Not shitposting or trying to start a consolewar or anything, but does anyone else just feel let down by this console generation?
I mean, the Wii U has already been dead for like two years, and the PS4 and Xbone have been out for like 5 years. They're all easily the worst console from each company in terms of exclusives in my opinion. The Switch has slowed down quite a bit already as well, its better than the Wii U at least but its still just kind of underwhelming.
Not shitposting or trying to start a consolewar or anything...
I don't think the Switch has slowed down at all. There are a lot of Nintendo exclusives coming
>Travis Strikes Again: NMH
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Dragon Quest 11 S
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 4 Special
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
>Steamworld Quest
>Umihara Kawase Fresh!
>Blaster Master Zero 2
And more to be announced
gen 7 was still worse imo
Is the Switch an eighth or ninth gen console?
Besides Nintendo and some indie devs, everything sucks and is forgettable. This gen was so terrible, the most hyped game was a freaking spiderman game.
I haven't even bothered picking up an Xbone or PS4 yet just because I got burned by the Wii U and decided to wait until they got something like 5 exclusives before I spent cash on them. The longer I wait the more games just end up on PC. its not that I really have a Nintendo bias either, I loved my Xbox, 360, and I still keep my original PS3 hooked up since I can play old PS1/2 games on it, the PSP was awesome too.
It just feels like consoles really don't have as much to offer as they used to. it really used to feel like each console was its own little ecosystem of games to a certain extent. If you were trying out a new console it was pretty exciting since there were so many games you couldn't play before. Consoles just kind of feel redundant now, they each have a few neat games but not really enough to make you want to buy them.
Nintendo kind of stands out a little since they at least pump out a lot of first and second party games every gen, but their quality is starting to really slip. They're getting better, but that "nintendo polish" hasn't been as apparent as it used to be, its getting harder to feel confident that you'll be getting as much content as you're hoping to get for the money. Xbox just hasn't been doing anything. Sony has gotten cocky and stupid again even though they were handed a free win and could have done so great this gen, and its hard to feel confident in buying a PS4 since anything that isn't made by Sony is basically only exclusive if the devs don't think its worth the cash to port it to other shit yet, so anything remotely worth caring about gets at least a PC port within a few months.
I want to want these consoles, but they just aren't doing anything. Do they really just make enough money from the paid online scam to not even have to give a fuck and just coast on 3rd party multiplats?
Wiiu, PS4 and xbo are all utter trash. Worst generation ever.
Switch in the other hand is awesome and I hope ps5 will be as awesome.
No one will read that
Indies got big.
Each system was unique.
Experimental games were still a thing, and AAAnus wasn't as big as it is today.
Gen 7 lost a lot of what made Gen 6 special, and it was what lead up to the current terrible gen, but it was still a decent generation.
I just hated the direction consoles went in gen 7
One of my friends who is a console stalwart reckons they will just skip next gen if there's more PC/ console cross platform play.
The jump in AAA development taking 3-5 years are really making the number of exclusives shrink which fucking sucks. If everyone could stay in ps3/360 level of graphics but churn out games every 2 years, that would be awesome
Gen 7 kinda sucked, but it was still pretty unique.
Its easy to forget how innovative the Xbox 360 really was at first, but having that customizable dashboard and access to all of those free demos and games that you could just buy from home like that was fucking nuts.
Wireless controllers becoming the standard was pretty slick too. Its just a shame that the Xbox stopped getting games after like 2-3 years, the PS3 didn't get any until the last 2-3 years, and the Wii always felt like its games were being held back by anything from hardware to control schemes to just general lack of effort from shovelware devs moving on from the PS2.
It had a fuck of a lot more gems and great exclusives than the 8th gen overall at least though. Even the PS3 is better than the PS4 and the PS3 had no fuckin games
>I don't think the Switch has slowed down at all. There are a lot of Nintendo exclusives coming
Nintendo hasn't been bringing their A game though, we all know they can do better.
They've stepped it up since the Wii U at least, but I guess they didn't want to waste too much effort on such a small install base or whatever. With the Switch you would think they'd be going full force with support though, and all of the games would have a lot of heart to them like some of their other consoles
A lot of the stuff they've been putting out just feels like its by the numbers and has the bare minimum effort put into it, its getting so hard to be excited about Nintendo exclusives when they're routinely disappointing.
Yup, I agree on that, as I said, gen 7 is the reason why gen 8 is so terrible.
Was never a fan of Sony PS3 exclusives, they were all terrible except for things like Folklore and Tokyo Jungle. The popularity of ND games just boggles my mind.
