How do we save the horror genre ?

How do we save the horror genre ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

By letting it die.

Add more sexy monster girls.

The only format that makes horror scary is the written word. Horror games and films cannot be scary. They can be good, yes, but not actually scary unless you're very young.

Why are barnicles so fucking disgusting? What do they even fucking do aside from being living tumors?

Better lighting engines.

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games can't be scary because you just respawn after you die

Will raytracing save horror games?

I figured out why games are scary because you don't want something you don't know what's gonna kill you and you lose all your progress.

Post more creepy pics

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You can fix that by just adding in a leveling / skill system that takes several hours to progress in, and then taking away that progress if you die. Obviously that would be rage-inducing, but it would definitely make you tense as fuck in any situation where you might die.

Hunt the Night looks pretty good.

The other day I was toying with that page that uses a neural network to generate cats and I got some interesting pics.

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Possibly, but I'm thinking less "realistic" lighting and more "dynamic" if that makes any sense. I'm a bit of a video game design brainlet though.

I also wish horror games would rely less on the whole "pitch black environment". The opening of RE7 was much scarier than the vast majority of the rest of the game I feel.

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Hire good writers instead of jump scare sorcial effects dudes (same for movies)

rain world?

stop it

Need better directors, writers, artists, and sound engineers.

To create a small focused story rather then a big flashy fuck up.

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>neural network to generate cats
Can't just say shit like that without spoonfeeding us a link there buster.

unironically yes.
ray-tracing will completely remove that artificiality that plagues the genre. There will be no obvious "an artist made this" as locations can be naturally rendered to look like they were taken straight from real life. Put a VHS filter over that and you're golden.

She's a doll or something, right?


Just make sure not to turn around.
Some results are pretty good, while others look like this.

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They eat plankton, slow down whales, slow down ships, and keep those divers that are going to get sucked into ship propellers employed.

holy fuck why is this so unsettling

dont give off spooky vibes 4 u?

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Confuse the player

ahha there we go.

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literally soulless

Protip: Turn off every light of your house except for those of the room you're currently in and let the door open.

I love that artist.

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id do her

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Why did design my room so my back is to the whole fucking room
Tbqh if I turned around and she was there I'm not sure I'd be scared so much as horny

Shit who wouldn't?

>urn off every light of your house except for those of the room you're currently in and let the door open.

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not for horror it isn't.
The more mundane and down to earth= the more scary. Why do you think the most unnerving images ITT are grainy shit pics?

It's got neat concept art. I don't do kickstarters, though.

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Horror is just sickdark shit, so who cares?

The ghost behind it is scarier.

Who make this pic?

Any place that is usually bustling with people is eerie as shit when completely empty and quiet.

I'll spoonfeed you just because I love his art.

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haha bagina :------DDDDDD

Gonna need some help. Dont see it.

Abandoned malls are great horror locations
>That door opening at 4:27

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Those are mussels.

No. She cute. I want to hug and protect.

It's a moving image so you're going to have to wait a little while, take some triple Cs while you wait.

The issue is that a bunch of spooky atmosphere with no payoff isn't actually scary. It's the horror equivalent of being blue-balled.

>ywn buy an abandoned mall to live in

is that tommy pickles?

It's a jpg

So what about a horror game that's like your typical 3D fps scavenger hunt, but as the thing chasing you gets near the gameplay slowly shifts towards being a text-based horror game?

Yes, and? Just take some triple Cs and when the sedative kicks in try not to fall asleep and the picture will start moving.

This nigga gets it.

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Honestly, I like Malls in general, irrelevant if multi-floor or singular.
>Plenty of rooms
>Can be used for a variety of purposes from spooky abandoned place to hobo village to repurposed as apartment complex, prison, or school

Unnerve the player, give no sense of safety and make him doubt, scary games aren’t punishing at all and most jump scare and that’s it, or it’s a "10 minutes until I feel nothing" sensation
>Horror games
Want action then you have shit like Dead Island, L4D, Killing Floor and Dying Light, otherwise if you want less and more exploring you have other stuff like Resident Evil, Power Drill Massacre, Amnesia and The Last of Us, all of these are horror games, but not SCARY

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Slowly dawning, gnawing, creeping horror is something only the true masters can pull off and requires a level of immersion that is more delicate than a fresh snowfall. Carefully shepherded and sparingly used jumpscares are a distant but still workable second place.

d6.gro has some great horror atmosphere

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Back in highschool this exact shit here happened to me while I was taking a shit.
It was one of the special-ed kids.
The dude started crawling under that stall as I'm taking a dump and scared the shit outta me.

did he suck your dick?

someone post the webm

Getting rid of tropes and jumpscares. Actually interesting story elements. Not explaining too much about the unknown. If you can understand the unknown, it is not scary anymore. So more lovecraftian and Junji Ito like elements. And I am not really talking about that kind of lovecraftian fish horror that is pretty much also a trope already.

