World in Conflict

>10 years since Soviet Assault

Why is there no sequal to this absolutely sick game?

>amazing story
>fast paced and highly dynamic multilayer, no two games the same, teamwork built in
> a e s t h e t i c, graphics do not look ten years old at all
> Ekranoplanes
> 'Get a move on, Parker! Ivan won't wait!'

Sweet mods (mw mod)

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Game was 9/10, but the multiplayer was good in spite of its mechanics, not because of them.

Also best boy

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>unit lost
>We have casualties
>We have lost a unit
>Beep beep beep

Best S-rts out there, it's pure skill needed. No rng. The campaign was pretty fun and engaging, the multiplayer is always interesting to.

It's always bugged me that that guy sacrifices his own men for his personal redemption. His men aren't the ones with the guilty conscious. Why do they need to die with him?

>"Roger, tactical nuke inbound... God help us."

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He was at peace with it because of his conscience, but it's not why he made the decision. Webb's company had got its shit fucked and was down to a few IFVs and trucks, and Parker (You) only had infantry and humvees. His tanks were the only thing that could last long enough to lure the Russian attack in, it's even foreshadowed in earlier missions

Was it even possible to lose in this game? Especially the offense parts. It was easy as fuck. Very enjoyable though

Didn't enjoy the MURRICA FUCK YEAH wanking while everyone else, especially French/ Russians were played as weak but arrogant/idiotic inhuman monsters. Even Norway got shat on by big fat burger dicks

The breddy generous veterancy system made it really easy to snowball in the campaign because its scaling was designed for multiplayer where you lose units far more frequently, but there was a few tough missions, especially if you went for the bonus objectives. Assaulting the radar position in Norway before it could call in air support was rough.

the MP was fantastic


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Did you even play the game?

you haven't played the game have you?

>"perhaps your 2nd in command will be more willing to listen to reason"
his wife was top qt

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Actually, I played it as well as the Soviet exp somewhere last year.
I mean, Bannon was the retard always fucking up, but the French commander was literally a stereotype and died (though due Bannon who redeemed himself), but it was big burger dick that kept the russians at bay. On the other side, as reds, you and the old gramps were good guys, while that young ace and the trenchcoat guy (commisair?) Was cruel and evil, about to do war crimes at every moment until they killed the colonel.
As a norwegian though, I enjoyed FSK, especially that they occasionally spoke fluent norwegian in some lines to my surprise.
Don't get me wrong, the game was great, and I really loved using infantry to capture towns. And the first time I played a decade ago I didn't notice the murrican self wanking, as it fits with the "era" back then

Improve your skills in whatever language you played the game in, you completely misunderstood most of the story

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Come on, it had some American pride jerking. Like the cutscene during the invasion of Seattle, some unarmed random soldier is willing to literally die running with the American flag to plant in the battleground.

because Wargame:Red Dragon is better in every single way except for muh story.

Like what? America saved France after Germany was invaded. All the American characters sans Bannon before his sacrifice was competent, passionate and honourable, sacrificing everything for USA, while the Russian cast was basically red dawn caricatures besides the noble and humane commander and you, one who was killed for being too soft on the enemy and you suspected as a traitor for not being patriotic enough.
That aside, game ended on a cliffhanger we'll never see finished sadly, that's a true war crime.

le epic explosions: the game
deep as a puddle and only liked because of graphics and MUH BANNON

Nigger most of those soldiers were mallcop-tier national guard and fucking died within a few hours of the invasion, that's why everyone (including Bannon's stepdad) are calling them incompetent retards for the first few missions.
in the original cinematic he was holding a machine gun over his shoulder but they shooped it out for an american flag for a more ebin teaser trailer

>*has the worst balance of any strategy game in living memory*
It's a neat game, but the epitome of 'fun with frens'

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But nobody likes Bannon

>while the Russian cast was basically red dawn caricatures besides the noble and humane commander and you, one who was killed for being too soft on the enemy and you suspected as a traitor for not being patriotic enough.

Here's your last (You), spend it wisely

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My bad, I thought you wanted to discuss the game instead of nitpicking parts you disagree with and nothing else.


Nigguh just play through the game again and pay attention this time, if you're going into it as misinformed as you are, I don't want to spoil the pleasant surprises you'll get. Trust me faggot

No sequel necessary. Game mechanics can be used for another game. I dont want to see WiC turned into abomination or tripe.

you do realise the devs that made this now make The Division, right. And as such are owned by Ubisoft.

He was KGB and he really wasnt a terrible guy.

The French guy was a stereotype because he sounded French?

>load up game
>entire right hand side of the screen is just /pol/ faggotry.
Yeah nah.

Pains me we never got the sequel.

Studio got absorbed by Ubisoft and is now making The Division games with top tier SJW faggotry.

>World in Conflict
Can I talk about EndWar? shit was similar and its voice-operated commands were hilarious as hell
also neat ww3 campaign

they are also both games i wished i played back when mutiplayer was up


Multiplayer is up, you just need to download a patch.

Sadly i haven't managed to catch a game with people yet at the times I'm around.

I only lost that NY timer mission
>mfw Statue got bombed to shit

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EndWar was great, I was a European main that always pumped out Mechanized Infantry and Helis, not too many tanks.

