Refuses to make Reputations fully account-wide because of a handful of autistic RPers obsessed with their characters'...

>refuses to make Reputations fully account-wide because of a handful of autistic RPers obsessed with their characters' individual "stories" and "accomplishments"
>even when Honor-level, Mounts, Pets, Toys, Transmogs, and Heirlooms are all already like this
>and still refuses even after going 90% of the way there already by removing rep-requirements for previously rep-locked transmogs, making him look like an even bigger hypocrite than he already is.

>Also refuses to make all Currencies account wide
>even when Marks of Honor and Pet Charms are already BoA
>but still manages to fuck those up by making them waste inventory slots on all your characters instead of being listed on the Currency Tab

WoW is the most alt-unfriendly MMO on the market. The game actively punishes you for wanting to switch mains mid-expac or experience the same content as your main on other classes.

Is there a lead MMO developer out there who is worse than Ion (((Hazzikostas)))?

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Other urls found in this thread:

he doesn't make all the calls, they discuss things before hand. Stop making Ion the punching bag you fucking loser. Ion's the most based dev atm

You're aware that all the previous expansions had the same problems, right? Why single out Ion specifically, all the lead devs were faggots.

>Still playing BfA

You deserve everything.

So this... is the power.. of a retailfag thread

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also you seething faggot, Ion is all about classic wow, you can fucking thank him for it. He's VERY passionate about classic. Look at his reaction when other dude calls Nu-WoW "real game"

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Based and classicpilled

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They just want you to waste more time grinding garbage. You pretty much signed up for that.


He is the punching bag, because he is the face of WoW now idiot.

I wish they'd made WoW Retail full(no limitations) F2P and updated the in-game store with more stuff but kept classic with the 15 dollar sub.

Holy fuck, no one cares about your game for drug addicts.

>because of a handful of autistic RPers obsessed with their characters' individual "stories" and "accomplishments"
sounds like bullshit, last time I checked literally every RP'er used those dumb RP addons and frowned on using actual game mechanics like achievements

>they already ruined 95% of the game so why can't they ruin the last 5% too?

the absolute state of retail

>Not a single entangling roots

Nobody ever said chads were smart


It's intentionally designed that way to squeeze more game time out of you. By the way,
>still playing WoW in 2019
Jesus fucking christ.

>actually wanting to have to re-earn or re-grind things you've already obtained any time you roll a new class

the absolute state of autism fags

Classicfags are just as cucked and autistic as retailfags and you all need to be lynched and your residences burned to the ground. Anyone that plays this garbage deserves the death penalty.

>WoW is the most alt-unfriendly MMO on the market. The game actively punishes you for wanting to switch mains mid-expac or experience the same content as your main on other classes.
lol, the funny thing is nothing you ever do in an mmo should be across alts and the mere idea of having alts is the antithesis of what MMOs are about. But i guess when you've spent a decade bitching you want more and more convenience over real good gameplay you cant tell the shit from the toilet.

>having to grind

Do you even like RPGs? Why don't you just ask Blizz to add a level boost feature too?


Maybe if instead of complaining for more convenience over the years you had wanted more fun gameplay you would actually enjoy that grinding.

>Is there a lead MMO developer out there who is worse than Ion (((Hazzikostas)))?

He is actually pretty good. His goal isn't to make you happy, but to keep you playing. He does that with all the grind.

>wanting to experience the game through the different lens of another class is "the antithesis of what MMOs are about"
Retail is shit, but holy fuck Classic-fags are delusional cuckolds.


Just play FFXIV fren, it's the bestest most nicest MMO out there!

merely a brad

This is literally all of the terrible design choices made throughout wow’s lifespan coming to roost.

Old content is trash and barren. The new stuff is transparent and uninteresting. They had so many opportunities to nurture the game and make it into an incredible world that would immerse players and give them a truly engaging experience. It’s a little tragic to see them catch lightning in a bottle, then proceed to let it go and replace it with human excrement.

imagine caring about this

>>wanting to experience the game through the different lens of another class is "the antithesis of what MMOs are about"
Except that isnt what you want. You want a game where all the achievements of one character is carried to another. And the reason you want that is because its boring doing what you have done again on a new character. And its your fault. You wanted a game which was based on gear treadmill raids rather than focused on the leveling experience so the leveling experience got ruined.

I bet not even once you have ever complained that they guttered leveling and reduced it to a quick interlude before you got the the 'real' end game being instanced raids and gear treadmill grinding. What you mean by 'experience the game' through other characters actually just means doing what you were doing before at the end of the game but with a slightly different role, since the whole game is nothing but dps/tank/healer with specs becoming redundant.

In other words, enjoy what you have, this is what you asked for all along.

And stay out of classic, no one wants your kind there. Have a nice day desu.

You mean the MMO with the most toxic and distorted community?

Wait a minute, people still play Jizzard games? Holy fuck...

