>just found out that my sister spent $30k on mobile games
What the FUCK I thought that was just a meme.
Just found out that my sister spent $30k on mobile games
Epic 7 is fucking horrible.
If she has a good job then I think it's ok as long as she can afford what she needs to. If she has a shitty mcjib then she needs some kind of intervention
I just started playing it casually recently. What's wrong with it?
What game?
Also remove her access to any way of paying, remove all credit card info
I used to have a housemate that worked for some company that made mobile games.
They use psychology and clever game design to make games just frustrating but addictive enough in the hope that people give up and chip in a few dollars for gems.
The devs dont give a fuck about the 70% majority playerbase that never pay for anything.
They're only after the remainder that buy shit.
Especially the 1% that dump $10k a month or more into the game.
Any dokkan niggas feel free to add me
what happened to that other dbz game that was supposed to kill dokkan?
>didn't hide username
>or zeni
>even gave out friend ID
you're gonna lose your account in a few hours.
What about Feh
that's not big 3. what you posted is only 1/3 of big 3, where's PAD and GBF?
I remember watching a video that said yes, this is common practice. Megawhales that do what OP's sister do and drop $30k on the game are the main targets, so it doesn't matter if 90% of the playerbase doesn't spend a dime.
Db legends?
Its still going, but not too poorfag friendly, as in it doesnt run on every phone ever
is PAD even still relevant.
was it farmvile or candy crush?
FEH can't begin to compare to the biggest mobage which pull in billions. That said I love the idea of having a bunch of FE characters from the entire franchise all playable in one game but IS is dropping the ball by only appealing to Tellius, Elibe, and Fates Royals fags. Not even Fatesfags, just the Royals.
It had a lot of promise, but it's getting worse with every update as Bandai keeps milking players harder and harder.
Nobody is gonna steal shit, whales have shown the same exact shit and with much better units and they never got hacked.
yeah it's still grossing top 1 in Japan for some reason.
>REEEE where Is tellius.
>here is telius.
>WTF stop shilling Tellius ISIS.
Besides in order to even try to steal it, you'd need to also show units and have some knowledge of what you have cleared last time you played, since those are the questions asked by support, when you try and retrieve the account.
What the fuck even is Fate? Just a mobile game with a retarded name?
>Ladder Emblem, Ladderquest
>Story is still "we have problem (10% of story), we encounter enemy contracted heroes with only a brief introduction (80%), we defeat problem (last 10%),
>Still no skill shop
>pushing level4 skills with new alts
>dropping old chars instead of buffing them and maintaining a status quo, also enticing whales to pull for them,
Yeah, I don't know what's up with that.
Beat the shit out of here and stop her man
How is that even fucking possible
you're gonna go crazy grinding for artifacts or equipment, if you are playing casually then is ok I suppose, the grind, the grind is terrible
dont know about the mobil game but the fate serise is about a bunch of people fighting to get the holy grail to make thier wish come true and summons charecters from human history to fight for them.
>Any good
A shitty VN series.
It's his sister, not his daughter, how the fuck is he going to do that without power of attorney you faggot?
How the fuck have you never heard of the fate series?
Is this your first week on a website that isn't facebook?
>you can play motherfucking X-Com on your phone, including mods
Holy shit why do people even bother with anything else?
mobile games make crazy fucking money. ea pulls in upwards of 300 mil each year just from mobile
No I've heard of it, I just never cared to actually find out what the fuck it's actually about. It seemed like the most generic of anime shit possible, without any basis or uniqueness of any kind.
Dropped 3k on fgo because I had a fucking problem, deeply regret it but I learnt my lesson.
I have a pal who's dropped about 20 grand and counting. We both spent about 20% of our monthly salaries on it at the time but Jesus I recognized my problem and fixed it, my bud threatens suicide whenever we tell him stop being retarded.
what kinds of things did they do to make things frustrating?
Replace Epic 7(lol) with gbf and Dokkan with Azurlane and that's accurate.
>the big three
Shounenshits aren't even trying
Dokkan gets top grossing whenever there's any sort of event.
Idk if I'd call it generic as a whole. The whole thing started off as porn.
>Replace Dokkan with Azurlane and that's accurate.
Dokkan dominates Azure Lane in both Japan and worldwide sales, especially worldwide. The only things you could replace Dokkan with would be Monster Strike or that konami baseball franchise I always forget the name of
How to get?
I haven't heard of anyone outside Yea Forums that plays Dokkan.
The only thing I waste is my Time, but only in bleach brave souls since it doesn't feel like a pay to win (that much)
The only mobage you need is Girl's Frontline.
