Urge to play Metal Gear Solid 5

>urge to play Metal Gear Solid 5
>remember what a boring, soulless game it turned out to be
>urge diminishes
It's just taking up 20 GB of space on my hard drive, and it could have been something so much more. Especially after having played and loved Ground Zeroes. It's failure is the greatest tragedy in the history of video games.

The game we were promised:

Attached: you're_a_real_man_now_soldier.png (1761x1062, 1.9M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Just delete it. I did. I kept Ground Zeroes though

Same desu

i have only ever played revengence, what was so bad about 5

It's literally pointless in terms of story, and mind numbingly tedious in terms of gameplay

It's basically a Ubisoft Open World collectathon Game with admittedly decent stealth, and shoehorned in mutliplayer elements.

>"gaming is dying and people are starting to realize how shit it is"
>threads like this pop up all the goddamn time now badmouthing every single overhyped goddamn "must have" 10/10 game released in the modern gaming era
What the fuck else do I even have to say? Just let gaming die, kids.

It's like Far Cry but worse in every way with base management and grinding.

The worst part about MGS5 is that it was SO CLOSE to being fucking phenomenal. The red band trailer hinted at a lot of tonal elements that didn't make it into the final game, probably deemed to controversial. I wouldn't be surprised if FOB's were added in at the last minute by Konami executive order.

fuck off faggot, MGSV was amazing. Best gameplay by such a large margin it makes the other games in the series look like even more shit than they already did


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>best gameplay
I actually agree with you. It's the best playing, most polished game in the series. It's still the worst Metal Gear.

The intro scene at the hospital in Cyprus felt like a continuation of Ground Zeroes, tone-wise. MGS5 was supposed to be a dark and sad game, and it was, for the wrong reasons.

>no pointy hats

>It's the best playing, most polished game in the series. It's still the worst Metal Gear.

Attached: This doesnt add up nigra.png (956x868, 1.44M)

You're fucking retarded. Metal Gear has traditionally been like 50% story, 50% actual gameplay. The story in the MGS5 final product we saw ranged from garbage to non-existent.

Dipshit, MGS games are all about a slick cohesion of story and gameplay. MGS2 is king in this regard. MGSV has a garbage plot that adds nothing to the lore

the game needed 20 hours of cutscenes and more sniper horse tit jiggle scenes

>posters: 7
replies: 13

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>How does it feel to play the traitor? No more war games. You're a real man now, soldier.
Ground Zeroes was absolutely incredible in every aspect. I would gladly take an hour of perfection over 20-40 hours of boredom.

>muh hunger in minecraft
>it ruined the game!
back to reddìt agent niggertron

Can we just start reporting these posts desu

It's like 50GB+


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I think the only reason GZ and Cyprus part were like that was because they already showed them in 2012.

Did Kojima knowingly sabotage the Metal Gear series because he knew he was going to lose his job eventually? We're never going to see another "real" MGS game, and that's probably for the best.

The "Phantom Pain" of the missing game we will never get to experience.

You know Konami hired Bluepoint to remake MGS1, right?


Fucking kill yourself.

>We're never going to see another "real" MGS game

Attached: death stranding the sorrow.png (1000x1000, 522K)

It wasn't a hallway simulator with 50 hours of cutscenes and dumb anime humor, so naturally MGS fags didn't like it.

It was a fucking base building multiplayer ubishit open world fuckfest.

buttblasted konamidrone

It's a great game, best stealth game of all time, plenty of memorable moments. People who over exaggerate it's flaws can fuck themselves with a rake.

You really have no idea what this thread is about.

>buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
Nice argument, retard.

Honestly if they had just gave us like 6 ground zeros and some boss fights it would have been pretty good. The whole open world was crap and useless also.

Well shit, apparently I have like 30+GB of mods installed or some shit.

I paid 20 dollars for it and I'd say I got my money's worth
I had fun

It had one too many destroying and chasing shit missions. The stealth ones were obviously the best.
Man, I remember all those threads prior to MGSV. What a time it was on Yea Forums.

I wish every mission played like the OKB Zero mission.

>I had fun
That's not all that Metal Gear is about.

MGS2 is my favorite too but I don't see why you can't enjoy what V has to offer as well. Stop acting like it's some horrible game with nothing going for it, you sound stupid.


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His description is pretty spot on, but he should have included how needlessly grindy it is as well, not to mention barren.

