Isnt it strange how all the top twitch streamers are getting donations with captions/messages related to doritos...

Isnt it strange how all the top twitch streamers are getting donations with captions/messages related to doritos, that twitch clips in the last week have a doritos suffix added to them 1/5 of the time and that the PS4 store has a advert for Doritos new flavor?

Is this how marketing and advertising works in 2019

Attached: 1554711843865.jpg (1080x767, 58K)

No, your just a schizo. Now go enjoy some delicious food you havent in a while- might improve your mood.

I haven't noticed because I don't watch twitch streams ya simp.

Holy shit now i want some doritos

millenials and gen z are really fucking hard to sell normal adverts to so word of mouth and sponsors is your bread and butter

this in a nutshell

Whats up with burgers being schizos/paranoid? I see this a lot on /pol/ and /int/

Yes. Advertising now works by pretending to be a Fellow User™ and talking about how much you enjoy Thing™.
Yea Forums is resistant to it because for whatever goddamn reason an agent can't talk about what they like about something without going full butthurt sperg and accusing everyone of being schizophrenic shill /pol/ idiots, thus making the product look bad.

Ameribased and schizopilled

Attached: 1554753785705.gif (600x450, 120K)

yikes and fatpilled

Pretty good, pretty good. You got the whole Burgers vs Euros thing, the accusing others of mental illness, and namedropping /pol/ for matters that have nothing to do with politics.
But you haven't mentioned accelerationism, or how developers deserve your money for all their hard work, or how $thing isn't white.
Your irony is off to a good start, but it still has a lot of work to go!

The only problem is that now they're learning to tell word of mouth apart from people paid to push product.

dumbass sjw

Excellent! Addressed absolutely none of the content of my post, and namedropped $BAD_THING, even if $BAD_THING has nothing to do with what I've said.
Guaranteed to get an anger repsonse, for being blatantly incorrect and having nothing really to respond to.
And since anger will in no way promote your product, and instead will make your product look like it's a source of anger, it even fails at the job of advertising.
You're doing really well with this irony/mocking of ineffective advertisers. Keep it up!

sjw retardoposter doesn't know what irony means, colour me shocked

take your meds

:( I was expecting you to say "schizo"!
That'd make you sound like a broken record that can only repeat tired old phrases and really cement the mockery.

I do like that you've doubled down on your misuse of terminology though!
That's a great tactic for shills. Misusing "based" to mean "good", or "sjw" or "/pol/" to mean bad, even though those words have clear and unambigious meanings. Really shows you as someone who has no knowledge of what you're trying to promote.
I also like how, even if doing something once isn't productive, you've opted to double down, because doing the same thing twice is guaranteed to get different results.
Overall you're doing a great job of mocking advertisers.

Ah there it is. Well done, broken record-man. You're following the script of a blatant ineffective shill perfectly.

Its probably some fucking meme you're not in on

you said broken record twice, what are you, a broken record? jeez the sjw's are getting dumber

By the way, your next tactic is to try bargaining and explaining that you really need your job and it'd be nice if I could please just buy your product.
Alternatively you could bring in a 2nd guy to pretend to be the "opposite" side of whatever you're arguing for, trying to get me to support this 2nd guy, even if the 2nd guy repeats the same problems.

> what are you, a broken record?
Heck yeah bro! Can't make a mockery of advertisers without copy and paste.

What a shit thread

fuck off sjw

little sjw has their feefees hurt..

aaaaand theres the sjw cringe!

fail from sjw

>1min apart
Yea Forums noob

uh this is 4channel friend idk what Yea Forums is but you should go back

twitch streamers are camwhores in the same way of chaturbate. just they dont get naked and are more marketable

I’m not a friendless millennial faggot that watches Twitch so no, I haven’t noticed.