>good story
>good art
>good lewds
>good gameplay
>good music
>actually hard
I play Dokkan myself but both Dokkan and FGO are objectively horseshit games with incompetent devs. They are carried entirely by the franchise they're based on and wouldn't last a week without their branding.
GBF is an example of a good gacha because there's no server segregation, the art is consistent and good, there's a browser version and it plays like a solid MMO-lite in a time where actual MMORPGS are all dead.
>good gameplay
Honkai is about the only mobage with gameplay worth mentioning and even that's kind of generous.
>the big three
>gookshit grinder
>big 3
30k on what? Do people actually raw dog rolls with real money instead of suptixes and value packs?
How the fuck does Dragon Ball keep being relevant everywhere?
This is all such bullshit, and the story is the worst thing about girl flopline
Get the apk from here
You still need the original game data files and paste them into where the app is installed, I uploaded them here:
Extract the contents of the UFO folder and put them in the UFO folder of the app.
If you want to use mods, put the mod folder in the app's mods folder and activate it in the app's mods menu.
by being one of the most iconic shonen franchises in history and being especially popular in the west and many third world countries.
Latin America.
Ive honestly non memeing have never heard of the fate series
don't bother, it's shit
Waiy, DBZ has its own gacha?
And it's as successful as FGO?
I don't even play mobile gacha shit but come on, are you living in a cave or something?
fates is no popular outside of japan stupid weaboo
Why aren't DBfags playing Legend or whatever instead of Dokkan?
Progression is based entirely on luck, because acquiring BiS gear is all RNG
And its all it need to, Do you think anime kawai moe bullshit need to be popular like capeshit or something?
Pic related, its also BTFO every anime kawai moe bullshit in China too, This alone is already making shitload of billion for Fate shit
who care..
I'm talking about popularity, not money
It's not progression since at that point you're at the end game. It's just about maximizing your characters until the next powercreep gear comes out.
Typical gookshit grinder, Why are they always treat mobile game like a fucking second job? their mmo are already grindy as fuck. What the hell is wrong with gooks?
>FGO, literally who, Dokkan
t. gbfshitter
popularity? yeah, Fate isn't popular with only nips, its also popular with chink, gook and the wholebunch of SEAnigger, its not enough for popularity?
I'm gonna throw up.
I quit gbf like 2 years ago and even GBF isn't grindy and boring as gookshit, fuckface
Not quite as successful but very successful nonetheless.
They doesn't need "your care", billion of chinks, gooks and Seaniggers are enough for them
you are too stupid to get it or didn't bother to read the chain
>he actually was a gbfshitter
>I'm probably the only one here playing Grand Chase
You need popularity to make money user, without popularity you are nothing
I miss Grand Chase itself
didn't stop all those shitty gacha games to make money
You never heard of fateshit doesn't mean others doesn't know about fateshit
On this not I don't know why Saint Seiya have not made a mobage, they would make a killing
it's not going to make it popular in the west either
You know it's cosmic irony when a game names itself after the thing they prevail at the most.
How do you mean?
Let see them pull off Fate number then. See this
120.4 billion yen in 2018 alone
What anime weeaboo bullshit game is popular in the west?
what is this from data from, mediacreate?
What the fuck do you even mean? they are all horrible shitty ass grinding crap, The sooner you quit the better.
Dokkan, FGO and?
Isn't Granblue one of the biggest?
>GBF is not as bad
>u-uuuh they are actually all bad retard!!
MS, FGO and a pubg clone
>I quit gbf like 2 years ago and even GBF isn't grindy and boring as gookshit
Can you even read? the fuck is that GBF is not as bad come from?
But this is only GBF app. Most of the player use the browser which is miles better.
Sorry your shitty gookshit is irrelevant as fuck and your general is already dying
Yeah yeah whatever find me GBF number then we talk
traps are gay
Just show the proof la
Once you will reach midgame you will know how bad things really are. Lategame is pure garbage too.
didn’t expect to find the /gbfg/ doomposters/sales shitposters in here
>telling the truth about OP bullshit
>doomposters/sales shitposters
Nigger what?
Play Honkai.
It's just mad dragshitposters because KMR doesn' give a shit about their flop game
Boring as shite, if i want action game i rather play Bayonetta, DMC 5, ninja gaiden again. Hell even Batman is million times better than this trash
the data isn’t even accurate, it only counts figures from ios/play store, nothing from mobage/dmm/gree
>even Batman is million times better than this trash
No one's going to believe you if you try that hard.
It's still better than every other mobage with thread-bare turn-based JRPG gameplay.
>better map
>more environment
>more variety of enemies
>more ways to do shit
That alone make it better than blandest as fuck map and the same shitty enemies over and over again, also no gacha or grinding bullshit
Why do people even play Dokan it's so boring.
