We gotta get serious. You know Billy Mitchell, the world video game champion? I bet he could do it...

>We gotta get serious. You know Billy Mitchell, the world video game champion? I bet he could do it...we just gotta harness his power, and I think I found a way. You see this? This is his hot sauce. You want something that'll kick ya in the ass? This'll do it.

hoo boy. This bit did not age well at all.

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>Color Dreams was the company making all these unlicensed games for the NES, like Captain Comic, Secret Scout, and Raid 2020. Maybe I’ll review that in the year 2020.

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billy mitchell still is though. Twin galaxies literally does anything to stay relevant. It can't change that billy mitchell did a pacman complete playthrough live, in person, at namco headquarters. He's also done several 1m+ DK runs. You can say a lot of things but it's not like he blatantly lied and faked some impossible score, if he did lie, he lied about older scores that have already been beaten.

He missed a golden Opportunity to do a time capsule episode feature Raid 2020 and maybe a few other titles, Nu-nerd is alright, but he's going to completely ruin the wait anybody had for that.

>the Crash stream where he sounded adorable with his girlfriend

wake me up when he kicks those fucking leeches off his channel and goes back to avgn only.

>he's also done several 1m+ DK runs
no he hasn't. Not a single one of his 1m+ runs was legit.



except the three he did in 2015 live in person on a cab provided by sxsw?

Those leeches are the reason he can do AVGN in the first place

>his channel
If you mean Ryan's channel, then I hate to break it to ya, sport. James works for him now.

>those leeches
you mean ryan who was the one who lawyered james up and got him out of the abusive burnout-inducing gametrailers/screwattack contracts forcing him to make 2 episodes a month, letting him work at his own pace?

Or do you mean mike who co-wrote and edited half of the pre-100 avgn episodes, and also loaned james all the games for early episodes?

Or maybe you mean slob/kiern/justin who have done 100% of the editing for the last 10 episodes and have been the only reason they've come out semi consistently instead of one every 3 months.

You're alright, Kieran. Tony has his moments. The beached lesbian whale tho. Oh my god.

nobody watches the shitty movie reviews or mike monday shit.

They've worked for him ever since cinemassacre started.

Is his daughter really mush brained? That's pretty shitty to laugh at that if so.

Of course they did. But only until the last few years did it break kayfabe.

He's still skilled as hell. Just because he lied doesn't change that.

Now that's an episode that ages like wine.

true, but he's still a faggot who cheated and is in no way a champion.

same with lance armstrong. Dude's an amazing athlete, but he still fucking cheated, and lied about it for decades.

>game has pop culture references

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james has no power

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>He's going to take all of their cash.
>and start to make the channel suck ass.

>He wrecks your channel without even tryin'!
>He's the Angry Video Game Ryan!

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mike an ryan need to die.

mike has no power anymore either

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Support Mike on Twitch and Patreon so he can continue to buy games!!!!!

mike literally doesn't do anything with cinemassacre besides J&MM because everyone complained. He now spends all his time doing twitch streaming shit and people still whine about him.
I don't get it.


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Is he to be their meal?

the left fat guy on the couch is based though,
He admited to liking that gengar comic made by shoutingisfun

How can one man be so fucking greasy?

>boomer "humor"

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this one?

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His Dracula book to movie comparisons has been the best video on the channel in ages.

Mike looks like a vampire.

>rental reviews video
>has ryan

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>that cameras video

Needs to do more hardware videos, like those console videos. Too bad he ran out of hardware to review

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guy needs to get some fucking sleep

It also showed that James has the worst fucking hairline ever, but at least he stopped trying to hide it.