I mean even the most soulless of Ubishit titles aren't as dead and lifeless as MGSV.

then what was it about?

Not him but the open world in TPP can only be described as a huge step down from the tightly designed dense map in GZ. The core gameplay is still basically the same (which was the only thing propping the experience up), but the open world’s only function was to add to the downtime, and the game felt THAT much more boring and empty because of it. This isn’t even counting the unfinished/retarded story and cut content.

GZ was seriously such a promising demo and TPP turned out to be such a hollow piece of shit.

>Stop acting like it's some horrible game with nothing going for it
No one here is saying that. Most people in this thread have acknowledged the great gameplay, even the best in the series. But it's missing what made Metal Gear special.

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I am actually on the part where I have to destroy Giant Mecha man I'm assuming this is the end of the game and if so I'll agree with you guys that this shit is unfinished but then again I only paid 20 dollars for ground zero and TPP so eh

It wasn't spot on at all. It's nothing like an Ubishit game, it's not even really open world. The base stuff is almost automatic, you don't spend more than maybe an hour out of 70 on the base.
Fucking plebbit retard.

Normalfags seem to have this weird idea that making a game open world automatically makes it better. Linearity is a dirty word to them, every game with linear segments is Call of Duty to them. Forcing an open world often makes the game worse. See: Mirror's Edge Catalyst.

What made Metal Hear special has always been the drama, the tech and political talk, exposition, over the top scenes, ridiculous villains, MGSV has all of this. People blindly hate it, if you don't like it that's fine but I've really grown tired of seeing the same fags cry that it isn't metal gear enough when it is.

this, if it has at least one stupid quotable thing that you're suppose to take seriously but it's just so ridiculous that you just laugh, it's a MGS game

No after that you get chapter 2 and there's a few more story missions.


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b-but muh realism. it takes place in a desert so it has to be shit and boring

Haha that shit was hilarious. It honestly couldve used a bit more silence before the music came in. Also you can play MGSV any way you want. Gain some creativity and quit wanting your hand held. Kojima left us with 2(3)maps and nearly all his toys. You all want too much.

All I want is a 1:1 remake of Snake Eater in the new engine.


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Just like Silent Hills, there was something in the original cut of The Phantom Pain that they didn't want us to see.

Fun fact about that scene. The music plays on the radio. The driver turns on the radio right before the music kicks in.
This and also you don't have to play the repeated missions, just play two side missions to unlock new story missions.

Well compared to the old games there's much more room for gameplay, complete freedom of the mission, that combined with the great controls leads to some dynamic and a lot of cool outcomes. There's nothing wrong with that, and that was kojimas vision to take the series to the next level not anyone else.

That's already out, on pachinko machines

I don't get it
Porting Snake eater probably wouldn't take a lot of effort since most of the work is already done
Why not just do it for free money?

What work has been done?

It's happening

I don't know man
the cutscenes are already done though so that's a start right?

>people used to shitpost with this picture

Kojima was put on a very short leash after setting GZ at a US Government run blacksite prison.

Has anyone done a directors cut of MGSV with all of Kojima's bullshit edited to form something resembling a coherent plot and game?

I refuse to believe that someone could be dumb enough to not be able to follow a Kojima plot.

>it's been 6 years since I was hyped by that trailer

You're a retard who doesn't understand jack shit about game dev
Making a full game isn't the same as recreating few cutscenes in game engine

>one of the game's supposed main themes is venom losing his moral compass and becoming a monster
>can't shoot any child soldiers without miller aborting the mission

Really good gameplay but a waste of a empty world, kojima has too much expectations of his own games

I'm not retarded, I just trying to find any little thing that points in Snake eater's direction, it's all I want, I don't wanna accept that this is the end

Am I the only one who thinks that Ground Zeroes is better?

>one of the game's supposed main themes is venom losing his moral compass and becoming a monster
Where did you come up with this?

I think it's Metal Gear, but not a good one, it's short, unfinished, the open world is near useless, real world time limits on items being manufactured as if it's some mobile game is so retarded, the big twist everyone and there dog saw a mile away, Big bosses fall to evil was lame, he never went nuclear, what he did was run away like a little bitch, and the worst offender of them all is that killing quite has you loss out on like half of the already tiny amount of cutscenes, I bought a Metal Gear game, I expect story or at the very least they could have shown me why saving random civilian #27266 was key to finding SkullFace as opposed to that crap five second clip of expostion by miller at the end of every mission. You know what this game is, it's a Metal Gear game for people who DON'T like Metal Gear. every mission also spoiled who would appear in it also.

