When did Pokemon games lose their soul?

When did Pokemon games lose their soul?

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Either XY or ORAS, I'm not sure

But LGPE is soulless af

Unironically Gen 5.
Then Gen 6 came and took everything that was wrong with it up to eleven.

when it was ported to english

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When you grew up

kill yourself you underaged NIGGER

Gen 5.

When they went from sprites to ugly ps1-tier 3d shit.

black and white

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why did gen 3 not have a day/night cycle that showed up like gen 2

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never had one

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What game's on the left?

im surprise how many people feel the same as me. I thought it was just me growing older.

but i remember playing black and white for the first time, and just thought that it didnt really give me the same magic i felt with hoenn and sinnoh.
hoenn introduced advance 32 bit graphics, alien mythos, battle frontier, the vast ocean, the cool new environmental bad guys
sinnoh introduced gods and supernatural, 3d, and continued the big explorable map like hoenn

black and white, just felt shorter, not as memorable as the other two.
but to be fair, i think sinnoh introduced a lot of what went wrong in the future pokemon games.

I don't know what you all mean by Soul anymore just like how Kino lost whatever meme meaning it had for me. Nostalgia?

>sinnoh introduced gods
That's the moment the lore got ruined.

when it became a cashcow instead of actual games
put personally it became forgetabble when it hit the ds era

emerald was the last pokemon game ive played


This, 3D completely ruined it

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Not the last one I played but certainly the last one I enjoyed and played through multiple times

Gen 3

Nevermind, gen 4 was decent

>That one route where you realise it's not blue water but actually reflecting the sky

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>gen 1
>gen 2
moar soul
>gen 3
apex soul
>gen 4
weird distorted soul
>gen 5
>gen 6
no soul
>gen 7
negative soul

gen 5 is where you could see the turn, they started adding literal 3D buildings and shit and the player sprites were retarded

this board acts like all new games have no soul. what current gen game has soul to you guys anyway?

Dark Soul(s)

Its just your typical user with his nostalgia goggles on too tight.

Hard disagree

>>gen 5
Gen 5 had no soul. White was the game that made me stop playing Pokemon games and stick to rom hacks.

Platinum was very soulful.


BW1 may have been the beginning in that regard, but BW2 is easily one of the best Pokemon games. However, I think the former set down the blueprint of 'fuck all to do within the postgame' and the erasure of distributed in-game events in future releases with how poorly handled Zorua and Zoroark were.

Gen VI sealed the deal with unremarkable games full of lost potential, Gen VII went further with it, and Gen VIII will likely be just as much of a shitty cashgrab as LGPE.

Gen IV looks worse than III.

Mostly agree except gen 5 should be no soul.

nigga you cant just post this image and not answer user when you asked you a question about what game is pictured on the left

What did he mean by this

>gen with apex soul is also one of the least remarkable gens

Chrono Cross

>lost the soul, but GF still cared
Black / White
>lost the soul and GF stopped caring

>mega stones
>All these new gay transformer looking pokemon
>gotten easier(?)
>Handing out legendaries like fucking route 2 potions.
>Gamefreak got complacent and no longer gives much effort.
Fucking series is falling from grace, even the porn quality is going down the shitter.


The PS1 era of RPGs overworlds was literally just 3D Polygons walking on top of a still .PNG of a CG. It's way less impressive than creating a setting using tilesets and sprites.

fpbp as always
Gen 5 sprites were so beautiful

Tiles can look good, Game Freak are just hack frauds

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when you could walk in more than 4 directions

Not being able to walk on D-Pad is the worst shit ever.

>least remarkable
Exactly, RSE is no bullshit. The only problem is lack of physical/special split.

All these DP cucks seething that the only reason people hold their gen in high regard is because of HGSS and mad that their shitty slow gen was followed by the GOAT gen.

When you grew up
"Soul" should be automatically filtered to "nostalgia"

braindead retard soul is not nostalgia. no (You)s for you

I used to think fire red and leaf green but Sun and Moon makes them look like a fucking masterpiece.

correct. fuck low poly 3D replacing beautiful sprites
retard boomer, exhibit A.

