Post games with 10/10 aesthetics

Post games with 10/10 aesthetics.

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You first
I really hope you don’t think that gen-x shit looks good anymore

>Hating on Jet Set Motherfucking Radio.

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Awful taste, post something that you think it better then

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Dark Rose Valkyrie
Steambot Chronicles
Tokyo Xanadu
Radiata Stories
Sleeping Dogs

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Say what you will but ARMS had a fantastic style and look.

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*ting ting ting* ahem, I have a proclamation to pontificate

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I’m sorry but it’s been 2 decades since that mess of “style”
There’s a reason why sega hasn’t touched the series

Nocturne, not just the visuals but the audio too.

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Modern mainstream taste is bad.

Yup, it’s the children who are out of touch

Here to put in my comment for Persona 5

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Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is one of my favorite games.

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>Not liking urban graffiti.

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I do when it’s done well.
Like in splatoon, jsr just doesn’t know how to do it right

what a shit taste, faggot

t. 30 year old gen Xer


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Looks sterile. As if nobody actually lives there.

...that's the point

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t. shit taste nigger

Ouch that really hurt my feelings, you’re an insult master!

Just cleared both of these recently. Everything from art direction to soundtrack was amazing.

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For me, it's Persona 5.

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It’s 10/10, but that doesn’t mean I want to look at it

Shit taste desu

So it's shit

too bad the gameplay gets stale after an hour and the writing in this game is reddit garbage.

It really does. The music and visuals are top-notch

No doubt

I really hope an ARMS 2 comes out that builds up what ARMS setup. I liked ARMS but there's so much more they can do. The game was barebones as fuck.

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Sonic Mania

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If by some tiny chance you actually are serious and embarrassing yourself, please share your answers to OP

Splatoon, easily. Special notes to Salmon Run and Octo Expansion, which are a part of the same universe yet present completely different aesthetics/atmospheres while still being 10/10.

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Fuck yeah. It’s a shame I don’t really care for the gameplay. I may pick it back up just because I like the world feel

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Windwaker. That game aged like a fine wine in terms of visuals.

Some parts look great. Other parts look like minimalist dogshit. Okami is a very strange game.

I'm just covering my ass for the guy who'll say my image sucks

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>Company doesn't keep pumping out sequels year after year, so visual style of game must be bad
Great logic right there

damn you're right, THIS is what 10/10 game aesthetics look like

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>posting a modern aaa title

you hurt the world with your shit taste, nigger

Aesthetics: The Movie

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I love the aesthetics of Vermintide.

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The game is shit, but the aesthetics are on point.

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>Posting top of the line highest effort and budget display of best modern graphical technology and art direction

Yes. What it does is what all devs want to do and what everyone wants to buy. Anything lesser has always been about settling for less because of a lack of resources and budget. Check out any development documentary, they will always say the "stylized" looks are a result of cutting corners due to not being able to afford or make anything better.
This is a prime example of success the breeds jealousy in the likes of you.

I don't know why but everything in Frostbite since BF4 looks like it's made of plastic, they need to change their renderer because I'm tired of everything looking like it's fucking Toy Story

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Really excited for this one, already love the aesthetics.

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Well in this case it was raining.

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please go back to r*dditera and stay permanently

Anything in cryengine in always mindblowing.

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Splatoon is the only other game that even comes close to JSR in terms of aesthetics, music and style

>far cry 5
And no, dunia isn't cryengine

All the MM series have great aesthetics, but Battle Network's are especially unique

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Does anyone even remember this game?

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Saga Frontier 2 and Legend of Mana

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> Splatoon does it well
> Not JSR
Please remove those Nintendo goggles.

Objectively Splatoon is better in terms of gameplay, music and style

Prove me wrong

You'll get a ton of mileage out of that alone.

They're categorically different. Splatoon's movement and level design can't hold a candle to JSRF, while JSRF isn't a shooter. Music/style perfectly fit their respective games and just boils down to personal preference.

Devil Daggers

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And it STILL keeps the basics of cute and funny!


Visual gimmicks are not the same as good graphics.

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Having played both Splatoon 1 and 2 and JSR-JSFR , I can say that JSF serie is better on some levels and gameplay is one.

Visually, Splatoon is beautiful, no way around it. The artstyle is interesting, colorful and rich. Now is it better than the direction JSR took? Hard to tell with two games almost 20 years apart. It's up to preference at this point. I like them both equally on that aspect.

Music? I usually hate the kind of music JSR is using. That's something I would never listen to normally. But the OST of JSR and JSRF, I listen to it still kinda often, that's how good it is. It goes very well with the levels, nicely transitioned etc...
Now for Splatoon, it was kind of forgettable imo. It wasn't bad, but I won't stop and say "let's listen to some Splatoon OST" like I do JSR. But again, that's about tastes here.

Now gameplay.
Camera is just horrible and gimmicky in Splatoon (especially 2). Took me a while to get used to it and even then, I still have trouble on some levels because of it.
Now JSFR also had a pretty bad camera but that's more to blame on technical limitations at the time and the fact the Xbox controller only had one pair of triggers. It was very serviceable however.
I wasn't a fan of the dumbed down grafitti mechanics in JSFR compared to JSR but again, they went for accessibility I suppose, since some high speed grafitti would be hard with button combos.

Character wise, I think Splatoon nails it better because of how well they are introduced, they actually have a story and real interaction.

Overall, taking nostalgia out of the equation, I'd say they are both great games with a unique anesthetic and gameplay.
Which is better is up to your tastes in the end, but I would give the edge to JSR.

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too bad the gameplay is shit

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Supergiant games in general are 10/10 for the artstyle.

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My favorite part of this game is how you go through a tunnel, wind up in a giant open but still inside something else that's bigger, get led into some small tunnels, and then come out in an area that's even bigger, but still inside something else, making it clear that for as fucking huge the last area you were in was, it's still just a small area inside a much larger one, which is in itself inside yet another much larger one, and you never see an actual sky.

After crossing colossal buildings and climbing a huge staircase, you emerge from a tiny little building in a desert, except the desert is inside this giant area so huge it looks like this

I can't get enough of it

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Woah, I appreciate your analysis

I wish epic would use all their fuck you money to bring some actual good exclusives to PC. I'd kill for a 4K60 bloodborne.

Say what you want, but for me it was the best.

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>delisted off consoles
>it's follow up looks like a really shitty and clone

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Game? Sounds unique.


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NaissanceE, it's kind of a walking sim, more like a light puzzle sprinting-sim with some platforming, kinda linear but gorgeous

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The world ends with you is top tier for this

dont compare your toddler nincel shit to JSR

These too

There IS something charming about outdated anime 3D models. B3 is still my favorite, but the first one had charm for sure.

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Harman, the world won't change, all it does is turn. Now, let's dance.


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