Is this the best exclusive game ever?

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Not when Nintendo exists

Its still extremely good though

No, not even the best Sony developed Exclusive. Nothing will EVER surpass this as the face of the Playstation brand, no matter how much time passes or how much autistic Soulsfags cry about their garbage game

Attached: Shadow of The Colossus.jpg (800x1139, 169K)


That's not Gravity Rush 2



imagine being this obsessed

Yes except for the first Fable but that got released to PC after a while.

DaS1 > Sekiro > Bloodborne > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2

This, At this point Soulsfags should be banned & restricted to /vg/

You officially can play it on PC.

Wonderful101 is goat and best exclusive of this generation.

Not when Super Metroid and Prime are around.

Attached: metroid 1 ad jap.jpg (500x707, 150K)

>what is psnow

One of the best games period.

True, but it's nowhere near being a top 50 game. It's objectively in the low 60s & high 70s

Nah, it's definitely top 5.

Wrong, it's factually & objectively not. Soulsfags are autistic faggots that overrate their games to insane degrees. They are nowhere near as good or popular as you delusional faggots believe them to be

No, but it was pretty cool. I think it's a bit overrated, though.

I thought Sekiro was trash desu.

No epic store no buy

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Soulsgames really aren't overrated at all. They are full of personality, innovation, content and is better than most stuff from the past.

OoT, Super Metroid, Super Mario World are all better exclusives.

t. toddler.

He's right, also Souls shit is literally the most NPC Casual shit in existence

Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Mario 64, Metroid Prime, Xenoblade Chronicles, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Zelda botw, Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are all better exclusives
Nintendo games are in general much better than any other

>Souls shit is literally the most NPC Casual shit in existence

Says the dude who's into Zelda and Mario. Kek. Zelda is often the favorite series of "gamer gurls".

Born in 86, stay mad zoomer. You'll never know the amazing feels of growing up with great vidya, Sega in their prime etc.
Enjoy your twitch streams, e-celebs, and crippling mental health issues.

They are popular because they are good, Souls game always sell like complete shit & are forgotten after a month. Only exception is Dark Souls, Bloodborne is only remembered because it's literally the only worthwile game on the PS4

>crippling mental health issues

Says the old man who plays video games above 30 years old.

>They are popular because they are good

Only a dumb toddler would say something like that. Fortnite is a great game, right?

i didnt get the hype. its good don't get me wrong but the only environments that are enjoyable are central yharnam for the first time and the castle. and most of the bosses are really easy.

And you'll be dead by the time I'm 50. Enjoy watching Pewdiepie or whatever it is you depressed adolescents do.

I can't play this for the same reason I can't play Demon's Souls. Only retards who own consoles are ok with 30fps and a dipping a lot under 30.

Yep you are seething, Souls games never sell well or review highly. They are simply mediocre games

cringe and bluepilled

Kill yourself Soulscuck

Go play your baby-tier casual games.

God no
I got it for free with PS+ and absolutely hated it.

Souls shit is literally entry level casual shit, otherwise Yea Forums wouldn’t Circlejerk it so much

Yes, From should learn how to make games tough and intense like Pokemon, Yoshi, Kirby, Mario and Nintendogs. :)

>You officially can play it on PC


A service that allows you to stream a stored PS4 remotely to another screen.


Imagine being this assblasted & seething over the most successful franchises in gaming

COD, Minecraft and GTA?

hahahaha fucking boomers
millenials have access to all that shit and for FREE LOL

Base game available at PSNow.
I finished Bloodborne during trial week.

>PS Now
do PC virgins really stream games? All my friends avoid that input delay garbage

Thats not an offical PC release. You are streaming a PS4 to a monitor. Might as well say bloodborne is officially a Vita game because i can do the same with that.

It goes to show that better performance doesn't actually matter to them so long as they can day "i played da video games on my PC screen" imagine playing it WORSE than even a base PS4.

Cope more
> Pokemon (Most Popular)
> Super Mario (Most Influential)
> Legend Of Zelda (Most Critically Acclaimed)
> Metroid (Most Consistent)
These are the mount rushmore of gaming, once upon a time Final Fantasy used to be on here but it’s been replaced

Don't forget Fifa.

