Why is the west so afraid of attractive female characters?
Why is the west so afraid of attractive female characters?
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Not the west, just insecure millennials.
Roasties are threatened and seething.
I hate poorly drawn art that pretends to be good
Why do people keep posting 2B when A2 is by far best girl? We need more miracles of the universe like A2, Kainé and Zero.
Why do we need to have this thread every day?
If you can open the front page of porn hub and see 8 women who look exactly like the character you like, your taste is trash.
Have sex
If it's enough to make my peepee hard it's good enough.
2B is nice though.
But A2 isn't bad I guess
Where ever would the world be without the empowered feminist mindset that any woman who enjoys exhibiting their body is automatically a vapid mindless husk only good for sex.
Your place or my place?
A jew girl told me that it is because they want the cock, because the cock controls all. and if the cock worships something other then them, then they can no longer control
They need to work on their proportions, but their technique is down-pat.
based redditor
based tripfag
This is one BASED and REDPILLED thread
At least post in-game screenshots or official art.
>They need to work on their proportions
And their anatomy. That's not where the vulva goes.
They're peanut butter and fucking FAGS
Even the technique is sub par, you can tell they used a bunch of photoshop filters to make it look more detailed than it actually is.
the real question is why is the west so afrid of attractive MALE characters
I hate people who write dumb shit like this to get responses
>replying to a tripfag white knighting a shit artist they probably support on patreon
>replying to a tripfag in general
Come on now.
Literally what did he mean by this
it only needs to fool people.
If it does that, then it'll please 99% of normies.
Eat shit drawfaggot cunt. You're just jealous of someone else's success for making money from drawing coochie.
>not using an anonymizer
is that hattifattener?
why didnt you post the better version?
>hiding the problem for you while still making them think they're welcome here
You're the cancer killing Yea Forums, lazy anti confrontaional bitch scared of calling retards out on being retards fucking dumb nigger god have some backbone for once in your pathetic virginal life
Shit like this is perfectly acceptable on tv and for children but an attractive character wearing a frilly skirt is misogyny.
When some dumb cunt or numale starts talking about how derogatory video game outfits are for women and how it's a bad example to set for girls and how inappropriate it is for the children, show them shit like this or some other popular whore that is plastered all over the media, specifically marketed to the youth.
The West, so afraid of attractive women, now has no women; only tranny activists. It's all conducted by well-paid marketers - how do you say it? "Think tenks" funded by big businesses. What is that? A "think tenk"?
Because the western industry is attempting to grow the audience of gaming to women. And western women hate seeing women prettier then they are.
Good post.
God, I wish girls were real
>Why is the west so afraid of attractive female characters?
because they obviously understand exactly who is buying video games and how to appeal to them
>They need to work on their proportions
you need to get your testosterone levels checked
I will always find Puritan society funny for having a 1 inch speck of pencil lead distinguish this as different from porn
Yeah, I could give them attention, which is exactly the thing they want, or I could not.
not him but im sick of wading through literal trash because retards have the gall to never practice and post balloon boobs and ugly asses online and people just lap it up because theyre too low brow for anything of taste
No, that's still porn.
It's definitely softcore. And you talk like a fag..
That art is awful
> I hate art I don't like
You must be such an interesting person
Robots cant be male of female, theyre just scraps of metal and circuits.
have sex incel it's literally perfect
s-shut up my toaster identifies as a female.
Why do people keep making these bait threads?
You'll be singing a different tune when they start smashing your pelvis.
no they need to actually create something original and worth a damn
fuck fan artists
actually its a vocal bunch of whores desperately clinging onto being the gatekeepers of sex and by extension, happiness in mens lives
you do it then
>that left tit
>that lack of hips
4/10 would not impregnate
We already went through our bimbo phase from 1930-2000.
Japs are behind the curve and selling female characters that lead to ridiculous expectations and male virginity
Yall'r delusional, this would take even a seasoned artist months to pull off if they knew nothing about digital painting, the proportions are completely fine despite maybe the neck being a bit off, actually take a couple anatomy classes before spouting shit
The west tries to sexually control its population through circumcision and censorship
fuck you baka ass user
jokes on you not even robots can be programmed to be attracted to me
This is by dongdongfuga innit?
>"this looks good"
>check boorus and shit
>only versions available are either fully clothed or fully naked
Every time.
more please
>still replying to them
>somehow the fact that he's doing it positively is less attention than negatively
Hiding their posts would be the "not giving attention" in this scenario.
Because western games are gay tumbrl trash
Y'all'd've done well to familiarize yourself with digital painting and its general workflow before making this post. You made quite an oof by outing yourself as a noarts faggot which is a big yikes if we're being frank! Good thing we're anonymous here and nobody will be able to link this to you later on lol!
