Final boss tells you how to defeat him

>final boss tells you how to defeat him

Attached: hesitation is defeat.jpg (1280x720, 251K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>here's how to kill me
>too bad you wont live long enough to do it/youre too unskilled

>hesitation is defeat
*randomly doesn’t stagger*
*jump back swipes you*

A boss should just be hard as balls and the only thing he says to you is, "git gud " when you die.

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old isshin is worse
*dodges your attack and punishes your 1-2 combo*

holy shit that stationary old isshin dodge? like the stationary dodge in smash, that fucking piece of shit always got me with that, I literally struggled against him more than sword saint for that one fucking move he does. Fucker just leans slightly back, no recovery frames or anything, quick and the counter is even quicker, destroys me every time.

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Once you get used to the timing it's a guaranteed punish. I liked it, not sure why everyone had an issue.

>beat owl 2 before him
>no way this fucker can be harder
>is harder

Bravo, Hiroshima Nagasaki

its pretty easy to get around once you get used to it but it's the fact that hes the only enemy that does that. youve been conditioned all game that attack results in hit or block and this old fuck pulls a stunt like that

Why does this model look so weird

There's a famous fighter who did this when he was active, he would taunt and do commentary as he would box and tell his opponents what he was about to do and then proceeded to do it and his opponents were incapable of stopping him despite this.

Must be because everyone here seems to stand in one place and parry while I like to sprint around and dodge and punish whiffs
Standing your ground is the best strat sometimes but I think sticking to it makes some encounters waaaay harder

Spear isshin version back jump fuck me up for that reason. He does it right out of hit stun sometimes when I usually expect a boss to auto parry and deflect an attack before counter attacking.

>hesitation is defeat
>has unblockable AoE attacks you have to run from
>can sometimes randomly not be staggered out of attacks
>seemingly random timing on mikiri
>ridiculous tracking on Ichimonji and jump slams that can only reliable be dodged at the last frame or by just running away
Best boss From has ever made, but he has some bullshit aspects.

>Ancient kung fu master
>"sword saint"

What is it with gooks and cringey titles?

Attached: sword saint.gif (372x200, 1.32M)

Apparently it's a shitty translation and he's supposed to "Master Swordsman Isshin" or something

>kensei = "sword saint"

>sensei =! "thousand saint"?

>sensei = "teacher"

Japanese is weird.

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Old Isshin is way harder.
That bitch just sidesteps your basic sword slash and then sweeps you for 60% hp on NG+.

I mean yeah you can dodge the swipe so git gud sure but goddamn that old fuck has counters on basic game mechanics.

>has unblockable AoE attacks you have to run from
This is false. Every single attack of his is deflectable, well except the sweeps but those are retardedly easy to jump over. Isshin is one of the best bosses ever because he tests everything you've learned. I never had any problem with mikiris, sweeps or deflects with him. The only attack that did fuck me up was that long as fuck combo he does in second phase where he keeps swinging both his katana and spear that ends in a thrust. Always managed to fuck up and got posture broken during that and let me tell you, that stab fucking hurts. Took me around seven tries to beat him. As long as you never let up the pressure he goes down easily.

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sensei is life master as in someone older and wiser as far as I know

Old Isshin just punishes spamming R1. You just throw out an attack and wait to see if he blocks it or dodges it. If it's former just continue hitting R1 if it's latter just deflect his attack.
Sword Saint Isshin meanwhile may just hyperarmor and through your attack and delete half your health with counterplay being hesitant to attacking.

Just like Senator Armstrong, who is another elite level GOAT boss.

Yeah, it makes more sense when you use kanji to spell it, but I'm still on Genki book 1.

>The only attack that did fuck me up was that long as fuck combo he does in second phase where he keeps swinging both his katana and spear that ends in a thrust.
Literally me. My brain just stops functioning and I can't even see where he is attacking from, doesn't helps sometimes all those grass blocks my vision due to terrain. Atleast baiting him to bridge helps with this but I just tend to outspace him instead of deflecting his spear/sword combos.
I refuse to watch youtube videos on his attack. I'll learn it myself in heat of battle but I have no motivation to go ontp NG7

Sword Saint does punish spamming R1 too. You aren't supposed to go apeshit on him, you just hit him so that he doesn't regenerate posture in the middle of his attacks and deflect everything else. The usual dance goes like this.
>Isshin does a combo
>slap him max two times
>Isshin either attacks or continues walking around you
>if he continues to walk slap once more, he'll deflect it and you can continue the dance
>if he attacks you just do it all again

You can deflect the big aoe attacks with 0 damage taken

Can you block his wind slash attacks or whatever they’re called

You can deflect them.

