Probability of Precipitation thread
Post memes and post hosts
Probability of Precipitation thread
Post memes and post hosts
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I want them both to sit on my face.
Has the Artifact mod been updated since April 4th?
Anyone got a link to the most current pastebin?
ill post it again for good measure totally not just shilling my friends art haha 8)
has a copy updated April 5th that i was using last night
tell your friend to knock that hairy asshole shit out just knowing that version exists makes me remember it when i see the clothed version which ruins it
The absolute state of cuckmando
I need thick Artificer thighs
Do all the artifacts work the same as in the last game? Sometimes I just like to dick around with Sacrifice Honor and Command
>my friends art
C-can you get him to draw Huntresses sweaty feet
War banner, feather, and wake of vultures
Screencap this
>no visible nipple bumps
into the trash
inb4 wake of vultures*2
8/16 get in here
i tried my dude i really did
i screencap all the replies, ill include yours
gasoline, ukulele, Tesla coil.
dont @ me
>wake of vultures
Abadon all hope, ye who touch this shrine
>hairy asshole
fucking why
Thanks, chief
thank you succ cube
US East
you're not supposed to be here if you're under 18, kiddo
Is this the same lobby that was looking for people a fucking hour ago?
I'm not going to join just to wait for another whole hour.
>hairy asshole version is also the cum version
Fuck it, Call out post time.
>threads devolving to lewds and jacking off
This is how you expedite yourself to /vg/
you're not supposed to be here with your shit taste, fuck off to /d/ and find a thread for your shit there
I have become exceedingly good at Huntress because my penis refuses to let me play as anyone else.
Maybe my brain thinks if I hit 20 levels with her I will catch a whiff of her elusive ass sweat.
Liking hairy assholes is neither an adult nor a child thing
Judging by the fact that the next picture down is a wolfman jerking off it's a gay furry thing
>hurr durr i dont like huntress and artificer lewds cause im a big faggot
begone nigger
Make him draw artificers thick thighs please
Also the hairy butthole needs work: Tone down the steam and make it a trail to her vagina. The ahir being only on the anus makes it kinda weird
is your friend a furry/like drawing furry or does he only do it because those are the commissions he gets?
Did I say that you dipshit? But you're giving the mods the go-ahead to fuck these threads to /vg/ oblivion.
>touch mountain shrine
>it's the teapot fucker
Ive been trying to get him to draw artificer but he likes huntress lol
idk if hes a furry, id probably guess yes though
As far as I know, the only one that's different is Command, which removes chests and increases the spawn rate of shops, instead of giving you a menu to pick from. Probably because coding an in-game menu interface from scratch just for the artifact would've been a bit of a challenge.
Still, it's arguably an improvement, balance-wise.
Definitely tell him what >>said. I don't think it'd be so bad if her pusspuss were hairy too and there were some lead up. The way it's drawn also needs touching up.
kys mentally-ill obese-huntress faggot
you know how much of these threads on this shitty board are literally just cheesecake threads? shut the fuck up you stupid mongaloid
>hairy asshole and extreme sweat
Anybody revisit RoR1 and get absolutely floored at how much that game drips in atmosphere? I hope 2's final version can elicit a similar feeling.
Command is probably a placeholder as of right now, Shops are the closest thing to the selection hud. Besides, Spite balls are untextured as of now so who knows what could change.
Command giving only shops and printers was modanon's doing. Prior to this, Command did nothing.
There's apparently problems with how this one implements the soundtrack so hopefully that gets fixed. Could improve the atmosphere a lot.
huntress is a pure maiden
noo feetttt
Thats in the 1.4.1 version, right?
Fuck your friend
i was doing a stupid drawing and tried coloring for the first time ever
i dont know how to shade please help
Top kek.
Pure sex
Tell that disgusting furry degenerate to kill himself
draw huntress with a hairy asshole
>using Discord light
I see that you love going blind.
also good on him (though I'm ambivalent about feet)
I believe it was implemented earlier than that, but some people were still seeing chests. As of the latest, no chests spawn with Command.
>Prior to this, Command did nothing.
Because it wasn't implemented. Isn't Command being selectable at all modanon's doing? Which means he chose for it to be shops instead of a menu?
>people are getting this angry over the off-site, obvious furry porn that they clicked on their own free will
and this is why we dont come here for the porn lads
Looks good with the rejuv pack desu.
>But no feet
i dont use any dark modes on any apps, rip my eyeballs
It was literally linked to be shown off here you fucking retard
Alright cool. Just for shits and giggles sometimes
lewd fags unironically fuck off to /vg/
When modanon enabled artifacts, Command did nothing. He made it so it spawns shops and 3D printers.
ok marielx.
>it was linked
>figured out how to reliably launch myself into space via running into slopes
literally who
I know that, my point is that he could have made it make chests give you a menu to pick from, like it did in the first game, instead of just making it spawn more shops. I'm assuming he didn't because that would have been more of a challenge than he wanted.
Yes, because nothing was even hinting at the horrors that awaited. You fucking retard.
post cube
Tell your friend to ignore these plebs and keep the hairy assholes and add some pubic hair
>I'm assuming he didn't because that would have been more of a challenge than he wanted.
In his words,
>Making UI from code is a clusterfuck and I don't want to bother since not many people use the mod
meant to reply to
the lizard nipples and cock isntead of commando kinda hinted at it being furry porn, user
>2 sacc daggers
>fucktons of fireworks because the game thinks I love these things for some reason
>shitloads of on-hit items
>just run around popping canisters and passively getting money, then popping chests and getting more money, then going to the portal to the next level
twas fun and comfy until I made the mistake of standing still for 2 seconds and died
Fair. But would be really cool in the future
I don't take issue with the lemurian, I take issue with the hairy asshole
The fact that the artist is an actual full blown furry is just the cherry on top.
