Holy shit this game is HARD.
This is the first time I've actually managed to build a profitable town on the hardest of difficulties. Communism is truly a retarded system.
How's your republic going?
Holy shit this game is HARD.
This is the first time I've actually managed to build a profitable town on the hardest of difficulties. Communism is truly a retarded system.
How's your republic going?
Other urls found in this thread:
I quit after some crashes to let the game bake for a few months, but I had a nice republic going. Oil is a good start since pulling all the crude you can out of an oilfield and putting it on a train for export requires no workers. That gives you some revenue on which to build up refining capacity and then a construction industry from there.
looks like modern russian town
Only the case on easy, though. Oil fields need power on hard.
>Communism is truly a retarded system
You needed a video game to show you that?
I was playing on hard (well, custom, since I bumped up the starting cash). I didn't mention the coal plant on the other side of the mountain because that's the first thing you need for anything. You can just autoimport coal so it's not a huge deal anyway; my first couple cities I tried building coal processing first and it is not ideal starting that from nothing.
I didn't take a screenshot though so here is glorious communist department store.
Am i blind or is there no resource map overlay?
Like to find spots to put oil wells i have to click to build an oil drill thing and just mouse across the map looking for green like a fucking mine sweeper
sorry what
Pretty keen to get this but think i'll wait a bit for the bugs to get ironed out.
It's nice to have something fresh in city builder/management genre though.
Yes, you have to manually prospect for resources. I am not sure if this is just the game being unfinished or if it's some kind of commentary on planned economies.
I do wish they'd add a lot of quality of life improvements. Having to schedule each vehicle individually without even OpenTTD's "clone vehicle" tool gets very tedious very quickly.
Well aint that fucked
It's just one guy developing this right? Probably take a year to even get a little bit of QoL going
This is the freshest. It's like Factorio meets Cities: Skylines with 10000 Rimworld colonists.
is this game "serious" or is it satirical like tropico?
Very, VERY serious. Starvation is no laughing matter.
It is entirely humorless and utilitarian like a proper workers' paradise. I have never seen communism played so straight.
>Getting things aligned takes 90% of your time and it is soul sapping stuff.
Is this correct? I can forgive a lot in a game, but not maddening tedium of having to count pixels to align shit.
I love this game.
okay cool
You know it's a shame that everyone forgets Yugoslavia when talking about communism
True communism was never implemented and all that, but it was the LEAST implemented in Yugoslavia. They were communist in name only, to avoid being a warfront.
True communism has never been implemented, just like true capitalism has never been implemented
Because as interesting as it is, a communist country that mostly works okay for everyone and has decent relations and trade with the West isn't as fun to meme about as gulags and collective farm failures.
I'm pretty sure Soviet Republic is actually based on Yugoslavia, though, for those reasons. That or Czechoslovakia.
>They were communist in name only
So was pol pot but that dosen't stop people from bringing up him when talking about the bad side of communism. Also Yugoslavia was not communism "in name only"
True capitalism has been implemented whenever a state fails, like after the fall of any major empire. Or when a socialist state fails, ironically. Like 1990s Russia or soon-to-be Venezuela.
Market economy (which is more or less every single economy we've had so far) - state = true capitalism.
i keep telling people if you simulate communism you realise how bad it is.
I have to check this out.
Yugoslavia was ran according to the "associated labor" theory. Meaning the more you work, the more you get. Meaning not socialism.
this game looks neat, is that all one huge map you can build on?
Yes it's one massive map, which is incredibly difficult to penetrate if you don't use the populated map start. You have to transport all resources needed to build everything yourself if you want to get very far from the map border, because transportation costs for the autobuild system scale exponentially with distance.
Buddy listen I'm going to ask you a simple question, why would I believe you over my parents who grew up in communist Yugoslavia?
Map is absolutely fuckhuge. It's basically a legit country in terms of size.
Because your own parents are the product of the Yugoslavic education system, and are thus unwashed savages.
If I believed my own father about things that happened in his youth, I'd be a full blown commie myself, he is so nostalgic. Research shit yourself instead.
>What is State Capitalism
Why is your nuclear powerplant so close to the commieblockd. Give them some breathing man.
To lift morale. Every time you look out your window, you see the industrial might of the proletariat.
Everyone has to either live within walking distance or take a bus, and you have to schedule every single bus. People don't transfer between buses either, so it's simplest to have as many workers within walking distance as possible.
Also it's a coal plant.
only vapour comes out of the stack
how badly can you fuck shit up in this?
Fuck off retard. You know shit about economy and if every non dogmatic policy in socialism means it's not socialism than US is not capitalist with all it's welfare bullshit.
You probably have retarded opinion as to why it failed.
That sucks, has the dev given a roadmap of future improvements yet?
