Do you ever wonder why we chose these 4 keys?
Do you ever wonder why we chose these 4 keys?
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Because retards like the devs of Saints of Virtue and other shitty knockoff games chose the arrow keys out of ignorance, causing me to have severe carpal tunnel.
do you ever wonder what cock tastes like?
Because of high level Quake 1 players?
real quake players do esdf so they have more weapon keys
Because it had to be somewhere on the left to be ergonomic together with the mouse, and WASD is the furthest to the left while still being surrounded with lots of other keys.
Limited desk space & the average shoulder width of a member of the species Homo Sapiens.
because this dude won a car using those keys
esdf is objectively superior though unless you have complete manlet hands
ergonomics and accesa to function keys. pretty simple
Because it's comfortable enough to move. And to learn or use "key board". The qwerty and long prolapsed use of this keyboard setup has been passed down and inherited by anyone capable of using a computer. Noticed Boomers and lots of normies can't type 150 wpm?
>tfw 90 wpm
how do I git gud
Because it's in a more ergonomic position than the arrow keys
I'm not very proficient with computers and I only game on consoles, and I can type 150 WPM without fucking up at all really. It blows my mind that most people are terrible at typing.
Is it healthy to lay your mouse arm on the desk like that? Resting my hand like that always upset my wrist
What do you expect to hear other than practice? If you don't want to stare at a boring website that times you as you write an essay, you could always fire up Typing of the Dead.
Because ctrl and shift are easily distinguishable by a pinkie and your thumb can reach the space bar.
Doesn't take a fucking genius.
youre leaning on your arm
have fun with you carpal tunnel syndrome nerd
Straight arm like that is what prevents carpal tunnel desu, not sure why it'd upset your wrist, having it bent is what should upset it.
no you fucking dipshit, it's because back then "free aim" wasn't even a thing and also many pcs ere barely workstations and didn't even had a mouse
Butif you rest your arm on the table then to move the mouse you have to bend your wrist thus giving you carpal tunnel?
You have plenty of keys around you without having to move to esdf. ESDF has its uses but primarily in MMO's. I use ESDF for MMO's but WASD for everything else. I used WASD for unreal tournament and had all my keys properly bound
>R - Rocket
>Q - Sniper
>X - Flak Cannon
>Z - Minigun
>2 - Impact Hammer
>4 - Translocator
>F - Link Gun
There were more but I can't remember them. WASD has plenty for FPS's.
i think people switched somewhere around quake, because in doom people still used arrow keys to turn left/right not strafe keys
irc mouse usage exploded with quake that caused people to use strafes instead since they were more useful and then switch to wasd because binds for weapons were 12345.
this is actually something that appeared in like 2002-2004 in LAN cafes because yeah, limited desk space.
pretty much all cs pros use low sensitivity and move the mouse with their entire arm, high sensitivity and moving mouse mostly with your wrist and fingers is rts thing
Even back in my scrub TF2 gameplay as a kid I've improved greatly just by moving away from high sens, although it was weird for a day or two. I'd say a good rule of thumb is that going from the middle of the mousepad to the edge should be a 180.
Thank god I'm not autistic enough to play FPS games.
Then why are you in a mouse thread? Mouse quality is barely important in any other genre.
In a high level Quake 1 tournament, the winner happened to be a guy using a custom WASD keybinding, beating some guys using their own custom ESDF binds.
Several FPS devs after that flocked to making WASD the default as a result.
arena shooter players use high sensitivity
What are you autistic enough to play?
If I wanted to move around my arm like a crazy sperg I would buy a Wii or something.
That didn't answer my question at all, user. What are you autistic enough to play?
sensitivity is a personal preference mostly
> good rule of thumb
is to go as high as possible while still being able to hit things
the slower your sens the slower you aim
It might not be as noticeable in middle-skill pug games, but when you start playing with people who play leagues you definetely notice that everything is faster (even though players are still fucking retarded and barely think)
Heroes of might and magic 3
Seems illogical ťbh
I'm 21 and can only type with my index fingers while staring at the keyboard and hit 70 wpm
ESDF is the patrician's choice.
It's confortable
even in quake standard is (was) something around 24cm/360
what keeb
>'a' not in the main row
someone epicly HONHONHONHONed you
That most certainly is autistic, but a different type of autism.
Logitech k120
no bully
boomer binds
>being european
>being fucking french
why, can you tell us?
>>being fucking french
I'm not Fr*nch!
Legit because of Quake
it stands for Whites Are Super Duper
because the right hand goes on the mouse, and wasd is the furthest left you can go to simulate the arrow keys. It also lets you keep your pinky finger off the keyboard.
Lots of those people play with accel btw, so take those numbers with a grain of salt.
that's problem 10 years in the past because of very low max tracking speed of wmo
probably the way the hand rests naturally i dunno
Is this 150 WPM thing a meme? I'm 21 too and average 90 WPM, the fuck
> we
I use ESDF since q3.
That's where your hand goes when typing so people thought "eh might as well".
I thought the Q1ers used ESDF so they could have QWRTAG for their weapons?
No op, because I've always used the arrow keys.
that key combo that thresh used to win john carmmack's old ferrari and everyone just sort of said "whoa i'll use that to" and the rest was history
Have you ever seen a... Grown man naked?