>tfw Enforcer probably never
I can't imagine how he would play since the transition from 2D to 3D would be aabsolutely terrible for him.
>hairy asshole
absolutely fucking disgusting
quit samefagging faggot
i wish they kept him, just give him like a massive reinhardt shield or something
This is a lewd thread faggot
I don't know, I kind of like the idea of a piercing shotgun in this game...
Shield would work, shotgun would be really hard to balance I think, and they already gave stun grenade to mul-t. Abandon hope
Maybe let shield up have no cd so you can block whenever you want?
>get grazed by blazing elder nigger
>watch in anticipation as my health comes off in chunks down to zero
>*squeak* *squeak* *squeak*
based teddybears, that shit still took off like 1000 hp
Probably some similar changes to Engineer. The shield would have to be reworked around the gameplay, and maybe the option to change between buckshot and slug shotgun shells to handle different ranges. Doesn't help that MUL-T has a similar grenade, though.
>you never block a blazing titan's laser beam with you shield protecting your merc bro
>you will never blast the fuck out lemurians with a shotgun
>Think I'm hot shit because I have a squadron of drones
>5 gunners, 3 healing, 3 missile and a big ass one
>Activate shrine of the mountain
>Boss is 4 Wandering Vagrants
Those drones were nice while they lasted.
>Yea Forums is so numale they let a little hair around the ass trigger them
>All those Artificer and Huntress lewds
>No love for Beetle Queen, female Lemurs or female Elder Lemur
don't ever reply to me again you paranoid faggot
I want more hair, it looks weird localized like that
The fact that you don't know where to look does not mean it does not exist
There's the odd female Lemurian image on the current /scaly/ thread on /trash/ right now.
Whoa guys, some item change Huntress, she looks sounds serious.
How many teddy bears to have 100% chance to block?
It says 15+15 per stack, so it should be 7, but I had 9 and was still sometimes taking damage.
it has diminishing returns, otherwise you'd be invincible super easily. takes somewhere around 600 to reach 99.9, i think.
I'm pretty sure it's hardcapped, not doing that would be stupid. I had 14 once and was taking heavy damage still
they stack multiplicative not additive
you need around a 1000~ teddies for complete 100% damage negation
the more you have, the less it scales. To get 100% you need 1000 or so
I wish it was possible, maybe have shield small but always up and make shield stance increase the size greatly while reducing mobility? Shield bash could be a little charge move like the ox. This would give him a little more mobility and still allow for him to block, in addition to giving the option for slow wall gameplay. Then Paladin could take the more mobile shield role with his running, smashing, and medium sized shield
you need 16 for 70% reduction, 27 for 80%, 38 for 85%, 60 for 90%, 127 for 95%, over 327 for 98%, over 661 for 99%, and over 6665 sad teddy bears to have a 99.9% chance to block incoming damage.
US west rainstorm shenanigans
It's asymptotic, so the more stacks you get, the closer you are to 100%, but you'll never reach it.
I thought it was a crazy number like 6663 or some shit.
>implying i can't sexualize this
You crashed the game at the end user come on
also good run
Filthy Milk you fuck, YOU METEORED MY COMPUTER
You're better than me at drawingI made the shitty WHIRRR pic, but shading isn't too difficult if you just experiment a bit.
If you want to keep it simple and not think about things like a light source just do it like this. Things in the back are darker and maybe darker(like on the commando and golem's leg), and things in obvious crevasses are also darker(like on the golem). Then add in little curved lines for curved surfaces like the helmet and boom. Looks a lot better without having to really know what you're doing. Just use that paint bucket and if it doesn't look quite right just try darker or lighter.
I'm really not the one to be giving advice though, but when it comes to silly pics for the internet it's good enough for me. Also realize that when you look at someone else's art you're probably looking at the big picture and won't notice slight mistakes that will stand out to the person who drew it.
Hopefully this advice is bad enough that someone who actually knows what they're talking about will be compelled to correct it.
Awesome pic though. Thank you for using the pencil tool and not the brush since modern MS Paint does that anti aliasing on the brush making the paint bucket tool leave white specks everywhere. That really annoys me.
>the shitty WHIRRR pic
Why did you quote me? Your chart numbers match mine.
>early game hunters instinct + 10 stack of lenses
>no speed
>no health
you played yourself, become a glass cannon and never get hit
>End 3 hour run by getting meteor with 0 equipment cd from drowned and fuel cells
Is there a better way to end a game?
Just sharing the pic, best way to share this info
>clay teapot has no head and you just fall through it when jumping on it
of course, why did I assume this enemy would be in any way not an annoyance
That is pretty shitty. Better than nothing, though.
Also, isn't the strider supposed to be dabbing in the other direction?
you only fall through when the lid is open though
What all do clovers affect anyways?
i dont even know how to draw lol, i use windows xp mspaint and a mouse since its way easier, 2 pixel squared hard brush
my problem was mainly the laser shading, since thats only light source it would make the entire scene dark except for the specific areas lighted by the red laser and i have no clue what that color would look like
the reason it leaves white specs is because of the built in opacity which makes like 3 seperate levels of grey to make the lines look aliased
>26 infusion but only 931 life
even with glass that doesn't seem right
all on hit plus tougher times, which is even better
my vote for best red easily
teapot is easy, just aoe damage the trash mobs with stickies so they crowd in and blow that piece of shit to kingdom come.
Clover's reroll effects like shrines and procs. Your items have better chances to proc and shrines have better chances to give you an item. It rolls something twice and takes the best outcome out of it. dunno if it stacks for multiple rolls, though
Logarithmically, not multiplicatively.