>this is hot in Murica
Women are queens. Holy shit kys.
i bet her farts smell like oil grease
it's funny because Yalldve is actually used
Immediately end your life.
lol sorry you got so hurt by a stranger on the internet you'll never meet in person that you had to post such a pointlessly belligerent response on an anonymous imageboard
now that's some ownage!
SJWs are afraid of them. The rest of us don't care one way or the other.
so.. this is what autism actually looks like, huh
Had sex
same, all we have are women.
Huh, you must be browsing Yea Forums tonight with an awful dark theme.
who are the people forcing animators to make separate white and black dick versions of every animation they make
>top tier character aesthetics
>good tier music
>shit tier world design, graphics, and game play
>potato tier story
>'average female' tier character aesthetics
>top tier game play, world design, and graphics
>potato tier story
So sick of man-jaw women with fat waists, and butch design. Its just like movies casting diversity fuglies; games need to ruin games.
>play western games
>jerk off to Jap female characters
the solution is obvious
No idea. They should just stop pandering to insecure YTs and just keep doing BBC and cuck shit. All the people into that stuff online are wealthy and the only ones who will pay to support the artist anyway.
What the fuck does that even mean?
eastern europe
>mostly good graphics
>terrible gameplay
>a shit ton of bugs
>top tier story and world design
>top tier game play,
yeah no.
more like
>good graphics but depressing colour palette
>fun gameplay after playing for 10 hours and developing Stockholm Syndrome
>bugs make patching mandatory
>top tier story and world design
Same reason why Japan can only make sex dolls
based isaac poster
Japs are also improving at graphics and gameplay since they started making their games on PC, while the west is only getting worse in every regard.
>getting worse in every regard
Sums up the west in one sentence, not just video games
>top tier game play, world design
y'all'std've be shutting the fuck up
Stop trying to summon Cthulhu.
>Alcoholic sobbing
Play videogames
The west should just make fuccbois at this point. Both sexes win.
I hate poorly written statements that pretends to be smart.
lol look at this faggot
what a gay
THis is true, I actually seen them try to improve game engines and get to 4K faster then the west.
>top tier game play, world design
>"W-what is he saying?"
>"I-I don't know!"
>Y'all'd've ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
But that's not A2
>poorly drawn art
>when asked what is poor about it they invariably only talk about proportions, basically "muh realism"
>top tier gameplay
>potato tier story
Why do people keep calling 2E 2B? And why are we pretending best girl isn't the commander?
who the fuck walks like this
Because best girl is A2.
I never liked 2B's design when her face is uncovered
It just looks out of proportion, but not in a sexy way, more of a she looks like she's not human kinda way
Eyes are just too big
kys faggot
Sexy people.
her vagina looks out of place
Why is the PC port for this so fucking unplayable? I even installed FAR and the game crashes before I can get past the tutorial to a save point. I'm literally permanently stuck in the tutorial because of the crashes.
this desu
japs are fucking clueless
badly animated characters
Post specs
1660 ti
ryzen 2600x
clueless weeb-pajeet IT defense force BTFO
>4chins filename
Now which one do i believe
western women are insecure and beta brown knights will do anything the women tell them
can you fry an egg on it?
Because the gaming industry is controlled by Kikey mongoloid worthless subhuman femwhores who retardedly want every female character to be a hideous nose pierced rainbow haired lardassed whore of a bulldyke like them because they think wahmen being sexy is muh evil sexual objectification.
i dont go out much but i had to go traveling via airplane this weekend and i came to realize that everyone in america is a fat ugly piece of shit
seriously out of all of the 1000s of people i saw, there were maybe 10 fit people. EVERYONE is fucking fat or at least has poor posture and out of shape. murricans literally don't know what attractive people look like.
It's not really true that people don't want attractive female characters. It's just people at the top being assholes and thinking they know what's best for people that buy video games.
That's what you get for playing on a shit platform.
just a couple months bros
isn't that chart misleading since males make the most of the money in a household and therefore it's them who end up purchasing more anyway?
>4 heads to crotch
>shoulders 1 head apart from head
>mid arm found via arc from belly button
Its anatonically correct. I don't know why brainlets always say ''lmao proportions bad'' when they never are on the art they say it about
that looks dope
how much was it?
it was a bit expensive, to be honest. I think it was around 200 euros. 28cm tall.
Why have these nier threads/bait threads with a nier OP pic exploded in the past couple months?
This. They honestly think having any concept of beauty is oppression.
fuck thats too big
because fuck you
Always been like that, hasn't it?
The most popular screenshot of all time on the game's steam community is a picture from Honey select with a caption "Nier Waifu".
Imagine how much retardation went into doing something like this AND have it be the most popular SCREENSHOT of the game....