How hyped are you for the new set, Yea Forums?
How hyped are you for the new set, Yea Forums?
>planeswalker set
0% hyped
I just started playing a few weeks ago, but sure I guess?
I'm only just finally got a decent deck.
Yay bulk rares! Glad the power level is continuing to climb, if slowly. Maybe we will be back to Good Magic in a year or so
Why not? Planeswalkers are fun.
No they aren't.
More like post-origins set are 0% hype.
Fuck the gatewatch, fuck 101 ways to put a +1/+1 counter on creatures, fuck vehicles, and FUCK MARK ROSEWATER
Vehicles have always seemed lackluster and janky as fuck but this one looks like it might be worthwhile for a change
These new planeswalkers are literally glorified enchantments
this one is confirmed to literally be the player, by the way
They're continuing to backpedal, before too long we'll basically be back to where we were in terms of design.
>tfw you didn't realize Magic was peaking at Innistrad/Ravnica
is there any new gates cards?
>this one is confirmed to literally be the player, by the way
>confirmed on april 1st
Come on, user, you can't be that gullible.
>April fools tweet still being taken seriously by idiots on the Internet
I'm actually considering buying a physical booster box of War and I haven't bought MTG cards in years.
Vehicles were busted as shit when they first came out. Not because the mechanic was inherently overpowered or anything, but just because they printed retarded cards like Smuggler's Copter and some really good synergy pieces that broke standard pretty much overnight
Is the card itself a joke or just the bit about it being the player?
I hated reanimator, american control, aristocrats, and jund so much desu. It's a shame mono blue and black dominated with the later sets of theros because when it was just the first block, it felt diversified enough. Even red could deal with blue and its protection thanks to skullcrack
Not yet, but you get tons of Walkers to add that you can play in the Gate deck. Maybe as a ones of.
the player bit
it makes no sense for the player to be able to summon themselves flavor-wise
Set seems pretty fun, honestly. The flavor text is the worst its ever been though.
Funny, because r*dd*t loves it.
Damn, I got some rockin' tits
I wish I could exile incels
Name a worse flavor text than this card
What's wrong with that, user
>no cute Lily gf
Hold me bros.
Coming down with severe case of being-in-the-way-of you know the worst one already
LITERALLY a whore that gets all sad because her brother died, then still whores around but with demons instead
Bets on who dies this set
Kiora and Dack.
Planeswalkers are true cringe.
t. Garruk
What's wrong with that?
Hopes: every planeswalker on Ravnica
Expectations: Bolas
Ancient Grudge, but it's basically that cards' flavor text but wordier.
The flavor text goes out of its way to add that last bit to explain the meaning, in case the reader couldn't understand it on their own through inference and basic reading comprehension. That's generally considered a bad thing because overexplaining something intended to be humorous or witty ends up causing it to be the opposite - not humorous or not witty.
You should watch Yu-Gi-Oh GX. There's multiple instances where a character summons himself and just walks into the field.
Hopefully Jace. A true permadeath and ip-burial.
>Ancient Grudge, but it's basically that cards' flavor text but wordier.
That one's pretty bad too
They have interesting design in theory, the problem is so few of them in practice are actually fun. They're either insanely strong in competitive play (even the Teferi from Dominaria sees play in Legacy) or Kitchen Table (your kitchen tables power level pending), or they're completely unplayable garbage due to their high CMC. Nothing hits that sweet spot of feeling worth it. If I want to spend 6 mana on something, I want it do something NOW, not use one or two Loyalty abilities before it gets targeted. And if it's on the 2 mana swing like old Tibalt, it's just garbage. And now all these uncommon walkers are neat at best, and the mythics in this set seem incredibly strong. A couple of the rare ones seem pretty good.
>8 mana
yeah nah that's garbage in this meta.
Everyone in MtG lore department, hopefully.
>how hyped are you
Where are my fellow Mardu Chads at ?
We are going to make blocking phases great again.
8 mana is garbage in pretty much every meta outside reanimator decks
What are you going to block? My deck has no creatures in it.
How does this work lorewise? She farts out a couple of harry potters and then just fucks off?
It's an EDH card
You're gonna be sorry when they bring back affinity.