When you did


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these, fuck unovabortions and their shitty region

Pokemon lost its soul when the shadow pokemon spinoffs that weren't made by game freak didn't receive more entries

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gen 5 is the last gen where you could see actual effort having been put into it.
debate me faggots

is this a dmc thread?

>gen 5 sucks
>i offer no proof whatsoever but i want to fit in with le boomers

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They never had one to begin with.

There's no point in trying to steer away from KANTOOO pandering when most of your pokemon are genwun rehashes anyway
>people complain about gen 7 having too much story but are fine with gen 5 because they want to suck N's dick
>easily the worst champion fight, even Diantha's is better
>map is a fucking circle
>genies of balanced meta and creative design

Gen 5.

every time. its not like bw2 is pokemon emerald redux or anything. gen 5 had clear soul. i feel most retards who say against it are just mad they had to use new pokemon, while being the same people who screech at new gens for using old pokemon

We've told you Unovabortions what's wrong with gen 5 countless times but you don't listen.

Why did Pokemon Company even axe Genius Soroity? Usually to punish someone you have to have done something wrong first.

Actually why the fuck did they axe Mystery Dungeon as well? I don;t understand this shit at all.

the gamecube games and shuffle sold like shit despite being eons better than mainline. the majority of buyers are KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fags who don't like anything without a charizard on the cover


correct, but subjective.

Your pic is already soulless.

Pokemon's soul was lost with the GBC, I distinctly remember being very disappointed after playing Ruby for a couple of hours, and never touched the franchise again. I was vastly disappointed by the art direction and zones, GBA had so many great looking games and yet GameFreak stuck to the same shit without really taking advantage of the new hardware either visually or gameplay wise (OHHH BOY how disappointed would I be to this day if I still gave a shit - it's beyond obvious now that GameFreak is a shit-tier developer, but I'm impressed how I found that out as a kid at the very start of the 3rd gen), the new Pokemon designs lost their luster; I think I got the epiphany that they'd start to chug out hundreds upon hundreds of new rushed designs each gen, AKA throwing shit at the wall until some sticks, so I started thinking of the Pokemon monsters as what they literally were, shit.
And as the cream of the crop, that vomit-inducing OST with the fake ass trumpet. I HAAAAAAAAATED that godawful fucking fake trumpet sound on every single music track.

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Imagine getting baited this easily

Gen 5 being a massive rehash of Gen 1 is not subjective
>Timburr and Roggenrola lines are clear rehashes of Machop and Geodude
>Sawk and Throh for Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan
>Woobat and Swoobat for Zubat and Golbat
>Blitzle and Zebstrika for Ponyta and Rapidash

>Gen 1

That's because 3 is the peak


as i have recently played thou black 2 it is one of the best in the series, now gen 6 and 7 thats where i think the handholding and the graphics went down hill, fuck some of these 3d models look so bad

XY was still OK, in spite of the shitty Team Fashion or whatever they were called.

Also game Serena us best pokegirl

anything after GSC is garbage.

Didn't play anything past gen 2 so your list is probably wrong

Pokemon Black and White. It was noticeable as fuck.
>Golden Age
Gen 1
Gen 2 (Peak of the franchise)
Gen 3
>Post Prosperity Age (still great)
Gen 4
>Rapid Descent
Gen 5

I haven't even played anything since Gen 5, I knew immediately that it was over and that the games would continue to be shit. Wasn't at all surprised when people were telling me that X and Y were the worst yet.

its still more fun to play than gen 1, so it is an improved rehash.

God damn old school Gen 1 and Gen 2 are so fucking comfy


Shitty pokemon with shitty designs, much less new pokemon, region is boring, story was tryhard (a fucking PETA retard as the villain? Jesus Christ) game was so easy it felt insulting to play, just boring

>Shitty pokemon with shitty designs, much less new pokemon
It's the region that added the most new mons to date.
Also (you)

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Gen 6. Black and White had problems but BW2 showed they still knew what they were doing for the most part. The games turned into nothing but eyecandy (not even the good kind) by gen 6.

