Wow, so this is really good

Wow, so this is really good.

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Last FC game I've enjoyed since 2

cull the herd

It's ubishit and it's far cry. At this point you either like the formula or you hate it.

3 > 2 > 1 > 5 > 4

4 is great and the only reason people like 3 is because of Vaas but he got cucked out of his own game lmao

>3 higher than 2 or 5

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3 is liked because it was the first FC game for zoomers and now everyone's feeling nostalgic about it.

The fact you get kidnapped like 9 times is fucking obnoxious. It's also pretty fucking stupid how you can miss a ton of content just by filling up the resistance bar too much, I learned after the first region that you need to fucking rush any main quests or risk losing them, I missed maybe 1/3 of them in the first region because I did too much side content. Did the pastor have any cool quests? I missed ALL of his shit because of this.
Fucking phenomenal sound track though, better than this game deserves.
Only youuuu

Most overrated soundtrack in gaming, especially the album version

Aren't 4 and 5 just 3 with more stuff and less boring environment?

Daddy Pagan is based desu

so what's the verdict on 5?
is it worth playing a year after release

>It's also pretty fucking stupid how you can miss a ton of content just by filling up the resistance bar too much
Fuck I'm replaying the game and never knew this, thankfully I'm only in the first third of the first area. Thanks for the heads up
Hope County Choir is based and redpilled, but otherwise I agree

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>The fact you get kidnapped like 9 times is fucking obnoxious. It's also pretty fucking stupid how you can miss a ton of content just by filling up the resistance bar too much, I learned after the first region that you need to fucking rush any main quests or risk losing them, I missed maybe 1/3 of them in the first region because I did too much side content. Did the pastor have any cool quests? I missed ALL of his shit because of this.
Literally the only missable content is that dude at the prison Faith puppeteers the Marshall to shoot.

Seriously, why do people get so upset about missing content in a ginormous game. One of the biggest complaints about AAA gaming from RPG fans is how devs are unwilling to lock players out of content. Yet when developers DO lock players out of content people get all weird about it.

Far Cry 3 is a pretty damn good game. But it is also kinda creaky. The nostalgia some people have for it reminds me of the nostalgia some people have for AC2. They whine and whine about how Ezio was the best, but then they finally go back and replay AC2 and it's nowhere near as good as they remember. For the most part Far Cry 4, Far Cry Primal, and then Far Cry 5 improved upon the underlying gameplay and found ways to make the game structure less rigid.

>2012: Waaaagh, this shit game forces me to hunt rare animals to craft a goddamn wallet, or a fucking holster.
>2018: Waagh, this shit game allows me to hunt for pleasure instead of turning it into a giant fucking chore.

My favorite part about this game was getting locked out of it cause I forgot my Uplay login for a game I bought on steam and needing to remember what I even used for the 2 step authentication shit to even get a password reset email sent. Ubisoft can eat shit, past game I'll ever buy from them.

You're seriously blaming poor Ubi for YOUR shit memory?


Yeah it's great, apart from the abduction stuff, although it can lead to some fun 'Objective: SURVIVE' scenarios if you get yourself into a sturdy vehicle

Yeah cause I don't need 3 extra security measures to access my games just because Ubishit is scared of being hacked or something. No other publisher does it to this extent.

>The fact you get kidnapped like 9 times is fucking obnoxious.
You know, you encounter the Seeds nine times across a gigantic open world game. One of the biggest complaints about Far Cry New Dawn is that its antagonists show up *checks fingers* about three times, total. Why do people get so pissy about being abducted? You run around blowing the shit out of the world. Then you get upset when the powers that be try to non-lethally stop you. What's the alternative? Have the antagonists say, "Please show up to this location so we can talk to you?"

Far Cry New Dawn did EXACTLY that. Come to this warehouse, we have a hostage, and chain yourself to the ceiling. And people bitched and moaned about how the protagonist was "stupid" for putting their guns in the bag and entering on the antagonist's terms.

Think about the number of times James Bond has been knocked out by the bad guys so they can lecture him. The entire point of the Far Cry 5 abductions is that they're relatively polite attempts to make you stop. They're not trying to kill you. It's bizarre how many players don't understand that the Seeds bend over backwards to NOT kill you. It's like it doesn't compute for them. I just don't understand how people can miss the point so badly. It's like they want malicious murderous psychopaths like Vaas or something.

>*checks fingers*

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Forced abductions in Far Cry games were invented by Far Cry Instincts. You're doing your thing during one mission, and then out of the blue Crowe darts you from behind, and you wake up tied to a chair as Krieger monologues at you about human potential and shit. Then you get injected with something. When you wake up again, you have superpowers. I love that game. Wish it was on PC.

It's fine, but the resistance bar and the kidnapping was really fucking shit. Encourages you to try to avoid any minor diversions lest you advance the story before you're ready and miss out on content.
Certainly doesn't help that the only way they could think of to advance the story was for the protagonist to keep getting kidnapped. A couple of times too but nine times is just ridiculous.

This is on you, you don't need it.You don't need to use 2 factor authentication for Uplay unless you're playing ranked mode in Siege, and I'm pretty sure they didn't even add that requirement until long after FC5 came out.

I think the main issue is that with a bethesda game you know there will be branching paths in the story, but Far Cry has never been advertised as nothing but a linear story so when people learn a game is actually more rpg than a linear campaign, there in lies the chaos element.

