>Let's make Superman the bad guy!
Let's make Superman the bad guy!
he did nothing wrong
Because then he actually becomes interesting
If Superman is the good guy what's the point of anyone else?
injustice had terrible animations, terrible art design, and terrible voice acting. who actually liked this trash
Superman being made into a villain is symbolic of how people woke up to the realization that the white western world is history's true menace
It was fun for 5 minutes
Because he is
Imagine having such a victim complex you try to find a reason to get offended by Injustice
Fuck off, Lex, you coping bald manlet.
What's wrong? in the first game, the final fight is good superman kicking his ass.
You know I wouldn't mind the overdone "evil Superman" trope if it was done like the Red Son story but this version is so terribly done.
Because a story about a world coping with an antagonistic god is more interesting than a story about a world protected by a 100% good god.
God damn western art is trash
>I am a man.
>I hope.
It's amazing how good such a short little pair of sentences is. Really captures the dual nature of Luthor.
So he can fight batman
Jewish desire to invert morals, but an innate lack of ability to create his own icons
>Red Son
>Evil Superman
Bitch, he's only doing what's best for the world.
Because it's a neat concept. But you need to fucking earn it. You don't just start with evil Superman. You need to see him at his best so that his worst actually has impact. They made the same mistake in the DC movies. We got one movie where Supes was good, then he was killed in the next and brought back to be evil for 5 minutes before becoming good again.
superman was created by a couple of jews
Superman is the best DC villain.
Prove me wrong, you can't.
Luthor was the hero all along.
symbol of hope and unstoppable force became villian, its a pretty scary thing to imagine.
shut up shitskin
A large majority of superheroes are
You mad bro??
Black Adam, what's my reward?
can't go one fucking thread without jewish conspiracy theories, stay fucking classy Yea Forums
Because he is.
Because when DC wants to go dark, Supes is usually the one who'll get shit on the most.
Superman is a shit mary sue that is the best at everything and can do no wrong. He's boring. You can actually make good use of his character by making him a villain. The good superman from the real universe beats him in the end anyway.
famine I understand. superman could feasibly do that, but is he really such a retarded character he thought he could control everyone in the world?
I hope the next Injustice will have original Superman as an alternate skin or something. Unstoppable optimists like Jay Garrick and Starfire were a breath of fresh air in that grim and cynical universe.
Obligatory Irredeemable recommendation.
Go read this shit, it is great.
where is my pic
How do miss the point this hard? It also makes more sense with context
It was great until the demon, it all went downhill after that
Because then Superman just might be a decent character for once instead of the invincible boy scout.
Normalfag. Just a normalfag.
Supes being a boy scout is his appeal. Just because you're too """"mature"""" for him doesn't mean he's a bad character.
>Batman forces his counterproductive and selfish ideology onto every other hero making impossible to protect people properly
>Superman decides to kill the maniac who nuked his home city and made him kill his pregnant wife
Captain Cold
Superman was supposed to be a villain then one of the creators' father got mugged and shot then died, so they changed him to be invulnerable and good.
I like MK vs DCU.
It’s times like these where I think Superman really shines as a character. He’s the most powerful mortal in the universe but still has respect for the little guy.
Superman, and superheroes in general, work best when they’re being “heroes” rather than being just “super.”
He lets a maniac kill people and doesn't kill him because muh "if I kill him I'm as bad as him!"
Injustice had some good bits between all the NAAARGHs. It's a shame they fucked it up so hard at the end of year 2.
That why they made the prequel comics.
>retards who don't get what Superman is about
Jesus Christ, Superman is fucking based
I can see why if you were familiar with his comic track record seeing someone so morally just get pushed over the edge to the dark side might be interesting
He's not the bad guy though
It's batman who's the worst offender with this and the Joker. Injustice was set off because Batman let Joker do whatever he wanted and he ended up wiping out Metropolis and tricking Superman into killing Lolis.
One of the better what ifs was the dream Superman was forced to endure where he was stopped right before he killed Lolis, but then Batman kills the joker afterwards, and then he willingly does his time in prison afterwards. even though it's clear everyone thinks he did nothing wrong and superman has absolutely no problem busting him out of prison.
superman doesn't actually have a no kill policy; he just doesn't kill those he can easily subdue. Shit like doomsday would be ridiculous if he couldn't (try) to kill it
man, I really dislike the way they draw characters in the ewer things. It reminds me of part 1 JoJo with it's angular lines.
>famine I understand. superman could feasibly do that,
could he now?
That's red son, he was raised by honest hard working ukranian farmers. He believes in Marx's dictatorship of the proletariat as much as normal supes believes in the American way.
I'm almost sure batman only doens't kill humans.
lex is bitter superman fucked his fiance
>the dream Superman was forced to endure
I thought you're gonna ref For the Man Who Has Everything.
Even her bride is bald
It's really not the bad, objectively a step up from the old JLA animation. And they managed to not make it look like weebshit which a lot of newer capshit animation tends towards which is fantastic.
this one is not the same whitout the context
>everyone too scared to act up v supes
>even people as strong or stronger than supes since he's been pretty meh for years now
>the fucking martian manhunter is in a stage, does nothing
>only manage to really fight back when good supes is brought in to fight himself
>all the villains have absolutely no qualms fighting good supes
At first I thought supes was a bigger mary sue than usual in this but then I realized his whole fucking reality has no spine
Morisson = Luther
Hypercrisis is real.
>terrible animations, terrible art design, and terrible voice acting
This is why you read the comic.
This was a magical induced dream, not a parasite induced dream.
>Superman, the symbol of mankind's ability to transcend their own limitations and be the best they can be, is only interesting when he's an edgy murderer
The series look great though. It's just their full features that look like this.
What a speciesist.
>is born amazing
Wow bro you really transcended
And then Luthor made a time machine so he could go back in time, travel to Krypton, fuck Superman's mother so he was the father, and then come back to the normal time so he could tell Kal he fucked his mom and "who's your daddy" and couldn't do a thing about it.
They just pulled the same shit they've done with Raiden, and Liu Kang, multiple times before. Make the infallible good guy into the evil guy all of a sudden. Netherrealm are shit at writing stories. They're fucking fighting games.
>not human
>push past limits
>he literally had no limits pre-crisis, still barely has any that matter
Yea no
You're talking about Batman right now.
how can someone hates superman
he is literaly one of us
Because Superman is not a good character and he exists to basically be an invincible hero who is amazing at everything whose only flaw is a glowing green rock from another solar system.
