>60 days until E3

Oh god the wait is LITERALLY killing me

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hope you fucking die

your life must be pretty shit then desu

>tfw waiting for bannerlord
>tfw waiting for mordhau
>tfw waiting for star citizen
you know nothing, jack

I thought sony and nintendo were skipping it.

Sony won't have a conference but they'll do another State of Play and MAYBE it won't be as garbage as the last one.
Nintendo will do a direct as always

yesterday you said it was 63, fuck you

that wasnt me. theres lots of DUMB anons who think we care about the actual E3

>After our great last battlefield in which we featured women for the first time ever in a historical setting, we thought it's time for the future. And that future is called Battlefield F. We will have a complete and diverse character creator which ranges from choosing your hair color of choice to setting your gender that you identify with. At the beginning you only have a few models unlocked. These include: Black female, asian female, transsexual and genderfluid. Further models like the male models can be aqcuired through lootboxes or by buying them directly through the ingame shop. You can also have instant access if you choose to sign up for EA access premium. Of course, battlefield wouldnt be battlefield without Battle Royale. As such, we chose to not include a singleplayer this time, to concentrate all of our focus to this mode, featuring up to 120 players in the same round. Thank you for listening and enjoy the war of the future.

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Only 60 days? I swear DMC5 was announced basically a couple months ago.
I don't really care anyway. What are they gonna show? Dragon's Dogma 2? Well, they better. It's kinda not as fun without Sony, even if they only ever show some garbage.
Who am I kidding, I'm still going to watch it with the 3 people I only communicate with during E3 and maybe for a month after.
End my existence.

>There are people that care about e3

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Dino Crisis Remake

sony, ea and nintendo skip it.there's literally only microsoft ubisoft and like bethesda lol.

>look it up
>it really is 60

holy shit, last time I saw this thread it was like 68 days and I thought that was yesterday. Time going by way too fucking fast.

dont get me started. remembering that its april 2019 gives me an adrenaline surge.

Does anyone have any E3 parties? My friends and I would get together for the Sony conference since those tend to be nearly three hours long, but since sony is not there this year, we'll probably just hang out during the nintendo conference.

Hopefully we'll get a release date for Dying Light 2. I can't really think of anything else from E3 to give a shit about.

Another Ori 2 trailer to enchant my eyes and ears until it releases, perhaps a release date. But yeah other than those two I don't really know.

The older you get, the faster time seems to pass, that's why both your childhoods and school felt like an eternity

How do I slow down time?

I'm ready for every single game shown at the PC show to be bought by epic, aside from any Japanese ones. I just want an ori 2 release date and maybe some more PC MCC info, with a side of dying light 2

Be bored


Time doesn't change, just your perception of it. Every minute that passes is a lesser and lesser chunk of your total existence and it will only get worse.

And there is nothing you can do about it.

Hopefully they announce some cool multi-plats at the Xbox conference

>Microsoft: We still exist REALLY!
>Nintendo: Smash patch notes video no.24
>Sony: ...
>Ubisoft: AssWatchDogCreed 17
>SquareEnix: Coming 2025

Why is anybody looking forward to E3 these days?

Was EA ever at E3?

They always did their own shit outside, before E3 properly started off

Nintendo has never skipped.e3. what are you talking about?

bcs Microsoft exists

>being hype for advertising

you guys should all livestream your suicides

i too hate Video games

Who here /took a week off work to enjoy E3 with Yea Forumsros/

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My 8700k is shipping today i'm upgrading from a 3770k and i'm being patient grow up dude

I don't have a job.

>taking Weekends off
spotted the retailloser

I don't work retail. I work 2-2-2. Taking 4 days off means I get 2 days off in front and 2 after for a total of 8 days off in one go.

Imagine being THIS petty.

why watch E3 when browsing Yea Forums during that week is even more entertaining?

What's a friend?

Why not do both?
Watching E3 while posting about it in the Yea Forums threads is the best thing about Yea Forums all year

Imagine getting this upset over multiplayer customization in your kaiser shooty

But if it's some perception shit then it should theoretically be possible to alter the brain's response to it?