That is unironically accurate at ultra-lategame.
I used shrine and got the infusion, couldn't really kill anything until a couple loops later.
all proc items except tougher times basically reroll whenever they fail to proc.
sounds like shit desu for a rare item
16 player still going US East
modded 16 player lobby, US East 9/16
it says +1 roll so it for sure stacks
please excuse my retardation, i failed algebra
Most of your damage in the mid to late game comes from item procs, so it's one of the strongest in the game.
Ah ok that makes sense, ended up in a game with 17 clovers and like 26 tougher times and expected to never take dmg but got hit fairly often.
Interesting, I'm curious if you can manage to get it into the game.
So what do ya’ll think about the new game dev thoughts from hopoo? I like the concern that every item added to the pool is an indirect nerf to engineer, I didn't really think about that
Effectively doubling your chances on everything is broken as hell.
you're an utter retard if you actually think this
>drastically increasing the odds your tougher times saves you and making your ukeleles and atk missles proc way more often
I think it's one of the best easily
oh it affects that shit too?
now its based
It's in the game. I'm doing bug testing and it doesn't crash the game so far. Have anything to say about it aesthetically? I can't change the color from red, not until I fully understand how materials work in Unity.
Tougher times is not affected by luck, user.
Archivefag here, you might like my recent additions. Finally got to uploading some monsters.
Collection mostly focuses on Art/Hunt still, but anyone's free to upload other stuff, as far as I know. New to this stuff, usually just lurk boorus.
>51 gas
I got like 14 once and the entire map just got lit on fire with every kill. This must extend across the galaxy.
helmet fags are homos
It isnt as stupidly broken like in the first game but holy shit is it strong. It works on everything, from crits to sticky bombs, effectively making your dps fuck you big as long as you have at least one proc item
based and chadmando-pilled
Woah, actual art surprising.
How many gas are equivalent to one Will o' the Wisp? I'm too lazy to look up item values right now.
it's infinity
Who else burned out already?
New content when
Whatever gets your rocker off user, I'm just doodling around and practicing
You can have this then
>go 28 levels
>finally die and feel my soul leave my physical body
its something like a 1% or 4% chance to reroll, with stacking increasing the chance of a reroll
>7 of these makes someone invincible
You should know that going off of item descriptions in this game is a fools errand
I have completely missed that there's a ror 2. When? How? Good?
numales love hairy ass women son what are you talking about, did you forget about the all those liberal chicks that don't shave their armpits as a retarded protest
Not me but I've been taking breaks by looking up lewds of the characters.
Yeah I dunno, some of those armor remnants look a bit odd but I dunno what can be done about it.
but towards the late game, don't most of the items you care about already have an overwhelming chance to proc off of 1 go from big stacks? like i've had 20+ stickies, luck wont really help me with that.
>fighting blazing teapot as Merc
>annoying as fuck but managable
>finally get to the SUCC part, just get away from it
>he heals for 40% of max health
What the actual fuck, didn't know he could heal so much. I still managed to defeat him but that was almost 15min of a bossfight.
All I want is enforcer, when he's added I can enjoy this game endlessly.
a week and a half ago
its been confirmed in development for years, buddy
its great, getting old for me rn at about 41 hours but i usually play solo
Like 2 weeks ago came out in early access, it's fun
>numales love hairy ass women
Only if you assign some story about being 'woke' to it, otherwise they're the first to vomit.
posting the dev thoughts since I haven't seen em here
I believe he heals for SUCCing in monsters
I hope that last point isn't spic or chink shit I fucking swear or keep them in their own servers
Highly recommend getting a buddy or playing with Yea Forums.
Oh I knew he heals when doing so, it just never healed so fucking much. It went from 1/4 to over 50%.
I imagine 1% is kinda low, so 4% sounds better. It's still too low for a rare and a difficult one to unlock at that.
any hairy women can be naturally "woke" to those people because all woman shaving is considered sexist for some reason
like you do you with your fetishes my man but you really can't deny that hairy women have been idolized by hippie shit for a long time now
Vanilla EU Monsoon
>People have gotten far enough into the game that things just... stop spawning. For context, the game skips spawns that it deems is too easy for the number of "spawn credits" it has. If you've gotten to that point congrats, the game thinks Overloading Worms are a bit too easy for you. This will naturally be fixed once higher tier monsters and affixes are added to the game. For now... it means that you terrified the whole planet.
guess that means that it's officially confirmed that the game was trying to spawn blighted enemies
>tfw getting enough syringes to turn Commando's dual pistols to dual miniguns
>mines now hover slightly above ground
>can actually stick them to any surface
>if you set more than 1 mine, they get connected with a beam as long as they are within (N)distance near each other
>every enemy that passes the beam recieves full damage from the nearest mine(s) and 300%/(N)mines damage from all the others
Will this finally make mines viable?
I'm assuming you're the one who made that booru, is there a way to disable the ability to set child posts? Always a fucking pain in the ass to search for those.
i'm up real late so i usually just play with Yea Forums if im playing with others.
>blighted enemies
>you now remember wake of vultures is being tweaked too
I'm a spic myself I still hate the general spic playerbase for online games
>decent monsoon run as commando
>becomes a fanfuckingtastic run when i find a sticky bomb printer 45 minutes in
>o-fucking-bliterate literally everything in microseconds, elite bosses die before they finish their spawn animation
>go to le happy newt merchant and acquire 3 shaped glass
>LITERALLY one shot overloading worms with a single left click
if I shot the ground i'd blow the fucking planet up. i'll post a video later of the worm getting 1 shot, i don't think that's something many people have seen.
