>adds LFR without telling us
Adds LFR without telling us
it wont be in. It has other flaws but they seem to be doing a decent job so far.
I actually don't understand the whining about the current iteration of LFR.
It is literally irrelevant for any sort of endgame itemisation. Same with the dungeon browser that basically became deprecated with mythic +
it's not hard to figure out why it's bad, keep trying
Just wait a month and the majority of casuals will be asking for it.
>"waaa nobody wants to carry my retry/balance/enhancement toon, plz fix!"
did this actually happen?
Who cares, people going to use LFG/LFR addons anyway.
But you can't actually make most vanilla bosses any easier, outside of having them be just a target dummy.
of course not
As far as I remember LFR also dumbed the stats down to dungeon level.
It killed your ability to host and join groups the normal way.
This meant you can't vet groups or invites for people who are complete paint drinking morons.
Instead it enforced matchmaking, which is a race to the bottom.
Hell, in matchmaking I was sometimes votekicked for running ahead and killing things while everyone else was AFK sitting on their asses. That is not what you should votekick for, but it happens.
But because the system is so convenient, the pain of tolerating dumbasses will (for MOST people, not for me) win out over the pain of waiting for competent players.
As for guilds, I never ended up networking with the other players on my server, because I just fucking soloed my way through the levelling content, because the grouping tools were utter shite and would jam you into a pack with retards.
Who aside from absolute retards think theyve seen a raid if they have seen in it in LFR?
It's on the level of watching it on youtube.
You could always do pugs via LFG
Trade chat isn't the system anymore
>You could always do pugs via LFG
Not after the retard finder was put in, you couldn't, because everyone just used the fucking retard finder.
I'm gonna download so many fucking add-ons and questhelpers, dungeon group finders, rarefinder, altoholic JUST to spite the deranged classitards
You are not everyone. the modern LFG tool where you can list and search for groups, is much better than spamming trade chat.
Americans. They are shit at any game but believe whatever it is they do, its perfection and the peak of that activity. They are extremely delusional and most of them are mentally ill trannies
not even a classicfag but jump off a cliff buddy
Wait, they made oQueue default?
Interesting. Can the group leader still invite and kick, or is it some kind of votekicking type thing?
So when you complain about retail wow. What you actually mean is that the system was lackluster when it released 7 years ago, and you don't understand that it has changed in that time.
Yep! Left in Wrath of the Lich King, I think in the patch before Ulduar (not sure tho).
Haven't touched it since.
There is literally an entire section of the group finder that is just listing opened groups where the leader can invite or decline everyone he choses to.
That's how you find normal/heroic PUGs or groups for anything in mythic or mythic+ dungeons
The automatic dungeonfinder is literally irrelevant and lfr loot doesn't even justify the effort
I honestly don't mind match making dungeons. They're a cake walk most of the time.
So long as I can still bind /train to everything then it really doesn't bother me.
>It killed your ability to host and join groups the normal way.
Dude totally I remember when they removed every other difficulty other than LFR and you could no longer form your own groups and vet people. How good was that Method LFR world first recently hey haha
Ah good, I see that it's been changed.
Oh well, no point going back now.
ok retard
>don't do LFR because I have a guild full of friends and people who aren't complete shit
damn that was hard
It's literally e-peen aka prestige. Monkeys like having prestige because it means standing out of the crowd and being more visible to possible mates. It's built in you see. It's why they continue to pay you 15 a month so that they can stand out in the virtual world. You take that out, the monkeys take their 15 a month and go somewhere else, and you're left with other types of monkeys that only come when you have a new magic trick to show them. But you can only come up with a new magic trick once every few years, and in the meantime you lose subs and have to resort to milking the leftover monkeys for more. There's also the fact that the first type of monkeys also were very vocal and dedicated and brought in more monkeys to play with them over time. The second type are migratory and don't invest much.
>antisocial sperg who couldn't be fucked socializing or attempting to join a guild complains about how LFR ruined the game
ok loser
You say that like it's easy to find an active skilled group as some random noname.
it's one of the reasons you invalidate previous content and progression
I tried that. But good guilds don't pick a random noname and the guilds that invite you are as bad as the fucking LFR units.
Getting a good guild is nowhere near as easy as you make it seem.
Wait, they're adding in lfr to classic?
So whats the point of this thread then I'm confused
I Give them till phase 2 till LFR is back. If you think they wont listen to the entitled faggots that killed the spirit of the game expansions ago, then whined till they caved in in regards to classic, won't start crying again they can't get past the first boss in AQ.
>They're a cake walk most of the time.
only if you have non braindead friends, if youre playing with randoms from retail who dont even know what CC or Threat means it will be realy shitty
Telling you to fuck off and stick to reddit.
>muh challenging raids
>if youre playing with randoms from retail who dont even know what CC or Threat means it will be realy shitty
It's really not hard to say "hey CC these ones, focus this one, and let me get a couple hits in on it before you go wild"
Hell. Even if you're the fucking #3 tank on the server, it's hard to find a guild sometimes. I remember there was drama about guild poaching. I was never a part of it at the time, but it seems that unless you're literally the tippy toppest of the tippy top (and I am not), then you'll just have to settle for a guild with its own issues.
I'm yet to hear of a guild that scheduled runs of the levelling dungeons, and your guild won't always be online.
I tried a spam guild. Didn't work, too much chaff and not enough wheat.
I tried a smaller more reliable guild. Didn't work, not enough people to start random dungeon runs.
Get the perfect guild? Nigga I ain't perfect. Wish I were, but I'm not.
Get a guild around my skill level, with my own standards, roughly as upper mid tier as myself, with similar interests, and organise my own groups to run the stuff I was interested in running?