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when the villains went from bad guys who use pokemon to bad guys seeking pokemon WMDs


Start of Gen 3, when Game Freak became entirely self aware and realize they could put in no effort and the games will still sell tens of millions of copies.
If you were a company that was making the same series for 20 years, what would you do?
>put in effort, exhaust yourself, actually care about your product
>sell 10 million copies, be critically acclaimed, while having a bunch of NEET faggots on the internet complain
>pander endlessly to your first entry, which require no effort at all
>sell 10 million copies, be critically acclaimed, while having a bunch of NEET faggots on the internet complain

Either way you're getting the same result, so any self aware company would do the latter.

When they started to whore Kanto for nostalgia points.

Unironically gen 3. I don't think people understand just how much of a disappointment that gen was. Not that the games were bad, but they were just decent, which is a problem after the earth-shattering impact that RBY made on the video game scene and after GSC gave fans one of the greatest JRPGs in history, to follow those up with such pedestrian games in Ruby and Sapphire was where we finally saw what Gamefreak would demonstrate over and over again and have never broken out of: they are only interested in taking the safe path and just cranking out the same money-making product every single time. Ruby and Sapphire being just lazily more of the same and the new stuff not being as interesting of substantive as GSC's contributions to the series was a major criticism and the reason review scores at the time never came close to the series' priors. Even Emerald, a massive improvement over the base game, still doesn't come close to capturing the magic of the first two gens and was more just a mechanical fix and content fillup to what Ruby and Sapphire broke and lacked to begin with.

You obviously know he was talking about mainline games. The console games don't count when talking about 3D Pokemon games

no it wasn't. 3d killed the whole vibe and the pokemon got even more retarded than gen5.
gen5 got a whole hell of a lot of things right for a pokemon game and probably would've been perfect if they cut about half the pokemon.

Daily reminder that gen 4 was the peak. You can't beat the gen where internet functions were implemented, worldwide giveaway events became a thing, it was the last gen with a Battle Frontier, things like the Pokeathlon and the Sinnoh Underground, the special move type split, in-game shit like Celebi and the battle with Giovanni in HGSS...

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All the gens are rehashes of Gen 1, retard. They've been making the same game for 22 years. Gen 2 was literally the rejects of Gen 1 that weren't good enough to add to RBY.

internet functions were retarded

>much less new pokemon
It had the most amount of Pokemon added in any Generation. There are even more Gen 5 mons than Gen 1 mons.

>n-n-no u are buttblasted!1!

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Great arguing fag. How about you elaborate on why.


fuck gen 3 and fuck all the retards who like it

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To rephrase both remarks, Pokémon lost its soul when GameFreak themselves started making the games 3D instead of getting an outside company to do it for them.

But low poly 3D was only in gen 4 and 5...

because they dont work anymore :(

i meant in pokemon sprites

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Gen 4
>beginning of rehashing the plot of 'generic team uses legendary to rule/end world'
>one of the slowest gens overall
>worst safari zone
>extensive amount of lazy bullshit i.e. stickers
>game design so poor and lazy that flint didn't even have a full team of fire types in diamond and pearl
Pt and HG/SS were the only redeeming grace of gen 4

Whenever I lost mine and stopped enjoying them.

Gen 3.

There's no Pokemon games with low-poly Pokemon models except gen 4 and 5, genius. Gen 5 sprites look atrociously bad, though not as bad as gen 3 or 1. Gen 2 and 4 are the only times Pokemon sprites looked good, 2 especially.

>Yet another genwar thread

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Gen V is everything I wanted in a Pokémon game since Gen 1. All brand new Pokémon and their idols are all animated. Then again I also rate each generation based off their PokeDex since I literally do not care about the gameplay or its meta so that more or less invalidates my opinion.