>once upon a time Final Fantasy used to be on here but it’s left Nintendo platforms when it mattered so we dont talk about that

ftfy. Also keep ignoring COD, Minecraft and GTA i guess.

Fifa hasn’t made nearly as much money as Mario, FF, SF, Pokemon or WoW

If Bloodborne didn't have the great atmosphere, the setting and the lore, people wouldn't consider it one of the best games ever made.
Imagine if Dark Souls 3 had the build variety, bare bones covenants, PvP, shitty dungeons, magic system of Bloodborne? People would shit on it constantly and forget it ever existed.

All of those are irrelevant, only one spot is needed for popularity & that’s the world’s only 100 billion dollar franchise (Pokemon). Critical acclaim is objectively Zelda & influence is factually Mario. Resident Evil & Metroid can fight for the consistency & constantly having good games spot

>All of those are irrelevant



Cope more, you are genuinely retarded if you think any of those are as successful or widly regarded as Maroo, Metroid, Zelda or Pokemon. A JPG for Metroid Prime 4 got more excitement on the Internet then anything this decade aside from Smash shit & BoTW hype

Fucking lying piece of shit. The franchises you are mentioning are far older than Fifa or CoD, for example. Also, they are not even first-party, meanwhile every Super Nintendo came with a SMW cartridge.

I played Bloodborne on my friend's PS4, didn't notice much difference.

At least on PC I can play with actual xbox controller and not that dualshlock abomination.

And almost all the success of Nintendo is in the past. GTA V is a huge sales hit nowadays that no Nintendo game can come close.

>Bloodborne II
It's happening fags.

Source? If what you said were true, Nintendo would dominate hardware sales every gen.

Cope more, NSB series grossed over 6 Billion dollars with only 8 games. That’s more then half of what Fifa has made in its entire lifespan

Didn't BOTW get outsold by new IP Horizon even?

Wii Spin Offs grossed more then the entire GTA franchise has in 20 years.


Sounds like bullshit.

>Super Mario series: 330.58 million sales
>Fifa: 260 million sales

not even best ps4 ex

God of War is straight up better.


They do, Nintendo has 750 Million lifetime console sales
> Highest Grossing Franchises
> 1. Pokemon (92 Billion)
> 2. Mario (30 Billion)
> 3. Final Fantasy (26 Billion)
> 4. Street Fighter (22 Billion)
Highest Grossing Games
> 1. Pokemon Card Game (25 Billion)
> 2. Pac-Man (16 Billion)
> 3. Space Invaders (14 Billion)
> 4. Street Fighter II (12 Billion)
> 5. Dungeon Fighter Online (12 Billion)
Highest Rated Franchises (150k worldwide Voters)
> 1. Legend of Zelda
> 2. Final Fantasy
> 3. Super Mario Bros
> 4. Super Smash Bros
> 5. Metal Gear Solid

Still need a source though


Google you fucking idiots

>vg sales

No i said a source.

> Bbbut doesn’t count because it BTFO’s me

>It's objectively in the low 60s & high 70s
That's way too high, you could name 5 random games off the top of your head that are better than Bloodborne

True, low 90s is better

is there a virgin bloodborne/ chad dark souls meme thats somebody made?

also fuck bloodbornefags

No but it's the one that made people seethe the hardest

>Good games

>low 90s
Not even that, here's some very recent games I've played that I would consider better than Bloodborne
>Driver 2
>Freedom Fighters
>Flower Sun and Rain
>Clive Barker's Undying
>Forbidden Siren

>vg sales

You that new around here?

For me a definitive yes. Don't think there's any console exclusive game that ever came close to this.
However, the PC has so many great exclusives I could not make the same argument if I included PC. But usually the arugment revolves around consoles, so yes.

Bloodborne is cool as fuck but I really wish a) that I wasn't terrible at these games and b) it wasn't such a shitshow in terms of performance.

Bloodborne is the best argument anyone could make for consoles having graphics settings. Just let me turn the fucking chromatic aberration off.

Your opinion is like mine i think we are friends now

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