>Boros finally gets an interesting commander
The set is bringing back Proliferate so I guess they're expecting the - only walkers to be able to - more than once or twice due to extra counters from proliferate
Too fragile and slow
She calls in fuckboys who will do her bidding
There's gotta be some way to shit it out early. Where the fuck is harbinger nahiri when you need her?
For 8 mana in EDH you could just win the game instead
Then you're going to die T3 or T4 ;)
Not everyone plays top tier combo decks in EDH user
Some people play casual budget decks and actually like fun
Nahiri's -8 can't even let it attack if you don't have 4 power on the board
>genuinely great, cool card
>godawful fucking art
From what? All your creatures are getting wiped on T3 or 4
please no
even in a casual deck for 1 mana less I could just Expropriate and basically win the game.
I play Animar and I still have fun.
>Mardu wins T3 in Standard
What the fuck is going on in Standard if you're telling the truth? Because somehow I think you're lying.
I got a 75% winrate with my current iteration of this deck.
I dab on pretty much everything but Drakes.
Esperniggers are my favorite
>when creatures die, deal X damage
Get fucked controlnigger
1 mana more*
nice jab at r*dd*t user heh
they cant understand our superior intellect, keep the fight desu desu
>he thinks death effects proc on exile
Nice deck that literally scoops to a single cry
But user, it IS back sort of
Is there a sac outlet? Seems like a version of aristocrats that relies on too many legendaries, but maybe that's me overestimating the current state of magic
There aren't any good sac outlets right now, that's one of the big weaknesses of the deck. The other being that Cry of the Carnarium exists and all of its key pieces are 2 toughness.
>5+ mana Cards in 2019
I'm still so fucking mad that they finally bring back nahiri just to make her some garbage limited bomb. Can't believe i'm praying for huatli to not be dinosaur memes for r/w this time around.
Wish granted, Huatli is not dinosaur memes this time around and is GW
>giant anvil-shaped flying death star filled that transforms into a giant floating death ray and is crewed by angels
I can't even tell if this is good or bad design.
Is Jace a retard?
Pretty much every planeswalker is retarded. So yes.
The guy thought he and a few other random fucks could take down Bolas, what do you think?
Unfortunately that retard will still be hooking up with Vraska.
Time to splash red and build Arcades walls.
Does anyone remember that boros midrange burn decklist from RTR/Theros era? It revolved around boros reckoner and mizzium mortars for board control and ran either some 5 mana haste dragon or elspeth as the finisher? That was probably the most fun I ever had playing magic, wanted to see if I could build something similar in mtga
I still don't understand, I wish they would have elaborated more
He got molested by Bolas so yeah
It looks familiar.
I got you
I'm strangely excited to not have to run settle the wreckage in my r/w sideboard anymore.
Reckoners with that 13 damage boardwipe from innistrad were such a meme and I loved them. I'll forever be mad at the designers who thought it was ok to give black BOTH bile blight and drown in sorrow THE SAME SET when black was already insane. What the fuck were they thinking with Born and Journey?
Alright user, since you wanted it so bad, Huatli won't be GW, she'll just be naya instead
In that they're both flying objects I guess, but that's the only similarity really
>What the fuck were they thinking with Born and Journey?
It was so sad too because theros the set was actually kind of cool with the tech it offered. Chained to the rocks is still probably my favorite o ring type removal to this day
What do Sarkhan and Ugin even do now?
>tfw I either have to be a naturefag or an edgelord to win games
I just wanted to purify some fools with righteous flames
Which guilds/shards will be the strongest?
It's a good start, but we still don't know where Nahiri fits into all of this
Based and flavorpilled. I forgot if red decks ran anything else to benefit from the white splash, or if it was just chain to the rocks. Maybe aurelia fury? Its been so long, I loved innistrad-khans
Fuck that bland meta, nothing but rhinos as far as the eye could see. Mirrodin Besieged/Innistrad was the best standard meta we've had in years.
atm Sultai
after WAR releases probably Jeskai or Esper
Opens a gate to her plane. (Dominaria?)
Rhino was only bad during the first set. Meta diversified more with fate and dragons. Even crummy warrior tribals were too fast for abzan midrange by dragons.
