>shoots you

Attached: jojos-bizarre-allstarbattle-s46.jpg (640x360, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:



check out this 4


What're you gonna do? Stab me?

Attached: download.jpg (167x302, 7K)

4 isn't even an unlucky number. the japanese are so st

>shoots you

Attached: HolHorseGHA.jpg (640x360, 83K)


more like
>*Gets shot with his own fucking bullets*
The fucking retard. It happens like twice.

Attached: 1473293823392.jpg (1920x1080, 454K)

*reflects your bullets*

Attached: t1ztamvtsxd01.jpg (2550x3507, 391K)

>shoots you

Attached: 1552646556714.png (1151x734, 467K)

>both thumb and index finger clipping through the gun

Attached: frog3.jpg (508x524, 27K)


That's Japanese video games for you, no dignity

Well, that's a stand though


It's canon tho

>first time was because enemy could counter by kinetic energy
>second time was because enemy had invisible air shields that no one noticed until it was too late

I mean, of almost all characters in ASB he's one of the easiest and still really strong. Still, my favourite is Josuke

*blocks your path*

Attached: zawarudo.jpg (768x1024, 120K)

Still a shit stand. Even worse, he needs to reload it himself, meaning he can run out of bullets.

Attached: [Some-Stuffs]_Jojo's_Bizarre_Adventure_Stardust_Crusaders_37_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[30ECEB71 (1920x1080, 326K)

And yet he did better than Hol Horse.


Attached: 1422681566210.jpg (240x251, 23K)

They should have added a ripple effect or something, even in the manga.

Is he the most kino mook villain? The entire fight was great until Giorno's appearance.


>Dio Mario

White Album was pretty much a wild ride from the start.
They show the funny personality of Ghiaccio, making people think it's going to be something like Man in the Mirror or Baby Face, and then in the next scene, he immediately attacks head-on and gives Giorno and Mista the fight of their lives.
I'm going to have to wait for Metallica and Green Day before I can say it's the best fight of the anime, but it's definitely the best in the manga.

Why is Mista so fucking based?

He lived.

Abbachio dies
Narancia dies
Bruno dies
Polnareff switches bodies with the turtle.

Mista is the worst jobber in Part 5. I'm jusr gonna copy-pasted it from another thread.

>failed to kill Pesci and almost died to Prosciutto
>didn't get to kill Ghiacchio and practically lose. Giorno stepped in for the kill before Mista got killed himself.
>killed Carne who came to die anyway, and end up triggering Notorious B.I.G.
>jobbed throughout Green Day fight
>his only win was against Sale which is his introduction and guaranteed win

He has the least kill count in the gang sans Abbachio (who is full support) and Fugo (who left the gang early). Mista involved in a lot of battles only to lose 90% of the time. Mista a shit.

Still the best ASB character

Mista injures himself by shooting his bullets in almost literally every Stand battle he's in.

>Sale redirects his bullets back at him
>Prosciutto shoots him with his own gun
>Ghiaccio redirects his bullets back at him
>Squalo tricks him into igniting gas by firing his gun
>Notorious B.I.G. chews on Sex Pistols as soon as it gets shot


Attached: Screenshot_20181006-204034_Kik.jpg (327x381, 96K)

Hey man, he's trying his fucking best.

Who gets muda’d again? Green Day? Also the FP FOV for the White Album fight was kino, and I could actually see shit this time instead of the unclear old paper manga with ass translations. All this time I wondered why Mista was also getting shot at.

Attached: A6B417D5-D18E-45D9-A2F3-40686924DD53.png (1920x1080, 1.83M)

>Sequel never because Bamco are niggers who thought Ninja Storm sells because of the gameplay
>Port never because CC2 can't into PC
>The DLCs are already gone forever

Is ASB the most abused game ever?


>gets shot by his own bullets

don't forget when he shoots himself in the shoulder when fighting pesci

>>The DLCs are already gone forever
i have ASB save and the character DLC still on my old PS3, just what happened exactly?

The game got taken down

Mista is cool but part 5 itself is kinda meh, I mean I just finished reading it because I was sick of waiting for the anime to do it, and it's alright but honestly it's nothing special outside Giorno becoming super OP and somehow not stopping Pucci in 6.

He got distracted on his way to Florida


With what? Too busy banging Trish or something?

Heavy Weather dies
Annasui dies
Hermes dies
Jotaro dies
Jolyne dies

well shit
guess i gotta preserve the hell outta my console now

>not even mentioning best girl

If they ever say the crazy George Joestar novel is canon then he lived through the universal reset

>36 Kars on Mars

God I fucking hope not.

Trish is for Mista.

Waiting for the animated movie it's going to great.

They're animating that clusterfuck?

They all die you retard it's a universe reboot thing