You are delusional if you think language stops those from playing.
Fucking everybody knows English
>Discord and steam normies screaming for a Magma Worm nerf to make him more easy
It's almost like they never played ror1 in the first place
>it means you terrified the whole planet
Have you terrified the planet yet, user?
>There can only be 10 mines on the level at all times
>backup mag gives on charge on mines, making it a bit pointless
>Bandolier ammo drops give 1 mine back instead of 5
If they up the number of mines possible to throw down, maybe. For now engi is turret dependant only
I hope that we get a higher tier of modifiers instead of just making harder enemies blighted, that shit would not work in 3d at all
>blighted wisps start sniping you
>can't find them
hopefully the gold modifier for the golden titan is a sign that we're getting a second tier of modifiers
I want to get a big afterburner stack on Merc so I can fight him like super saiyan.
doesn't seem like many are saying it's too hard, just that fighting them isn't fun, which is true.
Fighting Worms as Huntress/Artificer/Merc is just plain irritating and boring.
I checked and there doesn't seem to be a way to do that. Though, I'm not 100% sure we can set child posts in this booru format, if that makes it any better.
what mods do i need to play with u faggots
yer missing some, bruv.
his damage and difficulty is fine, the main issue is that he takes forever to kill, especially on characters with mediocre range
just lower it's hp a bit and it's golden imo
Pic you posted is only partially a lemurian, it's a TFed artificer
No not everyone. The absolute cancer do not know English, and we need to keep those barriers to entry. Not knowing English makes them more likely to be niggerish.
>tfw get similar build and manage to kill the newt merchant dude before he can port me out
Feels fucking good man.
>get a few quick swap mags as merc
>suddenly become full spin 2 win youmu
>it's a TFed artificer
I don't need to know this. Don't fucking ruin my boner you asshole.
It's like you didn't play ror1 in the first place.
Worm used to get turbofucked by aoe, it used to be easy to see in 2d with warnings and its damage wasn't seemingly random as all fuck with fire.
Many things had a good transition to 3d, magma worm just isn't one of them.
Why do you think the face is so humanoid, user? Your boner has betrayed you.
I always play Engi and usually my turrets take care of them without me firing at them at all
Any monsoon lobby?
Shut up nigger I don't even browse /pol/
>I always play engi
opinion discarded then
>The absolute cancer do not know English
>we need to keep those barriers to entry
I'm sorry user-kun, but it appears that you have no way of containing my girth, and neither does Hopoo. I have come for you, and I will spam my russian moonrunes in your chat whether you like it or not.
Hacтaлo вpeмя cмиpитьcя и пpинять тoт фaкт, чтo игpы paccчитaны нe тoлькo нa тeбя и твoй мoнoлингвaльнo oгpaничeнный мoзг :)
No way. You got your own.
But killing worms with the merc is one of the most fun things I have ever done in a videogame... it's like a cutscene from an action game but you are actually playing it
What shoots/procs faster, 2 turrets or one Commando?
Thanks, user. Added it. Forgot to post a couple lemurian pics and added those too.
Yeah Reddit seems more tailored towards shitposters like you
why do russians and chinese hack in online games so much?
did communism do this?
I dunno, but Commando has much longer range.
get in here fags
is it vanilla or modded
Who cares about turrets i got dick big enough to handle my own problems.
>post logical claim
>throw a fit because it's racist
>s-shitposting! reddit
nice attempt to fit in retard
>monsoon engi run
>imp bosses spawn from teleporter
>no big deal I have fat stacks of fungus
>turrets are instantly dead
>oh fuck oh shit I'm gonna need to play this one carefully
>fortunately I have wax quails
>they can't kill what they can't catch
>zippin around, plopping down paper turrets every chance I get
>slowly but surely it's working
>I'm gonna make it
>hand slips slightly, stop dashing for one single nanosecond
>mobs instantaneously travel into my asshole, killing me on the spot
I know we like them but sometimes we gotta let go of the fungus and pick up some damn bulk.
NA or EU
invalid ID
I think there should be more post game storytelling content for this like nuclear throne did. it has visual storytelling elements and you get to see the progression your fuckery causes on the multiverse,after the loop the game sends elite cops after you, if you keep going more keep coming
then eventually the reason why the cops were chasing you through the game will be revealed when gnarled mutated cops rushes out of an exploding van to fuck your shit up on loop 3, they were protecting their own realm and the time-space fuckery got messed up with all your portal jumping and caused an apocalypse in their world. If RoR could do something to explain the looping or why there are 5 overloading magma worms each stage it would be nice
the fungus
Let's not turn this into a pol thread, I've merely given you a warning.
they see it as a sport of who can ruin the game harder
I think they are actually designing themselves into a corner with the engineer.
Trust the fungus is great as a meme but as actual game design it's pretty fucking shit, thankfully they seem to be aware of it.
>calling people niggers is logical
>mfw Fish rolls straight into RoR as a guest character
I don't know what came over me. The fungus is love, the fungus is life.
not him but ____________nigger
You either something something or live long enough to see yourself become the host
US East 1/4 Vanilla
whatever difficulty people join feel like
I think they recognize that Engineer is far too dependent on fungus, I hope they can fix his kit so it won't be like that in the future.
>people unironically believe engineer is completely reliant on fungus to be successful
the only problem is the TURRETS die too easily without fungus
camping in your safe space is gay and faggoty, you should be running around at the speed of sound launching your own funballs at everyone
Thank you succube!
>Mommy, mommy! I said nigger mommy! Ain't I cool? I sure belong here!