I was talking more about the oppressive nature of it being so close to households, looks like actual garbage and kids won't want to go outside and play they will want to sneak inside and fuck it up.
when will somebody make a good concentration camp management/builder game
but its like western cartoon the simpsons!
Please don't fight let him be. He probably wants free handouts and to not work.
Your people are garbage, mate, and their state was garbage, and your parents are inbred retard mountain savages. Recycle yourself.
This game DOES classify people leaving the country as "Escapes"
Is this game Slovak?
Yeah but in reality aren't nuclear powerplants relatively isolated for safety reasons??
>download game
>everything is empty space
>everything is available from the start
>don't know what to build first
is there a "first 5 minutes" guide anywhere? that's all i need
You can probably mod that prison game to fit your desires.
they should be...but not in communism lol
>That sucks, has the dev given a roadmap of future improvements yet?
Well it's still an early access game
>Your people are garbage, mate, and their state was garbage, and your parents are inbred retard mountain savages.
Enjoy getting buttfucked by FAILED COMMUNIST ECONOMY of China inbred subhuman.
It surpasses combined European GDP with it's failure, soon US too. Please learn politics and geopolitics or try to keep your ignorant opinion out of Yea Forums.
How many CIA coups and destabilization it needs to work?
He's trying to rile you up and collect (you)'s.
They say while TMI is only 14 miles away from Harrisburg.
What, you're talking about dindu nuffin absolutely competent Maduro?
>is there a "first 5 minutes" guide anywhere? that's all i need
Yes, it is.
Is it failing? Last time I checked Iran, China and Russia did very good job of BTFOing CIA subhumans.
>manages to shut down electric grid trough cyber attack
>still no support to create chaos
Pathetic, tells more about Venezuela than all media propaganda combined.
>manages to shut down electric grid trough cyber attack
>actually believing this pitiful excuse
In any case when a Nuclear power plant blows up then distance from a city won't really matter because the radioactive particles will spread with the wind.
Lmao an actual unironical communist. At least wait for general AI that can plan your economy before trying to swim out of the swamp.
China is not communist. It is a market economy, with money, and exploitation, and international trade, and stocks, and debt, and loans, with interest on them, etc etc etc. Maybe your momma thought that was communism, but outside of Servia people have terms and definitions.
Also good job ignoring all scale, and just BIG THING IS BIG, ignoring per capita measures. Additionally, you aren't even correct with your incorrectly constructed statement! The European Union has a larger combined GDP than China, and a much healthier economy than the fucking sweatshop of the world.
Read a fucking book, comrade. The one thing commies were serious about was writing down theory, a shame their fanboys don't read any of it.
>that pic
at least soviets did one thing right
pick one
>manages to shut down electric grid trough cyber attack
Wait, people actually believe in something retarded as this?
See, you are retarded subhuman. If you are not informed on basic stuff, how can you be informed on economy? You also don't know that """aid""" did not posses medicine but instead wire to create barricades and nails to use for makeshift weapons?
LOL zionist mutt elite will never get it's monopoly over Venezuelan oil, that you can be sure off.
what was wrong with the cat
thats why you build them underground
You really think that out of all years for electric grid to shut itself down, it just had to be while CIA operation was going on?
Damn, really good grid there.
>majority of economy is public sector
Yes, it is.
How does this one compare to Tropico lads?
Nothing, I replied to wrong person and didn't bother to post the cat again
So what exactly are you trying to defend?
>lived under commie rule for years
>everything was utter shit
>dad was almost executed, just for being a public worker
>years later underage zoomer armchair politicians say communism is great
fucking lol
I think that out of all the years for the electric grid to shit down, it got shut down in the year where support staff and workers weren't paid for months and were eating at a caloric deficit and just didn't give a shit anymore.
>nails to use for makeshift weapons
didn't know venezuela was a quake 1 map
Bravo. Now enjoy getting buttblasted by China, Russia, Turkey and Iran.
Pathetic CIA expansionist revolution failed.
Farming is a meme. Get oil, transport it in trucks either directly to the border, or to a chemical plant for processing. Roll around in money.
Click the question mark and read.
My statements ITT:
1. Yugoslavia was not a communist state. None of the Communist Party states were actually communists by definition, but at least the others tried. Yugoslavia didn't even try. They wore the red flag as a shield against USSR, to be neutral and not get slapped.
2. Yugoslavia was a disaster, at all times had bad inflation and bad unemployment rate, and the only reason it didn't collapse sooner was because both USSR and USA was trying to bribe it.
3. The poster responding to me is a retard for listening to his parents, indoctrinated in a socialist education system and marinated in nostalgia, about political definitions. Just study and read, don't ask plebs for opinions.
