*blocks shitkiro's path*
*blocks shitkiro's path*
Other urls found in this thread:
batman combat lel
Why not just enjoy both of them?
Only PS4 here
>cinematic Batman combat
>holding a candle against Sekino
>common sense
big yikes
>BamHam AssCreed made by western shitter devs
*Sekiro casually walk past Assassin's Creed Japan edition*
Well it's western and will probably actually have an easy mode because american devs are fucking whipped to shit so yeah disregarded
This shit legit killed any interest i had in the game
Why can't i hate both of them?
Oh wait. I can. And i fucking do.
Fuck off with your fucking weeb trash, retards. You faggots will gobble up any smegma covered that comes from a fat fucking jap salaryman because you're that infatuated with insectoid """culture""". No, FEUDal JAPan is not a good setting. It is a dogshit, boring and obnoxious setting. Nothing pisses me off more than "MUH HONORABLE WARRIOR CULTURE" from a ripoff of european knights that murdered peasants to test out their epic nippon blade (this isnt a joke they actually used to go GTA on random civilians to test steel). Let's not forget these people let a bunch of cheap gangsters get away with gangraping a schoolgirl for fucking months on end and turning her into a cement block. Not to mention the outdated gameplay. Bamham and "SOULS LITE" combat is so fucking overplayed at this point it's just obnoxious. No, i am not interested in your little boy who looks like a girl who has dragon blood trope. Try to be original, mitsubishiyaki.
I'm betting right now. The title of the article by those that ask for an easy mode in Sekiro is
>Ghost of Tsushima is Sekiro done right
And a quote from the article
>When we play as a samurai, we want to feel like a badass samurai that goes through its enemies effortlessly.
>culturally appropriated game by bugmen and snoy
>arkham style button mashing combat
>6 hour cinematic movie game
no thanks
brainlets love the auto-playing quicktime event combat, it makes them feel like superheroes
Batman stealth, but one look and your character isn't flying around the area like Shadow of Mordor or Batman
Is anyone honestly still looking forward to this game after they revealed this? I thought it might be a half decent RPG, never thought it would be anything like nioh or sekiro, thought it might of been something more like way of the samurai or a wrpg like the witcher: Japan.
But batman combat? It's probably not even an RPG, it's just going to be another movie game with handholdy gameplay and hackneyed writing.
>Le enlightened centrist
It's either them or us faggot, make your choice
This is a fucking war, and we're winning
Why are people shitting on BAMHAM combat? It's not hard but does that make it boring?
That one guy sperging out for multiple sentences on his low tier bait itt, lmfao
Sekiro done right.
Seething /pol/tard
sekiro's combat is basically batman combat
>mash counter button
>press jump when red QTE shows up over enemies
Looks kinda cool, but they're both completely different games. I AM excited for a game to finally replicate that dope ass Samurai "One strike delayed kill" shit. That stuff's badass.
the fact that its boring is what makes it boring
hope this helps
I can tell you didn't get very far in the game if you think it works like that
where did you get any idea that it would be either an rpg or like way of the samurai? it's a fucking snoy first party game made by the sly cooper/infamous people. why would you think they would make an rpg or anything kino and interesting like WOTS?
Seething weebtard who, instead of providing any counter points will continue jacking off to his chinese cartoons and playing the same game with a new coat of paint released by FROM.
>I don't like any challenge at all in games
When did this become an acceptable mindset for gaming journalists
>shit movie game
>pleb combat
bin it
tl;dr: Making timing counters and dodges as well as spacing in general not strict makes combat really breezy and stale.
>when Atreus announced that he wants to be called Athena from now on
...damn. you win this one. GOT ME.
Why can't i hate both of them?
Oh wait. I can. And i fucking do.
Fuck off with your fucking weeb trash, retard. This faggot will gobble up any smegma covered that comes from a fucking whore Ashina Swordlady because he's that infatuated with insectoid """culture""". No, HOEmoe is not a good swordswoman. She is a dogshit, boring and obnoxious swordswoman. Nothing pisses me off more than "MUH LIGHTNING SWORD BULLSHIT" from a ripoff of armored knights that murdered NPCs to test out their epic magic blade (this isnt a joke they actually used to go GTA on random NPCs to test steel). Let's not forget this guy let a bunch of cheap peasants get away with locking away a shota for fucking months on end and turning "him" into a plot device. Not to mention the outdated fight mechanics. Parrying and "LIGHTNING DODGE" combat is so fucking overplayed at this point it's just obnoxious. Yes, I will take your little boy who looks like a girl who has dragon blood. Try to be original, Genbitchyro.
