Do you know how much exp conscripts get by nailing a vehicle
Do you know how much exp conscripts get by nailing a vehicle
Neither do i but it's by default 20x more sweet than engie models expwise
See the ptrs spam doctrine is so fucking broken in every sense of the word that ur conscripts are going to be so fucking maxed out
Because apart from 20x more exprate over being that fucking bullshit
Because you just need to do dmg to gain it and level them up fast
They have this AV ability which turns their regular all purpose av nade you unlock
Into a full squad nade spam thr shit out of whatever vehicle you just targeted
Every little dmg is exp that sega games revolves around
>Into a full squad nade spam thr shit out of whatever vehicle you just targeted
Without this doctrine
One of these bad boys cc's the shit out of anything
And does more than enough dmg for coming from trash
It's still a danger to medium tanks
Now, let's have 4 more throw em'
And that's just 1 squad
What the fuck are any of you talking about.
>Now, let's have 4 more throw em'
>And that's just 1 squad
This rape doctrine makes everything but conscripts
Completely fucking useless apart from killzone spacers like 1 sniper or 2
You're going to have so many fucking bodies that's a danger to anything and everything
You're just blobbing around 3 groups
Conscript pluton
Enemy at the Gates squad
And engineers because you gotta rp laying down mines midbattle sometime
Everything else, you just take over
>Everything else, you just take over
Attack move here
Attack move that
Click 1
Av ability on the first medium vehicle you see
Hit the dirt on a focused one, merge into engies, run home
Fill em up again to merge into whatever else coming home for the next everything will die wave asap
Don't forgot to click 2 and focus that mg squad thinking they were slick
Bam bam
Gotta come in a new dude take over
Bam bam
It's gone, we're all standing upp again
Av mash that tiger
1 penal
At late game
Only 1 needed
Because you're going to have atleast 5 squads of conscripts maxed out
>Because you're going to have atleast 5 squads of conscripts maxed out
And probably 3 extra just to merge in to garbage that has 10% more exp than them
Or just to oorah around a team and molotov them for no reason
Maybe you were yawning at this point
>Maybe you were yawning at this point
I were
Requires some kind mg meme counter comp
Because nothing
Gets close
>you're going to get aoed
You're everywhere vehicles are
Annihilating them with conscripts while everyone else rp battles
You can spend the match attack moving down to up or up to down at the middle and you'll be a Peace keeping force of the game
Fortifications are gone within seconds. They'll loose 80% hp before you get pinned which just means they shat their pants
>They'll loose 80% hp before you get pinned which just means they shat their pants
They'll drop all their ordnance on your memecomp in the end
Seriously all you need to do
Is to realize
How fucking meme that garbage doctrine is
Click retreat because thet just unloaded the fatherland on where you decided to show up and come back again
Reinforced, as cheaply as possible
Probably got even more dudes at this point
All this
Costs just Manpower still
>you decided to show up and come back again
It's not you
It's the doctrine that feels way too fucking meta or some shit
Maybe pubstomp tier garbage
Feels like it
Only way to beat it is outvalueing in the inf dep
Gl on that
All i need
Is to buy 1
Nothing else attached to match whatever you're trying
And that's just manpower spent
Got enough resources i forgot to look at for whatever else later
Like there'll be a fucking later lmfao
>Nothing else attached to match whatever you're trying
>And that's just manpower spent
What was that?
You spent munitions and fuel to counter 80% MP cost?
Hol' dat
I'll buy a katyusha to back my dudes up
Hol' dat
I'll buy whatever fat tank i need to complement
I'll even slap on some max fuel cost upgrades
Just for bling
>for what?
His anti inf comp ofc
Only 1 counter is needed when you're backed by a gajillion ptrs rifles
>Only 1 counter is needed when you're backed by a gajillion ptrs rifles
Now why not
The absolute beastest
And meanest
Vehicle fuel can buy
Since fuck is that and munitions when rolling with this doctrine anyway
Why don't queue 3
Am I having a stroke
>Since fuck is that and munitions when rolling with this doctrine anyway
I mean you'll get this genius conclusion
Over having a mp income of -9 over having so many dudes already
It's a tactical geniatical decision you have to make while managing ur resources under sthrehss
You just
Don't need to care at all
gkgkhh nmkfkgmvng
>You just
>Don't need to care at all
Hit the dirt
Is really fucking good
If ur doods nails anything
They've got and thus shouldn't die
Thus, munition investment into conscr
>munition investment into conscr
Boy does it stack up too
You have so much fucking trash to merge with
They'll always live on
You just need to keep track on how the game works regarding switching to what unit during/after/before merge
You know what i loved the most?