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I'm not gay, I was confused as hell because at first I only saw his hands on the floor so I couldn't tell he was retarded.
Then I was like "what the fuck?!" or something like that and he backed off.

Good horror is gone forever. Too many hacks in the industry now.

Same thing happened to me. I never understand why the retard wranglers them go into the bathroom alone.

An unsightly beast
A great terror looms

Literally all I do is hang out in abandoned malls

My biggest fear is the local 15 year olds are going to catch onto this and just ruin everything
Suddenly I can't enjoy the solitude without running into a group of zoomlets in Thrasher shirts posting pictures of themselves crouching and doing some stupid handsign on their Snapchat and advertising to 10,000 people how "alternative they are"

I don't know much about the youth of today. Just give me this. Literally all I have is hanging out in abandoned places and video games

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something like that happened to me
>its dead quiet
>taking a piss in one of the stalls
>suddenly hear laughter, not normal laughter more like quick laughs echoing and getting closer
>get creeped out by the deranged sounding laughs
>open the stall door and the kid immediately gos into the stall i just exited

he was trying to get away from some other kid that came in shortly after, i guess they were playing a game idk, but he could've went in the other stall. its good thing i got out in time before what happened to you happened to me.

i used to get really spooked by old horror games
like half life mods for isntance?
something about old graphics is really spooky

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modded fallout 4 can be pretty spooky


Holy fuck I actually drew something like this before. What does it mean?

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Can you guys just leave Jim Davis alone

It was 1972 when he created Garfield. It was a comic about an overweight cat that liked lasagna. It was simpler humor for a simpler time.

This guy couldn't have possibly forseen that half a century century later that the humor of the new generation would be so post-post-modern that it looks so quaint by comparison that people make weird, surreal and disturbing memes about the comic he created when all the Beatles were alive.

He's an old man. He's probably scared and confused as to why everyone hates him, and he can't do anything about it. He just sits around having everyone take incredibly sarcastic jobs at the thing that he basically spent all his life creating.

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Wrong, those are Goose Barnacles. Imagine having a giant tentacle coming out of your face, that's basically what they have.

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He comes.

>Not explaining too much about the unknown. If you can understand the unknown, it is not scary anymore.

The only problem with that is once the player dies to the unknown entity the first time, it loses all impact and becomes just another obstacle. Some players will then use that death to experiment with the AI to learn more about the game mechanics which further lessens the impact of any subsequent unknowns.

I have no idea what can be done about that, it's probably the biggest inherent flaw of horror games.

Cute little girls. The answer is always cute little girls.

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creepy corridor games are effective, they just need to have more going on i think.

Remove survival, add psychological horror
Basically silent hills


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speak for yourself

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Welcome to millennial humor, the absence of jokes

You don't know what that means.

Why is that furry girl dying of aids?

Leave it in the gutter and only make games where you don't expect horrors elements but it has at least one section with it.

Expecting horror < Sudden horror

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Nurses need to wear skirts/dresses/gowns/uniforms that short. My lord.

i seriously doubt that he's involved in anything regarding the actual property. he probably handed off making the strips to his company back in 2002 or something, which probably handed off that job to a machine back in 2016. he's old, very wealthy and effectively retired.
that, and more importantly, he apparently gave his personal blessing to Lasagna Cat a long time ago. that's the forefront of high quality garfield post post post post post post postmodernism, so he's probably not THAT scared

Garfield was literally created not to be funny, but to be easily marketable. And the dude has made fucking bank off it.

I doubt he even cares what people say anymore.

Honestly people are pretty shit as creative terrifying settings and senarios, the atmosphere building is lost on terrible imagination. True horror, something that'll make you pause in fear is as easy as messing with proportions. Think of your bedroom right now, decently sized, small it doesnt matter, Now imagine a bug like monstrocity taking up 1/2 the space riving around. The bug isnt whats scary, its that the space is congested, but all of that is ruined if the creativity isnt well formed. Many people are bitches, theres such terrifying shit the average person, even here, would be scared into a coma. If horror were horror it'd die because it'd be too scary ironically.

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What is this? It’s unsettling to look at, is it the eyes?