It's funny. I replayed Arkham Asylum the other day after playing nothing but Jap action games for ages and actually found it a little harder than I remembered it being. It took me a bit before I figured out what it was that was causing me so much trouble. No i-frames. No cheap NUH-UH YOU CAN'T HURT ME! I'M INVINCIBLE! bullshit. You actually have to dodge attacks, you don't just push the dodge button and then phase right through them. For all the criticisms of BAMHAM combat at least it doesn't have any lazy cop out i-frame crap that the Japs always rely on as their get out of jail free card.
>dime a dozen AC / Bamham shit but with more strong womyn
yeah nah
>Western cucks actually want this BAMHAM sliding combat
Yo don't need well timef dodges with iframes because pressing the counter button basically makes you invincible
When they got outed for the massive shitters they are.
It's damage control.
The dodge in Batman or Shadow of Mordor is way too forgiving considering you can spam the button and never get hit.
Westcucks are pathetic. Why games with real gameplay scare you so much ?
Around the time Gone Home became a thing.
Why do i imagine a greasy 160cm tall white man with unflattering glasses and severe gynecomastia when someone says this?
When vidya became casualised and more wide-spread. Fame brings in scrubs.
>No i-frames. No cheap NUH-UH YOU CAN'T HURT ME! I'M INVINCIBLE! bullshit. You actually have to dodge attacks, you don't just push the dodge button and then phase right through them.
The fuck? That's exactly how the dodge works in Batman. I remember when I was platinuming Asylum and City my go-to tactic if I momentarily was unsure of what to use next to keep the combo going was just to hit the dodge button. Batman literally interrupts the goon's attack to push his head down and roll over his back, it gives you a second or two to figure out what to do next. Felt cheap af lmao
Why do you even know that word? Want to talk about it?
reminder that according to Yea Forums it's LITERALLY okay when Japan does
vocal minority literally whos typically liberals, tranny sympathizers or actual trannys
s/o/y/boys, you know the ones.
>"I-i bet you're ugly"
>pressing the counter button basically makes you invincible
Unless it's an enemy that can't be countered. Those do exist in the game and they can kill you pretty quickly.
No. You'll get hit if you dodge straight into an attack in AA. You're not invincible while doing it. That was my point.
I'm not saying AA is hard. It's just whenever I bring up the bullshit of i-frames I always get the excuse they are essential for combat and Japs are great and blah blah blah when the reality is you really don't need them. They are just a cop out.
>/pol/ being against samurai stuff
You still dont get it
>Transsexuals are to blame for the lack of difficulty in modern games
Around the same time chopping your dick off and drinking home made period blood tea become normal and not grounds to be institutionalized.
obsessed retard
try jumping into a ring of samurai with a stealth attack and see what happens
>vocal minority
So you acknowledge it's a minority of games media writers who are complaining? Because the common opinion I see when I actually read the articles in full is that they want a proper easy mode and a proper hard mode because everyone benefits from having their skill level accommodated.
>costs so many emblems you can cheese a grand total of one enemy pack before you're out
wow broken nerf when
>spends SEVENTEEN spirit emblems on one tiny room
>use all your seals on one pack of enemies
>3 of them are basic as fuck enemies
what the fuck. Why.
The combat looked rough after playing Sekiro. I hope it has changed from the trailer they showed.
That just looks wasteful.
>Literally a contextual pre-animated take-down
>Only has one animation
Sekiro is good in many ways but that really is pretty lame. At least Tenchu had a decent range of takedown animations.
Even if you're spotted, Bloodsmoke literally lets you stealth kill four enemies consecutively easily.
I-frame use is cheap but there's better options than Banham game approaches. Western action games have had great combat systems in the past, Oni and Jedi Outcast/Academy spring to mind.
To make shitty Webm and pretend that the game is easy.
What the fuck else is there to spend them on? The tools are mostly garbage or good for specific boss fights only.
he used an ability you get half way through the game, used all his emblems, just to kill 4 regular enemies
it also requires additional inputs to move into position, unlike bamham combat where you just press x to kill unlimited amounts of enemies
>>When we play as a samurai, we want to feel like a badass samurai that goes through its enemies effortlessly.
I mean it's not a videogame, but it worked for Samurai Champloo. Main characters pretty much never broke a sweat in any of their fights until like the last 2 episodes when characters who can go toe to toe with them are introduced.
The main characters in that are actually skilled and so it being effortless for them is natural.
