How far would you go to protect your healer, user?

How far would you go to protect your healer, user?

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>being so weak you need a healer
I will neither need you, nor thank you. Fuck off slut.

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gay erp thread start

Wheres the good mercy smut?

does anybody actually play this anymore or just watch the porn of it

marriage vows

>protecting your slave

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God I wish girls were real...

Healers, how far would you go to take care of your party/team?

God I wish Mercy could be my healslut.

If she can rip and tear.

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As a Healer, it's not my job to keep you alive, it's your job to avoid dying and keep me protected so I can buff the highest DD.

Fuck healers, I can heal myself.

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I'd buff the blonde in the OP's DDs, if you get my meaning.

Very far deep.

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>Fuck healers
y-yes please...

gosh you're cute, hun. i like em with a bit of sass.

>no QoS peeking out of the skirt

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I want mercy to force me into diapers

Not very far. Ultimately I care more about myself than anyone else, and I make sure to have enough healing items on hand.

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