>Only noteworthy content nowadays is the Arena and Aether Raids, both of which are laughably bad for different but also the same reasons
>Every single new gamemode introduced after Tap Battle has been a disaster, some have even been removed from the game without leaving behind a trace (remember Rally Defense lmao)
>More and more banners per month but the orb count is getting lower and lower
>Still no interesting new banners like ticket banners or step up banners, just the same boring shit from day 1
>Powercreep is getting worse and worse with almost every single new banner
>Pruned the Book 1 units from the summoning pools, so RIP Brave Ike fodder and Takumi fodder, forcing you to summon on very specific banners if you want said characters
There are many more complains I have with the game but there is no point in listing them all. FEH is a dead game by this point only being sustained by dedicated whales and dumbass youtubers that constantly lie to themselves and say that the game is better than ever.
>play mobage for the gameplay
No thank you
Dokkan is extremely f2p friendly now
I'll take my cute girls with fun gameplay over my cute girls with shit gameplay.
What joy do people find in mobile games? Even if it's like a real game like the GTA ports or Sonic all you think while playing is "I wish I had some fuckibg buttons".
Its not the amount that bothers me me. I spend 30 bucks on Maximum Tune and Sound Voltex every arcade trip. I'm sure its thousands at this point. I just dont understand how people have fun tapping a screen.
I’ve been playing Another Eden obsessively since I downloaded it about a week and a half ago. It’s amazing how much it doesn’t try to get you to spend any money, and I’m just enjoying the grind of it all. I also like how minimalist the UI is, if that makes any sense.
its ok when japan does it
the fuck, i wish i had that much money to spend on literal nothing, i barely have enough to eat as it is, fuck this life man
Its not even fun, don't try to fool anyone. And i play its for the doujins. What doujins you got bitch? zero?
>believing OP
No wonder your life is a trainwreck
Turn based games work well enough on phones.
pretty hard to spend money if he's got his dick shoved deep into her pussy
Yeah, it is. And consider ending yourself for comparing it to banham. It may be limited due to hardware but that's just horseshit.
>Play for it's doujins
You don't need to play shit for doujins, that's fucking retarded.
I spent $200 on GBF
I'll add you user. The name is Kabloko BTW.
Just link with a social media account.
>spending money on a bunch of PNGs
have sex incels
>play mobage weebshit with shitass gameplay
>no doujin
What the point? and my point still stand. If i want action game i rather play Bayonetta, DMC 5, ninja gaiden again, also nier automate too if i want to watch cute girl
Fine, bend over.
nice argument nguyen
Is this a pajeet?
Why play at all? Just read the doujins, you don't need to play the fucking game.
>Bayonetta, DMC 5, ninja gaiden again, also nier automate too
I play all of the above and Honkai too, which has the added benefit of continuous updated content with new characters and movesets, stop using that as an excuse.
high quality seanig post
>reached level 30 something
>oh open world map wooooah what kind of surprise gameplay we got here
>its just the same shitty mission map but bigger
Honkers is pretty good for a mobile game.
Shame you need an emulator and a pad to play it decently.
Good thing i heard a pc port is on the way
>what kind of surprise gameplay we got here
All the fucking garbage homu platforming nonsense and play-as-enemy-mech shit wasn't enough variety for you? That shit is garbage, they need to focus on tightening up the core combat instead of making shitty minigames that don't even fit.
Jesus that must be hard, being a lucklet.
It’s like Pokémon it’s so ingrained into our culture now you’ll never see it die
>which has the added benefit of continuous updated content with new characters and movesets
Like i said, boring as shit, none existence map, boring enemies, boring combos, boring anime reference event and some characters are gacha exclusive. Why waste your time doing daily crap when you can just play real game?
> try to look up Saint Seiya fights to see what I’m missing
> it’s all Spanish sub
Their platforming make me want to sleep and that play-as-enemy-mech shit isn't any better either
The combat is flashy like gook mmo, but i don't feel any kind of excitement doing it at all, so boring
I honestly don't mind pokemon still being relevant because the games still have potential, but while they are under the leadership of Gamefreak all we will see is the same low effort, cash grab games that they have been pumping out since X/Y. Dragonball however has overstayed its welcome. Just let the poor thing die once and for all.
>Like i said, boring as shit, none existence map, boring enemies
It's a fucking mobile game, find me one with the variety you're describing that supports real-time combat with online co-op and maybe I'll consider your point. But yeah, they do need more enemy variety, that much is true.
>boring combos, boring anime reference event
Your opinions.
>some characters are gacha exclusive
Yeah, that's gatcha. At least you're guaranteed the rate-up S rank with enough stocked crystal, unlike most gatcha.