That's right OP I also can't wait for Sekiro: Cinematic BamHam Babby Mode Edition
watch these mental gymnastics: when you think about it, trannies were only able to rise in popularity because the liberals said you were a bigot if you didn't respect them. a whole generation of faggots who were video game adjacent and also liberal fucks found out they could win internet points on reddit by pretending to like video games. they found out they could get even more imaginary points by appeasing the trannies as well. it's really all just a bunch of s/o/y/lets and cucks; literally whos who elevated their status by taking advantage of the social climate.
i don't hate trans people, but lets not pretend they didn't play a role in this.
How dare you sound logical and just on Yea Forums!
I'd say all the people crying about an easy mode for Sekiro are looking forward to this. I also expect there being shit articles like "GoT does what Sekiro doesn't"
>Batman combat is now considered shit on Yea Forums
It's no mgsr but it's not bad
If that's what they want to make then I won't complain. I just won't play it. I think it also comes down to wanting the player to feel like x vs play like x.
In other words, it's the difference between feeling like a ninja in Ghost of whatever, and playing like a ninja in Sekiro.
>enemy location markers
WTF? I thought this game was supposed to be hard?
>i don't hate trans people
Talk about mental gymnastics?
Which eroge?
I won't even bother to watch a stream of this movie game shit, let alone pirate it.
Based schizo poster
Here your Jank of Tsushima bro
>another shitty samurai game
when's wots5?
Only samurai game I'm buying is Nioh 2, thank you very much faggot
shut the FUCK up
Literally where the fuck have you been? That's always been used as an insult and considered bad here
>he thinks mgr is held highly for it's combat
Holy shit you're so lost.
>muh takedown animations
People like you are why games like Splinter Cell will never be good again. Because you actually fall for the Ubisoft animation meme
I remember them losing and coming close to dying several times
>Those animations
Everybody already forgot about it as they do with everything Sony related
Variety is the spice of life, if there must be gameplay-interrupting animations the least that can be done is to make more than one. Again, Tenchu is an obvious example.
>Because you actually fall for the Ubisoft animation meme
I have no idea what that even is, it doesn't take convincing to not be fond of excessively breaking game flow.
Is this Gothic Japan edition?
>What should we put more care into? The tree swaying in the wind and the leaves being tossed around or the characters that are fighting?
keep in mind this is the E3 build
expect the animations to be slightly better and none of that background shit to actually be in the final game
Is this a soul calibur?
Brainlets' favourite
yeah give us more jank pls
Thank god we are getting Nioh 2. Sekiro was disappointing and Ghost of shitmutt is going to be fucking horrible.
Nice baiting, but that's not how it works in Sekiro.
Ghost of Tsushima seems to have every sin modern single player AAA game has.
>Bamham easy as hell stealth and combat will probably be something similar to that game series
>Open world, which means level design will be unfocused as hell
Yeah we can't be disappointed with Nioh 2 because the expectations are so low for it already
looks like sekiro's easy mode is coming soon and it even plays itself
I fucking loved my rewatch of Champloo after finishing Sekiro. You feel right at home. For anyone who's played Sekiro and hasn't watched this anime, please do! You feel right at home.
>that text
>katana on back meme
how is this even remotely the same? You actually have to run and position yourself and goomba stomp those guys to get the death blow and they also happen to be the easiest enemies in the game.
>none of that background shit to actually be in the final game
100%. Expect some DS2 level downgrades. There's no fucking way that the final product will even resemble that which is shown here
weapon arts you dumb fuck
why is he so tiny, and i thought sekiro was a manlet
Why is a fucking western dev trying to do a samurai game?
The ones that cost emblems are just as wasted on non-bosses, so what's your point?
Uhm, sweaty, this is 4channel.
Everyone knows to expect WORSE than the E3 demo.
Don't agree on the games, but even decades later I get enraged at the thought of cement girl. I wish it actually was possible to buy hitmen on the dark web because I'd readily pay for someone to mutilate all of them. Fuck everything about Japan's legal system.
>using up your emblems on regulars
Majority of bosses aren't worth using them on anyway, Ichimonji is better than 90% of alternative options.
>he says while posting a game where you have a katana on your back
To be fair, it's his special katana only for immortal executions and bar mitzvahs.
I'm actually excited for GoT but i'll have to see more before I consider a buy. Demo was beautiful but I have no idea how the combat works at all, people say it's bamham but the only bamham looking part was that stealth attack thing. Normal combat looks like it has even less freedom than bamham, it was really fucking weird but the idea of a beautiful open world feudal japan game is definitely exciting, it's from the guys who did sly cooper and infamous too so i'm hoping there is a good amount of "parkour" and movement options which we saw a bit of in the demo
you mean the katana he uses only for two moves and executions after a fight
That's what happens when you're poor man.
