That one guy who still runs his games from HDDs

>that one guy who still runs his games from HDDs
Could you imagine doing that in 2019?

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I'm not against hdd for data storage but hot damn do modern wd hdd make a lot noise.

>He doesn't boot his games from a flash drive

>he doesn't use a 512 GB minimum Optane RAMdisk
What a pleb

i load into multiplayer matches with an external 500gb hard drive and im always the last one to get in. nobody is slower than me

I still did this up to a couple of months ago

Yeah im slow with upgrading my pc

I have too many games for an SSD to hold everything I want to play. My SSD is my boot drive but most heavyweight games go on an HDD.

Somehow I'm not the slowest around with my 5400 rpm hdd I use for some games, which makes owning an ssd rather useless in those cases.

Buy another SSD?

SSDs die too fast

I need another SSD, bought mine just before that big price drop, oops

They last longer than HDDs.

Not if you're writing a lot. Which you will be if you plan to use it to play video games, given the low capacity of SSDs and ballooning file sizes of modern releases.

It's not 2005 anymore, HDDs die much faster.

Yes, it's called console gaming

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They still even make those? That's like the same sad fuck that still has a CD walkman.

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False, even my oldest SSD from 2013 has only ~50 TBW, which isn't even a quarter of it's rating.
And I've used it for 3 years to store all my games and still use it as the primary boot drive with a page file.

>buying 970 when 860 does the job just as well for half the price

Meh I'm adhd enough to complain few seconds slower loading times. and i mostly play games that run on a potato so there's barely any loading anyway.

>My friends and I start playing FFXIV
>Constant load times way longer than they need to be, running around questing is a pain.
Except for me.

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>given the low capacity of SSDs
2Tb is low capacity?

>hdd dying
>loading ANYTHING takes fucking minutes longer than anyone else
>takes 10 minutes to fucking start the computer
>buy 1 TB ssd for cyber monday
>computer starts in 5 seconds
>everything loads within 2-3 seconds, always the first one to load into anything

Best purchase I've made in the last couple years.

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>does the job just as well for half the price
>550 Mb/s
>3400 Mb/s

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He's right though, unless you often move data between multiple PCI-E SSD's or do a ton of disk I/O you won't notice any difference.


>it's the same brainlet post for the nth time

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>half a second loading screen vs one tenth of a second loading screen

That speed makes a difference if you're doing 4k rendering/video editing work but for games as long as its a sata3 6gbps ssd there is no diffidence,

>factually wrong
>I'm right because y-you won't notice it anyway

You are a special case.

I should've put my os on an ssd but I didn't and feel like a dumbass.

HDDs still have a lower price per GB compared to SSDs. QLC SSDs are becoming more common, though, and they should replace HDDs for good within the next few years.

reminder, next gen consoles will have ssds

You can just move it there you know.

SSDs are a meme, human eye can't see over 7200rpm, I have a time to go to the bathroom when my HDD wakes up, I don't care about the noise I play with headphones, everybody has to wait for me anyway when a map changes

I have 8 SSDs since I do said editing work but here, actual proof:

I don't need to imagine, I'm doing it right now and there's nothing you can do about it.

I still use HDDs for cold storage with those HDD bays

>All PC multiplayer games are bad right now
>You can load all these sweet single player games to your PC, but with more framerate than a c-c--c-console.
>Giving a flying FUCK and making a thread about storage space.

Yeah wow!

>Lots of money for very little space
>Dies instantly with no chance to save it
>Low life expectancy 1-3 years
NO thanks

>full second faster
Thanks for proving me right, slowpoke. I knew that without you.

I know m.2 nvme doesnt do jack for gaming but they look so aesthetic compared to a ssd with wires hanging out of its fat ass

Based time traveler from 2002.

Worst is when you play games that make you wait while everyone else loads in,negating your ssd advantage.

>dota2 auto chess
>3 billion years cause some third world shitter on a potato with a 56rpm hard drive is stilll loading 2 minutes later
>same for DBD

That one guy who still doesn't know how to use an ssd as a caching drive for his hdd.

Hate to break it to you buddy, but you have a faulty HDD if its making noise.
>source: using a new WD HDD, 2 of them actually

Different moba, but I feel your pain, man. Poorfags should have their own lobbies.

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>mfw people said SSDs last pratically forever
>went to trash after 4 years
>didnt back up
Last time Im buying a meme.

I recall several months ago everyone agreed on

This seems reasonable
>People believe this will happen

They JUST started releasing consoles shipped with 1tb hdd, what makes you think 1tb hdd wont be the norm next gen. Even if they go the ssd route, theyll release them in packages starting at 256gb with 500gb being premium.

Mine lasted three but it was my fault for buying toshiba tbqh. At least they replaced it with little hassle

I've gone through 9 WD HDDs over the last decade and they've consistently been the loudest part of my computer.

Warranty for them are 2 years only though? And is Samsung the best ones for lasting quality?

Bought it in 2015 and warranty was like 4 or 5 years.

Yeah, it is if you pay $200+ for it.

And why wouldn't you, it's peanuts.

It's not if mommy doesn't pay for it.

you bought the cheapest Kingston you could find didn't you ?

>It's not if mommy pays for it.

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I still use HDD for data storage and some of dames. is that a problem for you faggot ?

Stop this dumb rumor

>external hard drive
Yeah no wonder

Holy poor

if you get the 30$ 100gb kingstons drives you've got only yourself to blame

>didn't buy 970 for half the price

>wastes his money on a 2 TB ssd
Holy brainlet

every time

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my dogshit laptop ssds are still going after 6 years

Disklets, when will they learn?


I still use HDDs because SSDs are too expensive for me.

Alright, best SSD brands?

I assumed it would fuck stuff up and never tried

>retarded user actually thinks that SSD's have any increase in frames or gaming over HDD's even though it's continually proven false.
>probably has a 1200w power supply for a system that uses 500 and doesn't realize his components are dying because of the power draw.
Fuck off cunt.

I've recently upgraded everything BESIDES an SSD because I'm saving up for a really good one upfront. I'll probably get one next month.

Playing PoE on an HDD is suffering.

crucial, adata and samsung

The diags said she was fine. But the pwl was making popcorn sounds. So I sent her back and got a cheap 2tb ssd instead.

Keep trying, you'll get there eventually

Maybe ten years ago that was still somewhat true, but not any more.

Use Ramdisk if you have shadowplay running. A good SSD will last 200TB before it will have issues.

They do, actually. Poor data streaming can cause visual and sound stuttering because of loading delays.

God no. Slower than Samsung Evo Pro and bricks like nothing.

You can't use apostrophes for plurals you dumb nigger.

DbD's loading issues are caused by the braindead devs. There isn't much to load at all.

I believe you, with how the game looks and having only 5 characters on screen the framerate is absolutely dogshit.

crucial, followed closely by samsung
if you ask me, no other brand is worth mentioning. The reason why SSDs only recently hit the mainstream despite nand tech existing for so long is that nobody could manufacture reliable enough controllers/chipsets for them and they would die constantly and randomly. It wasn't until crucial and... micron, I think, made the first commercially viable ones around 2009 that kickstarted the whole thing
I still have a first or second generation crucial m4 that's still kicking

Bricks like nothing

Nigger, I work in a PC parts store and we've sold fucking mountains of Crucial MX 300s/500s without a single one going back to us so far.