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Perform the following actions at the player selection screen. Highlight Ryu and wait four seconds, highlight Guile and wait four seconds, highlight Hawk and wait four seconds, highlight Cammy and wait four seconds, return to Ryu and wait four seconds, then press Short Jab.
then i play as a kuma
>mfw fell for the metal Mario youtube videos
Honda and Fei.
You’re already on her P1
I call dibs on Robo-Nazi M.Bhalsim.
that's for super turbo
the screen pic is just super
know your street fighter!
*pops this shit game out and puts in tekken* much better! also i select king
I choose to get up and sit down at the 3s cab instead
sf2 is a fucking shit game
Turn 360 degrees and play Alpha 3 for Karin.
Ryu should fuck Cammy.
Vega for maximum salt. Unless they're Balrog.
how did they get away with naked chun li in the animated movie muh fuckin dick
Ryu vs Ryu
why the fuck is alpha 3’s arcade mode so much harder than alpha 1 and 2? is the ai on steroids?
>pick Dhalsim
>cheese through the game
>lose to Bison on purpose so I can pick a new character and get their ending
I can't be the only one who did this.
for me? it’s violent ken
why? sf2’s characters have like 4 special moves at most. they are all really similar and you should be able to beat their arcade mode like a pro after using them for 5 mins
For me, it's Sagat
I was like 9 or something man. It was the best way to save my quarters.
I think I did the code wrong, but I prefer what I got instead, anyway.
a different game
Yea Forums being contrarian as usual.
capdrone gotta capdrone as usual
Not a Capdrone, I'm just not delusional. Calling SF2 a bad game is contrarian as fuck.
it is
sorry capdrone but truth must be told
Got it, you're not just a contrarian but a troll.
>flag is clearly in Africa
What did they mean by this?
Look at the white line coming from the flag and what landmass it's connected to.
You're trying too hard.
>US flag is drifting in the pacific and heading into space on one side and over Greenland on the other
That giant bear-llama must've scared them away.
Why my main man of course
Lol, what's better? Guilty gear? Some shitty SNK game from 20 years ago you never played? Third strike?
Heard it all a million times. Back to /r/kappa.
>u dont like capgame???? wut u like a noncap game???? loL poopoohed not like a capgame wut a dumass how can u even do taht u lair,,.....
you cant do it.
good post, what fighting games do you play bro? let's see those fightcade hours/match footage
DSP, you're up really early.
>games are only played on fightcade
Blanka if you dont know how to play
O Ken if you do
you probably dont even have fightcade 2.
see me in Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon.
>mfw Street Fighter still doesnt have a Canadian rep
>O Ken if you do
o.ken is based, my favorite thing to do is just dp and when they think they can punish do another dp
>Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
fucking terrible meme game, if you think that game is better than sf2 you're smoking crack, see me in 98 kid
that pretty much settles it as far as I'm concerned. you have Asperger.
the sailor moon fighter is such a fucking joke that xiaohai literally won an entire tournament at it at a major never having played it before
>Alpha 3.
I have never played the game, user. You have Asperger and can't understand a joke. Don't worry about it though.
See me in Power Instinct Matrimelee.
Not many options when it comes to Karin, unfortunately.
>England bigger than all poorope
*sigh* what could have been.
You're the same as America so all US representatives represent Canada just as much as they do the USA. Same reason Ireland doesn't get representatives over the UK
waifufags are never good at the games they pretend to play anyways, doubt you could do the CC ToDs or even know what they are
Fei Long since I love his stage music.