Gen 5 is the biggest and most blatant rehash

>gen v
>gen 1
choose a type of numeral and stick to it

hax, volcorona, eelektross to name a few are god tier, but roggenrola, sawk and thro, the monkey trio, the gay fighting type horses, conkledurr are all soulless. chandelure was dumb as fuck but had soul, even klinklang had a soul and a reason to exist in universe even if i hate it. if i had my way bw2 would just skip like half the pokemon and put older mons in their place. we did not need yet another round of rehash

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>Unironically Gen 5.
This, it tried to copy and paste Kanto too much for nostalgia points

when people complained about Pokemon Black & White and the company stopped trying new things

Everything after gen 3 gen 4 was literal fucking cancer in fact evry pokémon game is a million times better than gen 4 the never ending eternally shit generation.

>half of the post is just "muh soul"
amazing how you typed so many words and said absolutely nothing

But the only thing Black and White did different was force you to a crappy pokedex aside from a few diamonds that were caked in shit

gen 4 was a good gen. gen 2 was a good gen. gen 3 was a good gen. fuck gen 5 was a good gen but i played the least of it because they went full retard and didn't remake emerald in gen 5. it would have been the greatest pokemon game ever made, but now it will never exist.
i'll settle for zeta tho

you mean gen 2 where its literally conjoined to kanto, to the point where it uses the same villain team.
theyre all rehashes anyway so no point in arguing

>their idols are all animated.


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still better than gen 4 OMEGALUL

Absolutely not. I'd rather have no sprite animation than sprites that are tweened and rotated to create "animation."

Played Pokémon on Game Boy, GBA and DS, those games were a lot of fun.
Ater that, wanted to try 3DS games, I got quickly bored of these. I don't have a lot of hopes for the Switch one.

When you grew up.

And yet Johto had way fewer pokemon that were explicit rehashes of gen 1 pokemon, it didn't even have a pikaclone unless you count pichu.

thats literally how you animate...

The ooy ones I didn't like were the monkeys, basculins and the usual rodents/regional birb, but I never liked those outside of staraptor maybe.
I thought gigalith was pretty cool.
Mons like the ant, the ant eater and cryogonal I could take it or leave, but I have the same opinion for a lot of older gen mons as well.
I mean whi the fuck cares for shit like parasect or stantler.

it beats having zubats, geodudes, and machops in every single cave in every single gen

Whats your favorite starter?
If you could remove one move, which one would it be?

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Bingo fucking bango

No, this is how you animate.

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>no counter argument
there was no love put into pokemon like conkledurr and swoobat, they are just ripoffs of gen1 or generally uninspired. the dumb horse trio was a good idea with poor execution, why did they have to be legendary? i wanted a good water/fighting type since gen3 and when i finally got one, it was a shitty pony with a dildo on its head that i couldn't even breed for max stats

>more flip

why do you all hate gen 4

when they went to 3d and stopped having unique sprites for each version

yeah, instead you got not-zubat, not-geodude and not-machop which is so much better

PokeDex is garbage. I only got into it because all my friends in college were playing at the time so I decided to give it a try as well.

So? Those are well animated flips. Unlike this atrociously shit thing.

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The 3DS era

>single pane of artwork that took 10 hours to paint and can contribute nothing to other backgrounds
>sprites that are simple to make and reusable enough to build a cohesive experience from
Gee, I wonder why they went with sprites


Yeah because having all Pokemon stand completely still the gens before and after 5 is so much better, right? They're monsters, they have personalities and just having them stand completely still is boring as fuck.

the few duds are nothing with how many cool, and downright iconic pokemon gen 5 introduced

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Tiles can look good too

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Gen III it got it back for Gen V and then went back to being soulless shit

the majority of buyers don't care about home console entries because pokeymans are a handheld title first and foremost.

They mean Kalos you dingo

No, this is how you animate. You redraw the areas that move and take care to keep things even and clean along the pixel grid.

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Thats the point of gen v

Compared to shit like this? Absolutely. Either do sprite animation right or fuck off.

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Stand a-fucking-side, bitch.

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>Timburr and Roggenrola lines are clear rehashes of Machop and Geodude
Out of all comparisons, beartic and ursaing, boudfalant and tauros, purrloin and mewoth, that just makes the least sense.