4. The socialist/communist experiment failed, and should be frozen and put on hold AT LEAST until general AI is introduced that can properly plan an economy, of perhaps just ignored forever. Communists in the current year are pests and should be recycled into glue, leather and fertilizer for the benefit of mankind.
5. The game is jank and the building system needs a small grid and gridsnap, but it has charm, I'll check it out again after more work is put into it.
What do you know? That your expats parent who just wanted to go to the west first second guns started shooting and are no different than nigger migrants except having white skin are something of a reliable source?
after the soviet revolution, you country is fucked beyond repair, in order to fix it you need money and capital. The only to get it is by capitalist moments in global markets.
>mfw all communists think they can get rich with agriculture
>its economics 101 that you cant get rich with just agriculture.
Marx wrote that your country needs to go through a few stages:
>rule of soldiers to get borders, nation, stability, etc established
>rule of merchants to build up factories, infrastructures, wealth
>rule of the people to distribute it all in a fair and moral way
Russia went from stage 1 to stage 3. So they needed a quick crash course of UBERKAPITALIZMUS, and early USSR was basically trying to be a capitalist, not a socialist state.
Marx specifically wrote "do the revolution in France or Germany, maybe Britain, but do NOT do it in fucking Russia holy shit anywhere but there" for that very reason.
>a building game centered around communism gets immediately derailed by /pol/ posting
How could this happen on a videogame board of all places. Absolutely uncharacteristic.
is this post being ironic
>Implying you won't get rich from growing coffee and chocolate
Until as little as 200 years ago, you could get rich with farming. For most of human history, it was very lucrative.
Fuck it, I think just by the number most states even today are strongly invested in agriculture. Behemoths that drive public opinion and international politics like United Fruits are all agriculture.
Problem is that you hate communism so much, yet you can't differentiate between liberalist progressivism and juche for instance and you don't even care to try.
You literally can't get in your head that systems and ideologies have to develop in order to not stagnate and as such did communism and so would fascism.
When you hear communism a flag in your head fires that starts hate and rage immediately. What is there to discuss? You probably can't even fathom communism objectively, not to say understand where is it coming from after industrial revolution.
>You really think that out of all years for electric grid to shut itself down, it just had to be while CIA operation was going on?
As someone who live in post commie cunt I rather believe it was incompetence or workers got tired of working for scraps and stopped giving any fucks rather than it was WEST IMPERIALIST subversion.
Pic very related
>USA airplanes are dropping potato beetles.
marx also thought the value of goods is based on the labour inputed into the goods.
Which he was wrong, stop trying to cope communism, and revolution needs money to fix it's shit, and USSR does, the vietnam, does it, the NK does it, the Chinks does it, you cannot even try your meme bs, till you repair, and the only way to do it is le capitalism, and you need to monitor all the skilled capitalists, you didn't kill and force them to work for you, because you are a fucking commie, and are all talk and idea, without and skill that contribute to society.
thats my point you wont and why negroes that demand more money for their produce are idiots.
>just build it once, then take it away from the people who built it and give it to people who can't maintain it
>fair and moral
>2. Yugoslavia was a disaster, at all times had bad inflation and bad unemployment rate, and the only reason it didn't collapse sooner was because both USSR and USA was trying to bribe it.
That only happened after Tito died, also both USSR and USA did their hardest to make it collapse
>3. The poster responding to me is a retard for listening to his parents, indoctrinated in a socialist education system and marinated in nostalgia, about political definitions. Just study and read, don't ask plebs for opinions.
You're confusing him with someone else, the guy who called you retarded is not the same guy who had parents growing up in Yugoslavia.
>I rather believe it was incompetence or workers got tired of working for scraps and stopped giving any fucks rather than it was WEST IMPERIALIST subversion.
That's why no one asks your opinion. If you think that's how people live there, try researching more, not just your CNN news but others too.
Communist architecture is so beautiful and their industry is so clean and productive
Why can't we have communism in America?
Fucking libtards
You cant because over time the profit flattens out.
Its not as profitable as manufacturing it will in fact ruin your country to just farm.
Your post makes no reference to mine, you just wrote down some opinion you've had for a while, about something, for some reason, completely unrelated to me or my post. Like you were holding it in from another thread or something.
When did I ever mention progressive liberalism? When did I ever reference fascism? When did I ever wrongly define, or at all define, communism or anything?
Respond to my post, not to some skeleton in your closet.
