Reminder that Breath of the Wild is not only an enormous, nigh unprecedented critical success. But also a commercial success that outstrips every other game in the franchises long and storied history, beloved by all except a tiny minority of contrarian incels.
Reminder that Breath of the Wild is not only an enormous, nigh unprecedented critical success...
>Twilight Princess is the second biggest selling Zelda game
Based Midna is a draw, bring her back Nintendo.
It's not the game itself that's successful it's that Nintendo was able to market their console properly this time around, although the game itself is a great game, but the console pushed the sales of the game as an exclusive and it was not the game in of itself.
>Best Zelda game sells the best
How is this news?
Do you think they've got the message yet that nobody wants their toon link kiddy shit?
>twilight princess sold more than wind waker
>people yet still more obsessed with wind waker
user, toon link-tards are the worst in the zelda fandom
people like the "feel" of freedom you had in windwaker (also the decoration minigame was fun)
Good to see everyone else hated skyward sword as much as I did. Less than 4m sales on the Wii is embarrassing.
>minish cap worst selling Zelda
how? the game was realy great
I hope they use the cash to fix up this tech demo and give us a sequel with actual coherent content instead.
And that makes me sad, it basically killed 3d Zelda, we are never going to get one again which is a shame since there was still so many ways 3d Zelda could have improved.
Because there were better 3D link games out and this was 2D on the gba
Nobody was buying Wii games anymore in 2011. Even Super Mario Galaxy 2 in 2010 relatively underperformed and sold barely over half of what the first Galaxy did. Contrast with the Switch where just about every single Nintendo franchise so far has been setting sales records. That said, Breath of the Wild's success seems to be an order of magnitude greater than even other first-party games when compared to their respective series, when all is said and done it's likely going to sell double the amount of the next best-selling game in the series (TP) and get to Pokémon levels of sales.
Although I guess Smash Bros Ultimate is also selling like absolute crack.
he...basically agreed with OP..?
The Minish Cap deserved better. It was far better than the absolute shit that was Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks.
>Majora's below PH and SS
>Minish lowest
People who unironically fell for the "Soul vs Soulless" meme.
Twilight Princess is OBJECTIVELY better than Wind Waker solely due to the fact that it's actually a finished game with a large selection of memorable dungeons. Whereas Wind Waker is a half-baked joke that Iwata demanded released a year before it was finished to try and save the failing GameCube.
It’s a better game & sales are irrelevant to how people perceive the quality of games. This has & will always be true
i replayed it not too long ago. it got a lot of things right, like the exploration is bang on. but the bosses were kind of shit and that soured me on it
How is Wind Waker a better game?
It has a tiny number of insultingly easy dungeons and an empty ocean. The triforce hunt alone makes it worse.
Sales for media in general is quickly becoming an even more worthless metric for quality than it was before
"Commercial success" is just a question of whether or not it can pander to as many as possible, which means it has to go the watered down route that's being pioneered by shit like the MCU, which is also becoming one of the most profitable franchises on the planet despite it's mediocre washed-out blandness. The fact that BotW is this dreadfully boring open world crafting survival nonsense that's plaguing the industry is by no means unrelated to its financial success. It abandoned its roots in favor of sales, and if the biggest laurel its proponents can tout is how well it sells is incredibly telling of how piss-poor the game actually is, that they have no way to defend it aside from some flimsy sales numbers as if that actually held meaning.
>Billion of flies eat shit on a daily basis, guess shit must be good then
I didn't even have a wiiu but there's something disappointing about the compromises they made to get it on the switch. Ah well
Link Between Worlds is the best in the series.
>food analogy
Hol up. Why are the 3 shittiest games also the best selling?
Its the only Zelda I havent played. Is it still worth getting?
>Wind waker sold 4 Million sales
>Considered a failure
>Botw fag thinks shit is food
Stores weren’t even stocking minish cap
I could find it and I searched 4 Walmart’s and every GameStop I could get into when I was a kid
Because it's not shit like TP is