Why is Sekiro so much better than dark souls?

Why is Sekiro so much better than dark souls?

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Because you’re a zoomer weeb
The worst kind

Why do nips dont look like that anymore.

Shaving and having a shower was invented.

>le epic boomer/zoomer memes

That's not really fair.

Miafune was unironically one of the sexiest men of all time.

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It's not. Bosses get reused constantly. There is no weapon variety. The world is really small and most of it's branching paths loop around on itself instead of going to a new areas. And most fights play the same in that you just deflect until the quicktime thingy pops up and you either dodge or jump and needed. The story is also ass.

because from took notes from god hand and made a good action game without all the rpg shit distracting them from core mechanics.

It doesn't take a genius to know which one in this thread got buttblasted the most
farewell to your reflexes, grand gramps

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Because of Kuro's boicunny.

It's Mifune you gay brazilian fag
back to twitter, go spread some buzzwords there

Same reason ameritards don't look like John Wayne or Clint Eastwood anymore because those are movie stars and not representative of the larger population

>requiring reflexes

Refined combat. Even without any of the tools and shit, the base combat is very enjoyable.

that should be humiliating for you

because there are very few crutches for casuls, normalfags and trannies to lean on, so only the people with the required skill, reflexes and patience will ever see the end

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Because the Souls games have become a parody of themselves. Sekiro is new, and it has a great aesthetic. Similar to BloodBorne.

>Because the Souls games have become a parody of themselves
Literally, DS3 was taking the piss on multiple levels

It's not though

It's not

Patience is literally the only one of these you need


More like Mia klhalifa

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Fun fact, nips did indeed used to look different but they've been slowly assimilated by chinese/korean bloodlines

for a long time Japs were actually more round eye than the other slants and had some european/russian angle going on

Try making this thread a month from now when you are bored due to a lack of replayability KEK

Being a quadroplegic doesn't affect your reflexes, it affects your motor skills.
You still process information at the same speed.

Anime became the ideal aesthetic

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>hol up you be telling JAPS WERE EUROPEAN AND SHEEEEIT
Shut the fuck up mutt

There’s a lot, you just don’t do your research because all you do is watch Japanese cartoons instead of Japanese drama

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see? this tranny is
S E E T H I N G!

Because it's made by japanese.

Jomon, Yayoi, etc etc.

Jomon >>>> Yayoi

I platinum'd the game though. All you need is patience in case you have trouble memorizing some pattern or figuring out a way to beat a guy. Every boomer should have the reflexes left to beat Sekiro, attacks aren't really that fast.

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M Y _ N A M E

When we dropped the nukes, it was very, very bright, so only the squintiest nips survived
Evolution in action

spicy bait

but it's true though, the japs early peoples were cross pollinate with russians

Why not both?
They are both cute.

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I work a prominent games company

I legitimately had about 5 people say "Why does your dark souls art book have Japanese language on it?"

Many people think Dark Souls is made by westerners

Jomon are Ainu, who have connections to Siberian peoples

Sounds like bioware except they aren't prominent anymore

setting has, unironically, a lot more soul

That's Tatsuya Nakadai from Kobayashi's Harakiki (1962) you fucking plebs.

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im glad you told em that. what really needs to happen is a character modeled directly off mifune or nakadai

Some, like Sanada Hiroyuki, can still capture the samurai aesthetic. But most go for the pretty boy look now.

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The average jap never looked like that. Jomon japs did.


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kill yourself

God damn that movie was fucking amazing...

That's a hilarious webm. There is no modern console game that is more difficult on hard than the average game on medium difficulty from the late 90's/early 2000's.

because bandwagoning