Ah yes, the great Yugoslavia. A communist paradise where the tinpot dictator partied with Hollywood celebrities on his private archipelago while hundreds of thousands of people emigrated to West Germany and other capitalist country and toiled there so they can send money to their families back home. A country with a completely mismanaged economy where they would build factories in the middle of nowhere and have them employ three times as many workers simply as a way of buying social peace, and those factories were never even remotely profitable and all got shut down when government subsidies stopped coming. A country that relied on American foreign aid for decades as US sent money to the country to keep the local communist party in power so they wouldn't get couped by Soviets and become a Soviet satellite like every other communist regime in Europe. A country that suffered such an economic crisis with the lack of resources that the government at one point literally instituted a system where you were allowed to drive your car on an odd-even system - if your license plate ended with an odd number you were allowed to drive in on odd days, if even, on even days. A country where the dictator had any political opposition brutally repressed including sending death squads to murder people who seeking political asylum in other countries, and who turned an entire island into a gulag (hilariously enough, it was gulag for other commies, the ones opposed to his own snowflake brand of communism), a country where ethnic issues were not resolved for half a century, merely repressed and driven underground, so once the entire rotten regime fell apart because Soviet Russia was gone and America wasn't interested in burning away money by keeping the regime aflot, the entire country went up in flames due to ethnic warfare.
It truly is a mystery why not too many people bring up Yugoslavia as an example of successful communism. Ubij se ameripederu.
I seem to be working on outdated info, seems that coffee is no longer the second most traded goods in the world. Seems that Glycine max beans and maze are traded in much higher quantity then coffee
But I am not a communist, I am just declaring what communist theory states.
You should try to have a conversation without flinging shit at others.
It is in their theory. Meritocracy vs Equality is a debate in ethics and morals, and all the socialist/communists fall on one side of it.
>Tfw don't live in comfy communist shoebox appartment
>Tfw don't get delicious weekly NEET ration of one vodka, three potato, and one cabbage to cover all my dietary needs
>Tfw have to work for money instead of glory of the motherland
>Tfw people are allowed to disagree with the government instead of being executed on the spot and the police deducting the bullet out of the family's rations
Capitalism sucks
I don't really think you are worth my time to discuss every little detail. Especially with someone of your mindset.
You are delusional dogmatic fanatical liberalist.
>but i am traditional right win blah blah
No one cares, you are conditioned to not see past your status quo, so enjoy getting your demographics fucked and middle class reduced every time financial crisis happens.
does anyone have that Yea Forums to /pol/ gif?
You are so bad at identifying me, that you call me a liberal, a conservative and a fascist in the same post. And then you call me indoctrinated and dogmatic.
>Meritocracy vs Equality is a debate in ethics and morals, and all the socialist/communists fall on one side of it.
The part where this falls down is that when you reward people for making excuses as to why they can't work or why they're lazy then everybody will be lazy and make excuses so they don't have to work
T. Ustashe
"From each according to his ability to each according to his need."
If you are providing less than is your ability, you will get GULAG'd.
Which is why sates employing this system had people run away to live in the west.
Which is why they tried to conquer the world, because if the whole world used this system, there'd be nowhere to run to, and it would actually work. Which would be horrible.
I have argued in your shoes against communism so many times that I don't need to get your lecturing. Even past all that, problems liberal regimes create are catastrophic and given enough time, irreversible like with demographic changes.
thanks user
>That your expats parent
tyhe fuck are you on about? neither of my parents left the country during that time
>reliable source
they don't have to be a reliable source for me, I WAS THERE. everything was shit. right now it's a thousand times better than it was when commies were ruling.
>If you are providing less than is your ability, you will get GULAG'd.
In theory you're only supposed to get NEETbux if you can't find work or are disabled too, but most 4channers get them just because they're lazy and know how to game the system.
volume doesnt matter. everyone farms. everyone has more than enough and an over supply of food.
Short term it starts strong over time it is economically not a good idea to rely on it you are supposed to jump to other industries.
Marx was a fucking retard
>your opinion is wrong man
>but mine is right, because reasons
yeah nah
Do I force you to believe my opinion?
Either way, both on the ground and in the media your propaganda is getting BTFO beyond belief.
what propaganda? i'm not even the person you were talking to
Ok, but how am I supposed to know that?
I do think it's funny how in the game the old European style wall-to-wall houses are unable to be built. You can bulldoze them or move people into or out of them, but if you need to clear space in the middle of town then you're relocating people from quaint prewar buildings into concrete commie blocks. I imagine all the craftsmen who could build that sort of thing died in the war or the purges.
Yea Forums really needs post IDs, or treat commie talk like posting out of /mlp/. We have containment boards for a reason.
There would not be a commie talk, were OP paraphrased differently.
It's like posting a sign "argue about /pol/ stuff" on the OP and wondering why people are arguing.
Nothing wrong with his phrasing
It's objective truth that communism is retarded
What the FUCKING FUCK are the mods and jannies doing?!
It's clearly a pun on the hardness and setting of the game, though.
So you can't stand when people express their opinions of such statements?