If it weren't for that plot convenience, he'd be the poster boy for Gary Stu characters and that just isn't fascinating, entertaining or engaging in any manner to a reader, viewer or player.
Lex Luthor has always been right from the start.
>be god
>"just be yourself bro"
pretty based moment from the JLA series
Just to give BM and SM a reason to fight. Nothing more.
it's weird how people think supes is like 3 tiers above everybody else. He's not even the strongest guy in the JL. Hell even the GLs can give him a decent fight when they decide not to job
Wasn't that Golden Age Supes
this, even as a kid I recognised Supes was boring as hell. Also the cryptonite varies, sometimes a pebble of it almost kills him instantly and othertimes he can have a rock placed on him for an entire day and he'll still survive.
He's shit.
Lex Luthor is still an asshole, though
>50 foot batman
People keep bringing up this moment but always forget to mention that Darkseid beats him like 5 seconds after it.
supeman stories are not about SUPERMAN, superman stories are about the PEOPLE superman saves.
cuz muh le edgy cimemetic universe lmao that sure lasted long.
You can't make the symbol for hope into a careless murderer, it just doesn't work.
They arent creative, other then fun and cool comic moments rhe story is absolutely awful
I can never enjoy playing Superman in Injustice 2 because they made evil superman the definitive version only, at least in 1 it was kind of optional but every specizl dialoug has then calling for his Heas because soem fucko at nethrealms thinks Its "deep storytelling"
Also Injustice desighs are shit for a lot of these characters
Its beause when people bring up comicbook feats, they tend to bring up the biggest ones, which for supes is pre-crisis bullcrap like casually going back in time by flying a bit faster or outrunning one of the dimensional imps.
Post-crisis he's not that big of a deal, even in the Justice League, Martian Manhunter does everything he does better and more
I liked the voice acting in IN2 a lot.
JLA and Unlimited made him a grade A jobber. Everybody knows that, and this is probably one of the few moments in the show where he' gets to be cool before jobbing again.
so is there still no crack or anything that's 50GB+ for Injustice 2
>Dr Who clone guy could've won the whole time if they really chose to.
I don't get it why does he wait until the literal worst possible time to decide to force Plutonians hand
not like he overpowered him. He hit supes with magic bullshit
It'd be a good speach if superhumans weren't a dime a dozen in that universe. Literally entire species on or abover his level
Post the edit before the jannies kill the thread.
atleast they let flash shine
This is bullshit but I believe it.
actually the best interpretation of superman
he's not even the most impressive comic character
>literally born Godmode Mary Sue
>no tragic backstory/road to redemption/catalyst that made him realize what it is to truly be a hero/etc, he just kinda sorta had good parents
>never had any limits to surpass
>not even human
Granted I do like him as a character, but I could easily see how people could find him boring.
it's easy to tell the writer is leaning hard-left when their definition of a unfair world is because "people who I don't like aren't dead"
Genuinely pissed of Superman is terrifying
>superman doesn't actually have a no kill policy
Yes he fucking does. You can count the times he's resorted to that on one hand.
>Runs into a sword
Comic feats are meaningless since they have different writers
What better way to tear down the white male than to make their greatest hero it's great villain?
THis is how you subvert a society folks
Captain america is supes done better in every way.
Not really. They're different concepts.
>Specically says right there he has one
not him but isn't Supes more like Goku? like he'll kill people but he gives them multiple chances
>Be a conservative
>Be upset when Superman uses Kadaffi, Castro and Manson as examples of life being not fair.
When will we get a Captain Marvel game where we have to stop Mr. Mind and Dr. Sivana?
Superman is inherently terrifying and if you can't see that you're fucking retarded.
He is demonstrably ONE bad day away from being the harbinger of mankind's destruction and you hold the fucker on a pedestal.
goku kills people all the fucking time
he let strong people live so he could fight then again
>he plays fightan for the story
bro it's always ever just a backdrop so the stronkk people wailing on each other using special powers makes sense don't read too much into it
Except he has character and morals which is why he is never one bad day away
No, he does have an oath against killing anyone if he can help it. Bar like 2 or 3 exceptions in like 80 years he's never broken it.
>don't want anyone in particular to die
>"lmao conservative"
besides being a man and a god, how do they differ?
What's the context of this?
What the fuck, no hes not retard
sups is a lolifag
>Cry about ideology
>Why would people think I'm the other side?
What are we doing here, moron? He already mentions his oath in the very first picture you posted, the one you didn't bother to read because you're a slow child. You're also now posting golden age comics, WW2 propaganda ones too. It's baffling how you just post shit mindlessly without giving it a second look, trying to act smug while parading your idiocy.
>ONE bad day
Fuck off Joker, The Killing Joke proved you wrong.
I had this dream where I have my own family then I woke up.
It was cracked but some characters were bugged.
Doesn't that just weaken them, not kill them?
>everyone who isn't with me is against me
go get help you pathetic schizo
thats more than one hand
Different continuities, game over, man.
People in this thread pretending to know shit about a character they never read, hes fallen a number of times and had to struggle just like any other character, hes powerful but his villains are as well
These same people be okay with Goku being about the damn same
he had his bad day
long exposition can be fatal
This art is fucking awful. Everyone looks like they're melting. I can never comnit to reading this shit becauee of the horrible art and coloring.
Cry more batman
Inb4e Goke training meme
They wanted to have an iconic hero become a bad guy, and they didn't want to use Batman because MUH INCORRUPTIBLE BATMAN fanboying
epic xD
and a extra spiderman for you all
Why did Zack Snyder have Batman kill people?
the main difference is that supes actively tries to be force for good while goku is a sociopath
Shut up baldy
who did batman kill
people are WAY more resistent than you give then credit
a few broken bones and burn marks dont kill nobody
id argue that even the guy with the flame thrower survived
he will feel pain for the rest of his life but he survived
Thats so stupid, Batman is rarely ever a badguy
I wish we got a story where he took over, he knows almost everyones weakness might not be that hard
t. 40 cakes
yeah but goku never said to be a good person
he saved the world MULTIPLE times but thats because he likes fighting or the people were in the way of him briging his friends back
fuck goku wanting to peopel to take care of thenselves caused earth to be destroid in the buu arc
Literally because he thought a no-kill rule was a childish fantasy. He called everyone who complained about it childish at a con recently. It's hilarious because even the fucking Nolan trilogy gave Batman a no-kill rule and enforced if believably, and they were both more mature films and better received than Snyder's. The poor bastard has something wrong in his head.