Kill God

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"We are deeply saddened hearing the news that Sony has committed sudoku this morning realizing they made a terrible mistake not showing up to E3. They had no games to show off and pretended that E3 no longer mattered. After a dismal State of Play, they knew their mistake and accidentally choked to death on tranny cock. RIP in peace Sony."

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Is there anyone that skips any conference or do you watch everything?

Absolutely BASED as fuck PHIL!

I watch everything except the shit at like 4am for me (which is usually Sony so... guess I can watch it all now)
I also watch all days of treehouse

Based and RedPhiled

Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019
>Xbox Scarlet game development will allow games to be sold on Xbox One/PC at discretion of publishers
>Xbox Game Pass expanded - day 1 first party/second party games, third party AAA games a couple months after launch, indie games all the time
>More studios acquired, expect at least 3 announcements
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your PC/iOS/Android/Windows devices, will eventually offer streaming from Microsoft Azure servers.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Windows, iOS, Android device.
>Xbox Live Gold will continue to offer the best complimentary games for subscribers each month
>New Xbox controller variations. Standard, Elite, and Hybrid
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>More than 30 games shown off

Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019

Add Splinter Cell and Bleeding Edge from NT.

Nintendo E3 2019
>Animal Crossing
>Pokémon Sword and Shield
>Mario Maker 2
>Bayonetta 3
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Fire Emblem: Three Houses
>Zelda Windwaker HD + Twilight Princess HD + Skyward Sword HD Triforce Collection for Switch
>Metroid Prime 4
>Metroid Prime Trilogy Remaster Collection
>Bravely Default 1+2 HD Remaster Collection
>Monster Hunter 5 Ultimate
>F-Zero Switch
>Wave Racer Switch
>Funky Kong's Wacky Time Travel Adventure

Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019

>there are people who suffer through the entire live E3 presentations
Why? I always skip through the recaps because 90% of E3 is cringe and amerimutt as fuck.

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I always watch all the major stuff, Revolver for the comedy, pointless garbage like PCGS only if I don't have anything better to do. Directs depending on the mood, they're more often than not just boring garbage.

If you don't enjoy the cringe and making fun of it live with Yea Forums then you just don't get it, you plebeian

based and philpilled

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Uhhh *De
It's so bad it's good.

What if the trailer for the Xbox Scarlet shows it anally voring a PS4?

Recaps often spoil the reveal before you watch the video. Both times Microsoft announced 360 and OG BC were lit as fuck watching live despite being very small parts of the show.

Smoke weed

>Recaps often spoil the reveal
So what? Why would I sit through 67 minutes of bullshit to watch 3 min of a reveal when I could use that time to do work or play vidya?

maybe you are just used to Sony conferences where its 90 minutes of *FWEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*

>there's only nintendo and Microsoft this year.
dropped hard

>I could use that time to
that's the language of a litteral ball of lard on his bed trying to pretend he'll ever achieve anything but is just dying and rotting in place.

dont worry user you can look Forward to the absolute state of play

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>projecting this hard
Jesus christ user seek some help.

well, sometime you need that dose of cringe to feel better i guess and to laugh a little.

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The cringe isn't funny to me though. It just makes me sad they put such low effort in when they have such a high budget. Most off-putting thing of all is the american style they do their presentations in which are all forced/fake as fuck and sport the worst jokes.

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>Iraq is not save
>so lets bring all Iraqis to europe, Problem solved

It's already been this long since last year's E3?

Fuck... I'm starting to see how time speeds up when you hit your 20s.

>sony drops E3 this year
>these bitter resentful replies suddenly pop up

>Mfw I've only ever watched Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft for E3
>Mfw it only took one watch of the other presentations to know that I never want to watch them ever again
>Mfw sony is always shit

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I've heard an interesting theory about why childhood seems longer - it has to do with "important moments". When you're young there are lots of new things and experiences for you, you do and see a lot of things for your first time and they stand out a lot more compared to when you're older and more used to shit that happens in life. Those moments are big parts of your memory and they're a lot more spread out as you get older, while your childhood memories are full of "first times" and important moments.

yay no snoy desu