The harder you try, the newfaggiest you are
having a nuclear throne character would be godlike
I hadn't considered that before, what an intelligent post
>thinks that's what I was referring to
As expected of a nigger
oh no he dropped the hard R, someone get this fragile tourist a box of tissues
>getting triggered unironically at the n-word on Yea Forums
Alright this feels like some /vg/ shit, who let plebbit in
>I hate people who can't speak English they are niggers!!!!11!!!1
Amazing logic retard
Fish would probably be the least style breaking character, what would his moveset be?
>still doesn't get it
I mean I'm not surprised of a nigger. You probably think I'm just pretending but I'm not spelling it out for you nigger
>getting upset over the use of nigger on Yea Forums
Are you ok there buddy?
Bet you thought this was just going to be a bunch of underlines then the n word, but actually it was________NIGGER
>Least style breaking NT character
looks like euro/pol/ woke up
damn guys you're really owning him by ruining your own thread with off topic nigger spam wow this is sub is so epic
Stupid nigger redditor
I don't actually mind the use of nigger but him trying to act like he's intelligent because he's calling people nigger is stupid
US East 16 player
i see you have a big ass brain too
I think I get it how to play artificer now. Now I need to get more luck with movement upgrade items to get a decent run.
>an off-handed comment about localization turns into niggerposting and racial insecurities
You had one fucking job - talk about videogames. It's ONE SIMPLE RULE
And now you've gone ahead and botched it, you idiots, you absolute buffoons. Goddamn.
Finally unlocked, and got to use the meteor. Totally worth it.
Also, I'm on monsoon, and beat two elite bosses who were both summoned by the teleporters, but it didn't count. Fuck this achievement.
I'm 99% sure child posts can be made, but I'll start tagging parent posts with "has_childpost" or something like that. Gotta make account first though.
I don't give a shit about polfags, kys nigger
It's cool the first time yeah, but then you realize your only means of damaging it is waiting for it to jump out dashing through it and pressing r as it fall down, rise and repeat which starts to feel extremely tedious and boring
is there a way to host? everyone keeps abandoning the match
extra clovers is extra rolls you nerds, 100%
Yeah you hit start private game you fucking retarded monkey god how fucking stupid are you
how the FUCK you get the complete teleporter with 10% health unlock
i have literally every other unlock except this fucking impossible bullshit
i meant host quickplay
cmon now user
>charge teleporter until it's ~98/99%
>go out of teleporter charge zone
>take damage until you're nearly dead
>go back in
You don't autistically try to get the achievement and naturally get it yourself while playing
there's a really easy way to do it that i won't spoonfeed you lmao
wait until before it's 100% then leave the ring and fall off a cliff until you low health
Kill boss
Kill elite mobs
Let a little dude nip at you until 10% before it hits 99% on the tele
Easiest done on the 1st stage with no healing items.
it's absolutely chinese
fucking get deicide first try and spend 2 hours trying to unlock this random bullshit green
if you're having too much trouble just use cheat engine to keep your health low for the entire teleporter session
pew pew with gun
big cleaving THWACK with guitar. can reflect projectiles. very short cooldown
fish can roll (throne butt version) (similar to MUL-T but low cooldown)
cant think of a good one really. maybe he whips out a bazooka?
>ancient sceptre R
super plasma cannon
What else did you think it affected?
reminder 10% of 119 hp is 11 not 19
Best run I've had in days.
>Decide to kill the run with sequencer
>Sequencer decides it's not my time yet
Do what Destiny 2 did with Titan and give him a barricade that works like his old shield type.
>AoE shotgun
>Tear Gas AoE DoT
>Frontal shield mode
>Shield ram that has less distance but more horizontal reach when in shield mode
Shits not that hard.
its the mines mid and late they do check shit for the kit.
Next time you post a lobby, put some useful info like modded or unmodded, player count for modded lobby, US/EU region, and then people will give a shit about your lobby
>flaming elder lemurian
>as merc
What do I doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?
>muscles plus big soft tits
Yes please.
die horribly
Are invisible chests real or a meme
>ate 900 damage to my 700 hp
Mission accomplished.
They're real user, they're just not worth your time
open 3/4
the absolute madman
This is unbearable.
I've seen one in thirty hours
don't be a retard and eviscerate right at it's mouth like 90% of mercs do
seriously a lot of you guys are fucking shitters and it disgusts me
Do they at least have a high chance to drop reds?
you did it champ
Is that modded lobby done?
real and not worth the hassle
I've only got 5 hours and just learned that mistake. But lawdy lawd, does that wiggly boy crane his neck in all sorts of directions.
This was posted a few threads ago
Invisible? If you mean hidden, I only ever got one because of the radar scanner.
Meant 8.
that's fair
some retarded faggot was ranting earlier about how impossible merc was to play and posting webms on his deaths webm
almost every death was something on that level
16 player modded - US West
as far as i know, they're just free regular chests
but cloaked
commandos 2 should knock back enemies
roll needs i-frames
and something needs to be done to his 4 as well but im not sure what
all you do late game is hold m1 because his 2 and 4 are not even worth pressing
gonna be a yikes from me
>16 player lobbies
Does anyone actually do these past maybe 4-5 times? You just get one-shot and die immediately in the second stage while people are constantly disconnecting since the first stage (because they probably died so they're waiting forever), it's never fun.
The novelty is amusing for a while but it gets tedious as fuck. RoR1 10 man lobbies were better.
Glad someone finally said it
I was under the impression most of the people in the general tried modded at least.
Do you need help installing it or something?
doesn't m2 pierce through enemies though, i mean why not just hold m1 and spam m2 at the same time it recovers so quickly
I think the game could do well with a cap of 6 players for optimal map coverage, but past that it's kind of overcrowded.