Except MGR unironically has the best combat in any sword based video game
it's an odachi, which you would have to put on your back because its too long to put on your waist.
Look like my GF in a dressing gown
Sekiro is the Japanese fantasy martial arts jam. Ghosts of Tsushima is the oscar bait hollywood period epic.
what is the oscarbait equivalent for games?
ok but whats ghost of tshiunumnuma's excuse
Why do americans love slow motion so much?
It's a bunch of weeb nerds trying to make a samurai game?
but bloodborne is kino
yeah but its CINEMATIC
i was hoping you could tell me the sword on his back in that game because it doesn't look that big
this but also this
This game is going to be piss easy compared to Sekiro
t. has played every Sucker Punch game
Get ready for mindless button mashing combat.
i hear this in arny's voice
Only autists are comparing this game to Sekiro. If you think GoT is trying to be comparable to a real action game, you're missing the point completely
It wouldn't even be half as noticeable if all their budget had not been spent on leaves.
Is this an actual game someone's working on, or just an animation by a pixel artist? I can never get any details about what this actually is.
It literally looks like samurai bamham you retard.
bamham isn't trying to be a real action game, what's your point double retard?
>game that centers around beating up large groups of enemies using combos, counters, and utilities
Sounds like an action game to me.
>waaa you used no-no words on 4channel
American and I don't get this myself.
Man, you're really really really mentally retarded aren't you? Notice my emphasis on REAL action game. Just because a game has action game elements doesn't mean that's the point. BamHam wasn't trying to be a hardcore action game, it s trying to make you feel like batman and that accomplished it. GoT isn't trying to be a hardcore action game either, it's trying to make you feel like a samwhy/ronin in feudal japan and it looks like it'll probably accomplish that
Eh, I like the setting enough that even if the combat isn't excellent I'll probably be able to enjoy the game. Unless they write a shitty story or annoying characters, which is a concern considering it's basedny
Probably not. Whenever you faggots say journos are going to do something they usually don't do it. The ones begging for an easy mode are the minority, believe it or not.
Sony isn't a developer
I'm more worried about being able to just hold block through an enemy encounter with your effing sword edge. This is crying for durability system.
They oversee their developers and surely offer input
Then I guess Nintendo isn't either
>surely offer input
I think the bigger issue is all of the Western studios are good friends with each other, leading to them taking ideas from each other and the games becoming homogenised as a result.
this post makes me really feel like a faggot, good job
Everytime this webm gets posted no one says shit about where it's from
>The dodge in Batman or Shadow of Mordor is way too forgiving considering you can spam the button and never get hit.
Media Molecule seem to be an exception. They do have good relations with the others though
You have to look at Sekiro and Batman: Arkham in a bigger context.
Sekiro is one of the toughest modern games, so these "cheap" stealth kills are more justified to have in the game, while stealth kills in here are actually cheap because the game series is already piss easy.
Also, what this user said:
>DMCuck starting shit again
Just fuck off back to your containment thread.
He's a Ninja.
Ninjas carry their short swords vertically or horizontally behind their backs because it's the most sensible position when you're climbing walls, crawl under a house, leaning against walls, moving in ceilings and not hitting every corner/knocking shit over with your sheath while moving through a Building.
after for honor you really can't get away with not doing motion matching in a game like this. Seriously go watch some videos of for honor if you've never played it it's on a completely different level.
>inb4 sekiro looks bad too
I agree, shite animation.
I'm excited for it
And nothing you say will dissuade me
You probably died at
You can't spam dodge in Bayo though
>playstation exclusive
It already lost.
>has nothing to do with DMC
>if it's talking about my game in a negative way so it must be DMCucks
You must be some kind of special retard
Ghost of Tsushima will be better than Shitpoopiro because it's a PlayStation 4 exclusive and is being made by Based Sony just like Bloodborne.
Pc niggers on suicide watch
you really can
>ran out of spirit emblems to kill four enemies
No you don't, because you'll activate witch time at sometime and you'll stop dodging like a retard.
And if you spammed it like a retard it will end with a windup that might get you fucked in the ass for.
With that all though Bayo's combat is still much better than Bamham combat
Bamham combat is pretty fun at higher difficulty tbqh
because Yea Forums likes to be contrarian and purposely pretend to prefer the less popular shitter version in some pathetic desperate attempt to look smart
No idea why faggots on here do this when we are all anonymous
Is this better?
