You pedo weeb freaks need to stop complaining about your gay anime games

you pedo weeb freaks need to stop complaining about your gay anime games
no one cares

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Stop taking them away from me after you explicitly said you wouldn't.

you have to go back

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>Le too old to play without crutches man

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If you're going to get banned for posting a roll picture, couldn't you at least post a good one?

I hate your fucking guts.

Give me finland

OH NO, They covered up Sakura's cleavage in the western release and Hikorinamsama's pantsu are no longer striped!

STFU you stupid weebs. OP is right nobody gives a fuck about your shitty games.

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Get me out of this hell hole

bebin :D


I fucking hate your guts and I'd seriously deform your face if I ever discover you irl.

you cared enough to make a thread complaining about it

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no you wouldn't, you're a fucking joke

put something in my skull senpai

-p bitches. SUP BITCHES. It’s Chad Warden here. Aight, I’m talking bout that, PS Triple. The PS Triple I ain’t talking bout that wii. That wii? Shiiet. Shit people p-people be talkin’ bout how it was all, new, and shit, but you know what I’m tryin to say? I’m tryin to say, is that…c’mon know, wii? C’mon, that c-that lil’ controller baby that looks like a dildo. Aight, I ain’t trying to play my games, with no Dil. Do. Aight, maybe if the game is like, y’know, Warioware, shove-it-up-yo-own-ass game, yeah I dunno, I dunno if there’s any minigames where you know, you have to shove it up yo ass. But…c’mon now, the wii? People trying to say that the, the PS3 copied the wii with a motion sen-uh…I don’ give a fuck. Shit, shit the wii, you know what they should copy? They should copy how to get good games. They should copy how to get good games from the PS3. Heh errybody knows, is that PS3 make the best games, knaw I mean nigga? I mean, c’mon, you got lil’ games I mean you got wii what, what you got, Legend of Zelda where you walk around with a lil’ bitch, and his lil’ bitch-ass sword, and lil’ shield, and he’s goin “HEH! HEH! HEH!” C’mon, who wants to play that shit? I needa shoot some niggas.

Wh-pow, pow

Nintendo, ah, and then you talk about Nintendo isn’t copying anything and how Sony is copying everything, and that’s just bullshit, that bullshit…shit s-saying Final Fantasy was on Nintendo before Sony, have you played the PS1? Nigga, nigga the PS1 got Final Fantasy 7, shit, Nintendo trying to copy that shit, they know that they can’t compete if they don’t have Final Fantasy. Nig, I don’t even care if any other systems get Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy sucks ass now. Ooo, look at Final Fantasy 12, y’know where you’re runnin’ around with a lil’ girl and shit. Fuck everybody knows that girls can’t do shit other than suck dick. So, what I’m really tryin’ to say, is that, Sony...

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say that to my face fucker and not online and see what happens

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Shut your bitch ass up. Right here you're picking on weebs but in real life you're probably some dude who is afraid of confrontation.

Did you censor the big fat dildo coming out of your ass?


>Playing Super DragonBall Heroes World Mission
>Rolling for El Grande Padre
get literally every other card in the set beforehand
I' so glad there's no microtransactions in this game or I would've ragequit.


I don't think you realize just how much us weebs have evolved. We're no longer the oppressed ones?

Sayonara, user-kun, and also, give my regards to the pitiful god that you serve.

Omae wa mo shindeiru.

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O fug here we go

probably a birthmark/scar/burn, which would make retard user think he was in the clear. which to anyone who has seen him before would notice said birthmark/scar/burn would recognize under the censer. therefore outing him as a spergo


Fuck of pedo

04 get

Send me back to the good ol days

whoa hey now
I am NOT a weeb

Migration go

>off by 1

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please god let it be russia
their women are insanely hot

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If you ever come at me with those words to my face at a con, I will fucking destroy you. I'll make you feel so emberrassed when I take a pic of you at a anime convention with your nose bleeding and everything. I'll upload it on twitter and facebook and it will be recorded in the internet as the guy that got his ass kicked by a weebs.


aww fuck


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