... I tried. It was working fine until LFG tool then everyone just used that instead.
>randoms from retail who dont even know what CC or Threat means
You might have some point with threat but CC is pretty essential in m+ keys that you don't outgear or in joke affix weeks.
>rolls need on everything
The hard part isn't having basic awareness or basic tactics, the hard part is getting other people to listen.
Especially in matchmaking where they're more likely to votekick YOU even when it's them being a slowass CC breaking threatwhore.
They added dishonorable kills, which is enough to mean that city raids will die off
Blizz fucked up.
You know these threads have ruined me to a point where I don't know whether this is shitting on retail or classic
I fucking wish! If I had more GOGOGOGGOGORUN types in the retard finder it'd be more bearable, because those types tend to at least try to maximise their personal dps or to ensure the healing is consistent enough that you can try the faster (but riskier) strats.
I thought you faggots wanted vanilla. Vanilla had dishonorable kills.
They're zoomers that want what we had but changed slightly so they can grief
I was pulling whole rooms in Scholo as a fucking rouge in Tier 1 gear mate.
Strat, Scholo, LBRS, UBRS BRD all can be done by facerolling retards in greens since you can bring 10 people.
The first dungeons that really wanted you to have CC were in BC.
Rankers wont raid cities in Phase 2. Retards will. Enjoy the glory days of dumb alliance raids going through the front door only to have Saurfang rape their faces and the Horde players saying "kek" in /s.
10 manning 5 man dungeons wont be a thing in classic, I fear.
DHKs are the one thing classic shouldn't have.
I already hated them back then during vanilla. And so did everyone else.
I don't know ANYONE who ever said "man I'm glad this system exists!"
The mushroom vendor at Tarren Mill approved of it.
It is weird how so many people imagine vanilla dungeons as being difficult. They never where.
Only reason it wont be a thing is because people will not want to do less optimal runs.
Lotsa people also hate how expensive mounts and raiding is in vanilla. Guess we should change that as well.
>The first dungeons that really wanted you to have CC were in BC.
Man, BC Heroics were brutal. Pretty sure there was at least one or two mobs in each dungeon that had group wiping mechanics.
>Lotsa people also hate how expensive mounts and raiding is in vanill
Nah that's a minority.
Guarantee you if we were to poll vanilla players on 30 different "things" DHKs would be the only one to get 90% for abolishing them.
>40 man raids
>you need maybe 30 people that even look at the screen to defeat bosses
it's like quick travel in Elder Scrolls games. Makes people lazy and skip content.
Eh, i'm fine with DKs.
What I mostly want is no fucking matchmaking LFG tool, no phasing and sharding, and most importantly NO WOMEN AND MINORI... sorry. NO FUCKING FLYING MOUNTS.
Dire Maul west was a pain in the ass but that was about it. Nothing remotely close to the bullshit pulls in H SH though.
None of those were in vanilla to begin with so I don't know why you would bring them up
We even did MC with three groups of 20 to weed out the retards that keep on fucking up AQ for us. Mind you, most people weren't even in full Tier 2 gear then.
That's just MC though, the rest upped the number requirements alot.
>None of those were in vanilla to begin with
I know, and I want them to STILL not be in vanilla.
>no PvP ranks for 6 months
Dead on arrival.
> PvP Rank Rewards will be the versions from patch 1.12
I guess they weren't joking when they said that their only backup is of exactly 1.12.1, because this is an absurdly adverse decision. The PvP rewards are incredibly strong in that patch, they were made that way to keep pace with how incredibly strong Naxxramas gear was. The blues are on better than T1 and on par with T2 in some cases. The epics are on par/better than AQ40 gear.
For the first time in WoW's history, the PvP gear will better than PvE gear.
seething private server fag. back to ur chink shit with you
City raid in phase 1. Phase 1 could very well last 3 months if we considering the old patches.
Don't worry, people will bitch and Blizzard will change things. Like they did with content Phases. Unlike retail wow nobody of the higher ups at activison give 2 shits about classic so Blizzard can just fuck around and to shit that's actually cool.
>PvP gear will better than PvE gear.
Why do you care? You'll roll on a PvE server anyway.
>WoW anniversary MC LFR comes out
>people could barely finish it and complained to blizzard about how hard it was to get the weapon enchant transmog off of ragnaros
Good thing only a tiny fraction of players will even sniff that gear
Yes it is relevant because its a catch up mechanic you fucking mongoloid
Catch up mechanics make character progression pointless
>For the first time in WoW's history, the PvP gear will better than PvE gear.
What about in TBC's Tempest Keep patch?
Arena rewards were tippy top tier in that one, whereas PvE sort of stagnated.
You mean the carebears that never did a legitimate raid in their life and then whined on the forums, the retards that brought this game down in the first place.
PvP gear being good from the start is overall a positive to the server health. Where I would just raidlog with MC gear waiting for BWL, myself and many others will now be grinding for atleast R10. Getting to a raidlog standpoint early is not a good thing.
It's mostly the level 60 blue pvp gear and new r14 weapons added in 1.11 that are going to be overpowered. Previous r14 weapons aren't THAT strong. They were added in 1.4 and tweaked for 1.6.
>Time for fun!
Gotta love how that boss got more and more difficult, the better your gear.
I mean it is not like a whole lot of people are going to run around with R14 weapons anyway.
thats the point of it, not much people will get it and those who want it have something to work towards too and if they reach R14 they will feel good cause the reward is fitting the autistic grind which isnt represented in todays retail
You know the time between 1.4 - 1.6 was roughly 3 months? Literally noone had the nerfed versions and its a fucking private server meme adding them in.
He's talking about the MC guy
braindead idiot