Barnacles are fucking creepy in general

>uncanny symmetric face
>lighting gives impression of deep sunken eyes
>doll-like hair and clothes

This might be the best representation of "so beautiful it's scary" that horror writers like to use as description of angelic beings.

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Whenever I see images like this I want to just fuck it up

you ever see what jon jones did to mauricio rua?

I'm jonny bones

>Goose Barnacles.

Fuckers are apparently goddamn delicious, if cooked properly.

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i bet they have a bunch of nutrients specifically for your benis too

>bullets don't work

but my dick will

Asian folklore seems to be the answer. You've got games like Fatal Frame in Japan, White Day in Korea and those two Thai games not too long ago, they all their own exotic twists

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I want more monstrous enemies that talk about you but not in a narrative sense, in video games.

>"I know you are hiding in here, maybe I should look under this desk?"
>Flips desk into the ceiling
>"Ahh these games~ but before you think about unloading your great equalizers into my being from the shadows you should know it's not the hope you are looking for. The flesh will scar but heal and you will be a few steps closer to stop clinging onto that technical wonder as it drains its power until abandonment"
>"I do enjoy the struggle though, to find something that spells death worse than what you already have. Searching, sprawling and skulking. As the chances fade the fear will be overwhelming and that stink will be last to betray you"

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why would anyone do this? he could obviously see the guy in there looks confused why he is in there.


Do you do it alone, or with friends?

I don't get why people finds that pic unsettling. She's fucking cute and I wish I could kiss her cheeks.

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>but before you think about unloading your great equalizers into my being
Stop with the lewds already.

>mfw beating its face in or going down swinging

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>no game where we play as Jon trying to kill/avoid lasagna cat

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What are some more good examples of this? I remember the Banshee's from Fable 2 pulling this kind of stunt.

I will tell you a story anons, a true one that still makes me laugh nervously today. made me think of it.
>Get a job as a mall security guard in 2014
>this place is on the down slope, used to be really popular, now 85% vacant
>NO camera system
>Not worth having more then one guard on the overnights. I was hired for the over nights. 10pm-6am
>Couple weeks in, its not so bad. just have my music, movies, paint my warhammer minis. just gotta make sure the doors are locked.
>Make sure all 27 doors are locked
>sometimes I'd hear a sound at night in the dark halls with tertiary lighting that casts alot of shadows. equate it to the children rides that sometimes make a beep

>It happends
>I can here something in the dark. Someones pounding on somthing
>I'm armed, got a flashlight, probably some high school fucks thinking the theater is still open and trying to get in
>Walk all the way down and I hear it
I'm going to prefice this next part with I was always freaked the fuck out by the silent hill radio static unsettled me
>There is an incredibly loud static noise at one of the doors
>i get there, and I see something crawl FAST
>It crawls from the door out of sight. I, for some fucking reason run to the door and shine my light out
>I see nothing, its an empty parking lot.
>Oh fuck. the doors. Did I forget any? I better check
>I hear it again at another door. I hear slamming and grunts, but it always moves when I shine my light. Trash cans outside of doors are demolished
>I secure all doors and sit in the middle of this fucking place, hand on 911 button and duty weapon.
>Sun rises, coworker comes in, dub thsi this the scuttler.
>Its getting worse some nights, even have request for second officer. He sees it too

If anyone actually cares, we found what it was. Anyone interested? This isnt a troll post, it actually did end up being somthing.

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eh its probably just the messy room that's getting everyone's goat.

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>I want more monstrous enemies that talk

Same, except I want them to talk sparsely, in taunts and unintelligibly soft whispers that you have to strain to understand. Lots of talking could end up cringey.

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what is it user

yeah, i am

i think it's the skin tone honestly. she looks diseased and your brain is telling you to gtfo so you don't catch whatever she's got

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Ya know what, no I don't care what it is, if you wanted to tell us you could have just put it in your post instead of cock teasing me.


That's because they're literally as shrimp-like crustacean that evolved to be a sea anemone. It defies all logic, they swim into a surface as larvael "shrimp" glue their faces onto a surface, form a protective shell around their bodies and then use their feathery legs to shovel plankton into their mouths.
Only tunicates and scale bugs are worse in that level of evolutionary retardation.

oh god what was it

its probably a fucking raccoon dummy

The alien in your head from the second or third Penumbra game, he's surly and disrespectful, and refers to you as monkey, and when he finally gets out of your head he taunts you while chasing you around a complex.

It'd have to be some sort of super racoon to "demolish" garbage cans.

