Will Nioh 2 suck? They added character creation which is a massive red flag

Will Nioh 2 suck? They added character creation which is a massive red flag

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How is that a massive red flag? Are you retarded?

It could very well suck, but it won't be because of character creation. Possibly because of the precedent it sets, but the original game despite being excellent already got downgraded hard so it's quality will depend on how they handle that.

No, It will be better than Sekiro for sure since Sekiro has no replayability.


Attached: Winter Lanterns.gif (400x300, 3.74M)

I think the original Nioh, even with reduced difficulty, was too ridiculous on scaling boss's damage to the point that player just usually straight up build to stack huge DPS to just kill the bosses before they can do anything.

An improvement of the game would be scaling down the boss's damage, especially on NG+ and NG++, allow better defensive builds, and not have any broken DPS build. There should be a linear increase in progression, not exponential with % stacking. The game already did a good job by changing up the spawn in NG+ and make challenging encounter. It doesn't have to greatly increase the damage that everything does to the player as well when the damage in the base game is already so high.

It takes away from other assets they could use for the game. Character creation is almost always executed terribly and it's generally a waste of time and resources.

No one gives a damn about Nioh now that Sekiro is out, nigger.

I do you double nigger

the first one was trash, so i doubt the second one will be much better

said no one ever.

This thread is about Nioh 2, that will be out in 2020-2021.
Sekiro is already kinda outdated since most of non-casual shitters finished it at least once. And there is nothing more to do in it.

Wirriam is the only reason I passed on it tbqh

The sheer damage focus/increase over the more Ki based focus was something mainly caused after the Alpha tests, the game originally didn't have that kind of damage so readily unless you were hit from behind or while out of Ki, which is how it should be. Defensive builds in the current game are ridiculously powerful though, but a toning down of the numbers in general would be best, assuming they don't do the right thing by reverting back to the Alpha and work from there. I'm concerned the same thing will happen regardless though, that they'll hamhandedly respond to poor feedback causing them to overlook the aspects of the game's balance and design that actually require attention.

Seikro is already forgotten, nobody will remember any game from this year except TLOU 2 & Persona 5 Royal

>Defensive builds in the current game are ridiculously powerful

Attached: 11asd33.jpg (226x223, 12K)

>Persona 5 Royal

>can carry 3 autorevive buffs that can be replenished through items or infinitely through LW
>can stack an effect to give 100% survival chance as long as your health isn't red and stack several health regen effects
>can entirely negate all projectile damage, back attack damage and elemental damage as well as get effects that nullify attacks after purification, dash attacks and dodge attacks
>can stack three different attack debuffs to bring WotN damage to three digits while naked
And I'm forgetting much much more. Almost all of this is extremely easy to get on any build.

>they added what people wanted
are you autistic

didn't do sekiro any favors

what they really need to do is make item inheritance and rerolling easily usable and not nonsensical and a pain in the ass to do

>its been 14 years since nioh 2 was revealed
>still no news

They're both pretty simple though, but inheritance is held back by the effects themselves not always being the highest % I feel. There's already a better reforging in tempering, the only other thing I'd like is more ways to guarantee specific Graces if they return.

I dropped Sekiro after a few hours because all it did was make me want to play Nioh and Tenchu.

I'm sure i'll get around to finishing Sekiro eventually, but it's combat is woeful by comparison with Nioh and it's stealth is absolute ass by comparison with Tenchu games from even 20 years ago.

If Nioh 2 improves its level design and enemy variety i'll get 20x the play time out of it as I will Sekiro.

I would date a winter lantern gf

>get oneshotted in Abyss by boss
yeah nice defensive build you got there bud

I want a sci-fi Nioh on a spacestation.

Considering how people complained about enemy variety, they can save themselves a lot of work just by porting all the enemies from Nioh 1 to Nioh 2, now you have more time to work on character creation.

You’re right, it did more than enough favors because character creation is a meme.

Can you actually stack everything into one armor set though?
I feel like the problem with defensive build is that you have to have specific armor for specific boss or situation that the defensive stat is relevant to. Meanwhile, just deal big dick damage before boss can do anything or at any opening you get is easier to build. Not to mention you can still use the revive shinobi tool and debuff boss attack even with a dps build.

I don't think you quite read the post. It literally has several easy to acquire anti-oneshot tools. I even forgot to mention the auto LW.
Most of those aren't even set-specific. I think you can get Elemental Reduction and Reduced Firearms both 100% but not if you go for Back Attack Defence, although they can all still be high enough to take a huge dent out of damage. It's also not really that specific as the best defensive armour sets come with all of them. But yeah, the sheer amount of damage you can do is stupid anyway, though both are easy enough to aim for or even combine.

Same, but I’m fine with the Japanese setting as well.

I don't really want it to be Nioh, but something combining high tech sci-fi and traditional Japanese aesthetic could be cool. Kinda like Asura's Wrath.

Nioh 1 sucked, literally just let me fuck the doll in Nioh 2 and it'll be my GOTY