A lot of people play From games to stroke their dick at how "hardcore" they are
Therefore anytime anything else comparable is mentionned, the circlejerk is summoned
God, For Honor is so good.
Choose one
go back to your dungeons & dragons you literal fucking incel NERD
Journalists will love it
what the fuck are you even trying to prove?
I know what you think you are saying but no
>flies behind you from 50 feet
>stabs you behind the back
>nothing personnel sekiro
That would be the LotR games for Two Towers and RotK.
overwhelmed and captured due to being retarded, some supposedly hard-ass samurai get an ass-kicking
both Mugen & Jin are close to losing their fights (Jin's never actually ended)
yakuza bodyguard on equal footing with Mugen, mooks die en masse again
Mugen kicking the shit out of street punks, Jin goes toe-to-toe with a yakuza playing shogi
protagonists ALL get the shit kicked out of them in an eating contest, some mooks die
romance filler, some mooks die
more romance "filler", two duels: one poser and one "real", both won effortlessly
420blazeit LMAO, Mugen captured by sohei
Mugen is a sliver from dying, wins by protagonist plot armor
can you say romance filler? Jin hits puberty
recap episode
Mugen is a retard, Jin kills someone who relies too much on their gun, mooks die
both Mugen & Jin cut through a bunch of criminals (mooks), Mugen gains super-powers from being horny
both easily beat some seemingly pretty tough dudes
graffiti filler, Mugen does beat them in this fairly effortlessly
they prove that swords > guns (& JEEZUS KVAIST)
both get the literal fucking shit kicked out of them by A BLIND WOMAN
spooky scary Halloween filler
baseball filler, everyonedies except Mugen
grand finale, both are pressed to their limits and die, or they would if the show had an actual good ending
Seems to me like the only things they don't break a sweat with are the random grunts, and occasionally some hyped-up dude to show just how good Mugen & Jin are at fighting.
>implying I'm not getting both to satisfy my weeb desires
Why do they even remove the interface elements etc when they do shit like this? Are they that ashamed of actually having done a game and not a movie?
It's a fucking game. You don't have to hide the prompts.
get a load of this faggot
dont let yourself drive into a hero, with all the confidence you got.
If you can't figure out why they did it, you probably have autism. It's very very obvious why they do it, stop being a retard and wasting posts
It's always been bottom of the barrel.
This looks like a really low budget game, that face looks like it was made out of plasticine.
Even the AssCreed games have better combat these days.
based fpbp
>It's very very obvious why they do it
Your average person only pretends to like games, so when they make the game look like less of a game it appeals to people more?
That's my genuine guess.
Not having UI makes it look more cinematic, makes it look more like an actual samurai movie. If you think that's a bad thing you're probably underaged or mentally challenged in some way and taking Yea Forums memes way too seriously and literal. Games have been going for these kinds of cinematic experiences for years even before graphics were as good as this gen
>Not having UI makes it look more cinematic, makes it look more like an actual samurai movie.
But it's not a movie. Why should it look like a samurai movie instead of a samurai game? Genuinely and unironically curious.
Games are a literal art form and it's unique in how it can look good and play well at the same time. Seriously, get off this site until you're 18.
that could be a cool mechanic if there was some challenge to it, like lining up a block or parry.
this honestly already kills it for me, shame
What a waste. Children in Africa could have ate those spirit emblems.
you retards either never played batman/shadow of mordor game or are just falseflagging the hell out of these posts.
this shit has fucking nothing to do with batman combat, regardless of "how bad" you think it looks
don't confuse this with some stealth mechanic looking similar. This is the same as the GoW pre-release shitposting campaign when everyone was pretending on Yea Forums how the game is going to play like TLoU because there was a similar looking grab animation in the game.
you faggots are overly obsessed with realistic animations
for honor is a piece of clunky shit to play compared to a game like SC exactly because of how dragged on your movements are because of the wobbly realistic animations. FH would play several times better if they would cut down like needless 10 frames from every move that only serves to make the game more fluid looking.
You have to pick
He still draws it in combat, the problem with the sword on back meme is that you can't draw a sword from your back
Only japanstudio is based. The rest is the cancer killing the industry right now with their bloated budgets and messed up priorities.
I still don't know what's the point of this game or how the gameplay is supposed to be structured. So far everything looks like an excuse to show their pretty setpieces and nothing else.
When they do this they feel like they're really good.
>>When we play as a samurai, we want to feel like a badass samurai that goes through its enemies effortlessly.
Jim sterlin already said that when he says all games should be like dinasty warriors