Darkest Dungeon

Play or pass?

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Hmm... why? Something better out there at is similar?

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unfortunately, I can't think of a comparable game with the same style and tone to it. But, for me at least, it's too tedious and the RNG is stacked up against you all the time (as in, literally, half the point is that you WILL be fucked by RNG), but dealing with this isn't fun enough to justify itself imo. It ends up being grindier than it needs to be. The narration is honestly the best part of the game.

Solid input. TY

Pass. I personally found it boring and too RNG reliant for my tastes.

is it worth bothering with the Crimson Court before getting to the Dungeon?

I say play, it's a very fun and challenging game and if you think it's to RNG they have mods for that.

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1000x yes you'll find some amazing trinkets and some blueprints

Play. The (not so secret) secret of the game is that it isn't about bringing heroes in to reclaim your family home; it's about throwing ignorant employees into the meat-grinder while you mitigate as much risk as possible for your A-Team. If you learn what you need to be prepared to face, you'll come out on top 99% of the time. The other 1% will be aggravating, but that's the point. Sometimes you can do everything right, and the game will still kick your ass because that's just how it goes. Most times you fail, it's because you were unprepared and over-confident.

Doesn't matter on ez or normal mode, there is no fail state.
On Bloodmoon it's not actually worth. The Crimson Curse itself sucks fucking ass, Bloodsuckers can be a huge pain in the dick if you set out with a composition built around the dungeon mobs, and the Fanatic is a douche.

Ironically, Blood Moon is actually easier than Stygian because you have more weeks, a higher death limit, and "the town is abuzz" prevents shit like Wolves at the Door.

pass, aside from the great voice actor and great artstyle the game has NOTHING to offer gameplay wise. all you do is learn which region is weak to what an then grind, and endless grind. you can lose 20 hours worth of character grinding to an single sideboss spawning so why wouldn't you read up on bosses first?
worst of all, the game got advertised all as being "your choise do you press on or risk dying."
in truth there are no choises, the maps are 5/6 times final fantrasy 13 kind of straight lines. if somewhere something spawns that you can not defeat the run is over. you can not build characters with the equipment you find since all the blacksmith offers are flat stat increases. many of the classes avaiable become flat out useless in the mid to high tier difficultiry dungeons.
It all boils down to "do you have the ability to nuke one of their guys or not?"
Take it from someone with sever buyers remorse. pass on this one.
Also if you hope for lovecraftian horror there is non to find aside from the vaguest notion and atmosphere. the intro "cinematic" already tells you everything you need to know. "here be tentacles yo."

Hmm... Can you recommend something else then?

depends on what you are looking for if you want to scratch that Rng Itch - Risk of rain 2 at the moment is pretty stellar and much more skill based & fun in multiplayer.
gotta take my dog to the vet sorry can't stay longer.

>t. retard who played 2 hours of the game and got raped by skeletons

Pass, it's just a grindfest

>Also if you hope for lovecraftian horror there is non to find aside from the vaguest notion and atmosphere
The bosses and notes do actually have lovecraftian horror elements with the narrator talking about them.
I also wouldn't say it's about nuking but survivability in the long run. Also some Trinkets do actually are good like having Vvulfs tassle for a ranged unit or the Bounty Hunter or Swine Gods Flag for a Glass Cannon

I just don't find the game very fun, if you enjoy the grind and RNG then fair enough.

Pass, as in, "I want the Plague Doctor to pass her emboldening vapours on my face."


The entire point and theme of the game is fighting against overwhelming odds and persisting when all hope is lost. The rng isn't even an issue if you have experience and decent knowledge of game mechanics. Every time I decide to replay this I almost never lose more than 3 characters that I actually invest into throughout the entire game, fodder chars get sent on suicide missions because even if one of them makes it out alive regardless of whether mission was completed, you keep the loot you found. There's no way to fail the game except if you play on hardest mode.

OP if this game looks good to you and some things sound interesting and you're not going to give up if you get set back then it's worth it. At least you can pirate it, see for yourself and then buy it if you like

It's a game. If the actual game part of the game isn't fun, then it's a bad game. Darkest Dungeon isn't fun, you just grind and grind and grind, and the reward for grinding is more grinding.

So here's my honest thoughts on the game.