That's not really particularly """""liberal"""" of you, although seeing how aggressive and totalitarian liberalism is with it's progressive bullshit and media campaigns, you are not far out of practice.
its not working
>waahh wahhh it must be trannies i am stupid ehehhe XD
In my utopia communists would be forced to practice communism so they could all starve to death and die off, and stop shitting up Yea Forums
ITT brainwashed niggers and brave dissidents.
>fuck gommieblocs, muh great architecture!
Almost as funny as holodohoax.
>make a bad game
>slap hammer and sickle on it
>WOW communism bad!
Also, took a good minute trying to find B^U on your screenshot. I'm still convinced it's there.
communist trannies seething
They're busy deleting video game threads.
but thats exactly communism.
You can't make such statements and expect no response, are you infantile? You can go to /r/eddit if you need your feelings protected.
looks like an interesting game, I'll keep watch on development
Well, technically this is a good veiled politic thread made by the OP
>not snipping screenshots into paint and saving them as .jpg
>shiggy diggy
Anyway, the game is fucking great, and my statement is literally just a joke. This is kinda like the nazi pug thing, to be honest.
>it's in their theory
great. why didn't they just write "no work but infinite free resources forever" in their theory?
there is no morality in forceful redistribution.
letting people starve while you could afford to feed them is bad for the starving, but that doesn't justify a third party making it a requirement enforced with the threat of violence to give them half or all of your resources with the vague promise of "helping" the poor by feeding their bad habits no questions asked.
especially now that we know for a fact that just shoveling resources to people who can't produce any of their own makes it worse.
It's ironic that commies often throw around terms like "imperialist" while at the same time openly saying they want to violently conquer the entire planet under their rule
it's also funny that they would ever use the word "moral" when their entire ideology is predicated on the idea of theft
Sheltered western suburban kids advocating communism to people who actually lived through it.
Fucking lol.
thats because communism was an imperialist system disguised as an anti-imperialist ideology.
cheeky swine even had an imperial palace planned
its an intellectual justification for banditry and pillaging.
it was great for people in the party, no doubt
We already use violence and threats of violence in every day life in Western capitalist liberal democracies. Why is my house my house? Because I have a piece of paper from the government that it's my property, and if you try to take it from me guys with guns would show up and either threaten or inflict violence on you. Private property and capitalism literally cannot exist without the state and its inherent (threat of) violence.
I'm not a communist myself (in part because literally 99.999% of all communists and far leftists in general are severly mentally ill would-be dictators so even if communism worked in theory it would never be achievable without these people derailing it and causing untold pain and misery), my previous post in this thread was but the idea that communism is somehow a violent ideology and that redistribution of wealth is theft is only a valid argument if you have huge ideological blinders on and not realize how much violence is already inherent in our current system.
lol user communism is literally a wealth equalising system. It requires violence because people dont want to give up their meagre wealth.
Its just theft.
An overly psuedointellectual justification for barbaric raiding by stupid nerds.
>the idea that communism is somehow a violent ideology
but it is. nobody is making me give up my house in a capitalist society because "the people need it" or some such nonsense. sure, if the country is building a highway and they need my land for it, they can ultimately forcibly make me lose it, but at least they'll pay me for it. in communism, they'll just come, take it and shoot me in the head if i resist.
i lived under communism and it's more violent, period. you don't like something? you get police to beat you. protests? police will just shoot you. worker strike? many dead. western pop concerts? guesss who shows up to beat people up.
To be fair, you have to run a pretty tight ship in order to profit from agriculture.
Next, add another farm, then a fabrics factory, then a clothing factory.
It's always people who lived under the iron curtain telling college normies how shit socialism is. Isn't that quacking crazy?
Hi, Uzbekistan.
>building the toxic oil refinery next to the children's playground/residential block
I can confirm this is real communism.
t. from Vladivostok
>people who lived under the iron curtain
They'd have to be 45+ to have lived (as in, be an adult and not a child) under the Iron Curtain.
I'm 30 and I was born into socialism, but I sure as fuck haven't lived under it, since it died while I was an infant. And I am sure the average age of Yea Forums is under mine, and there are very few, if any, 45+ users. And those that exist, are probably americans.
Stolen chinese land la
I live in Venezuela and I'm 24. Isn't that quacking crazy?
i hate these new sim games that come out for high end computers, can't even bother pirating cause my toaster is so shit
>under the iron curtain
>350 unemployed
>all the needs +-covered, except spirituality
>1 worker at the coal mine, 0 in the refinery, 2 in the power plant
*angry Tankie noises*
russian work ethic
Sorry I read wrong. I tought you said current socialist countries
Yeah I know, and it's always those college normies disregarding history 'cause fuck boomers amirite.
Is that why I had to smuggle money out of country to buy fucking coffee?
You know nothing
Comrade, drink your barley tea and shut the fuck up.