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I asked because its alot of typing and that post was reaching max characters.
It turns out, it was even worse. We ended up being hyper vigilant, and our boss decided that since it was causing alot of vandalism, we can try and actualy try and move in on the situation instead of just reporting it (we had powers of detainment and arrest in dire circumstances).
>We are in the security cruiser. about 2 am
>Of fucking course the parking lot lights arnt working because timers are off from shitty maintainence
>We are driving near the treeline, shitty flashlights trying to see in
>We hear the static. Its fucking abysmally loud. start freaking out
>It runs out of the woods lightning fast and jumps on our hood, crawls up it, and runs back into the woods.
>We cant fire unless the fuckers got a gun as well, so we just kind of sit back, stunned
>It runs out again into the head lights
>Its a black man with 4 of those sound tubes blasting static, twitching and speaking in tounges
We got the cops involved. They got there pretty quick for once. It was a homeless man named alex. He has SEVERE schizopherenia, and loud music helpped him think, but with no radio signal and he could only steal these fucking radio tubes that he put batteries in and turned all the way up could work. I kid yiu not this guy was fully insane. Not right. He would escape the psych pods and attack the mall multiple times. I had to restain him many times. He would scream about demons taking him over.

I've been a cop for a couple years now after that job, and this story is still my most unsettling. Might not seem so, but being in that situation was horror.

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ijm surprised anyone remembers plasticbrickautomaton

fucking malkavians

>there way nigger than a normal humans

Goblino horror game when?

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Make games that don't look like horror games on the surface, but are.

aw you didnt have to delete the post it was funny.

This is the scariest thing I've ever read.

Geez, the klasky csupo art style can be creepy at times...

Trevor Henderson is a hack that hides his inability to draw behind smeary photoshop images, or splattery, shitty paintings.

I remember him often, kinda sad that he's now gonna be the hampture guy instead of the funny comic guy because of some youtube fags

That's fucking horrifying.

>Its a black man with 4 of those sound tubes blasting static, twitching and speaking in tounges
Fucking niggers, man.

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Well, that's a good end to the tale. Thanks, user.

that artist is the hampture guy? Seems like a next-level individual. very rare

wait what? he's the hampture guy? srsly?

He made a decision to heavily market Garfield, and put that before the comic strip.
It's the same reason why Shrek started getting shit on a few years ago.
The more they push it, the less they mean to people.
No one cares about your feelings snowflake.

I was half expecting you to pop out some paranormal "we don;t know what it was" bullshit on us, but fucking hell, this actually chills me more than anything found in a creepypasta. People can be fucking scary at times, especially those with mental illnesses.

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That's a spooky little occurence you had there, user.

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>tfw his retarded friend killed his hamsters

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Human face on something that's obviously not human is the scariest fucking thing.

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Damn thing freaked me out.

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>The Thing prequel blocks your path

I prefer slightly altered human faces that give you a feeling of sickness, like the pic of the cute girl posted earlier.

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What anime was this from? Or was it ever even from anything besides the opening to Malcolm in the Middle?

>hey, can i sleep in your bed tonight?


god that sculpt is so good. How do From have such talented artists.

no fuck off
big head ass
see if i dont smack your dumb basketball head ass

he is a friend

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Damn crazy people. There was a well known homeless guy in my area, never caused issues but every once in a while at night the guy would snap and yell bloody murder, like he was being killed. So often would people call the cops to help and he was perfectly fine and decently healthy.

mussels are just barnicles that lift

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None of those things is a friend to me.
During my first playthrough I actually let him live but spent the entire time looking back, expecting the fucker to be following me.

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>monitor has too much dust to discern whats on it
its like a room right

cursed image

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That door doesn't actually look ajar. It looks like it's been taken off the hinges and shifted back and to the right.

More games like Darkwood.
Disgusting imagery, loud things are dangerous, the combat is simple but good, resource limits put stress on you and great sound design.

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I prefer this one. A child is likely not seeing anything you can't but who the fuck knows with an animal.

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I didn't kill him at first because I had Ocerios spoiled because of the meme. Knowing that he was a dragon man and has a child named Ocelotte whom he gets enraged upon its death I thought the thing might be Ocelotte and cause him to come out and one shot me or something.
Then I found others like him who attacked me and realized he clearly wasn't Ocelotte.


WTF HOW?!?!?

