anyone use 40+ inches for monitors? i saw a good deal for a 43 inch 4k monitor but im worried it might be too big
Anyone use 40+ inches for monitors? i saw a good deal for a 43 inch 4k monitor but im worried it might be too big
What game?
Reminder that the bigger your screen is the worse your eyesight will get.
I do, but I sit 1mt far from it.
smaller + closer is better than big, especially if you're gonna go in high resolution territory, unless you're doing couch coop or something
how do i read this chart.
the tl;dr is just that if you buy a 4K TV and you're sitting well away from it on the couch, you wasted your money
4K makes a lot more sense for smaller computer monitors
OK so I'm 2.5FT away from my current monitor. Does this mean I get 1080p or what.
this might be the most retarded shit i've ever seen
It means get a 27" or 32" 1440p monitor so you can stop thinking about this.
i use 55" but im sitting 7 feet away using a selfmade lapboard
>Worth it
too big.
Can your pc handle 4k without any issue op?
i doubt it, i have a 1050 ti and an i7
Using a 43" 4K one I picked up on black friday last year for 400 right now, upgraded from a 27" 1440p and I can safely say I couldn't go back. Great for gaming and when it comes to desktop and work use you have so much fucking space for windows you could easily have 6 programs running side by side simultaneously, but more often than not I'll just have my VLC music playlist on the left, a normal-sized browser window in the middle and another normal sized browser pane on the right with plenty of space in between and on top.
Playing first-person games like Prey and Dishonored and Arma on 4K is amazing, closest I'll get to VR this year and once that explodes it'll likely displace the more traditional first-person games before long so I'm savoring it.
Almost had me.
probably gonna b playing on low settings
i just got a 27in 1440p ips panel to replace my 23.5in. it's a little overkill for browsing, but i'll be damned if games aren't a blast. i can lean back in my chair and shit. i also have a 40in 1080p in the same room that i use from time to time for netflix, porn, and on occasion, my ps4
I use a 27 inch and it's too fucking big to use as a regular PC monitor, 40 inch would be a fucking pain in the ass unless you're sitting console distances away.
VLC is a lot better than foobar or that shitty winamp for music
>get a bigger monitor
>cant see text for shit anymore
that's feet you moron
would've been an pretty good desktop music app for years to come if i weren't for spotify changing the way i listen to music. i really wish spotify would invest more time into their offline library features so i didn't need an extra app on my computer.
holy yikers
lol u wish conefag
I've been using a 20.5 inch monitor for the last 10 years and it's starting to do weird shit with the colors. 27 inch seems to be the new normal size but that seems huge to me.
Thats wow with some UI mods
I currently use a 24 inch and feel its perfect
My friend has 30something inch and its too big, I like to kind of trance out and stare at the entire screen at once when playing and something that big doesnt work well when you are only like 2-3 feet away
you are just poor and making shit up to cope
24" is small and 'too big' is a meme. 1920x1080 was standard nine years ago. It's 2019 now. Your 24" 1080p $200 display is garbage. You couldn't give it away for FREE to many desktop PC users because they have 28"+ 1440p secondary displays better than that. Time to take the hobby more seriously and invest some money into your equipment.
>only 28
>not 60 inch 1 meter away from you
do you even vidya n00b?
>not just plugging your eyes into your gpu
LMAOing @ ur life anonymous
blue light glasses bro
>have 55 inch about 4 ft away
>ultra hd worth it
yet people like you keep saying no despite your own source saying yes.
I sit 18 inches away from my monitor
>all those (You)s
Great success.
Pixel density is shit
>plugging your eyes into your gpu
one day
>frying your brain with EMF
enjo your brainfog, insomnia, and braincancer