>Do they really just make enough money from the paid online scam to not even have to give a fuck and just coast on 3rd party multiplats?
Pretty much.
Which Nintendo exclusives are disappointing to you?
It just feels like Nintendo doesn't bother putting in the effort in a lot of their games anymore. You can tell which ones they expect to succeed and which ones they had no confidence in, and its that lack of confidence which leads to them holding back and making a lame game that feels inferior to shit we got on the SNES or N64 in a lot of cases.
They need to be pushing the envelope and making games that make you feel like you have to buy them again, not games you wish you could justify buying but just can't.
Yes, that's why I haven't purchased any console this gen, I will be getting an Xbox Scarlett Anaconda and handheld only Switch next gen though. Xbox One, PS4, and Wii U all sucked and I can see the PS5 sucking too.
The start of last gen was amazing.
strongly disagree
bloodborne is the only current gen must play/future classic, compared to previous gens, there was a fuck load
But it was, Xbox 360, Wii, and DS were great, even the PSP was great while the PS3 lacked for a little while, this gen was borderline shit with none of the console except the 3DS being worth buying, next gen at least looks like it's going to be a return to companies getting shit together, well, at least Nintendo who's already back when they started their 9th gen in 2017 and Microsoft who's starting their next year. Sony on the other is guaranteed to fuck up and make a console worse than even the PS4. Google will also be irrelevant.
Everything is coming to PC because the porting costs are plummeting anyway, there is literally no reason to buy a console unless you're a retard.
I just want to want them, but its getting so hard.
Not Nintendo games. The Switch is the only console worth owning
Almost in the same boat but I actually skipped out entirely on last gen. PC has just been pretty great for the last few years even though I loved my 360. In fact when I tried to jump back in for the Switch which had already been out for a year I felt like I got burned (Odyssey is pretty great but doesn't have the same awe factor with me like Mario 64 did, and I really disliked Splatoon 2 and almost gave up on BotW because it was so boring and tedious at first). Ended up trading in Spla2oon. And DOOM for Switch almost made me trade in the Switch itself. Luckily Nintendo has been getting a lot better and there's more stuff for me to play, but man it was pretty rough the first few months I had it. What's great with the Switch is how easy it is to set up multiplayer with friends/family that visit a lot. I don't even pay for online. And once I finally gave BotW a real chance I just keep going back to it. But yeah, you can easily get by just with PC games.
Yuzu is making progress, so no.
And this is why 4channel opinions don't mean shit.
>none of them are worth buying
>money is saved
It was more fun when I wanted all of them because every platform had a lot of awesome games.
I like really cool games more than money desu
>but does anyone else just feel let down by this console generation?
Nope fucking love it one of the best ecer, WAAAY better than all of last gen. i love my PS4.
I agree with you 100%
It's like they all lowered their standards tremendously by looking at each other and saying "oh well, these guys do fuckall, why should we?" and stopped giving a fuck.
honestly this.
games could continue to look like Nier Automata and Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen for the next 20 years I couldn't give a single fuck about muh graffixxx as these are already good enough for me. just improve on the gameplay and concentrate on making amazing games.
ray-tracing will be the next big meme in the industry that will push for MUH GRAPHICS to lure all the subhuman shit eating normies in and completely neglect what is most important in video GAMES - the fucking gaming aspect itself.
I've recently started playing EarthBound for the first time. Missed out back when it came out because I owned a Genesis. God damn, does it shit on 99% of games released in the past decade.
No fancy ass visuals you need a $2000 meme gpu to run. Just raw game and art design.
I'm fully aware that technological progress and what is possible to pull off in a game go hand in hand but I think we already hit the point of diminishing results.
I understand that Moss: The Walking Simulator by Hideo Kojima would not have been possible on the PS3, but again, Kojima hasn't made a good video game since the PS2 days
Blame pcfags for that. They are the ones that want everything to be as photorealistic as possible.
lets not pretend that consolefags dont love their stupid shallow eyecandy games when they get some.
If you didn't smell the anti-consumer bullshit from lightyears away at the PS4/Xbone reveals you're a retarded gullible brainlet whose dumb ass deserved falling for it.
PC or bust.
Neither. The lines between console gens have become blurred and is outdated now.
Again, which games. Most of their big exclusives like mario odyssey and zelda have felt like that so far. Smash as well
Yeah, I don't deny it, but they were the ones that started that shit. It doesn't help that Microsoft joined the console market, though.
No, it's pretty based
97 times two in the first year dood
how can you type so much yet say so little in one post?
user asked what games, and you didn't name a single game that disappointed you.