Sonic Adventure 2

Five minutes should be plenty, here I go!

Attached: five.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>timer is set for 15 minutes
>Rouge dies if she doesn't finish in five


>Rouge level
>Rouge boss fight
>Shadow level
>Shadow vs. Sonic boss

If she spent the whole 15 minutes on the first part, she'd be fucked.

Actually 2 Minutes is plenty.

You have no idea how much this annoyed me as a kid. First of all I don't want them setting a time limit in the first place, just let me find the god damn emeralds at my own leisure. Second of all if you're going to implement a timer don't have the character explicitly say it's okay if you take ten minutes and then have your player character say "nah five minutes is plenty". Like, in a movie this would just be a cheeky little throwaway line establishing Rouge as a master thief who's confident in her abilities. But then they have you lose a life if you take more than five minutes.

>5,000 calories should be plenty, here I go!

Attached: dd0y5er-b1999eea-8042-4ad6-a141-b97a9cbcd6b2.png (1280x1240, 465K)

Name a more useless and reviled stage in gaming history than Mad Space, you can't.
Literally trying to get an A rank on missions 1 and 4 of this stage is nothing but brain-numbing, mouthing rng. Nothing pissed me off more as a kid than fucking mad space. I would rather complete security hall 50 times than get A-ranks mad space.

Attached: it happened again, sorry honey.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

this thread won't last 5 minutes now thanks to you, user

she secretly had the best music in the game


The treasure hunters had the best music, but I agree, Rouges tracks were better.

What's so bad about it?

It literally drives you Mad.

Fuck the driving missions too.
Those are the worst freeway designs ever.

It's literally just rng. The emeralds randomly spawn in three specific locations and you need to find them in a very very fucking short amount of time. All this and the stage is fricking huge, in other words you have to cross a large area in a short amount of time, time and time again until you which locations you want to trek towards. It's trash but the track is pretty good though.

until you guess the right locations to trek towards*

I never had trouble with this level as a kid and I actually liked it because it guaranteed an A rank which I could never get anywhere else. But years later when I replayed it and had learned it was something that gave people problems, I suddenly couldn't beat it first try anymore.

Literally all treasure levels are like that though. That's why you memorize the hints, check on monitor and hotfoot it to the shard.

Check *one monitor,

Mad space is too big though and time given is too short.

That's what a mobilitylet would say. You outed yourself the moment you used the word "guess".


mobilitylet: can't into mobility

Also using the hints lowers your score and there are a crap ton of points the emeralds could spawn in. I should remember all the spawn points and the hints corresponding to them and then bolt to them with even less time to spare. Sure it would work but why should I have to put in all this work just for 2 missions of one stage and again be completely fine with this. The stage is annoying, I didn't have to try hard for all the others but I try so hard for this one?

>Why should I have to be good at the game to have a high score
The score penalty only really affects you if you look at more than monitor per shard. Every single treasure stage can easily be A-ranked by memorizing the first hints and their locations and hotfooting it, three times. If you're feeling daring, you can even check other locations on the way there and snag a shard early if you're lucky.
Face it. You're a brainlet who got outsmarted by a red knucklehead.

Eggman kills her for being an incompetent fuck

Attached: Tails delivers tofu to the President.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

>I should remember all the spawn points and the hints corresponding to them and then bolt to them
Yes. How did you A-rank other stages? endless resets?

I wasn't going for a highscore and why would I go for a highscore on a treasure hunting stage? I'd understand if I was speedrunning but even then who speedruns the dark story? Also you can only check one location at a time, this isn't sonic adventure.

I guess you are right though I am a brainlet, I should just learn the all the hints, its just that I didn't have to do this for any other stage and that makes this stage especially annoying to me.

Eggman during this part gave me PTSD

I didn't memorize all of them I just rememberd a few and picked paths that covered the most spawn points.

She needed at least 10 minutes left to escape the blast radius in time.

>complain about how hard it is to get an A rank
>why would I go for a high score?
King of brainlets.

By highscore I thought you meant in terms of speedrunning. Obviously I go for highscores or else I wouldn't have the A ranks.
>King of brainlets
I just used the same method that worked for literally every other stage. If it ain't broke don't fix it. I just didn't adapt my plan for Mad Space, which I admit I should have.

i picked an eerie time to get into initial d. it was literally weeks before you know what in new zealand.

She needs 10 minutes to get out of there

Death Chamber is worse.
>Doors gradually close as the sand goes down
>Some have very little margin for error
>Fuck up, have to hit the hourglass again
>Key spawns in room disconnected from the rest of the map

I never had any issues with the hourglasses but the disconnected room was really annoying though.

Is it possible to beat Cannon's Core without the air necklace?

Yes, there're air bubbles, but it's best to get the Air Necklace.

There are air bubbles like in the o.g sonic games that you can use.

Never fucking noticed any in cannon's core. What a wonderful world we live in.


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