Deflect yes. Block, well yeah but you take damage. Once you get down the timing you never go far away from Isshin because you can defllect/evade everything he throws at you at such a close range.

Attached: Sword-Saint Isshin PePe.jpg (1282x1080, 894K)

>From still hasn't implemented a way to re-do boss fights for fun within a single save
>they literally introduce TIME TRAVELING but don't push it a bit further to letting you time travel to the start of a boss fight

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>That one really right short sword swipe Isshin does

I can never fucking block it/see it coming, it's so damn quick.
I've beaten him, but not that one move.

just NG+

At first I thought boss memories would let you refight the boss to get stronger
I was so stunned when it was a fucking consumable levelup I just sat there

>From still hasn't implemented a way to re-do boss fights for fun within a single save

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man with all the shit dark souls 2 gets, it definitely was the first game to add tonnes of quality of life improvements and mechanical improvements to a lot of the games forced/obscure systems, sadly they didn't adopt all of them for subsequent titles.

kensei as sword saint is a fairly common localization. It's been used in fire emblem, final fantasy, and numerous titles of their ilk.

Although I suppose if you want to argue beyond it being "just this one shitty translation" and rather say "it's a shitty translation with a long history, as fire emblem and final fantasy were also shitty translations", that's....I dunno, beyond the scope of this thread, I guess.

Was Isshin gay?

>no direct offspring

>>>no direct offspring
nigga what
genichiro is his grandson

Genichiro is a peasant who Isshin adopted after his mother died, read nigger

Adopted, dear Spee D. Reader.

my bad guys haha :)

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The worst thing that's happened to me so far is
>get to third phase finally
>have done okay so far
>dodge off cliff and die
Now I can't get past his first phase half the time.

>Was literally inside Geinchiro

>Was literally inside Geinchiro
To be fair he wanted it

And I took his advice. What a great fight that was. Thank you based boss.

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>bb pvp
>Running out of vials / bullets
>Gotta load to hunter's dream and back to your spot and re-ring the bell

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haha same man. i remember getting the first memory and i was like "wow that's fucking cool, you get to fight a harder version of the boss to increase your attack!" then i just consumed it LOL

It wouldve made das3 twice as good
great bossfights poor everything else
and as the other guy pointed out: bonfire ascetic is the best addition (not just to replay bosses) to soulsborne games and it was just discarded.

>paying attention to the spear to block it
>he swings really fast with the sword


I just to beat isshin, not 4 phase with his grandson

BB's lamps were really shit after the bonfire system, I get that it was a callback to the archstones in DeS but that doesn't change the fact that needing to load to a different area and back just to restock/reset the zone is fucking inane.

>finally die after years of being the biggest dick on the block
>fucking nerd grandson couldnt finish his quest
>nerd grandson summons you back from the underworld and binds you to an oath
>honorbound to commit to the oath but still fuck your grandson
>tell sekiro how to kill you while fighting
>die again
>backhand grandson in the underworld for the next 1000 years
all isshin wanted to do was relax

I think between Isshin and Owl Father I'm done with the game. All this bullshit is taking a toll on my health

If Miyazaki plans to keep his next games with this "one hit kill bosses" he can put them where the sun doesnt shine

You can actually blocking the incoming strike but the parry window is really narrow.

Died a lot to that bullshit before I got it down

>isshin killed the dude with the great spear in the intro
>final fight takes place in the same area
>graverobs the spear and pistol since he knew where his slain enemies were buried

Nothing Isshin or Owl does is a one-shot kill (except maybe the Mikiri counter Owl does)

If you qre being one-shot you missed a ton of prayer beads

>One shot
You mean two shot. Which is a huge difference.

>two lightning fast hits
You forgot some important information

I feel like only the named bosses besides corrupted monk were properly tested.
I couldn't enjoy Senator Armstrong because I didn't want to kill him, I didn't want to kill Iishin either.

>hit confirm, death
just fucking kill me in one hit christ

DS3 has the opposite problem of DS2. Where all the bosses are great but the enemies are such dogshit you never want to deal with them.

I beat owl in one try but I never felt like it was my skill that did it because the dodging and aggression I used were so inconsistent it felt like nothing mattered. Like I could do the same thing with the same attack ten times, and I'd get a different outcome 5 of 10 times.