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No, there are other retards like you.

Did you miss like half of the marketing?

Ubi worlds have more content than 5.

Most of the shit you said is straight up false.

Ground Zeroes is a fantastic demo for a Metal Gear game.

Why didn't they just have Quiet dress like this for the whole game?

Attached: uniform.jpg (1920x1080, 126K)

I wanna see some tiddies

feel free to explain.

People have said it 10,000 times, but god damn I wish MGSV was about going to different and varied locations that were about as dense as the Ground Zeroes camp. Would have been perfect.

>tfw no Snowy location

Ground Zeroes is the best MGS ever made. PP wishes it was half as focused as god-tier GZ.

I want a game with full blown snow physics. I want to cause avalanches. I want to melt snow so enemies slip. I want to build snow traps and get enemies stuck in deep snow.


this, my thoughts exactly holy shit.

IDK, MGS 3 felt like the best for many reasons. It had on site procurement. Level design was great. It was a sandbox without going open world. It controls well enough. Without the cure menu, it would have been perfect.


those were the days

What work has been done?

Anybody have a list of 'loose threads' which are still present in the Metal Gear series?

I won't respond to all of this because some of it is opinion, but we already know what happens with big boss, and what he does. I will admit it could have been much more climatic but since PW he has been losing it. Saving soldiers was necessary to build and army of free mercenaries free from the state, which is the entire point of outer heaven. Quarantine mission was great, paz sidequest, I thought skull face was a great MGS villain too, people really don't give that man enough credit his VA was fantastic and exactly the thing I love out of the series. Truth tapes were very interesting and well, when Huey is interrogated and thrown off the island is a good part, I could go on but you get it. It isn't my favorite entry and the replayability isn't as high as 1-4 either but despite that it's a good game.

Theres literally nothing to follow, retard. Editing in some of the missing stuff could at least give it something

>Best gameplay
>Choking out 4 guys in the same uninteractive three tent outpost

Wowwwwww what awesome gameplay

This. Ground Zeroes was the natural evolution moving forward after Peace Walker, not whatever the fuck The Phantom Pain was.

I still have the collector edition in my laundry room unplayed. If it's not even as good as 4, why bother?

Yes, please let this happen guys

>give the players shelves upon shelves of fun toys to play with
>that one autist who thinks he's playing DXHR and has no creativity to unleash any of them on a unsuspecting battlefield of emergent interacting elements and just goes Press F to Takedown for 500 hours

>a unsuspecting battlefield of emergent interacting elements
Four guys looking in opposite directions, and sometimes a truck that drives nowhere in particular.

There are no "emergent" elements in the game, do you think no one played it? These "shelves of toys" do nothing, what toys, 4 different kinds of assault rifle that do the same thing? It's a barely interactive tech demo.

MGS5 is great desu. Best gameplay in the series and worst story. I'm fine with that. Probably sank the most hours into it followed by MGS3.

I guess I would be mad too if I followed it before release and had half a dozen different theories about this and that only for the game to be something different.

There are hard-coded gimmicks but nothing can be really used creatively in unconventional ways.

Decoys, mines and C4 alone can be used to set off escalating chain reactions if you know what you're doing, with enough experience and knowledge of AI behavior. That truck? You can piggyback into it to sneak into a base and past checkpoints to gain a better starting or vantage point, or even fulton it while jumping on top for a quick and easy way back to mother base. The game certainly has emergent gameplay elements even if the AI is programmed to "snap back" into its routine because otherwise the game would break, a bit too rigid for my tastes maybe but there are mods to fix that on PC.

The samey repetitive side-missions critique I get, but the gameplay in a largely sandbox game is only as fun as you want to make it and yes, the game does allow for players who don't want to have fun to play it as well, it's accessible that way.

Just because it's not a full-on sandbox relying solely on interacting mechanics doesn't mean it doesn't have at least some emergent elements. Of course it's a scripted single-player game, yes thanks we knew that. Some of the most fun I've had was usually devising a cunning plan and bringing it to fruition and the AI reacting largely how I'd learned it would, more fun than simply crawling, distracting and choking every enemy there is.