>Why waste your time doing daily crap when you can just play real game?
You say it like it's physically impossible to do both. I've played DMC, NG, Bayo and others to death, so I play Honkai too.
I’d have agreed with you a decade ago but I’m one of those retards that actually enjoyed Super and the new movie so I’m excited for the series to continue.
>I'm emotionally drained, it's games fault
Go outside and get some fucking air.
I've played DMC, NG, Bayo and others to death, what doujin you got? zero bitch
>be a third worlder
>go outside
>pollution everywhere
I only play mobage in the toilet or 15 minutes before going to bed, isn't that what mobage for?
I don't know, i play FGO?
Gomen. Please carry on.
I play it on public transport, it's a good time-killer.
>with enough stocked crystal, unlike most gatcha
Doing all the daily bullshit to get enough crystal make me feel very tiring all over my body
Lads, LR Kale&Caulifla coming to dokkan. Finally
Maybe see a doctor? I don't get it, it's no more tiring than any regular game.
You cant play those on mobile.
I play the king of gachashit
It's a franchise that started as a visual novel and now has multiple anime adaptations, video games, light novels, and manga.
The premise is basically, there's a holy grail that can grant any wish. Officially, the grail is supposed to choose its master, which will be decided in a war between 7 magicians and their servants, who are contracted Heroic Spirits, all over history and mythology, ranging from King Arthur, Siegfried, Hercules, Achilles, etc and they are summoned through servant containers, like Saber, Archer, Lancer,etc. Normally, Heroic Spirits wouldn't follow the orders of mere humans, but because of the holy grail, they are forced to compromise to achieve their wish, some heroic spirits wishes a second chance in life, etc. The twist is the grail don't actually choose a master, but anyone can become the master of the grail, as long as there are enough sacrifices, which are the 6 other masters and servants. The grail isn't actually an almighty wish granting device, but a cup filled with evil and curses. The only way it can grant a wish is through pure destruction, so if you wish to have all the riches in the world, the grail will pour all those evils through the world until you're the only one alive, so you can have all the world's riches to yourself. The masters and heroes participating don't know this though.
>LR Kale&Caulifla
Yawn. I'm blowing a big load on these two and hopefully I manage to get both of them or at the very least Goku. If luck is on my side and I manage to pull both of them I'm gonna blow everything I save up from the anniversary on the GT Trio.
Damn. Puzzle and Dragon still chugging along.
>spend more money on fake games
I hope the mobile generation is a fad and google’s streaming game service takes over the mobile and console gamers
>Touhou would be top if all extra doujin events were included
Man, if ZUN ever greenlights a Touhou gatcha game the market is going to fucking crash.
And no, that one fan mobage doesn't count and isn't even gatcha
Based Jannu showing gacha retards the light
It's not fucking okay, $30k is more than I have spent on all video games combined over my entire life, and not just a little more. How can you think burning that much cash on shitty mobile games is acceptable?
>If she has a good job then I think it's ok
It is never ok to spend $30,000 on fucking mobile games.
>Got Jack on my first 10 roll on her banner
>Spooked me twice thereafter
I wish I could gift them to people.
basic gambling addiction
how can anyone willingly put themselves through those skinner boxes?
get a grip fags, realize you're getting bamboozled by nasu, do something
>No rerolling start with Red man
>got Drake in 1 ten rolls
>got Jannu in 1 ticket
>got Raikou in 10 rolls
>got Jack in 1 ticket
>got titty monk in 1 ticket
>got Mona Lisa in 1 ticket
Now i only have 857 SQ left, What should i do?
play GBF
>Actually rolling for Da Vinci
I thought I was the only one who liked her non-loli version. Got her on my first roll too.
Honkai has doujins but you gonna have to get them from China, which is surprisingly harder than getting shit from Japan for apparently.
3 or 4 weeaboo porn comic and its all low quality crap not worth anyone time anyways, why should i care?
You clearly dont have access to China, so keep seething. Haha
Touhou has always had the best doujins anyway, including all the best non-h ones.
I live in Taiwan and we has Comiket wannabe which is pathetic in comparison with real Comiket and 99% of it are low quality crap, don't try to bullshiting anyone, white pig .
How many dōjin you've got, bitch?
Play dragon milkers
Who is this forgettable generic as shit anime whore? look like something straight out from the book how to drawn anime for beginner weeaboo.
How the FUCK do we stop monster strike
I want to fuck this forgettable generic as shit anime whore.
>"Playing" mobile games
>not simply fapping to fanart / doujinshi
>Giving Chinks / Japs your hard earned money
>gook seven and dragon ball
>top 3