Because Evil Ryu
in Batman vs Superman he's using live ammo in the batmobile and shoots several people iirc
>he thought a no-kill rule was a childish fantasy. He called everyone who complained about it childish at a con recently
what an asshole
>Nolan trilogy gave Batman a no-kill rule
that he breaks in the ending of the first movie
People survive ridiculous shit daily.
Though people also die to ridiculously miniscule shit.
he shots cars,making then explode and fliping then and making then fall over people
again broken bones, maybe even some people paralized but no deaths
problem with evil batman is that he can't realistically deal with multiple heroes at the same time. Even his contingencies are just for "x" member going rouge and not the whole league at the same time. If Martian, Supes, and the flash all decide to take out bats then there's little he can do without heavy plot protection
I said enforced realistically. Batman has the rule, and opts not to save al Ghul from the train because it would mean certain death for all of Gotham.
Meanwhile Snyder's Batman literally guns down drug dealers.
>hes powerful but his villains are as well
I think that's what people miss is that the rogue gallery is only as tough as required unless there's another reason.
You have Batman deal with Sup's rogue gallery and sooner or later, all the prep time in the world won't stop him from getting killed. Meanwhile Superman would mop the floor with Batman's Rogues.
The one gallary I can think of where it's totally lopsided, would be Flash's. But then most of his Rogue have an unwritten deal and rules with Flash where they commit crimes, but only kill if it's part of the job and don't go out of their way to target women and children. And they do this because they know Flash has the ability erase them from existence or just royally fuck hem up. Hell they fully knew the game itself wasn't winnable and expected never to actually kill flash either.
>Pet peacefully passing away just being with you
Fuck man this always hit me hard I had the same thing happen with my first dog
Both Superman and Goku are awfully written. Superman is just a moral/power fantasy on steroids, not saying there is anything wrong with enjoying that, but it does detract from how interesting he can be.
There is an issue where Joker comes to Metropolis and he Supes beats him without throwing a punch by convincing him if he doesn't give up Superman will kill him.
Then he goes to the Batcave and threatens Batman to keep Joker out of Metropolis or else.
Because he's only interesting as a bad guy
Fuck of Zach Snyder, pick up a comic book for fuck's sake.
That was an awful comic, and among other problems wrote Batman way the fuck out of character, literally siccing Joker on Metropolis to cause untold destruction just to see if Superman could beat him. Retarded.
Cope with what? You... you do realize that disliking terrorists and murderer cult leaders is a pretty bipartisan stance, right? I'm PRETTY sure both sides of the political spectrum dislike the 3 people mentioned in that line of dialogue.
see>he thought a no-kill rule was a childish fantasy. He called everyone who complained about it childish at a con recently
>The Flash is still alive. I can sense him telepaaAAAAGGHHH!!
Isn't this Multiverse Online?
supes is based because he could rule the planet while barely even trying and yet he chooses to live as a human. the only jl member who could feasibly beat him is the flash, and he'd somehow fuck it up because it would be a crossover comic
How come Flash is always so underpowered? With his powers he should be one of the strongest heroes ever
I like it because it basically has Superman calling out Batman and Joker's homolust for each other, even if the rest of it was kinda trash.
>be a literal walking trainer
>just git gud bro
Superfags are the worst
>He thinks Superman can just kill Lex Luthor as he pleases
show me when he shots at someone
he uses a empty car to destroy one car, shots the wheels on another one making it flip
the guy that hits the tanker did it to himself
batman LITERALY killed nobody in this
Lego Batman is best batman, prove me wrong.
ITT: edgelords trying to defend their emo capelord
>Batman knows that killing will lead to an authoritative reign that blurs the lines between pety theft and mass homicide
>Superman kills the Joker
>He then starts a world wide regime, killing innocent people and hiring former criminals
hes usually underpowered in crossover books with the other jl members. his real strength is only highlighted in his solo books. his powerset is so overpowered he trivializes the league.
>dude bro world of cardboard
>gets beaten on the regular by people he had no need to hold back on and no civilians to endanger
>superman ends a madman with countless kills under his belt
>decides to persuade the world to stop fucking up
>bats confronts him at every minor opportunity and pushes him over the edge
fuck off bruce
Kinda like Spiderman. Normally Rhino is a guy who can lift a tank and destroy walls with his head.
Because brainlets can't make him interesting without edge.
Just look at retards like
>Superman has his home city destroyed and is tricked into killing his pregnant wife
>Batman, rather than attempting to understand what his best friend is going through, immediately abandons him because he killed the villain he had a raging boner for
>The only people who seem to have any sympathy for him are the ones telling him he should by a tyrannical dick
>People are surprised when he ends up becoming a tyrannical dick
Why is Batman vs Superman such a common battle they like to pull out if never ever Superman is trying to hurt Batman during it or is being controlled by some 3rd grade villain who doesn't force him to go full earth destroying strength?
Bruce did nothing wrong. It was legitimately Wonder Woman that turned Clark evil because she got wet seeing him be a monster.
>Flash vs Braniac/Luthor
What's lost here if you didn't watch the series is that scene of Superman grabbing Luthor by the neck and then standing down was the culmination of 3 seasons of build up. Since in an older episode, there was another universe where Luthor became president, killed flash and then Superman murders Luthor and becomes dictators with the rest of the Justice League. So there was always the question of would our Superman do the same thing.
JLA is so underrated. Even the post script season, if anything for the mind swap of Luthor and Flash where Luthor's voice actor just goes to town.
>That's no restful...
Brute force vs brains, god vs man.
not to mention wonder woman was giving him that magic puss while whispering in his ear to rule the world
JLA: Tower of Babel
I mean he enjoys a good fight but that's par for the course in his universe, even Earth which is filled with low power level jobbers has that tournament Goku used to be crazy about and that always had a packed stadium. How exactly is he a sociopath?
batman is human, superman is an alien god
They're the two most popular DC heroes and have crossed over thousands of times.
To be fair, everything in dragon ball is extremely inconsequential within the context of the story.
But Superman is literally more intelligent than Bruce
Alright, but what's the point if Superman is always holding back?
It isn't really a fight if one side isn't even trying.
The Dark Knight returns one is the biggest offender with that "I'M THE ONE WHO DEFEATED SUPERMAN" or whatever line while Clark was like "Bruce, please stop this crap" the whole fight.
Technically that was Ghul swiping batman's plans.