Just like the old times
>American reading comprehension
Eh, I'm just talking. You can probably still find people to do 16mans, it just varies and sometimes you only get up to 8. I personally don't mind mods for things like command but I'll play vanilla too.
a fitting death for how fucking slow it was, sorry i made everyone wait.
I haven't seen a 16 player lobby reach capacity since the first couple of days it was out.
When you see people post "16 player lobby" now it just means it has 16 slots, not that you can join and expect to see 15 other players there.
I remember when 1 first came out and someone discovered you could edit the ini for 10 man lobbies. Someone suggested we all go engineer. It was fun for a couple minutes with everyone spamming rockets and laughing. Then we learned the difficulty scales much faster with 10 people and we got fucking destroyed by a worm shortly after
Server back up - Feel free to join
16 man lobby.
is there a mod to have the values appear when you pick shit up?
Patch when?!
>Spot the mall ninja
I'll give you articifer and Hunter but playing on Merc against him going full fucking rules of nature in mid air is god-tier
What happens in risk of rain stays in risk of rain
Except crabs. Crabs will follow you home.
Pretty hot. Added. Really appreciate getting informed of any missing pics.
I feel like I'm missing out on Artificer pics, but maybe people just aren't drawing her much right now.
>Playing Mul-T for the first time with friend
>Friend is a bro and we always save items for eachother
>get 5 fuel rods and 2 backups, delete bosses and get the 15 second achievement
Going full skynet was stupid fun
Agrias as huntress and M dude as Miner when
the call that saved the run
Is there a good way to unlock backup mag other than the classic 'don't exit the escape pod in multiplayer' method?
off-screen spawning wisps are my bane for that unlock.
Anyone else lost good runs to this as merc?
It's one of the only real problems i've have with hitboxes in this game.
New and improved lobby with 100% less borked hosting
get a group of 4 people to go engi. Turrets get targeted instead of you. That is how I got it.
Host's beetle guard was too good and killed everything on the map before it spawned, so I'm going to try hosting.
Central US
Make sure you've got
Heaps easy as engi or in multiplayer if you hide
Don't worry, user, you'll just get no proc drops.
>fire elder lemurian
>bait everything and use both dashes and R effectively
>get touched by 1 tick of the flame
Nevermind, go here first:
>stage one
>no problems, lots of loot
>stage two
>long slog through the boss because somehow 10 people died
>stage three
>one or two people left fighting the boss, projected to kill it in about 30 minutes to an hour because of the lack of damage
>repeat ad nauseam
Only decent high playercount game I had was an all MUL-T run, and there was still a 20 minute slog through a boss where everyone but two people died.
no command mod i fucking swear
Have you tried charging Teleporter without getting hit?
Worked for me.
Thank you suck cube
Alright, I guess you had just won.
Tell us how the final boss looks like later.
Taking requests for drawings, memes and edits.
Eu vanilla 4p
A character or mob of your choice based on this.
futa Artificer fucking Huntress
This but with Commando and Merc wearing crit glasses
I still don't understand why cheese.
Vergil Merc doing a judgement cut to a Worm
this but with huntress and a golem
Merc hogging backup mags(Vergil) and Huntress (Dante)
Gotta say I feel like the game gets worse with time, unlocking certain items is actually a detriment to the game and dilutes the item pool. If I go out of my way to complete challenges then items I get should reflect that. Instead it just makes the decent items harder to find or get large stacks of. Also while 3d printers are a fun idea them and stationary turrets shouldn't take up loot spawns. Recently I've getting a massive amount of both on the starting levels and getting to the 4 stage with shit and/or very little items
Engineer in this pose while fungus turrets heal him
seconding this
who else a chad commando main here?
who /happy/ here
There is a command mod?
this but fat girl is beetle queen and dude is commando/merc
But why?
you know stacking them is pretty garbage right
Command just makes everything into shops and printers.
>loop 3 minimum on monsoon with people
>loop 1 on solo
what do i do? do I just rush tele or middle ground it with getting some items after the tele is active?
I spawned into a map full of bosses, ran to the teleporter, and then instantly died to burning.
I think that's ROR2 in a nutshell.
I thought burning was fixed?
not yet
my save got corrupted and I want all the damn characters back. I looked up shit about save editing but it seems to have been changed at some point. Anyone know more?
sweet silly child
>Cheat engine list for playable characters
Tell me he'll be back
that reminds me does anyone know where the save files are located? wanna make a backup so this doesnt happen to me
>playable worm
ah wanna see it
I fixed mine by verifying the steam files
Don't forget to backup your save just in case tho if that doesn't work
unless you mean he should mod and reduce the damage himself?
>wanna make a backup so this doesnt happen to me
yeah, right, cheater
>tfw never fucking lucky
>tfw will never complete Deicide
Every single time I've been close to being op or completing it some faggot blazing enemy has cucked me.
haha, making user work for me
yeah but they live for like 10 minutes
also theres no more bosses so im just fucking around
ah fuck I just deleted it cause corrupted shit is almost never recoverable
filepath should look something like this.
I made a list right after the game came out
I don't know why some user is making another list
Oh you're just retarded. Nevermind, give me back my (You)s.
When it "verifies" the save, it just checks for the corrupted tag. If it's true, it downloads the latest good copy from the steam cloud
wurm dueling is real
stay salty, my slave
Thanks for saving me from future retarded mistakes.
>when you have a free shield available and see little slow mel-t boi about to get lasered by some blazing tits
On all levels except physical, I'm a chuuni engineer.
tfw you reach that one level where 8 blazing titans spawn
only thing in there is a XML file is that really the save?