Would be neat if they implemented rep account wide and brought back actual rep gating

>mounts, currency, PvP and items are BoA
The absolute state of retail.
No wonder people get fucking bored after a week.

>refuses to make Reputations fully account-wide because of a handful of autistic RPers obsessed with their characters' individual "stories" and "accomplishments"
Given the trainwreck Wow's lore is at this point, i doubt no one cares about this. Just a shitty excuse from devs who probably don´t even play the game already yet they think players see island expeditions/war campaign and so on as content instead of new dungeons or more than 8 bosses per fucking raid (6 + months)

>Nowhere in the OP is Classic mentioned, yet Classic-niggers proceed to make this thread all about them.

>and brought back actual rep gating
I just wish they'd bring back rep grind instead of daily crap. I'd rather spend 6 hours of autistically grinding mobs than two to three weeks worth of dailies/world quests.
I also wish they'd actually fix their game so I'd bother playing it again.

>Being in charge of the expansion that proved it CAN get worse than WoD
When's Ion getting the boot?

Gotta make sure those cattle stay subbed as long as possible.

The only toxic person is you user! Maybe you should keep your toxic opinions to yourself and you'd make frens!

FFXI had the perfect system for experiencing the game through multiple jobs on one character and even rewarded you for doing so via the subjob system but for some reason not even its successor is willing to bring it back.

Tick tock

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>WoW is the most alt-unfriendly MMO on the market.
imagine writing something this fucking stupid.

>no cheevos
>less than 10 mounts, you can't even use other races mounts
>no pets
>no xmogs
>no heirlooms
>no mount at 20

Classic will fail horribly

>WoW is the most alt-unfriendly MMO on the market
that title goes to RuneScape.

>WoW is the most alt-unfriendly MMO on the market.

You right but you aren't even citing the biggest reason. Artifact power has been the largest alt barrier since Legion.

T. retail tranny

Not to mention
>less classes
>less maps
>less races
>less dungeons
>less raids

The specific reason given for not making reps acct wide was something like "Players like to set goals for themselves when making a new character, be that leveling or pvp or grinding reps, or whatever, and we don't want to limit the amount of goals a player can set for themselves by making reps account wide". I can't find the direct quote but that's 90% word for word.

We’ve all seen the screen cap, user.

What I am afraid of the most is that the person who made this post can actually be serious.

The actual reason is because it pads out play time so they can jew you for more sub time. Heaven forbid the game actually being made fun enough that people will pay the sub even if you don't engineer retarded carrots on sticks that gate you from actually playing your character until you catch them.

but user if everything is account wide you wouldnt even play the game anymore and wouldnt have the feel that you accomplished something
without ion WoW would be dead as there would be no content wich means no fun ____ :)

>people play a game that I dont thats 10+ years old, WHAT A LOSER!!
>proceeds to speed run some shitty unheard of 8bit game
Contrarian Video Game hipsters are the fucking worst

Yes, that is a truth hidden to no-one, which only makes the "Players love grinding reps!" excuse all the more ridiculous

why does the game have to be alt-friendly

>Why should games have replay value
Fuck off back to your VNs you "story>gameplay" nigger

its an mmo not a real video game with beginning and end

and even if it was a "replay value" thing how is skipping content "replay value" you're not even replaying it

Doubtful, since is posted every thread. Only the original version on wow forum was serious.

The only bad part is you and this retard giving him a FREE (you).

Old raids and dungeons don't vanish when something new releases

stop engaging and arguing with deranged individuals. you have only yourself to blame.

I’m assuming he’s referencing that post by the guy with literally thousands of posts on the blizz forums

>giving him a FREE (you).
only redditards care about (you)s

XIV's community is so much nicer than WoW's it's not even a fair comparison
WoW is filled with rabid russians and ADHD kids hooked on redbull, it's the most cancerous cesspool in MMOs

As an RPer
I can confirm that RPers are all for account wide reputations at the same rate as any other player group. If Ion is saying its because RPers he's a fucking liar (as we all know).

>Is the god damned head of development
>Gets basic information wrong all the time
>Keeps telling players what they think
>Keeps calling players stupid
>Has the most punchable face ever

Its a mystery why people hate him so much, truly.

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Fishing for replies with pasta is older than reddit, you newfag.

Yet again I repeat: only reddittards care about (you)s

Ya ff14 trannies stick to discord to sperg and rage instead of ingame

You're in.

>Playing retail or classic
>Playing MMOs at all
You should all be euthanized.

reminder classicfags hate retail yet are willing to pay a retail subscription to play an older version of the game they've been playing for free for years

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>corrupt, chink infested hellholes
Nice try, Chang.

you realize chinks can play on US realms in retail and classic, don't you? just look at Illidan

They can’t bribe the mods, set up farming cartels and shamelessly advertise their gold selling, and if they try it’s a cut and dry banhammer.

>complain about autistic decisions
>while playing the most fucking autistic game known to man

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