Do you like gladiator movies?
I can see the headlines now
Yes but in high speed games you want to move the mouse with the full of your hand and not just the wrist
I did, so i tried, it is good
Speak for yourself, I chose arrows
Where my arrow key bros at?
ESDF is objectively better,
But nobody wants to spend 30minutes remapping hotkeys in every game and adding profiles onto different computers
>nobody wants to spend 30minutes remapping hotkeys in every game
yeah but I have been using esdf since I started playing on pc and cant fucking stop now
Whites Above Shithole Denizens
I imagine taste like skin + cum.
pc game is a laugh
>nobody wants to spend 30minutes remapping hotkeys in every game
nobody is this lazy? r-right?
In the grave
ESDF master race
More like 2 minutes. So few games use all of the keyboard, you can really just move things a key over.
for lots people it's an issue of only being able to type quickly when you know what you're gonna say, if I'm taking one of those word tests I barely scratch 90wpm but realistically my wpm is upwards 110 because that extra step of reading something and then having to type it is significant for me
and then there's the other issue of typing fast without being able to think fast, just having high wpm doesn't make you a better writer, it just means you can barf your words onto the screen faster
if you're writing an important email or report, your wpm doesn't matter as much because you're going to be stopping to think about the formatting and phrasing more than worrying about typing faster
how do you deal with 1 being so far?
even using wasd i tend to bind my most important weapon to 2 if i can
and what about windows key being the resting place for your little finger?
i would put extra strain on it to keep it on ctrl
Reminder that RAGE is GOAT
Because I WASD on ur mom
WASD was chosen by multiplayer Doom players because of easy access to weapons (number keys),SHIFT (run key, had to hold it down before the joystick bug was discovered) CTRL, ALT (fire & strafe by default. Not usually used when WASDing but some people had wacky configs) and spacebar (use, open). Oh and TAB for looking at the map, as if you ever had time for that.
Only relevant in Doom clones. By Quake you could bind weapons to whatever. WASD was best as you could confortably bind stuff to shift, alt, ctrl, etc.
Shift was my rocket launcher key.
being lefthanded sucks
Why? You could just use the numpad.
Why? We're much better with wasd since you use the left hand for those. It's like driving or playing an instrument, it doesn't matter which is your dominant hand since you're having to perform 2 different actions one with each hand
Unless he uses his mouse on the left side of the keyboard, then he's fucked.
I use WSQE
I sucked my own and its completely tasteless
i use zxcv for movement, prefer a line. i also prefer ball mouses.
>he doesn't map keys to facial expressions
fuckin casuals
Fuck WASD, arrow keys and/or numpad all the way.
>TFW ambidextrous with computer mice because dad had mouse on the left with the family computer for whatever reason, but schools had it on right, so can have literally any keyboard/mouse config I want.
People just used whatever the fuck they felt comfortable with because there weren't really standards at the time. Some people rotated their keyboards 90 degrees to get more space, some people rotated them the other way. Some people put all their movement on the mouse. Some people used a damn joystick.
I don't go back that far but I did start with games with the arrow keys as their default and when I found I needed more keys I moved to RDFG and later when I learned about lowering your sensitivity I rotated my keyboard a bit started using REFG instead.
You can move your hand around to hit stuff that's further away and rebind more keys if you need to. Also my little finger sits naturally on shift I don't know what you're doing with your hand.
because most of us are right handed, and the closest, most ergonomic 4 keys for a left hand are the wasd
ESDF is the patrician choice anyway.
How so?
What's the key for jump ?
>Logitech k120
Based I have the same, got mine for 10€ with a mouse. AZERTY too lol. But I use a special layout to have an easier access to stuff like œ or æ.
You choose shit
it was actually popularized by Thresh, a quake 2 pro
For me, it's DZXC
>tfw left handed but never used a mouse with it
space proablby
this is the longest bait i have ever read
Let me give you a second opinion
Jesus you must be dumb.
>great youtube channel gets ruined by tranny drama
Thresh started with Doom deathmatch, m8, and went onto Quake 1 before Q2. And again, the config was a definate product of Doom's unrebindable weapon keys.
Where did you suck it for it to be tasteless? An opera?
My mom can type ~200 wpm and she is fucking old now
She grew up in using old school typewriters though
I've always used cursor keys and area related. WASD is friggin aids and feels unnatural, I've hated it from day one.
I've always used cursor keys and area related. WASD is friggin aids and feels unnatural, I've hated it from day one.
>z and x for movement and c for shooting
It's like I'm looking at the controls for a newgrounds flash game
Kill yourself.
I write for a living and can only type 50 WPM. I was getting much faster but then I switched laptops--the new keyboard is way bigger and has a number pad and it completely fucks my typing up. The letters are all shifted so instead of "cauterize" I'll type "vsiyrtoxr" and it absolutely fucks me up. It's hard to keep your train of thought when everything you write is fucking wrong. I don't know how people get used to new keyboards so quickly.
They're lying. It's extremely rare to be able to type that fast without errors. They most likely took an online typing test that only measures like 15 seconds, or they're just straight up lying. 90 WPM is very quick.
Because most people are right handed and so want to use the mouse in their right hand.
Why people use these keys for games that don't use the mouse I don't know, I guess arrow keys have just developed some kind of stigma to some people?
QWES master race