3 words
eu 3/4
Had a dream with 2 overloading magma worms in a huge city and me with 2 shitty guns. Woke up after one coming at me down the highway full speed.
Yes that's exactly what should be in there
>overloading worms are now invading our dreams
>to remind us
>how to [anything past 60 minutes]
>dps and aoe
>delet whole map
i hope theres an artifact that turns off bosses but makes more normal enemies spawn. that would fun
eh done with this
>is that a foreign fruit in your trousers, or are you just happy that I've hosted a game?
its incredible how shit the commando is.
Yes, I could have, but that's the same as saying "instead of making lemurian, sniper and HAN-D selectable, you could have made Chef, Loader and Acrid from scratch and made them selectable"
The current solution is just something I realized I could do fairly easily, which is why I did it, it seems to be the most popular artifact so I think people enjoy it nevertheless.
I've considered making a new artifact "RealCommand" which would make it so every item you pick up, doesn't actually give you an item but instead gives you a credit for that tier, then instead of showing you your items in the tab menu, it would show every item in the tier you've got credits for. You could then click them to buy that item for a credit.
But as the other user pointed out, less & less people seem to be using the mod, so I don't wanna put in big work like that, especially since it wouldn't be compatible with previous versions (due to increased artifact count), forcing everyone to download a new version again
That aint good, but I've got no clue why it'd do that, maybe I use the wrong logical comparison signs somewhere, I'll have another look
Fuck off nignog
>Mfw v full of unironic cheaters using edited dlls to play unfished characters and modes
What's the matter user?
Afraid people will bully you when you die every stage because you no longer have your mul-t/engi crutch? :(
aww shucks, it's okay
free content my dude
what did he mean by this
Guys let's go back to modding risk of rain 1.
host when
>playing my boy bandit is cheating
sounds like you're missing out
What is this, /twg/?
sorry I can't hear you over the sound of actually playing the game I bought not the one I edited
turn it down user I'm just enjoying the game I paid for to its fullest extent with no arbitrary limitations such as player cap
1.0 when?
lmaoing @ ur life rn senpai
>I'm just cheating bro its okay
>In an online game too
>Its cool
>Being called out for cheating is bait
grow up
but user, you're the one cheating by playing MUL-T and engineer
Stop taking the bait already guys. Wasting time arguing with a brainlet too stupid to mod his game.
the only consequences with cheating is you being butthurt so its a win win
I don't know if you're aware of this, but the whole game is unfinished.
And now the strawmanning.
>Get called out for cheating
Grow up
Amazing arguments, about what I'd expect from people too bad to play the game they bought. Makign up points about me because you have no argument, spamming buzzwords, very sad. Almost as sad as cheating
Disgusting cheaters
says the one with no friends.
Why should a consumer not be allowed to alter a product that they paid for?
If I buy a shirt, why shouldn't I be able to cut the sleeves off? It's my shirt. I can burn it if I want to. What's the problem?
but I need him to understand his faults so he can become part of the enlightened hard mode players
Finished a lemurian monsoon run yesterday at about 24 stages, was quite the rush
Making up more stuff about me. More strawmanning. Wonderful argument.
Sorry you can't just edit me like the DLL to make me fit your agenda like you make the game fit your tiny little babby skill level.
I never once said if you are allowed to cheat. I said you did.
>I can burn it if I want to. What's the problem?
I mean, if it was a flag, there's a chance you couldn't
Do you really want this kind of shitter in your hard mode runs user? Our 10+man games are better off without dead weight like that.
confirmed this guy has no friends
I wanted to keep going but it is 4 fucking AM and I need to sleep
I mean if he comes along & dies every stage he might realize he's been wrong all his life & kill himself
>I said you did.
Alright, fine. And for what purpose? Why state the obvious?
lmao this guy has no friends
Confirmed you have no argument.
Cheating is bad.
Cheating is good.
>cheating is bad
i bet you rage so hard your onions bottle breaks when someone uses an "advantage" against you
next you're gonna tell me piracy is bad
one can dream
>Cheating is bad.
I refer you to , but for your convenience, replace "Why should a consumer not be allowed to alter a product" with "What's inherently wrong with a consumer altering a product"
More strawmanning, I do not drink onions. Are you 12.
It is, yes.
EU 3/4 real monsoon hours
Everything when the product is an online enabled game.
And an early access product in need of feedback on its current, unaltered state
Could always mod the assembly to make your R deal insanely increased damage to wurms :^)
you're right. it's probably onions, i'll enjoy using every exploit i can get to crush you in any game cuckboi
I kind of wish Merc's M2 didn't send him so far forward in the air. It's really hard to shinespark up enemies like you could in RoR1 because you end up spinning past them and have to keep turning around.
yes, people gave feedback and the things got fixed
I'm not sure what you're complaining about then
Oh my, what detailed and coherent reasons.
You might as well have said "cheating's bad because it just is."
fuckkkkkkkkkk got greedy with double mountain and it spawned a fuck load of blazing titans and i got scared and sat in my bubble and got btfo by a titan fist
Okay, my feedback is "I would like a higher player limit for lobbies." and oh look, thanks to mods, I don't have to wait.
Sorry I don't speak buzzword. Try using english.
>Got fixed
>Still feel the need to edit the game
Interesting so you cheat even when there are no issues?
>He is so low IQ he can't read context, just glosses over its a fucking online game you are editing then playing with others
i bet this cuck thinks mods are cheating
When are these niggers nerfing flaming titans
>pick up 2 gestures
>pick up primordial cube
Purple Magma Snake
Killer of Frames
genuine question, what is your thoughts on modding singe player games?
thank you based succ cube
Where are all the cool and hip mods my guys? like huntress and art with a big ass and such?