The former are just strong guys, and the latter are just rocks.

What do you expect them to do, treat each of the then 500+ Pokemon like they're from Street Fighter III or KoFXIII? It's a DS game, even a little bit a tweening to show movement goes a long way.

They're also three-stage lines that evolve via trade

I god damn hate togekiss's design so much.

Adding that animation at all to the sprites cost some time and money and at the same time they were also making the 3d models they knew were going to replace them.

Fun fact: all "blue" water is blue because it's reflecting the sky, even irl

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According to Yea Forums and /vp/, every gen is bad

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well its enough to say they're the machop and geodude of their gen

but its not really enough to call them a ripoff when they're just vaguely related
not like "teddybear that turns into real bear", "bipedal cat turns that into quadrupedal big cat"

Tween animated gacha garbage. You cant even try to attack it cause most of these fags are already used to it being used in gacha trash

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That's right too. Point is these sprites have effort poured into them and it pays off in spades. Symphony of the Night is an ageless game because of all that effort.

>What do you expect them to do, treat each of the then 500+ Pokemon like they're from Street Fighter III or KoFXIII?
If Game Freak weren't retarded, they could easily have simple proper animations in their games, which is what they had in Crystal 18 years ago. This is a company that wasted a shitload of cartridge space with dozens of identical models of Lillie and other NPCs in S/M for each area instead of just using one.

>even a little bit a tweening to show movement goes a long way.
No it doesn't. It only serves to show how fucking incompetent and lazy Game Freak is.

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I love that they went to the effort to do different sprites

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Black/White has my favorite Bugs desu, only time i used like 4 of them in my team.

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Gen 3

>tfw didn't save any Unova gifs but can't find them in the archives

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>Expies of pre-existing Pokemon never happened until gen 5

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But Pokemon do not stand still in gens after 5 you retard.

>implying that wasn't the best era of Pokemon

Platinum, HGSS, and BW1/2 are all top tier.

>pokemon went bad when it went 3d
>they mean kalos you dingo
>pokemon went 3d with diamond and pearl

Don't forhet the best spinoffs.

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I remember Yellow, Red,Silver, Crystal, Ruby and Sapphire, Fire Red, Emerald,Soul Silver, and Platinum. I remember some of Diamond but that may be Platinum leaking over and refreshing those memories.

Every game after that I know I played but fucked if I remember any of it. I don't even really remember Ultra Moon and I just played it recently so I would say it started somewhere in Diamond and Pearl backpedaled some with Platinum and then was gone with Black and White.

>MD only has one bad game
>immediately makes for it with one of the best games in the series

why can't the main series be like this?

>Black and White
>No soul
>When B&W 2 Exists

But that happened with BW to BW2. And MD's game after Super was complete shit.

Soulless attempt to continue a concluded story.

a soulless game for a soulless franchise

>mystery dungeons game after super

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>nips have shit taste
More news at 11.

I fell away from pokemon after playing gen4. I loved the new 3d looking aesthetic, but most of the pokemon designs couldn't get me to stick around. I didn't even finish Diamond.

>Implying this isn’t straight up True
Japs know what’s the best

In order of Soul
>Jade Cocoon
>DQ Monsters

Not putting in effort > Blood, sweat and soul imparted into the setting

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reminder that hgss fixed almost none of the issues with GSC and GSC unironically look and sound better so they're the better versions

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>sound better

is it too late to into pokemon


kys if you think the hgss version sounds better
And don't bring up gameboy sounds, it sounds like dogshit


Pokemon need less cutscenes, better framerates, more pokemon variety with a bunch of new and acessible pokemon through the story, big endgame for battles and for pokedex completion, a hard mode since start.

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These daily Pokemon threads are more annoying than the botw daily threads.


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I don't get it. The HG/SS one isn't even the same tune as the original

both of these suck

That's only part of the reason. If you look straight down at the ocean or another large pool of water it isn't reflecting the sky very much (due to fresnel), but it still appears blue. Water naturally absorbs most of the red, orange, yellow, and green wavelengths.

