Why is Leon’s voice acting so shitty compared to Resident Evil 4?
Why is Leon’s voice acting so shitty compared to Resident Evil 4?
Sounds more like an alien invasion if you ask me.
He's young
Blinded by nostalgia
And what the fuck happened to his chin?
voice acting in re4 is anime dub tier
Is it still Matt Mercer?
No, it's Nick Apostolides in the remake
because of a union strike so they couldn't hire matt and had to do it in house i think
No thankfully.
>script is voice acting
I love this series and I wish they’d make 2 and 3 but HOLY FUCK is the animation absolutely atrocious. Who in their right minds thought this was a good idea? Is this what f/a/gs complain about when they say forced animation?
does anyone else want to bang leon haha
it was fine. And wasn't Leon like, 21 in 1998? He's still basically a kid.
no one even mentioned the script
>He's young so the voice acting has to be shit
Sound logic
Because Capcom had to get non-union actors for mocap, and the script was trash.
>REmake Leon
>bad voice acting
No way fag.
It depends on what you call shitty. REmake 2 goes for a darker tone while RE4 goes camp. Thus young Leon's delivery is rather flat most of the time because he's talking to himself. It worked to sell me on the atmosphere. That's not to say I didn't love Paul Mercier's
>"You're right hand comes off?"
>"No thanks, bro!"
>"You're small time!"
>"Where's everyone going? Bingo?"
Quipmaster Leon. Just depends on the mood.
What? It's still cheesy because it's RE, but it's much better in REmake2.
>This bad acting constantly interrupting the game really improved the atmosphere.
The writing is like a zoomer trying to do cheesy RE dialogue but failing entirely.
It's ya nigga whistle boy wooo It's ya nigga whistle boy woooo It's ya nigga whistle bizzy It's ya nigga whistle boy
The animation is top tier. It's the constant zoom in and outs that brings it down.
Jap Leon is hot.,Claire's is way worse though. Made it unplayable in english for me.
Leon's definitely better but I thought Claire was fine.
Was the reverse for me, Claire's delivery felt better but she has more obnoxious dialogue.
You're right hand comes off?
>This thread
May i remind you that youre still on duty?
I don't know wtf you guys are talking about. I especially think his performance in this scene is superb.