>oh shit tons of people absolutely btfo by flaming shit should we fix it ???? hmmm maybe???
>oh shit some random merc exploit better patch that out in one day and nerf MUL-T because?
>hmm should we nerf flaming yet? not sure hard decision...............
no user, we fixed the issues because hopoo isn't doing it
can already change the burning multiplier
if you want I could also specifically change flaming titan so his megalaser's burn procs only tick for one bit of damage instead of 8
Most multihit abilities in the game are coded in such a way that their procCoefficient (which is used for how long dots last) is equal to baseProcCoefficient divided by number of bullets or hits
this is likely what hopoo is doing next patch
>its a fucking online game you are editing then playing with others
The multiplayer doesn't work unless the people who are connecting to the edited host also have the same edited .dll files. The quickplay button literally doesn't even show up on the modded version.
What's wrong with editing a game and then playing with others if everyone is playing with the same edits?
If, hypothetically, this user was serious & not shitposting
I wonder how he would feel about ServerMod for SCPSL which ~70-80% of servers ran because it offered so many improvements and fixed so many bugs it pretty much became necessary if you wanted to run a decent server.
Wait so it already was changed to 8?
>5 racks and 2 nukanas
>3 behemoth
>36 fucking syringes
One or two feathers on the artificier is cool
by default, dots last 4 seconds unless modified by the proccoefficient (which megalaser doesn't cause it doesn't fire multiple shots at once but instead fires a stream of them)
burn stacks hit every 0.5s (it's different for bleeds, burns and whatever the third is)
this means that every time you get hit (megalaser "fires" 24 "bullets") you get a dot for 4 seconds, aka 8 ticks
In the short term, you'll still get fucking melted by this shit since burn is still stupidly stupid, but once you get behind cover, it should only tick one more time & then you should be safe. Whereas currently, you'll still keep burning for up to 3.5s after that
Thank you suck cube
It is fine.
Cheating is a group is not fine
user he's too stupid to understand this let the idiot scream into the dark
Would it be possible to lock movement and spawns to a single slice of the map, and affix the camera perpendicular to it?
Could 2D RoR be recreated in RoR2?
I've actually found the way to deal with them as merc, it's not half as easy as they were in the first.
>As the worm rises, blinding assault upwards FROM NEUTRAL (not jumping) with the worm
>Eviscerate as the worm starts to drop
>any spare time before it's out of range, you use to whirlwind spam
>while the worm goes down, you burn through your whirlwinds slowly to maximise airtime, and doublejump if you really need to
>as the worm starts to rise again, dump your whirlwinds and hit eviscerate
>Blinding assault as the worm begins to drop
>ensure your final blinding assault is used to gain height, whether you hit or not
With a few backup mags, you can massively prolong commando's aerial maneuverability against targets that you can gain height with eviscerate on.
"Yes", technically, there is nothing stopping you from doing this in unity. None of the controls would work properly and the physics would be janky as fuck but it would werk.
for what purpose
>Please circlejerk with me anons
>Make the bad guy go away
>I have no argument
if you're going to do all of that why not just play RoR one?
is there a way to play single player but with a 4man spawn so you get more chests and enemies?
>Cheating is a group is not fine
Why not?
What makes it worse than cheating alone? It's not like you've gained an advantage on any of the other players.
>blindly ignore all arguments
>"haha I win"
I'm just fucking with you its fine if you can't join randos
I debated like a high IQ, you threw out buzzwords like a no IQ
Maybe you can start a 4man lobby and pull out your ethernet otherwise idk
>you threw out
actually this is my first post in the thread
You call that an argument? Are you 12?
also worth clarifying that worms really don't do much contact damage, it's dmaage from the worm coming in conact with any part of the ground of ceiling that will do the highest amount of damage do you.
Overloading worms are also a lot safer with this method, but you REALLY want to ensure you're as high as possible to prevent being anywhere near lightning.
This but with Chef
NA East
>all these retards still giving him (You)'s
just ignore him
Did I say that was an argument? Are you "x" derogatory age?
What if he was 12? How could you live with yourself knowing a 12 year old completely obliterated your argument with facts and logic?
How do I prevent myself from burning out before the game actually releases? I really want to play but at this rate I'll never play the complete version. Can we expect frequent updates?
Who the fuck ever uses barricade for anything but ammo regen?
uhh sorry what did you say
It doesn't really specify, but it's actually elite-buffed boss monsters, not elite-buffed normals that give the achievement. it confused me initially, too.
2 slots
You'll get 4 characters in the span of 1 year or less. All the wrenches icons in the game show the final amount of respective content for 1.0.
That's if Modding suport doesn't develop before (which seems to be that way) adn you get user-made content to distract yourself.
>How do I prevent myself from burning out before the game actually releases?
play less than fifty hours before the full release.
12 player join.
*16 player
He did not, he just threw around buzzwords.
I have the same problem.
The biggest thing that kills this game for me longterm right now is lack of viable builds outside of sticky spam. Many of the greens are majorly underpowered and don't have unique proc interactions, as well as unchanging(or negligible) proc % scaling per stack.
The game just needs more content, really. I hope hopoo actually hires another guy to help pump out updates, the game's getting huge amounts of attention, and a good row of updates over 3+ months will give it lasting ground as a must-have indie title. If they get it right, i could see them cucking devolver out of indie awards left right and center.
Let's just hope they don't use their newfound riches to hire a pink-haired community manager instead of actual devs.
Had to make a new one.
>Balance sucks
>Here specifically is why
>But ignore that
>Lol it just needs more content
If you get spooked, running away always best option honestly
I figure QOL/balance changes are going to happen anyway.