The Cold War ended almost 3 decades ago, why are Americans still so butthurt about the USSR and Communism even though they won?
Magnanimous in victory, as we are gracious in defeat.
>*unzips nuke*
Come and take it.
If your enemy reared its ugly head after you defeated it, You would be pretty pissed too, No?
russian nukes can't kill off 1.5 billion chinese insects
Russia, zip that limp shriveled rocket back into the silo, you're drunk waving your impotent thing like that.
Extremely impoverished countries like Venezuela and Cuba are in an arms and economy race with America like the USSR was? I had no idea.
We had no real coffee still in late 80s. I actually smuggled money out of Yugoslavia to buy coffee in Österreich. We had only cikorija. And it’s tovariš, you retard.
But yes, please tell me how it REALLY was, because clearly I remember wrong.
*unzips penis*
How about this?
So what video game were we talking about again before Americans got triggered by COMMUNISM
Doesn't matter, They are playing with fire and Venezuela already got burnt, I seen the hungry eat scraps out the back of a garbage truck, The ugly ideology needs to die and stay dead
Boinee Sandus voters ITT getting trigged
I still have never gotten an acceptable answer as to why Cuba never failed as communist country over the past sixty years despite the hundreds of CIA backed coups and assassination attempts along with all of those economy destroying sanctions America loves to throw around
>I seen the hungry eat scraps out the back of a garbage truck
Me too, in the richest countries in the world. This isn't special for your part of the woods.
>They wore the red flag as a shield against USSR, to be neutral and not get slapped.
Are you retarded? Did you miss the part with the civil war in the middle of a world war and commies ending up victorious through western support?
Yugoslavia initiated the NAM along with a shitload of other countries that were not communist in the slightest, some of which were much closer to USSR.
Tito literally threatened Stalin with assassins if he doesn’t fuck off, communism wasn’t a shield against USSR, it was a vulnerability.
Bernard Sanders will beat Donald Trump in the 2020 election.
Fellow post-communist state millennial, does your city have these 80 year old ladies that patrol garbage cans and beg for money for bread, but at the same time live in prime estate houses or apartments they inherited from the socialist period, that cost hundreds of thousands up to millions of euros?
I am looking to buy a home, and I am sick of these whales hugging the best property in town, despite not being able to afford food, but refusing to sell and go live within their means. They are too good for it. The socialist aristocracy can't not be in the city center. /rant
>I seen the hungry eat scraps out the back of a garbage truck
I see this all the time with homeless people eating wasted food at the restaurant i work at, and this is in america
Discussing games like these since the /pol/ invasion has become impossible. I hate it.
>Did you miss the part with the civil war in the middle of a world war and commies ending up victorious through western support?
Did you miss the part where it was a 3 way civil war, with 2 warring communist factions? There were "our communists" and "the other communists". Or partisans, as an actual yugoslav would call them, nobody calls them commies. Communism was never the goal here.
I don't know much about Cuba, I'm Irish. But from what i heard the standard of living is/was pretty low, Things like toilet paper were extremely valuable, Then you got the dirty deeds of Castro and Che, It might not of failed yet but did it really succeed? is Cuba the role model of Communism?
For every communist shithole there are multiple capitalist shitholes you know?
Game keeps fucking crashing on me every few minutes
>Its just theft.
>An overly psuedointellectual justification for barbaric raiding by stupid nerds.
I hate government taxes too
Yeah Cuba managed to eke out a small existence despite the united states constantly sabotaging them.
Why is the west memeing up toilet paper so much? There are other things to look at and compare - vaccination rate, infant death, suicide rates, average height over time (to measure caloric deficit), etc mode fundamental measurements of civilization. Toilet paper is just a dumb metric that gets you laughed at.
I'd trade my $1 dollar toilet paper in America for government funded healthcare in a heartbeat.
Of course standards of living are low, they started impoverished and are embargoed by their most likely trading partners. The "dirty deeds" you're talking about are present in all revolutions (for example, many British loyalists after the American revolution had their property confiscated and they were forced to flee to Canada), and the nearby presence of an enemy of overwhelming strength that wants to see you destroyed would naturally result in certain authoritarian measures.
>communism iz bad!
>parents, relatives, older colleagues all say it was mostly good, but not without
>even my mom, though my grandpa, her dad, went to jail for buying something from spekulants.
Sure, keep telling me about gulags and mobile gaschambers.
>not getting bonus production from gulags
Healthcare in Cuba isn't very good, thats my point. Eyesight correction laser surgery doesn't even exist there, I think? So many other metrics, using toilet paper is retarded.
Reminder that America today has imprisoned up to 5x more people than the USSR ever did with their gulags.