This, but batman pretending nothing was wrong and sulking that he lost the Joker really didn't help.
he almost just walked away and let frieza live just because he gave goku a good ass fight, the asshole that just murdered his best friend for most of his life, tried to murder his only fucking son, and also murdered his only connection to his alien homeworld. the only reason goku even "killed" him was because frieza tried to cheap shot him
Because The Dark Knight Returns was incredibly popular. But people forget that It was actually Batman and Green Arrow vs Superman, and it was still Superman almost winning until Bruce faked a heart attack.
>Alright, but what's the point if Superman is always holding back?
It's what they want in the end that matters. Superman wants total control and Batman doesn't.
batman has the power of bullshit on his side
batman was an old bitter man who had to grasp to any victory he could. everyone knows Clark is more human than bats and would win everytime if he was serious. the difference is, he will never try that hard because hes not a dick who has to win that fight
I think you have that backwards user. The only time that is true is Injustice, in every other reality Batman is MUCH more of a control freak than Superman.
You doubt Wonder Woman can beat Superman?
To make this slightly more Yea Forums related, how would you use Superman in a video game isn't a fighting game and where he isn't a villain?
"One bad day" is literally the entire point of Injustice, the topic of this very thread, you fucking moron
Batman and Superman are bros, they shouldn't be fighting.
>today I will remind them
It's also why a lot of people think the premise of Injustice is dumb, because Superman has suffered loss plenty of times and not become evil.
He didn't break Jim, but he did break Batman.
Robin's so fucking cool holy shit
>When the sidekick is just right
Just becasue it's true doesn't be it isn't shit.
injustice is literal garbage and relies on a fuckton of people acting out of character to even get anywhere
Toth vs gaara
Ra's has the Lazarus pits tho so killing him is only temporary
>Superman power level
Also if you want to get the best take on Superman's kill policy, ready 'What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way?' Because it was written as a rebuttal when the 'kill them all' craze was in full swing.
They didn't even research the rematch, they just made it to go "NUH UH WE WEREN'T WRONG"
Has he suffered having his city nuked and killing his pregnant wife by accident on the same day?
You're a bunch of fucking sheep, nobody as "perfect" as Superman should be allowed to exist unchallenged. He's a nigh unkillable titan and something as simple and common as the death of the woman he loves can push your supposed moral paragon off the fucking deep end.
He's a menace, no human who values the continued existence of mankind should be a friend of Superman.
>the symbol of mankind's ability to transcend their own limitations and be the best they can be
he's the opposite. He was born a god and is a god just because he is. Ironic that you post Lex Luthor who is exactly what you described, a mere human who still manages to challenge a literal fucking Superman. If anyone's inspiring it's him
>Because it was written as a rebuttal when the 'kill them all' craze was in full swing.
didnt they already made that with kindgom come?
>that one time Doc Ock got control of Spider-Man's body
>was trying to play the part of hero as to not raise suspicion
>comes across The Scorpion - a heavily armored super villain - doing villain shit as usual
>throws a medium strength punch at him and literally rips his jaw clean off his skull and blows it across the street
>realizes how strong Spidey is and just how much he holds back in fights
Spidey ain't no joke
Sandbox game where shit happens across the globe and you can only be in one place at a time, and the public of every country reacts to you differently. Also, since you're not omniscient, you might act upon misinformation and quell an uprising that was actually righteous and not terrorist like the newspaper said. And then the same newspaper would shit on you for putting down freedom fighters. Along these lines, I think you can imagine the rest, like supervillains getting up to shit every now and then.
Go away baldy, you're not convincing anyone.
>famine I understand. superman could feasibly do that
what? If the food constraint isn't there population will explode, it'll just wreck everything unless he also somehow implements population controls or eugenics or something. Which is about as dystopian as it gets.
Superman is the hero that is most attached to the juvenile origins of comics.
You know, back when they were actually intended for children and not for beardfats.
superman is a SUPER HERO
SUPER HEROES need to be SUPER, otherwise they are just plain HEROES
If i want to watch a hero whitout powers i go and watch indiana jones, he is 10x the man batman is
The animated version's opening is fucking kino.
I know Metropolis has been destroyed before, and I know Lois has been killed before, or at least he's though she has been, but I'm unsure if they have ever happened at the same time, and I'm pretty confident in saying if it has it hasn't been while she was pregnant.
Lex is RIGHT though.
A man-god has no right to be. His mere existence devalues our own.
No one cares about your shitposting Lex.
I would love to whats going on here but I also just don't.
Would penance stare work on Superman?
That's how I remember the Injustice comics starting, Joker hatcing a scheme that lead Superman into killing Louis (that he just found out was pregnant) and her pulse was connected to a bomb that would explode when it stopped.
I don't think I'll ever understand people who find Superman interesting. It's just One Punch Man, but unironically
Lex you would be right if it wasn't for the fact that you have done more damage to humanity than Superman ever could.
then why doesn't he crusade against the other many, demigods? Lex is and has always been an egotistical bastard that only wants to do shit that benefits him
Will never stop being mad about how fucktarded they made him in the Flash tv series. He deserved better.
>kindgom come
No, that's just Ross and Waid shitting on Superman's idealism.
what book?
>rad leftists disliking Castro
Git gud then.
Might as well say white people shouldn't exist because asians are smarter.
Fuck off, Lex.
>Punisher. I punish you.
You have too much faith in a juvenile omnipresent demigod that has faced no true hardship.
Superman can only do two interesting things, die or turn evil.
He isn't against killing, but it is the absolute last resort and I'm sure as hell he regrets it 1 super nanosecond after.
Penance Stare would destroy Superman. He has a truly ridiculous guilt complex about all the times he failed to save people.
Im not ready for this feel trip
A well placed Kamehameha would destroy Superman since he has no resistance to spiritual energy
I'm sad that Lex is the only one who doesn't seem to be enjoying himself here.
>tfw you can hear death from across the world but you can't save everyone.
Is this Barry or Wally? Cause it's not really out of character for Wally.
he did though, he killed billy for basically no reason
We were talking about other times bad things have happened to Superman and how it hasn't resulted in him becoming a Tyrannical Dictator on those occasions.
Superman is too perfect, everybody loves him too much despite being an unstable demigod that could end human existence in an instant. He doesn't deserve to be, he's a mistake that needs to be undone.
Diana is as tough, fast and strong as Supes, doesn’t have two crippling weaknesses unlike Supes, and is equipped with magical weapons that can bypass Supes’ biologically based invulnerability, and has literal centuries of combat experience. WW would wipe the floor with Supes in most scenarios.
