When does it pick up? I’ve done half the missions and I’m still not invested in it
When does it pick up? I’ve done half the missions and I’m still not invested in it
the singleplayer doesn’t reach the levels of SA or VC, 3’s only significance is being the first GTA to move to the 3D/open world design
Maybe it's not for you. Millions of players loved it and still do, but if you just don't get it, don't force yourself. Play something else.
never, u are supposed to play SA or VC
>Hey kid, kill this prick
>Hey nigga blow this fucka up
Real immersive
Yeah, I have a lot of nostalgia for GTA 3 but it's really not a great game. Most of the missions are way too simplistic, even late into the game. There are like 4-5 good missions(bomb da base, the exchange, grand theft aero), but the majority are just filler.
game was sick when it was new but it has not aged well, especially the missions. honestly its more fun just driving around listening to rise fm for the aesthetic
>Kill Salvatore
>Camp out with a scoped rifle
Is there any challenge?
Fucking kids, man.
>Be a nigger
>Be a psychopath
>Be a career criminal
What went wrong?
You can't deny though that GTA3 was the most open ended with the way you could do missions out of any GTA. Its missions didin't feel like on rails like some later entries.
Yeah man, I'd really lacks the narrative drive and emotional depth of the newer games. We've come so far.
There weren't many options available to you anyway though, I feel like vice city gave you way more options to do things in weird ways thanks to helicopters.
>accumulate enough money to buy that hotel safe house on the third island asap
>oh noes it's the mission where Lance is trapped literally across the entire map and his health is draining as you need to get there!
>bypass that entire gay fagfest by landing my helicopter in the middle of the junkyard and shooting everything
>even avoid the epic chase back to whatever checkpoint by flying back
Hated that mission, go fuck yourselves for that Rockstar.
are you serious? III's Portland alone has more content than half of Vice.
I didn't say it had more content(though they're pretty close and VC probably has more), I just said you have more options at your disposal. Helicopters let you reach areas that would otherwise be inaccessible or bypass groups of enemies.
The helicopter despawns unless you park it far away from the room where lance is being kept. Also you don't have to buy that safehouse to get a helicopter, you can take the one on the police station or the news heli.
git gud
>This is the last dance for Lance Vance
>dies to Sonny’s goons
GTAO could be very open as to how you can play the game most of the time.
I wish 3 could play like SA (control wise) and I would probably replay it yearly (like I do SA). Something about 3’s setting I just love.