Upcoming DLC for DOA6

Along MAI and KULA, Team Ninja is planning to release:

- Leon + Crash Club
- Gen Fu + Burai Zenin
- Maria Douglas in an opera dress (152 moveset) + Great Opera
- Momiji/Rachel not planned at the moment

Attached: Maria_HD.png (1049x766, 1.17M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Where is Ein ?

Looks fake but would love that. Great list.

I could've believed it when there was only one character but three?
Doesn't get any more fake than that

Are Leon and Gen Fu for free ? They are not even popular. I don't see the point.

No alpha152?

I just want a MILF fighter.

Maria will take her code. No more jelly (she's dead anyway).

Guys this is true. Why would I leak fake news on a game nobody is hyped for ?

Why would they give Alpha152's moveset to a human character? Doesn't make sense.


Attached: commercial_break_by_radianteld_dd41r72.jpg (3000x2700, 1.44M)

because youre an autistic faggot

>SNK's Lightning

Man, I hope that OP pic is from an old game.

Attached: 124 - uONtrzb.png (1920x1080, 2.91M)

>Momiji/Rachel not planned at the moment

Let me guess:
No keyboard support?
No cross play?
No lobbies?
No way how to filter matches to 3+bars
No way to have training mode on standby and interrupting only when the the match actually starts (no confirmation)?

Also sidesteps needs to be nerfed a little. You risk almost nothing by spamming sidesteps in 80% of the match. They are ridicilousy good and you dont even have to be skilled to use them properly: they have too many invincible frames.

Attached: fat VS flat.jpg (1920x1080, 208K)

>Marie and Kula in the same game

Attached: 1507192107259.gif (500x700, 1010K)

Maria is ressurected by NiCO and she is like a floating ghost, wearing her opera dress she died in. I have no idea what is the story behind it though, sorry.

Picture is indeed from DOA4.

Attached: 39 - JdyJ8cM.png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

Leon and Gen Fu would need to be free.

bullshit these pedos would never put a milf in doa