Ive wanted a true hard mode for years. I dont feel it would be that hard either. Simply give trainers good IVs and EVs toss an extra mon on the important trainers like gym leaders and rivals and boom done. Thats really all they have to do.

Gen 6. X was the first pokemon game that I didn't even beat the elite four, I simply stopped playing it some time after the fifth badge.

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All the HGSS tracks sound better

>My tastes align exactly with the chart
This is an odd feeling.

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It's how it feels to be a patrician, my man.

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Shit pokemon.


What an absolute garbage chart
>BW being excellent
>HGSS being masterpieces
>RBY being anything but shit
>DP being good
>Gen 7 being below Gen 6

ruby sapphire it just became stupid and goofy

Do you just throw words together without knowing their context like this often?

with the game you posted

they never had it
you were just a dumb child
2d turn based jrpgs are easier to make than breakout clones (something that graphics programmers make in uni, without an engine)
pokemon was always a souless unoriginal cashgrab by lazy untalented developers

Gen 4.

A terribly slow engine mixed with ugly 3D elements mashed with 2D sprites, and Sugimori's worst designs to date.

Gen 3, for all of its problems, had consistently great spritework and was very colorful.

Gen 5 is the first generation I didn't finish, because it offered nothing new to the series. Franchise fatigue was already becoming a problem by gen 3 and 4, but those at least had the excuse of being the first games on a new generation of hardware, making some welcome tweaks to the battle system, or being the first to have online. Gen 5 on the other hand had next to nothing new, it was just the same old get 8 badges/beat team evil/beat the elite 4 story, the same battle system as last time, little advancement in online features, very little improvement in visuals (other than changing the camera angle sometimes and having ugly paper doll animations in battle), and it came out on the DS when the 3DS was right around the corner. It was by far the most underwhelming generation when it came out.

>level up a bit
>"Hard mode" hahahaha lmao this is fucking easy"

I'm mad that I can't fully disagree with this.

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>gen 3
>apex soul
Based and Hoennpilled

The same rule applies to both Pokemon and women. 2D > 3D

Absolutely based as well as redpilled.
If you disagree with this list you have a below average IQ and probably also a very tiny penis.

how would you fix these fuckups?

>in the original RSE Archie only had 3 pokémon. Despite being the leader of Team "Aqua", he only had 1 water type pokémon which didn't know any water type attacks

>likewise, Maxie's camerupt doesn't know any fire or ground type attacks

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>When did Pokemon games lose their soul?
When we grew up and turned in to adults.

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nevermind, fucked up there

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This, BW killed the series

Mystery Dungeon games are all bad though. For as much as people call the mainline games rehashes, the most recent Pokemon Mystery Dungeon has done nothing to iterate upon Blue/Red Rescue Team. The series is still exactly the same terrible roguelike-like garbage with the exact same "I'm a human with amnesia that got turned into a Pokemon" plot.

>no meme crobat
Their USUM teams are fine, anyway. Just switch the legendary for another mon like you did with Ninetales and Walrein.

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It's not only them, their entire teams were garbadge and only used three evolutionary lines. Zubat, Poochyena and Numel/Carvanha. Not only that but because their final evolutions like Mightyena, Camerupt and Sharpedo had to be saved for the admins and bosses most grunts even deep in the end game still used the unevolved forms which is just fucking unacceptable.
And instead of fixing this horribly broken mess in the remakes all Gamefreak did was add koffing and grimer to the mix. Fuck these incompetend faggots.

So which pokey mans game is the best one, then? The last one I played was probably Platinum.

For people who hate pokemon you sure can't stop talking about it

when you stopped being 13-ish and became 23-ish

HGSS and gen 5 were the last good ones.
Some might argue that those games are shit as well, but everyone can agree that gen 6 and 7 are bad.
The only reason to play one of them is for the novelty of 3d pokemon, but that's it.
So try out HeartGold SoulSilver and/or Black White/Black2 White2 and see if you like it.