Let's face it, Superman is a conservative's worst nightmare because at their core, they believe some are born to lead and just subject people. Superman is a man who has the power to be one of those people, but he chooses to act is society's best interest. That sort of selflessness flies in the face of every believe they have.
What the hell is up with the shadows on their skin
That's not how light works
Barry. I forget what happens to wally and all of the superkids/teen titans in injustice
And I'm talking about the bad things happening all at the same time
Is that Daffy Duck?
I wouldn't be surprised since they are both owned by Warner.
Batman is the best DC villain.
Go to bed Luthor.
shoo shoo nazi frog
>symbol of mankind when he’s not a human and thus hasn’t transcended anything because the limits of mankind do not apply to him
Good job being a retard, my dood.
DC did a bunch of crossover stuff with Looney Tunes not long ago. Like Batman fighting Elmer Fudd.
And yet, when Lex Luthor, a normal human, became more powerful than Superman, the only thing he could think to do with the power was try to destroy Superman. Which was literally the only thing he wasn't allowed to do.
how could you possibly feel that way about supes when fucking plastic man exists, lex?
>The love of my parents
The must have hurt at least as much as a punch from Superman.
Fucking this. I don't get how Superman can stay sane when he can hear pretty much everything.
This hurts, man.
Is that the source for the comic where Michigan J Frog has a faster reaction time than the Flash?
Superman is everybody's worst nightmare because he's a living God and you are veritable chattel before him.
Nobody has an ideology congruent with being the unwilling subject of an imperfect man-god held in check by only a loose adherence to his own often questionable morals and his girlfriend still being alive.
No that's from a much older comic from back in the 90s.
Reminder that Superman is literally an untouchable God that can body any fictional character ever created
I can't even imagine my cats dying, they're my fucking babies, thank god they're still young, 3 and 5
Because Superman needs to be destroyed.
Lex seeking to do nothing else but end Superman's existence is evidence enough that he is motivated more by the mildly altruistic goal of freeing humanity from the demon that is Superman than any self-serving hunger for power of his own.
didnt they killed prime in a comic last month
Plastic Man is a joke, Superman is a humanity-threatening aberration.
>implying 99.9% of the people who talk like this aren't self-loathing whites
That's basically the plot of Irredeemable and Incorruptible. Not-Superman goes crazy from all the pressure of being Not-Superman and the other Heroes of the world try and stop him. It was Injustice before Injustice was a thing.
>Superman cartoon, titled "The Man of Tomorrow"
>Highly futuristic sci-fi bent to it, maybe some Fleischer for flavor
>Metropolis is a super-city founded by Lex Luthor as the City of Tomorrow
>Crime is non-existent, medicine is so incredible that citizens live to their late 90s on average, everyone is superficially happy
>But Metropolis runs like a company town where instead of money you're paid in Metro credit, meaning you possess no capital outside of Metropolis; you're permanently under Luthor's thumb and he owns everything in the City, which he abuses under the table.
>Superman comes as a rural outsider from Kansas, a stranger to the city's ways, and haphazardly blows the lid on the intense corruption running through the city.
>Superman's supporting cast is familiar but tweaked:
>Lois is a frustrated reporter in a city with no news that gets a guilty thrill of Superman's arrival causing chaos and letting her break the story on Luthor's corruption
>Jimmy is a vain blogger type that records Superman for attention and slowly gets swept up into believing in his cause and using his social media as a platform for Supes' message
>Cartoon is episodic but has a running subplot of both Superman and Lex Luthor battling for public perception of the title of "Man of Tomorrow", Luthor trying to keep control of Metropolis while Superman tries to unshackle them from blissful dependence. Action comes from Superman battling Luthor's goons as well as brand new criminals and supervillains that pop up as side effects of Luthor's grip on the City slipping, which Luthor capitalizes on to paint Superman as a dangerous extremist bringing danger and crime to his perfect city.
>Greater themes of whether peace is worth being owned like property, if it's better to know the truth or live in blissful ignorance, and whether the future of humanity lies in safety or bold risks.
This would be cool as shit if it wasn't for the fact that it's totally not how the Penance Stare works.
She’s cute
Lex, they're waiting for you in the Legion of Doom thread in Yea Forums.
Luthor: Man of Steel
he can be good he just isn't often and they also don't call him super man either
Who the hell is billy?
Because Snyder is a hack.
Captain Marvel
Billy Batson, aka Shazam, aka Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel
You people are hopeless. Superman's resistance to the temptation of evil is what makes him inspiring. To have all that power and still choose to do what is right IS THE ENTIRE POINT.
Brainlets. The lot of you. Every single superman hater I've ever talked to is a fucking retard.
Isnt it something like a divine intervention is preventing Ghostrider from using the stare on Punisher? Its been a while but I have vague memories of angels absolving him
I'm disappointed that with all the name jokes they made in Shazam!, they didn't use Captain Marvel once.
to be fair, I'd do anything ww told me to if she shoved her ass or feet in my face
If you're not terrified by the existence of an unkillable god who you can only hope doesn't decide to blow up the planet tomorrow, you're an absolute idiot.
His death was fucking retarded. Not only it was absolutely pointless, it also made no sense. Billy as tough as Superman when he is Shazam, he wouldn’t get overpowered that easily.
best not poke the mouse while he's active
>Batman needed to win by appealing to Superman’s good nature
That shows you all you need to know about Batman and Superman.
not even talking that he has magical regeneration that can heal him from being turned inside out
fucking lazer to brain would had NOT Killed him
>Billy is as tough as supes
Lets not get ahead of ourselves
Again you people prove that you miss the entire point of the character and show that is YOU who are the complete and utter retards.
Why should I be afraid when he chooses to do the best he can and doesnt abuse his power except for in low hanging fruit edgy side stories that only appeal to intellectually bankrupt souls like you?
Superman is a bipolar bitch while batman gets things done?
angel feather. Deadpool put it on him before this scene. Divine Power trumps Penance Stare.
>batman gets things done
>constantly lets women fool him, everyone from selina to talia royally fucks him in the head and heart
Explain why he's captain marvel? Because he represents her? Because his powers are similar? His movie has CGI facial features?
Right. Deadpool. Im now remembering that shit with deadpool being inappropriately affected as well because the biggest victim of deadpool is actually deadpool himself
>batman has a penis
Call the cops!