Mergr conscr into upped penals just to retreat the penals and whatwver remains of conscr get buttfucked over ur brain going
Muh satchel play
And muh conscr...
is this a threadbot
I think an AI just learned to post here,and it's fucking retarded. Either that or someone is legitimately brain-damaged in some fashion and is trying to communicate.
What's up
Been falling to sleep trying to watch a bit of this being played
But i don't wanna lmfao
I'm just ruining shit for myself
>But i don't wanna lmfao
>I'm just ruining shit for myself
It doesn't substitute playing
But it fills the wanting to play it kek
Nail the concept of merging and you'll see how fucking easy it is
You just need to get past the spent 70 first games noy Reading what shit does
So fucking wierd. That habit.. still trying to figure out what my commissar does
>still trying to figure out what my commissar does
I just find it really fucking funny he goes
Like the only line he got
So i just lump up together with penals and engie flamers
I mean he's supposed to buff them that makes sense
Just cant be bothered to stay still for 2 seconds
Revolver Ocelot
>I mean he's supposed to buff them that makes sense
>Just cant be bothered to stay still for 2 seconds
Here's how it goes
>Let's see what he does
>listen up men
>right, that's true gotta micro
>back to satchel blays
Then next time i get to think of it i get reminded of MEN i have to micro
So it's just a loop of getting reminded you've got idlers
I can swear
He didnt exist before. I would've known if i could be rolling a commissar
Played mods to do that
Wouldnt have bought str8 outta meta ptrs doctrine if i knew that existed
It has to be brand new or some shit, it did exist in mods
But not in the regular version.
Either way, nice wanted a support thingy. Everyone else had one, ud think reddies would too
Of all
is this a company of heroes thread?
>Played mods to do that
By that i mean
Trying to make time pass in that game before
So tried some
There was a 170+units mod
Seemed fun as fuck. Many differents too
Less 300mp smg engie squad focused
And i don't know how to play either for shit so it works
>Seemed fun as fuck.
Fun and tedious
Cannot believe how rng it's gotta be
It's the muh realistic ordnance and tech and distance shit factored in
And 6 different units of conscr to buy
And you're
>And 6 different units of conscr to buy
>And you're like
The most expensive one
is shittier
Than a regular one
So why 5 more?
Hence tedious parts of them
But whatever
Wasn't intended to be a big model count game so running round with 10 100mp cost squads is just purely for rp to me
>Hence tedious parts of them
The real tediousity is the fucking everything is new you gotta take in
I'm not putting to note how shit 5th avatar conscr is
Compared to 3rd avatar
Buy a bundle of the shittiest one and just send them up
They all go down as if they're peasants from total war anyway
To the same unit
One mod i tried had fucking 10 slots for transport
Genuinenly batshit muhism
When you do the smart thing and just cap garbage with the cheapest
How fucking broken they are balance wise still
Genuinenly costs shit
But you just cap shit
Discarded weapons and vehicles included
Do it wrong and you go broke over playing a fucking mod that kills models from fow
It looks like somebody talking to themselves
It all does make 500% sense on paper
One tine decided to read mosr of thr garbage
So i spam checkpointed cap orders all over the place spamming the cheapest dudes just to drag shit out and make him think he's having fun
It works, it's just fucking cheap
Everything he's got costs probably 4x more by default than whatever he always is chasing lol
I don't like playing mods but i do like them in that one. Ambitious as shit for a fanbase that really loves muhism
>So i spam checkpointed cap orders all over the place spamming the cheapest dudes just to drag shit out
This is just pure not ok though
We talking about value generating a side can pull
That was cheese
Literally cant keep up with how many you can pump out to different ends
His arent cheap, or many, or able to freely take hits
Nazis always needs to be around a support center to regen, reddies just run home and come back directly
>Nazis always needs to be around a support center to regen, reddies just run home and come back
Accidentally come across a flank
Avoid it
That's it
Cost me 100mp
Meant nothing me, gajillions are awaiting on where you are not
It's a battle of never being sure what the fuck you're up against anyway
He's got 170+ new units too
good thread honestly
And i sure as fuck
Didnt have him before
I know as much
It was some dlc campaign only thingy
What is this anyway?
Psykos to say the least
What's up with the rise of schizo anons lately?
What do you mean exactly?
good thred
I think it's a chatlog that's been copypasted, judging by the formatting.
But then I still have no idea what the fuck is going on. Discussion about some kind of war game? Company of Heroes, maybe?
What the fuck is going on
you guys ever see several weird nonsensical things happen in a day and start to feel like it's the beginning of Shaun of the Dead?