Nothing in this game feels consistent or good.

Yea, literally don't hesitate to stop parrying and run your ass to the right or left so you can get 2 cheeky hits in his backside

Wrong. Kensei directly translates to sword saint. And it's cool as fuck, nothing cringe about it.

剣聖 = KenSei = Sword Saint = [Sword + Holy Person]
先生 = SenSei = Teacher = [Ahead + Life]

Kanji is weird sure but English ain't any better Therapist, for example

This. Sword saint sounds like Isshin is Jesus but with murder.

>Sword Saint
>pulls out a spear and a gun
What did Isshin mean by this?

No he wasn't. Good job paying zero attention to the story. Genichiro cut a portal to hell on his neck and Isshin walked through the portal. The "Open Gate" black mortal blade works just like Yamato from Dmc, it can open portals, and this was explained.

>Owl (GREAT SHINOBI) on ng+ double hardmode
>heh gonna be easy like everything so far
>5 hits fills up my posture bar
>this is of course with perfect deflects, because if you block he 3 shot kills you
>he just keeps on wailing at me non stop
>can't move his posture bar until I get his health down by chipping it slowly
>finally manage to go to second phase
>does the shitty dust attack and I can't shit
>cant block because I'll fucking die
>start running and he slices me up like a little bitch
Needs perfect concentration and impeccable deflects for this shit, can't wait till I get to Father and Isshin

You must be a riot at parties.

Nice cuck argument. Only literal bitches say something like that.

So can we agree the way this fight escalates and Isshin's choice of weapons serve to highlight Ashina's desperation?

Isshin already told you Ashina style is about winning and nothing else matters.

It's not an argument, dumbass.

you dumb niggers take the /pol/ cock out of your mouths and talk like real people for fucking once. have a basic fucking conversation for fucking once

You can also jump then kick off his head while he spins and hit as you're coming down for more damage.

But that's wrong. Going apeshit on him is the easiest way to beat him. In fact if you do it hard enough he doesn't even have time to pull the spear out in phase 2, making the fight a cakewalk.

>Point out faggotry for not being able to take a simple joke
>Get a bunch of shitposting in response
Be grateful for the (You)s, neither of you fucking deserve them.

Bullshit. I'd tried wailing on him nonstop and he just turns invincible and pulls out the spear anyway.

stop giving into fucking bait you absolute retard. fucking let it go. no one cares other than you that someone said something fucking dumb. either mature or sudoku its your choice you insipid fuck
Here you go. The dude doing it could've been more aggressive too but you get the idea.

Wow, okay. Wonder why I could never pull it off. I wonder if there is some special condition to it or its just RNG as to what he does.

>No one cares
>Being this fucking salty about it anyway
Take your own medicine and fuck off.

If you ichimonjii right as phase 2 starts it insta staggers him and is pretty much 90% guaranty to skip it.

nah im sick of you fucking idiots shitting up every thread with stupid feminine cunty bullshit. good for you that you called a retard a retard, i can see a bird on a tree and call it a bird too. nothing is special about you getting one over some ebin troll. fuck yourself and stop producing cancer

>Fuckton of unrelated bullshit
Stew in your meaningless misdirected anger, fucktard. May it give you an aneurysm.

Sword Saint first phase does not punish R1 spam. R1 spam is the best way to beat him.

>*randomly doesn’t stagger*
I hate this fucking shit. Makes no sense whatsoever

You need to block and avoid some specific attacks, while not hitting him too much or too little after others.

that's hyperarmor, he only gets that during certain attacks

He does it at a point where you are supposed to punish him but only at random times. Makes the punish an unsafe gamble which is dumb

never noticed, sucks if that's the case
that makes me realize, sekiro would be fucking amazing with a boss rush mode

This is bs. Your timing was off. If you are too far away, those extra milliseconds to reach him will decide.

You can jump on him when he does aoe
Is suppose to be a concentrated special move, are people suppose to be locked into one direction?

Is it just me or does the game sometimes drop input?

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No, the issue is Sekiro doesn't seem to delay logic by a few dozen milliseconds to account for input delay. It's pretty common to delay things like enemy attacks hitting the player from when they happen on screen by 15-30ms to account for the fact that your button press will take that amount of time to actually get processed.

Sekiro doesn't do that, so it does happen that you did press the button just barely in time, and it doesn't work.