He had the name first. Marvels current captain marvel isnt even the original marvel captain marvel. She is Ms. Marvel. They killed off her husband and changed her name to suit their GURL POWER agenda.
Since nobody can do Superman's flying properly don't do open world. Just make a boss rush game with fun combat and huge set pieces with Mongul, Darkseid, Luthor, Lobo, and Mxyzptlk.
Alternately just set the game on Apokolips so Superman has an excuse to break lots of stuff
I dont think gordan can help Bruce with women user
DC can still use the name, even. They are just not allowed to name Billy’s comics “Captain Marvel”.
>you will never be hypnotized by poison ivy
the worst of times
Superman makes for a boring hero but an interesting villain
A super powerful almost impossible to kill guy that wants that he believes is good for humanity, totalitarian control withstanding, is an interesting take, especially with the irony being that he's an alien.
Penis doesn't mean you have to be a loser cuck
>They killed off her husband
No? Despite sharing a name, Mar-Vel and Carol only appeared in the same comic a few times after Carol became Ms. Marvel, mainly because he was flying around space and she was on Earth.
muh dick
>why should I be afraid of the man who needs to continue being an untouchably perfect moral paragon no matter what happens or else we all die horribly
Well gee, I don't know, maybe the fact that he's the largest latent one-man threat to mankind you can envision? Earth doesn't need Superman, he's only a time bomb waiting to go off.
His apparent perfection is an affront to human nature. Superman, with his lack of perceptible flaws, devalues your life by merely EXISTING. You can either accept the idea of a man-god literally more perfect than a human can possibly be as the defacto deific dictator of humanity, as your unelected god emperor whose sheer power and near omnipresence are a level beyond any manmade authoritarian regime, or you refuse to acknowledge that he could be so absolutely perfect, and upon doing so he is immediately recognizable for the demon he truly is.
I will not choose to be a slave and I will not choose to complacently live in fear of the one day to come when Superman finally stops pretending to be perfect.
what a top tier dad
Because a strong villain is needed for everyone to rise up against. If Superman remains the hero while Batman goes rogue, then he can either solve the problem in the span of an issue, or be killed off to solve the problem.
>and changed her name to suit their GURL POWER agenda
They changed her name because if they ever stop releasing Captain Marvel comics then DC can pick the license up from them.
By making their more popular character into Captain Marvel, they can make a movie named Captain Marvel and then continue to make semi-profitable Captain Marvel comics for all eternity.
You guys always act like it's some big conspiracy to destroy men, but it's simple business. All of these decisions are pure capitalism.
You're only proving your own monstrous nature with this reaction of fear and mistrust. Not Superman's. Not mankind's. Just yours. You're terrified of kindness and altruism because you've never once felt that way towards another person, and so you assume everyone else must be just like you. But they arent, and you're all alone.
If I were Robin, I'd turn the cameras off and masturbate onto the glass. Play a little "I show you my seed, you show me yours."
Leftists can't write worth a damn so they just try to subvert expectations by making good evil and everything else morally gray.
thanks for posting ivy user. I can only hope for the day they copy all the porn parodies and have her use her feet to spread pheromones
they could have just not killed the og captain marvel
Yeah, but Mar-Vell dying of cancer is the best comic death ever.
Plus then we got the Thanos Imperative out of it, which was the best cosmic run in a fucking half century.
You've never read a superman comic in your life and need to stop basing everything you know of him from injustice. Fucking brainlets man
>pure capitalism
>comic sales tank because of these dumb "progressive" choices
Sure user. Sure. At least I have the classics to revisit.
>maybe you're just old
Maybe that's the answer to all of these questions.
Altruism is an inherently selfish motivation. Rather than being truly selfless, altruism is just a roundabout way of making you feel good about yourself because oh boy you're such a good person for what you're doing. Even if you don't consciously fellate yourself for it, the dopamine reward circuit that your social and moral awareness is tied into in the first place is doing the fellating for you. Human empathy in general is just a mechanism for mental gymnastics to let you apply your self preservation instinct to those you recognize as "other" and through your social reward circuit end up feeling better about yourself for doing it.
Mankind, even through kindness and altruism, is flawed. Severely flawed. Are you sitting there on your ivory tower of ignorance and telling me that it isn't right to be scared of somebody who is most definitely not perfect, but who pretends to be? Somebody whose facade of perfection is the only thing standing between you and the eternal void? Not being able to save everybody all the time isn't a perceptible flaw, it's just more proof of how unstable and childish Superman truly is. He's a demon in disguise and your blind trust of him is fundamentally naive.
You just clearly can't understand Superman. He isn't human and isn't comparable by cold facts and logic. Not only should this god crush us, he's intelligent enough to exploit us so why isn't he?
If you can't see how terrifying an existence Superman is, you're delusional.
He has no right to pretend he's perfect. He has no right to be a god.
>but who pretends to be [perfect]?
The key line where you demonstrated you know nothing about Superman.
Its the silly shit they mix in that makes it all worth reading
See You clearly have some kind of complex you're projecting onto Superman. I dunno if you're just LARPing as Lex Luthor or what but Superman doesn't act anything like you describe him.
>muh boring Mary Sue
Something casuals tend to ignore is the historical context behind his creation. Superheroes had their genesis during the great depression, one of America's darkest times. If you read any supehero comics from this time you notice that a lot of them are stories about some super powerful dude (usually a rich scientist who knows martial arts) beating up criminals and saving the day. Superman was born from a simple mindset, which is a good guy who will never let you down, his very first adventure has him doing some outrageous shit that was even criticized in another comic where he meets modern superman.
It's important to note that as time passed, Superman stories changed a lot in structure. Some are still feelgood stories about a guy who was born with a gift and wishes to use it for good (which contrasts with Luthor who represents humanity's potential to do good going on a waste), others get more complex like Superman going through some internal crisis that cannot be solved with brute force, there are also stories like Red Sun and All Star which show that as powerful as he is, there are feats that are simply out of his reach.
Ultimately, saying Superman is boring is a huge misunderstanding of his character. The issue isn't he being too good to make a conflict worth it, but the writer needing to go one extra step to make the story deeper than a golden age single issue story. Shit like man of steel or Injustice are just really lazy alternatives that unfortunately hurt the character's public image and further fuel retarded casual preconceptions.
