-putting-antipiracy-technology-to-work-its-by-giving-those-p (850x440, 60K)

>China is a land where copyright isn't respected in the slightest, they just copy whatever makes them money and they are basically unreachable from international lawsuits
>In this culture we should trust Epic store to not take more marketing data than everyone else already does

No real accountability means no trust.

Who knows ?

Still pirate

When will they start porting Japanese games?

epic shill detected

I'm ok with that, just don't buy from Epic.

How much do they pay you? I could use some extra cash.

Attached: Get_fucked_chink_shill.jpg (406x258, 35K)

>be chink
>born in Jin dynasty
>life was good
>Mongol came in
>raped,enslaved and killed by mongol
>reborn again to be chink
>now on Ming dynasty
>life was good
>manchu came in
>raped,enslaved and killed by manchu
>force to adopt "peking pineapple" hair
>Bong made you hook up opium
>sino japanese war
>lose Korea to Japan
>The Century of Humiliation
>boxer rebellion happen
>Xinhai revolution
>second sino japanese war
>get raped by japanese
>chinese national vs chinese communist on chinese civil war
>communist party win

good job chankoro

pic related

Attached: Chinese are the stupidest motherfuckers in history.png (901x461, 138K)

>Americans are the dumbest fucks on the planet
Russians are much dumber

If it's already everywhere then why does Epic need to gather it all again?

Fuck chinks

Attached: IMG_20190409_120609.jpg (1242x1744, 285K)

Fuck every last chink until they're fuckin extinct.

Attached: 1464402576722.png (1039x711, 429K)

China is cancer

gayson has been sucking chink dick for 5 months straight now

>French Cock
Someone is thirsty for some baguette

Let’s not pretend anyone is better

>You morons realise every website and program you use "spies" on you right?

You realize you don't have to use Windows and proprietary software right?

I only use Linux and EVERYTHING on my OS is open-source, except Steam, Battle.net, and video games.

I also have ublock origin and umatrix in Firefox, along with other privacy settings enabled.

Attached: 1481752910147.jpg (480x640, 61K)

>White pigs

Attached: DpSCqLtUcAESWzX.jpg:large.jpg (2048x1024, 343K)

>here in the EU

They should extend the mutts up the north.

Literally every fucking country in the world does this
Fuck chinks and fuck mutts and fuck everyone else

I don't want to waste years of my life setting up a bunch of shit that has almost 0 support

>The Epic Store is shit for other reasons but "CHINA SPY ON ME" isn't one
fuck off xin ling shill ting

>You seem pretty interested in talking about Valve and Steam so could you answer me this?
Why should I use Epic instead of Steam?

Use Epic for exclusives, steam for everything else. It's not rocket science valvetard.

Attached: 1554705649172.png (382x349, 138K)

Linux has better support for almost all open source software than Windows though.

I can go on developer's github issue trackers, bug trackers, IRCs, discords, forums, mailing lists...

And talk with actual developers, or highly knowledgeable people.

When have you ever got that kind of support on Windows?

I talk directly with developers all the time.

If you're not using open source software for almost everything, even if you don't care about anything but practical differences, you might be retarded.

When I click on a picture I want to see it, I don't want to talk to some twat for 6 hours.

Damn you found out that Linux doesn't have image viewers.

Don't tell people that

>astroturfing for epic games

Attached: speciallman.jpg (465x822, 68K)

>ceo says consumers wont decide where they'll play games the developers will
Why support somebody who spits on you

Guess what?
Epic is an American company incorporated in the U.S. with American owners and managers.