>another retard misusing the term zoomer
oh boy this has gotten real old

>*checks fingers*

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>What's the alternative? Have the antagonists say, "Please show up to this location so we can talk to you?"
Set up the story in a way that it doesn't require the protagonist to be kidnapped to advance the plot? The big issue with how the kidnapping works is that it establishes that Edens Gate has the capability to kill you anytime they want, but yet for some reason they don't even as you're destroying their entire structure of organization and killing hundreds of them. Why would the last Seed after you kill the first two and destroyed their bunkers still play softball with you after all?
The problem isn't that it happens, it's how it happens and how often it happens.
Rather then just have them magically knock you out make it a part of a story mission where the resistance sends you to a location only for something in the attack to go wrong.

>*checks fingers*

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Far Cry 5 is quantity
Far Cry New Dawn is quality

I enjoyed both, but I wish they had kept that comfy music from FC5 in FCND, even if it didn't make sense fully. I especially miss listening to "We Will Rise Again" and "Oh The Bliss". Wish they had processed the story more, and worked on the execution of it as well. I think parts of Far Cry 5 were pretty clever, like the brain-washing Jacob did on you to kill the leader of the whitetails.

Personally, in retrospect, FC5 evoked more emotion than FCND did. I think it's a mix of the characters and the music. I think it could've been even more powerful had they done what I previously stated: worked on it more.

Lots of people mentioning the resistance bar making you skip missions, but were the missions all that interesting? I mainly played the game by wandering around taking outposts and freeing captives, and never bothered with story quests outside the mandatory ones because they had no rewards. Are the side missions actually worthwhile?

Far Cry 5s ending really pissed me off. The more I thought about it the less most of it made sense.

New Dawn somehow took that shit ending I hated and gave it a resolution that left me satisfied in a way I wasn't expecting.

no it's not

>The big issue with how the kidnapping works is that it establishes that Edens Gate has the capability to kill you anytime they want, but yet for some reason they don't even as you're destroying their entire structure of organization and killing hundreds of them. Why would the last Seed after you kill the first two and destroyed their bunkers still play softball with you after all?
What part of "this one will come to the atonement, or the Gates of Eden will be closed to you" was unclear?

Joseph intervenes personally when Jacob tries to drown you. He forgives you again and again, and even after you refuse to walk away and doom the world to be consumed by fire, he can't bring himself to kill you.

I wasn't really pissed off or anything like that, but I was a bit disappointed in how the ending played out. It basically reflected my feelings on the story as a whole.

Joseph was a really promising character, and the actor pulled off certain scenes really well. But I think if the story was written better, it could've been an incredible story worthwhile of remembering. The composition of the music was just let down by the shitty writing imo.

What didn't make sense about Far Cry 5's ending for you?

At the time mostly how Joseph was able to kidnap and brainwash literally every single major character in the game after Edens Gate was all but destroyed. There was also the question of where he got the Edens Gate flag to replace the US fag in the bunker and how the US sticker on the chair transformed into an Edens Gate cross, though that last one was partially rectified in New Daw because they changed the sticker on the chair into one that was actually the right shape to cover up the US flag sticker.

New Dawn adds another level considering how near as we can tell everyone who was present at that fight managed to survive the war even though their bunkers were almost certainly farther away then the one you make a beeline to and end up failing to reach. I think it's safe to assume that the entire ending of 5 was a bliss fuel hallucination that didn't actually play like anything at all like it did in the game.

>At the time mostly how Joseph was able to kidnap and brainwash literally every single major character in the game after Edens Gate was all but destroyed.
You underestimate how much power and control Joseph's part of Eden's Gate had. All you did during the game was antagonize the Heralds.
>New Dawn adds another level considering how near as we can tell everyone who was present at that fight managed to survive the war even though their bunkers were almost certainly farther away then the one you make a beeline to and end up failing to reach. I think it's safe to assume that the entire ending of 5 was a bliss fuel hallucination that didn't actually play like anything at all like it did in the game.
There were other bunkers. You find heaps of bunkers when you're exploring in New Dawn. Montana has a lot of preppers. The people who died were all the randoms who weren't prepared.

>At the time mostly how Joseph was able to kidnap and brainwash literally every single major character in the game after Edens Gate was all but destroyed.
I always assumed they had been under Joseph's control the entire time. The water supply for Hope County had been dosed with Bliss for ages. I always thought the point of the final encounter was to demonstrate just how deeply Joseph wanted you to turn back. He had the power to stop you the entire game, but he kept trying to persuade you with words.

>Sam Fisher appearing in a bunch of Ubisoft games
>new Splinter Cell never
oh no, i made myself sad.

>Joseph's part of Eden's Gate
A group that I don't think actually exists because we never see evidence of any such group in the entire game.
>There were other bunkers.
Yes, there were other bunkers. Survivor notes imply that they went into their own bunkers, not some random one, especially since many of the bunkers you find in 5 aren't really livable. We know that Nick had to travel all the way back to his home and Hurk and family managed to get to a bunker that was their and therefore probably somewhere on their property. Both are a fair ways away from the compound.

Splinter Cell was part of the walmart leak back in 2018. That leak included a bunch of games including Borderlands 3. We will likely see Splinter Cell at E3 in June.

>Far Cry New Dawn is quality
ND was a horrible SP MMO tier game with really hateable characters besides Seed