>Fucking brainlets man
I keep seeing that term, but I'm yet to see a compelling argument as to why Superman's character is so complex, or any examples of him having a proper character arc.
supes does not pretend to be perfect. hes his own biggest critic even more so than lex fucking luthor. read one of his books before pretending to know the character
>pretends to be perfect
see here's your problem. He doesn't pretend to be perfect. He even acknowledges that he's not perfect. He just does what he can because he knows he was gifted with phenomenal ability and those values were instilled into him by his parents. Hell in the grand scheme of things Shazam is a bigger potential threat than superman yet you don't see an agenda against him
Goku only killed 3 characters in all of DBZ.
2016 was one of the most profitable years for comic book companies in decades. Comic sales in general are way, way up from where they were a decade ago.
But here's the thing, Marvel doesn't need stuff like the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl to sell gangbusters. Instead of bringing in their A-List, million dollar talent, they just dip into the hundreds of thousands of people trying to break into comics and pay them the minimum amount. They can also skimp on the art and only do basic lines and colors rather than doing inking and such.
So if they only sell 10,000 copies at $4 a pop, they have more than profited off of it.
Friendly reminder Lex Luthor has a bigger penis than Superman
The Hancock movie did stopping a train best. Entire thing derailed and badly injured dozens, if not hundreds, of people. All when the superpowered freak could have simply moved the damn child.
>in the core of his soul, deep down inside, saving people and doing good actually makes him FEEL good
>therefore he is imperfect
>therefore we should fear him
Not the same user you are arguing with but I'm just not seeing your logic
>worse than the holocaust
How did they get away with this?!
You got past the "altruism is actually just selfishness" line? I stopped reading after I read that shit like the word for word argument an edgy kid in my high school gave for why Mother Theresea was actually evil.
and over 100 in DB
Lex is small time.
It is as simple as he has all that power but does his best to do the right thing. Again you people are fucking helpless and I'm done arguing with your type.
She was. Just not for those reasons
Superman has no reason to be (((good))), there's literally nothing to stop him
Fits the theme of the thread doesnt it?
>caring about some animals
Get laid and have babies, you manbabbies
>he almost just walked away and let frieza live just because he gave goku a good ass fight
Late reply but you're wrong. Goku actually felt pity for him, he gave him some energy after the fight just so he could escape with the ultimatum of never daring to hurt his friends again. When Frieza tried to cheap shot him is when he realized the man would never be redeemed and went for the kill.
Frieza is the only person Goku 100% hates, apart from possibly Zamasu. Even when he tried to recruit him for the ToP, Goku pretty much acts completely out of character by teasing him by pretending to leave when he refuses first, only because he knows Frieza is an absolute evil piece of shit.
muh dick
I am 100% ignorant when it comes to DC, but I hate how we're supposed to think characters like Lex, who have been villains since their inception are these complex individuals who somwhow bring up real arguments against superheroes. It just seems retarded to me. How the fuck did he become president? It's so stupid.
Again you miss the point of the character and focus only on side story what ifs.
It's been explained countless times. You people act like you know everything about the character when you know jack and shit.
nice cliping
couldnt he just take the kid from the rails?
fucking Superman ruining jobs and economy
Well yeah, but that was when he was a boy living in the sticks where the most important rule was eat or be eaten. Training with Kami is when he learned mercy.
these animators understand thighs
He does, tho. Everyone thinks his power comes from the sun. His power actually comes from friendship.
>Frieza is the only person Goku 100% hates
but not since Super right
golden age supes also destroyed section 8 housing to force the gov to build better homes for them, while just flying away at the end
where does General Zods power came from?
friendship also. it's why hes weaker than supes. he only has a handful of friends
You or somebody in this reply chain said it themselves, Superman isn't terrifying, he's inspiring, because he's a perfect uncorruptible moral paragon that can ultimately do no wrong. That he's a kind, selfless, impeccable altruist. Despite the fact that he is a man who has no perceptible flaws, he's totally trustworthy!
Because the only way Superman isn't terrifying is if you have 200% faith in him. The only way he isn't the greatest threat to humanity is if he IS the perfect being, the moral paragon, the man with 0 flaws that you claim he is.
And I'm telling you that that CANNOT be true. There's no such thing as a perfect man-god, it's not even a concepual possibility unless you wholly discard human nature and humanity entirely. I'm sorry to say but I'm a human and so the fuck are you.
Superman cannot be perfect. He's just a man, a man with all of the power and no real responsibility.
I'm not missing the point of the character, you are missing the reality of the man of tomorrow. The reality of what a man truly is.
he has better and more loyal friends, not the superficial facebook friendships of supernerd
>how the fuck did he become president
really? You live in this reality yet wonder how a rich, handsome, charismatic guy could be become president? Luthor rarely ever gets caught completely redhanded so to the general public he's just some rich guy who occasionally has some disputes. Sound familiar?
As for the anti super hero arguments, they usually bring up some good and valid points but you have to always keep in mind that despite these points being valid, the goal behind them from the antagonist's side is usually self serving instead of being for the general good
The virgin Kryptonians vs chad speedsters
remember for every time Superman acts as Lois personal bodyguard, somewhere else somebody else died who could really need Supermans help
Superman did literally nothing wrong, and if you sided with Batman you like having niggers fuck your wife.
>actually all things ARE just black and white and you can't look deeper into anything I don't want you to or you're an edgy teenager
Is your worldview so childish that you don't see room for any nuance in motivational schema?
Why is she so perfect
Do people actually like superman, or is it some kind of obligation with him being the quintessential super hero? Like, every fucking super hero is significantly more interesting than mr.perfect.
I'm being serious here, I can't see a single fucking reason to like this mary sue.
The Flash is a better character than Superman could ever be.
superman cant save everybody
Speedsters are bullshit and you kno
I bet you want Superman to fuck your wife and obliterate her into an explosion of disintegrated human ash and thick alien load with his solar powered Chad cock
hes my favorite. hes a godlike being who chooses to be more human than most human supers. he doubts himself and works to be better than he was yesterday. hes an alien but embodies what it is to be human and what it means to fail even with all the gifts hes been granted
maybe he needs to make up a good rule:
bring yourself in trouble - your own fault
Pretending to be perfect is choosing to be less human, not more. Humanity is characterised by flaws and imperfections.
Superman being sad that he can't save literally everyone all at once isn't a character flaw it's the infantile whining of an otherwise literal god.
"You keep getting tricked by these women, Batman. But I've got a solution to help you deal with these list problems. Batman, we need to rape the Joker."
Because he is a straight white male.
>perfect uncorruptible moral paragon that can ultimately do no wrong
Not them but this is blatantly wrong. Superman is just a farmboy playing pretend, his "perfect human bean" thing is just an image he maintains to inspire people in canon. He had plenty of moments where he questioned himself and showed some weakness, and this side of his is something only his closests friends like Bruce are aware of.
