What was the most iconic moment in video game history and why was it the MGS Snake Eater ladder?
What was the most iconic moment in video game history and why was it the MGS Snake Eater ladder?
These unironically are, Top left is #1
Missing the Starcraft Terran 30min survival against the zerg.
Nobody under the age of 30 has even played StarCrfat
the fight with the boss isn't as iconic or memorable as having to shoot her afterwards and the flowers all turning red
missing the bloodborne one
Bloodborne is nowhere near as iconic as any of these games
I have not played literally any of these games.
Why is SotC and OoT in there twice?
I also don't recognize the globe-on-fire shot.
SOTC & OOT are the most iconic & memorable games ever made alongside MGS1 & FF7
Nothing in the current generation comes as close to what Square Enix did to FFXIV for me.
It isn't. This is.
ME3's ending should unironically be higher then John Marston's death, it's easily the most hated ending since NGE's
just hearing Answers gives me chills. It makes me glad 1.0 was so shit, because we got to witness kino in the remake.
I don't fancy the remake much, but no game company has done anything as ballsy as simultaneously setting up a current MMO to hit its doomsday event while building its successor, all the while the company was bleeding money, and THEN on top of it, ending it all with an expensive CGI sequence.
Probably not the most overall but the whole pre-disaster Sector C, from the train ride to the test chamber was a very special moment for me, especially back in the day.
Climbing a ladder irl is a bit scarier, slower and harder than it looked like in vidya. Im not a lardass by any means
Getting to Mexico in RDR for the first time.
One of the only vidya game moments to leave me speechless.
One of my favorites.
you say that
but then you open up the Yea Forums catalog
>wearing non cannon armor
heres the better screen
How do you distinguish "most iconic" from "most popular"? This collage has mundane shit like the first level of RE4.
> Implying the Village from RE4 isn't iconic as fuck
Go back Zoomer
Yea Forums also loves vtm:bl and that game gets talked about nowhere else online. it's an echo chamber of autism.
The Ladder was my favorite member of the Cobra Unit.
I hope she survived.
That's not the village, that's the path leading up to the village. Did you play the game? Because if you did you would be able to easily name a half dozen more moments that left more of an impression.
>6 FF moments
>3 MGS moments
>2 SotC moments
>4 Zelda moments
any souls game is more iconic then 90% of games in that image
Uhh... ever heard of THE LAST OF US??? Gaming's Citizen Kane moment.
That pointless ladder from the first level in E.Y.E > MGS3 ladder
Not the guy you're replying to, but RE4 is my second favorite game of all-time and even I think the road to the village and village itself are one of the most iconic moments in the game. The only moments that come close are the cabin, the El Gigante fight and MAYBE meeting the merchant for the first time.
Imagine believing this unironically, Soulsfags are genuinely mentally ILL Trannies
> Pokemon
> Mass Effect 3
> Final Fantasy (26 Billion Dollar Series)
> Metal Gear Solid
> Legend of Zelda
> Super Mario Bros
> Red Dead Redemption
> Resident Evil
> Shadow of the Colossus
> Bioshock
> Star Wars: KOTOR
Literally all of these are objectively more iconic then any game made in the last 15 years, Mass Effect 3's ending broke the internet & completely destroyed Bioware to the point where they are now on the verge of being closed down
Any popular Rockstar or Nintendo game is more iconic then the entire Soulsborne series
You forgot Half-Life 2's ending & this scene from FF7
>Not the guy you're replying to, but RE4 is my second favorite game of all-time and
and you think everything from that game is iconic. RE4 would maybe land in my top 25 at best on a good day, and here are some of the better moments other than literally the empty path you see when the intro cutscene ends, which is distinct from the very important village fight which is the climax of the intro:
>Defending the cabin w/ Louis.
>Del Lago fight.
>Garrador introduction.
>Regenerador introduction, especially if you don't have a rifle
>That part where you're racing through some hanging trailers on a time limit.
>Verdugo fight, easily the scariest part of the game.
>Krauser boss fight.
golly, typing this out makes me want to replay it. those HD modders gotta hurry up.
you said "iconic", not better
Then if we're going by popularity over substance, the most iconic part of RE4 is the box art.
Agree, if we are talking strictly being iconic then RE4 is in the top 10, just behind MGS1, MGS3, OOT, MM, FF6, FF7 & SoTC
Homeworld is burning!
It's not even the most iconic moment in MGS. Which when Mantis reads your memory card and you had to switch controller ports
Not a single Soulsborne moment is iconic except Ornestein & Smough. Cry all you want but you know this is the only thing that everyone remembers from the series
I dunno man when you die for the first time in DaS2 and an achievement/trophy pops up saying "This is Dark Souls" was pretty iconic
Imagine being this fucking autistic
Cry more, it's true. When people think of the series that's literally the only thing everyone will remember, it's nowhere near as iconic or widespread popular as you faggots believe it is
missing pic related
> Mass Effect 3
> Shadow of the Colossus
> Bioshock
> Star Wars: KOTOR
>more iconic
are you retarded?
"iconic" is not necessarily a virtue
> SoTC is the face of the Playstation Brand & Sony's most beloved game.
> Bioshock is a cultural icon that has inspired every developer to copy it
> KOTOR is the most popular game in America's biggest franchise in history
> Mass Effect 3's ending is the most hated in the history of fiction, only rivaled by Evangelion.
Dark Souls is just a average Action RPG, that isn't even the most iconic game from 2011. More people factually remember Portal & Skyrim more then they ever will remember Dark Souls
>not kotor 2
we really need to gas all the kotorfags. you either like 2 and realize 1 was derivative trash or youre a pleb
everyone point and laugh at this fucking loser
KOTOR is more popular among normies then KOTOR 2, thus making it more iconic
Keep coping Soulsfag, nobody cares about your piece of shit meme game when Skyrim still remains infinitely more popular then it will ever be
Pretty good list, but the Opera scene in ff6 drags and serves little purpose
>You must be at least 18 to post
Yes, those games are more memorable then any game in existence aside from the Mario & RE shit
Zoomer Soulsfags will disagree but this factually accurate aside from the blantant omission of HL2’s Cliffhanger ending
MGS3 is trash.
The whole MG series is trash.
Jokima is a hack.
T. Seething Thief & Splinter Cell cuck
Peace Walker's heavens divide helo fight was far more kino