It's worth the try, if you can at least have a friend let you try it and see if you like it. As it is the game has:

+ A Good, Unique Atmosphere and Art.
+ A Wonderful Narrator.
+ A decent story about the descent into madness.

-Grinding. A minor mistake can give you hours of grinding to level up new heroes.
-Absolutely boring gameplay. It's THE simplest turn based combat with a Sanity Meter.Combat isnt exciting or fun or balanced, it's pure RNG vs your preparation.You have to LEARN to expect bad RNG and know what to do.
-It ends up being VERY tedious. The gameplay loop cycle gets boring.

-It's a try it first kinda game.Im not sad I tried it, but nor am I gonna finish it.

i enjoyed it
wait for a sale though

I understand what the point of the game is, I even referenced that in my post, but I feel it just isn't that fun in practice and it misses the mark.

holy fuck, this is why stupid people shouldn't play this game.
>my party is near death, two are at deaths door, i have no food left but inventory is full of gold and resources, the quest is complete after i kill everyone in the next room
You get a very fucking clear choice here, do you accept the risk of losing some or even all of your heroes or do you abandon the quest and retreat. Sure you might fail the quest but on the other hand you get your loot, everyone is alive and if it's a party you invested in then you'll send them out again after they get treated and healed

>It all boils down to "do you have the ability to nuke one of their guys or not?"
there's a strategy for every enemy in the game. if you encounter a group of 4 then it's obvious you need to get rid of the biggest threat first. You don't need to "nuke" it either unless they're immune to stuns or debuffs, my strategy often was to stun the hard hitting backliners and to deal with the front line real quick while those in the back slowly get dots ticking on them, and they either come out of stun with no health left or get pushed to the front and obliterated. There's more than just stuns either, if you shuffle the enemies or pull one of their backliners to the front then often enough they wont even be able to attack you properly.

You can play this game by throwing whatever sticks, failing but repeating it until you learn from your mistakes or, if you hate failing and losing heroes, you can read up and learn the compositions and strategies and play through this with no to very little losses.
If you're stupid, impatient and will throw a tantrum because your heroes die and you fuck up then this isn't a game for you.

this user is pretty spot-on, DD has great style but the actual substance to it is sub-par and tedious as fuck. Personally, I don't recommend it as I find it horrendously boring to actually play for long, but it is at least worth a try if you can get it cheap or know a friend that has it.

It's shit, after you do the first few dungeons you're forced to not use your current 4 best fighters and instead you have to recruit new ones then do a dungeon then dump them just so you have enough items to upgrade your town, otherwise you're fucked.

there wasn't any reason to sperg out at that user, nothing he said contradicts what you're saying at all - you cherry-picked a couple specific sentences whilst ignoring the post as a whole, which was itself a reasonable assessment of the game imo.

I mean for fuck's sake, even if you have a near-perfect strategy you can STILL be fucked over by bad RNG, which ultimately just wastes more time. I know that they were trying to create situations where you'll need to retreat and take what you earned back with you without completing the quest, but it honestly just feels like wasted time and it gets old. It's not really much of a choice, since retreating before your whole party dies is obviously the better option, and often if a couple die before a quest is completed you'll need to retreat anyway.

Also, grinding and reading a wiki for how to hard-counter things is not most people's idea of fun.

yeah there was because he's outright lying. people making up shit and blaming something else for their stupidity is all of the reason to sperg out

>worst of all, the game got advertised all as being "your choise do you press on or risk dying."
in truth there are no choises
yes there are "choises", very clear choices, unless what he seeks is a literal choice "do X or Y" in the middle of the screen that he has to click

>you can not build characters with the equipment you find since all the blacksmith offers are flat stat increases. many of the classes avaiable become flat out useless in the mid to high tier difficultiry dungeons.
you build the characters with exactly the equipment you find, the trinkets. the variety of skills and skill combinations together with trinkets that work with them let you build your character. Classes don't become useless, you just don't know how to build a team with them and which areas to bring them into

>Also if you hope for lovecraftian horror there is non to find aside from the vaguest notion and atmosphere. the intro "cinematic" already tells you everything you need to know. "here be tentacles yo."

that is also an outright lie, the last dungeon is just a vaguest notion huh? but i'm not even gonna bother reciting the story.

>outright lying.
user it's called exaggeration