Or he could ally with the Joker.
Together they'd rise and crush women and brown people.
That's an Interesting conundrum. How do you rape the Joker?
But that's what I mean!
with a hand puppet
>capeshit tries to be deep
Netherrealm Studios are Marvel fans, and the Marvel Method is pitting heroes against heroes in a neverending cavalcade of events that render their actual villains irrelevant.
They make a good game, though.
He still hates him in Super, he's forced to go no bullshit on him just so he could cooperate during the last fight against Jiren and he still warns him that he'll defeat him if he ever tries his evil schemes again after he gets revived by Whis. Goku rarely gets actually furious but when he does is because his friends or family are threatened, with the main moments I can remember is when he turns Super Saiyan for the first time, when Black tells him he killed his family after his body switch wish and when Jiren out of a fit of rage tries to kill his friends during the ToP.
>he hasn't read For the Man Who Has Everything
these people dont know shit about superman
jesus christ user
just listen to yourself for a moment. repeat all that shit out loud and listen to yourself
this is why you're a failure.
i just find his interaction with him in the broly movie too friendly, like when he asked him for a word definition
>Superman is just a farmboy playing pretend
>his perfect human being thing is just an image he maintains
And that is EXACTLY my point. Superman isn't perfect, he just pretends to be.
The only thing keeping him in good favor is his apparent moral impenetrability and lack of perceptible flaws, and once you realize his perfection is a facade he's nothing short of a terrifying disaster waiting to happen.
DB Super is shit
You could punch Batman's face in as Lobo.
That's... Basically it.
Nice argument, retard.
>someone tries to have a conversation
>gee user you're not meant to actually discuss anything that isn't thots and weed!
have sex
what makes him more terrifying than the other heroes just as powerful or the actual villains?
Being human is about chasing ideals to the point of going against nature itself, even if said ideals can never be reached. Perfection is one of them, and subjective because not everything will be able to be measured on a universal scale to be defined as better or worse.
If superman was perfect then he would be just an idea in his own world. By simply being conscious and emotional he is already tainted and imperfect. His public image as "peak of humanity" can be perceived as perfect by jealous egomaniacs like Luthor, but the "man" on Superman, the Clark Kent (which is not a mask but the real person) is both flawed and human.
have sex
have sex
I actually haven't watched Broly yet so I can't say anything about it at the moment.
have sex
have sex
The fact that he pretends to be perfect and people believe in him for it.
Denying what makes you human doesn't make you more human. Pretending to be perfect betrays all those who believe in that false perfection.
>Superman isn't perfect, he just pretends to be.
There is evidence on this very thread that shows otherwise. He is not pretending to be perfect, he is just doing his best and the perfection is a big misunderstanding from a public (in universe) that doesn't know about Clark Kent. It's sorta like if Superman was a mask wore by Clark Kent, Clark doesn't really care about being perfect, he just wants to do his best and keeping this image happens to help inspire others to do the same.
>no tragic backstory
his planet got fucked
>Underpowered in crossovers
It's literally the case of not stealing the spotlight from Superman and Batman for the writers.
Flash war already proved that the JL couldn't do shit to stop Barry or Wally when they're serious.
And? It's not like he knew any of the people there.
I am right now.
Hold on a second, come here babe they think I'm lying.
Hi!!! This is user's girlfriend!! I'll have you virgins know that he's pounding my pussy real good right now while you're jerking off alone!! Goodbye now x3
See guys that was her, gonna go back to sticking my dick in, I'm just about to cum for the third time today. See ya N E R D S
Gladium, is that you?
What did NRS mean by this?
those nerds you fuckin Chad!!!1!
>Flash war already proved that the JL couldn't do shit to stop Barry or Wally when they're serious.
Except if they held a sword I suppose.
Seriously go shit up a e-celeb,/pol/shit, or a Twitter thread retard
Everybody thinks he's perfect and he goes out of his way to make sure he has no perceptible flaws, there is no misunderstanding.
If it started that way he obviously intends to perpetuate that mentality for his own gain, which is a whole new degree of questionable.
Everyone was nerfed in that comic to wank Deathstroke.
his parents
He was a literal baby he didn't know dick about his parents
Batman lost his family and didn't start crying like a little bitch and fucking over everyone after it happened.
he knew when he got older
Imagine being the sole survivor of any group of people and having to carry on that legacy. Sounds like an issue to me. We literally have people who scream genocide just because of racemixing
Finding out later that you were adopted isn't the same as being cognizant of your planet and patents blowing up as a sincere hardship.
That has always confused me. Why is it that when a white man fucks a black woman, their mixed race child is only black and not white. Isn't the child equal parts black and white? Can't you say the black race is getting eradicated there instead?
Snake, do you know about dominant and recessive genes?
Friendly reminder that Eastern Manga and anime will always be more authentic and visually pleasing than anything America will ever shit out because Easter media is based around playing and using human emotions with imagination while Western Media is based around using those against the viewer to try and take the moral high-ground.
Imagine being this cucked.
I fucking hate how that design tries to change the "underwear" part of his suit and ends up being more fucking stupid.
These characters existed for years and have been used by multiple people and in many works.
You're probably the same retard who thinks "why doesn't Batman just donates his money to the poor? i bet he's greedy".
Why though?
Only way to make him somewhat interesting.
Long hair works for him
Luthor is such an envious shit. "Abloo bloo, I could make Earth into a technological utopia with no disease, no food shortage and send mankind to the stars, but I won't because the sight of your indestructible hair curl makes me so mad I could spit"
Fundamental misunderstanding of the character. He's not pretending or trying. His very nature is to be that good and wholesome. It's why some people step in and help and you would pull your phone out and film. We aren't all trash and he is the purest form of hero. Don't project your shitty values on him. "What would people think of me?" is not his motivation ever.
>There are no Eastern Media that tries taking a moral high ground
>There are no Western Media that plays with emotions
It's not his gain but the gain of humanity itself. If people are inspired by him and make the effort to be better people theme everybody is. That's the point of Luthor as a character, to show that humanity has a lot of potential to do wonderful things but without a symbol to inspire them all that power goes on a waste.
He literally says its neither fair nor unfair, conservacuck.
No one reads those
DC Universe Online yeah. The intro where the villains go way too far and Supes fucking loses it.
god that suit looks so awful
t. Batman