>Your family was most likely all informers to your local Communist party and that's why they think it was ok
>Your relatives that went to prision most likely were snitched on by their own family
Sucks to be on a family of monsters
Niggers will do that to a country
Would you rather be imprisoned for buying weed or for buying a Judas Priest cassette?
>if the country is building a highway and they need my land for it, they can ultimately forcibly make me lose it, but at least they'll pay me for it.
That's literally how it worked in communism, they either pay you some bullshit price they decide your land is worth, or they give you land and/or apartments they evaluated to be of equal worth.
The laws for expropriation even stated what cannot constitute “public good”, such as taking land to use for farming being illegal.
t. Currently in the process of negotiating the compensation for the state expropriating some unused land to build a baby center, and apart from the addition of the right of the land owner to argue the land worth through third party appraisals, the law hasn’t been changed since ‘68.
better commie simulation than tropical
it has real export and import in 2 different currencies (burger $$ and ivan paper)
I have to manage a lot of shit to get the industry going and making money is really DIFFICULT for some reason (mostly the cost of resources > the products I sell, and these trains, stop bumping on each other)
fucking commie
depends on my race, since im white all i'll get is a fine for a bag of weed, but i would get thrown in prison for 10 years if i was black
>$3000 per eye
May as well not exist in America either at that price
>Yu, Yi, Sh
Nice transliteration script, yankee communist.
Czekaj, to jest prawdziwe czy z jakiegos filmu/ jakiejs gry?
why you had no coffee?
give them buses Ivan
Because NATO blockaded socialist republics to starve them out over the decades, and the coffee belt where you can commercially grow the plant were in the American empire.
>can't walk 10 miles to work
Fucking bourgeoisie. I walked 6km every day from my village to the school in nearby town, hunted by packs of stray dogs on the way. It builds character!
so good old sanctions
make sense
damn imperialist pigs
isnt that a satellite
See this You know black males make up most of the prison population
This picture gives me Operation Flashpoint vibes
Hundreds of thousands of people every year think otherwise, but I understand what you mean.
americans are so lucky their country has metric fuck tons of natural resources and arable farm land, sanctions could never cripple your country
Same can be said for Russia, yet they are crippled every time. Might have something to do with Russian economy being about exporting raw resources and importing manufactured items, because russians are bad at building literally anything.
Where the fuck the old people at??
Go back to discord
It just means union in slavic.
USA = Basededinennyye Shtaty Ameriki
To ask such questions is imperialist and revisionist, comrade.
It is also connected to that Russia has harsher climate is bigger and was ravaged by wars few times.
>Basededinennyye Shtaty Ameriki
I don’t even know what Slavic language that is supposed to be, but it’s wrong.
It filtered onions to based lel
>Same can be said for Russia
>Huge land borders with strong neighbors, harsher climate than America
What are you talking about?
USSR had literally the most fertile soil on the planet in Ukraine, and modern Russia still has access to great soil.
People forget that if you cut off all of Asian Russia, and just keep the European one, its still the largest country in Europe with 100+ million people population, AND good climate. Stop looking at the empty russian colonies in the east when talking about Russia, its a temperate climate European country that has growing season and climate comparable to that in the UK or Germany.
No nooo babushka i will avenge you
>muh snitches
Takes one to know one, I guess. Funny thing, I heard a lot of stories about commie-bloc, butt-hurt belt in particular, where anti-gommie underground would snitch on each other just get gud boi points.
Or maybe it's because every bit of industry left by commies was sold and privatized during 90s?
>because russians are bad at building literally anything.
Is this why US is flying to space on Russian rockets? Elon Musk better be careful with his rockets or Putin will send a gay-couple to the cathedral near him.
>harsher climate
LMAO. "Russia" exists pretty much exclusively on it's european part.
prawdziwe, znaczy prawdziwa 'propaganda', czy janki zrzucali stonke to watpie ale wszystko mozliwe
a teraz chwila prawdy, pamietam jak ogladalem jakis hamerykanski dokument o CIA i staraniach obalenia FIdela, stare pryki z usmiechem na gebach wspominali o zatruwaniu mleka dla szkol i uszkadzania autobusow w celu wywolania niepojow spolecznych
zaczelem kwestionowac sporo rzeczy po tym, bo jak mogli takie rzeczy tam to czemu nie podobne u nas?
This is what true communism looks like
The snitches stories are true, if you had a calf too many they would call the security to come and inspect/count your cattle. If you had any foreign money you were fucked.
>Is this why US is flying to space on Russian rockets?
No, thats because russians are monkeys that work for peanuts, so its worthwhile outsourcing launches. This, plus it was a diplomatic effort, I think from the Bush era.
>LMAO. "Russia" exists pretty much exclusively on it's european part.