>not russia
they even get best wmd


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I played Russia on the side. As Euro I’d just cheese people using the APCs with rockets

most of it is easy on the highest difficulty, but holy shit I could not beat the final level on that setting.

>We have won yet another great patriotic war, I know this is not a big surprise but still it is massive event


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I kinda wish you got to see his reaction when you win the game as the other two factions

There's no sequel because Ubisoft forced the devs to shit out the Division 1 & 2

when you loose he says he's going to a more tropical place and advises you to do the same, he simply gets away with shit

>Prototype weapons spam: the game
>better than WiC

Yeah naw. I love WG series but ALB was broken as fuck and RD is just a complete mess.

>wild powercreep
>a naval component Eugen put zero effort into
AirLand Battle will always be superior to Red Dragon.

>Why is there no sequal to this absolutely sick game?
Because the developer are doing the Division.

doesnt the us just have steven blum?

What are some good RTS with post-cold war tech?

The naval component was a massive disappointment. The moment a ship is called in its immediately destroyed by 10+ anti-ship missiles that some support player shit out with his horde of planes. The only ships worth using were the Soviet battlecruisers for their OP CIWS and the Korean Kongo ship.

I love Wargame but RDs maps literally crippled that game, the balance is all over the place, the choke point design to force action homogenised any strategy down to meat grinding or cheese, destruction is a campfest, conquest often comes down to CV sniping to break deadlocks and on and on. It's ambitious, brilliant and flawed. They need a new game mode with more space and less emphasis on expensive cvs and more on actual aggression and manoeuvre. And the campaign is awful all over when it could be amazing to play multiplayer campaigns of that game.

Most importantly, however, it only shares a time setting with WiC, and arguably similarities in the lack of base building, but the gameplay is radically different. WiC is about micro, abilities, movement. RF is about cover and concealment, recon and sniping.

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I can't think of any. Its not an easy settings since most post Cold War conflicts have been controversial ones in the Middle East which don't over a good setting.

You don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes with the naval portion of W:RD.

Some of the Combat Mission games are good.

And the best aesthetic in the game in my opinion

Modern Warfare mod was absolute dogshit because of the inconsistent gameplay changes. I would much prefer if they were just modern reskins of the units instead of a gameplay overhaul.

Its dead, but most of the issues you offered in RD weren't as common in ALB. The age creep means bring your 90's super units are the only really viable way to play in RD which is a shame because memey category decks are interesting to play.

Gonna have to check it out now, thanks user

Ground Control 2 > WiC

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>arty got nerfed in RD because shitters couldn't handle rapid-fire mortar and arty units in ALB

It pissed me off to no end, in EE arty needed to be grouped up in order to effectively bombard an area. In ALB they added rapid-salvo's for mortars and light arty, allowing you yo shoot n scoot effectively. But they all got nerfed to almost EE levels of fire-rate in RD because shitters are too stupid to figure out not to leave their shit grouped together for arty to ass-fuck all day when a recce unit spots them.

>best aesthetic in the game

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GC > WiC > GC2

I tried playing it and it was just "go there and win at 1:10 odds while your only strategic input is moving units around and spamming cooldown abilities"

reminder that the redpilled way to play wargame is on Slow

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Don't forget, the Campaign and skirmish against the AI is borderline impossible because the AI actually cheats and reads your inputs and knows the location of your units at all times. Or that entire 2 month span where multiplayer was unplayable because Russian script-kiddies created and were selling map-hacks and the devs didn't do fuck all about it.

It had some kino trailers

>Being so kino it was used in the game

Mortars had short range which made them effective for supporting infantry vs the Spetsnaz but piss weak HE so it'd do nothing vs armour. Same applied to light arty. Also

>not using effective counter fire
I used to do counter battery fire even with stock Ataksiyas. Recon infantry is a super viable asset most people didn't use and it helps in the late game to spot for valuable assets.

>Naval is the worst part of RD
>The big final campaign starts with an already stacked Naval fight
>And then it's stacked like 4 times more because it's locked to Very "Hard"
>AI can literally lose more than 100% of the troops it sends in
How the fuck did they manage to completely botch the campaign from ALB to RD

I just enjoy that kinda sleek/blocky look in general

I kind of enjoyed the campaigns in RD, its a shame they were an afterthought using garbage AI.

i do really like the infantry in that game and i dont know why

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I wasn't bitching about losing shit to arty, I was bitching about arty being nerfed in RD because idiots didn't know how to use it or to counter it in ALB. Mortars lost their fire-rate because shitters in ALB couldn't handle them continuously lobbing shells or smoke on the horde of units they left sitting in the open or clustered together in a forest while enemy forces advanced towards them.

I would have enjoyed it more if it felt like I was actually having an impact on the enemy. in ALB when you killed a division it stayed fucking gone but in RD you could wipe out literally everything they send at you but they would just have the exact same thing again the next turn

It's literally the only RTS game I have ever enjoyed playing online, the rest were too stressful for some reason

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Oh mistake then, I apologise. Yeah I never got the change to arty of RD, it made the smaller calibre or lower point arty pointless unless you truly had them en-mass.

I enjoyed them but they were kind of bad, in one campaign I had 2 squads of T-72s basically destroy the entire JSDF in a tank battle rivalling Kursk but that was just one division.

A shame 2KW was utter garbage though, they even banned me for calling them out on it.

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