>Unexcused absence
Well sorry if I'm busy single-handedly saving what's left of my plane from fucking phyrexia
At this point I'm just cheering for the Eldrazi. I can only hope that Bolas will at least get to kill one or two jacetice league members before wizards inevitably makes him lose.
anything juicy looking for bant Nexus been spoiled yet?
Could have sworn koth was dead
Nah he's confirmed alive and still fighting.
Temur is pretty nasty too.
Sultai is just fucking boring, both to play and play against. Just put all the control cards from all those colors into your deck and then bore yourself to death.
I am not looking forward to having to remove like 8 teferi's a game against esper/jizzkai
I haven't seen much over on /tg/ but from the look of it its gotten a variety of decent things.
And how's that working out for you?
I can't wait until that fucknugget rotates out.
Im playing eternal since magic isnt on mobile
Am i missing out?
Any cool stuff for Pauper been spoiled?
I don't expect any of the other commons to see any relevant amount of play besides this guy
Now that's a good boy.
every digital card game is a compromise and settling instead of playing MTG
for you
Was getting tamed part of its plan?
Four eyes?
God and here I thought they learned their lesson with healer hawk
the flying on the hawk matters a lot.
I know nothing about Magic and played through the tutorial to give this a try and thought it was pretty interesting. I have a few questions, though.
Does this play like the physical game or is it watered down?
Is there a story that people actually care about? Can I make a vampire or elder god themed deck?
I’ll play more tomorrow since it seemed pretty fun
Fuck off newfag
it is exactly like the physical game without the need to verbalize going through phases or passing priority
there is a story but it ranges from "cool ideas executed decently well" to "absolute shite"
yes, many people try out the physical game due to MTGA
yes, there is a story that some people care about
yes, you can make themed decks however you wish (they will most likely be absolute shit against tuned decks)
>Does this play like the physical game
yes exactly like the physical
>Is there a story that people actually care about?
no, mtg lore is stupid and it just keeps getting stupider every year
>Can I make a vampire deck
>elder god
not in standard no
Ob Nixilis is already hard confirmed for just fucking for the sake of it until the Immortal Sun fucks off. Honestly, I really hope they take the chance to get him and Tibalt to team up, given how close they are on the fucking-around spectrum.
one of the pre-constructed decks you get in the first ten days or so is a vampire deck
They should all die or lose their sparks and make way for a new story or planeswalkers.
>no, mtg lore is stupid
the amount of views and likes on the trailer indicates otherwise
>we justice league now
How does Elspeth make soldiers?
Place your bets on what is going to become meta.
She turns men into boys by giving her a +1 if you know what I mean
some bullshit aggro meta that rivals scrapheap+heart of kiran cancer
Jund Aggro
Gideon will impregnate her with many BW tokens.
She can always join in with these two freaks
I started last week. Is Goblin Electromancer worth it in Izzet Drakes?
With good manners and hospitality
post deck
Why do I feel a second Time spiral is coming?
Oh yeah big bad elder dragon is about to jumpstart the same power that was sacrificed to stitch the multiverse together. This won't end well for any party.
Just test it out. Here is a deck of all Standard decks and their variations.
Goblin bro appears in 100% of all tournament decks
Drakes, no. Izzet Phoenix, yes.
upvoted my friend
Refurbish is a 4-CMC reanimate for artifacts.
Open the Vaults can get all of your artifacts reanimated for 6.
Trash for Treasure can turn a cheap rock or a value-on-sac artifact into Parhelion.
Eternal formats have Goblin Welder and Daretti.
I don't have the mythic wildcards to build Phoenix yet, so I'm sticking with Drakes right now. I'm one game away from gold, and I'm thinking about using my rares for my manabase.
You run 12 "drakes" in the Drakes variant of the deck and then cantrips and interaction, there's just no room for the Electromancers in that variant of the deck. They just slow down your gameplan too much, it's a different matter in Phoenix where you actually get big payoffs for just chaining cantrips.
who team
Try combat trick memes with Feather, maybe?
The only thing I'm hyped for is mono blue and that nigger timewizard to rotate out.