>Setting up for another night in the first house
>Hiding in my room, used a bookcase or something to make a cubby in the corner for me to hide behind not diagonal to the wall for cheese, just literally a corner to hide behind)
>Hear footsteps
>It's not a dog cause it's too slow
>It's not a tribal cause it's hesitating as it opens the door, like the nightmare stuff
>Lights go out
>See something gently poke its head into the room like it's looking to see if anyone's noticed it
>Duck back behind bookcase and just sit in the corner of the room facing the wall
>The fucking thing walks right up behind me...
>And stands there
>Then it slowly retreats from the room
>Night passes quietly after that, but I never look back from the corner until sunup
200% pants-shearing. And then I read that's how I was actually supposed to deal with it and kinda sat there a little dumbfounded.

This one's good because body language. The kid's unreadable; She could be looking at anything or nothing.

That dog saw something. It doesn't know what it is, so it's trying to spot it, but it's made a wide stance and tensed up in case it needs to fight or run.

That dog is in sentry mode, and we've been around dogs long enough to know that it's time to shut up and grab your gun... just in case.

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i used to have this psycho bitch wander the apartment complex every few weeks in the middle of the night. it would be dead silent and i would wake up to banshee wails outside. i would look and their she was, alone in a hoody and tattered clothes just sobbing. she would disappear as quickly as she appeared. one time i opened the door and looked out right after she screamed, and there was nothing.

i dont know if the homeless have ninjutsu or if she was a specter but damn that bitch was spooky

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I'm afraid I need to know more. The little guy is clearly closer at the end.

who's that?

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Thank you, I am a faggot.

I'm trying to comprehend what this is.

a birb

i think i can see a stick moving it

Creator of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure eating a donut.

looks like a skunk hopping away

how come the japaneses are so much better at horror?

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Please put my ancient ocean spider back into the water he can't flip himself back down.

i was talking about the little guy in the back.

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I can answer that. They aren't.

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i played with a few of those theyre fun and cute :3

horseshoe crabs are nice doggies

Ayy lmao that's one swoll grey.

I can't take aliens seriously anymore because of this meme

His Stand.

Play X-Coms. Not the gay remakes, the good games. Without cheats. Without savescumming. Without the wiki.

people act like holes are freaky, and while i do get a weird sense of uneasiness they do not compare with interlocking granules. i remember a nightmare where a teachers skin was pulled back and underneath was really tight fitting yellow bulbs oozing clear slime. that shit is disgusting

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They are better at certain genres of horror, just like the west is better at others. The east generally excels at body horror and "weird fiction" while the west is generally more competent with existential dread.

For the guy in my area, I assumed it was some medical condition, like maybe a blood clot or something that would cause immense pain for a while but it could also be some sort of schizophrenia.
>one time i opened the door
Brave user. Like hell would I do that.

a gust of wind would actually kill that thing

are you feeling it now mister krabs

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remove phoneposters

>when the fetish goes too far

Reminds me of that time I got trench foot.


How does it even have enough muscles to move.
Like seriously. I do not see enough muscular tissue to actually generate locomotion Her bones would literally be too much for what minuscule strips of myofilaments that remain connected to her tendons.

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Why did I just google that.
What was I expecting.

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It'll come back, and it won't be so friendly next time.

>Third base
>Hid my self in the only room that can be fully barricaded
>Hear a heartbeat in the background
>Suddenly loud crashing as some creature is breaking apart the window
>Point my single shot shotgun at the window
>Window breaks and a wolf jumps through
>Blow its head off
>Lucky it's just a wolf
>Can hear the heart beat again
>Look outside
>The ground is pulsating
>Quickly board up the window again
Was so happy the forrest was back too normal again in the morning.

Spiders freak me the fuck out but these guys don't bother me. Had to pick one up and toss him back in the ocean because he was on his back while everyone on the beach was freaking out.

Attached: 1542538645250.webm (1024x576, 2.8M)

What the fuck

Nah, I finished a while ago.
Darkwood was a fucking experience.

>It's literally just a piece of cloth

Even though I agree, it's likely just because it's a different culture, meaning you don't have as many points of reference as you otherwise would with western horror.
Although in terms of games, you're 100% right. Amnesia pretty much killed actual horror games in the west because it's cheap youtube bait.

imagine being so ugly no one would help you not die. poor horseshoes

I think the story is that the beaner stole his phone, but it was recovered and the video was used as evidence in court or something

Attached: maggots.webm (270x480, 627K)

yfw nutty putty cave
yfw he's still down there

Attached: 1543245427498.jpg (386x368, 34K)

Nothing interesting. I was camping. Shoes and socks got soaked. Didn't bother removing them and drying everything out. My feet wound up looking a little like this for a bit.

Attached: images.jpg (259x194, 7K)