And keep up their backyard on Siberia running. Maintaining infrastructure cost even in mild climate. But I blame constant war - starting from steppe niggers raids to siege state of cold war, not even mention 1914-1945 where they have two world wars, civil war and local uprising.
Google it yourself, Russian climate is, on average, worse than the American one. America also has no rivals on land borders, a much larger population, and didn't have its land torched during WWI, a civil war, WWII, and then the economic desolation that followed the end of the USSR.
Oпacнocть хpaнeния инocтpaннoй вaлюты былa пoкaзaнa в хyдoжecтвeннoй литepaтype.
>No, thats because russians are monkeys that work for peanuts
>economy based on Jew-run debt-slave society made with loans of literal made up money and importing poos to fill high paying tech jobs while desperately fearing the day oil loses value and the charade ends
Just wait when 2008 repeats it self. Damage it will do to American world tyranny will be irreversible.
When the USA hurts, the whole world hurts. And whenever Europe and China hurt, Russia hurts real bad.
But don't you like Communism Reboot we're already going through? Surely it will work this time.
Yes, and? Is that somehow going to save you? How will that not geopoliticaly buttfuck you for ever?
You can rationalize it, but it's the ticking time bomb of economic crisis that is waiting for your delusional bubble to burst it.
Unlike you Russians and Chinese got used to living in misery, it will catch you mutts by surprise, especially with all the ethnic and racial tensions))
Why waste money on something that can be corrected by just wearing fucking glasses? LASIK is a luxury that should never be paid for by a common healthcare system.
>communism ruined my family's life, we lost everything - our thousands of hectares of land, our serfs and our sprawling estates
dont care lol
So is this game fun?
what game?
offtopic posting is against the rules user
The game
the virgin trotsky that gets killed by stalins assassins vs the chad tito that killed stalins assassins and dared him to try again
I'll never understand the cult of Apple.
Apple products are OBJECTIVELY INFERIOR.
They're just shit, I know, my first smartphone was an iPhone
Anti-Google arguments made in this Apple repair video are very legit:
I'm not going to watch that shit, but it'll probably be blah blah blah privacy is important
Completely ignoring the fact that they probably use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc
People are really dumb and have tunnel vision
His Google phone recorded every speech2text command he ever did, and they are linked to his account. If his Gmail was hacked, the hackers would have his name, all his conversations, his calendar, etc, all combined in one place. This is horrible security, and the fact that this is an OPT-OUT feature that you have to know about and look up how to cancel, is ethically wrong. It should be opt-in.
Seven years of audio recording without his knowledge.
It's weird that you think Siri doesn't do the same, and Alexa, and all those shitty assistant things
>"Russia" exists pretty much exclusively on it's european part
And that european part is still towards north and inland with no non-freezing coastline, so it's overall worse than in most of Europe.
Vietnam became the second largest coffee producer in the world because of Soviet and Warsaw Pact demand for coffee
>city builder thread turns into deep philosophy
I love you guys
>all those russian qts which are being bought by wealthy chinese people so their sons can get married
My girlfriend's grandparents literally burned all their children's toys and valuable possessions when filthy commie peasants turned up at the door trying to redistribute them, instead of letting them get their filthy commie hands on them.
Anyone know how long the game lasts? Do you keep your country after 1991?
>select images with tractors
even you, captcha
>chinese people
No such thing, communism or not
Sounds like something a nigger would do.
This reminds me of Seiren... Man how bad the anime is.
The housing market crash must have been the end for the upper middle class.
Anybody here that can tell me the advantage of University?
Do "high educated" workers work more efficient or something?
They are gonna do as they did in Hungary 1950 or Czech Republic 1969.
You need educated workers for your factories, but they need to be taught in schools by university educated people. Until you get a university, you need to regularly import experts.
I don't know much about communist history sorry comrade
Cool, thanks mate. High schools are working but I guess they could work more efficient
love it but they need a tutorial.
also my oil train can't find it's way to the first station baka, that's the only profitable thing I've got going right now
Placed a one way sephamore?
Maybe the track didn't connect right, sometimes I zoom out so far buildings tracks I miss click and don't even notice
I'll try it
I see everybody building their stuff just beside their industrial areas. Sure, it's more convenient but I just like my trains
Also this shit is why I like this game
See this? In Tropico this would be like fifty people. I can fit so many fucking gobniks in these tenements. I actually feel like I'm running a country here
Trying to grow food and alcohol myself but you need a fuck ton of fields. Also they eat more than they drink, disappointed
Place a few of those long trees next to each house, makes it look nicer but still communist
The poplars? Yeah, I'm first letting them grow beside the station to know the pacing without crowding them or placing them too far apart.
Anyone here know how to organize their farms? Can a single Agro-Farm sustain 8 large fields?
A farm can sustain any amount of fields that have decent road access.