Why do americans pretend to like japanese games?

Why do americans pretend to like japanese games?

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idk, why not tell us you white american

Nah. Americans actually like Jap games. It's Western games that Mutts pretend to like, just to not feel so bad about their inferior devs.

Calm down Jamal.

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Weebism is actually a form of brain disease often caused by being a toxoplasmosis-infected cat-owning faggot. This is science and it is irrefutable.


Nowadays the majority Japanese game fans are outside Japan.

Africans adoring Japanese games as much as they do is one of the few things that keeps me from being completely cynical. I think it's beautiful.

There was a time when virtually every console game came from Japan. If you liked videogames, you were appreciative of Japanese developers.

why are white people good at everything except making video games its weird

I'm healthy and I like japanese games
I never owned a cat and I get blood test checked every 9 months
Besides most leftists own cats so there you go

Most influential game of all time, Skyrim, was made by an all white dev team you fucking moron.

That's an american thing. Blacks and hispanics outside of USA are chinese tier. They hate everyone and everything

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Add Minecraft to this. Both are games that japanese devs have a hard on for.

I miss Alpha

but your home site reddit loves cats and hates japanese games

only thing influential about it was the modding

>Anime reaction image
>Retarded comment
Oh right, it's Yea Forums. My bad.

The better question is, why do people here keep asking retarded questions just to get a rise out of other people?

>blacks outside of the usa hate everyone and everything
Maybe if they're Somalian or Haitian


What happened to that guy?

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>maxresdefault (3).jpg

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Just came in to post this exact thing

Agreed. Black weebs are bro tier. Some of the coolest dudes to play vidya with.

America isn't western. It is the new world.

You're on a fucking anime website.

I googled him and he's active on everything except YouTube.
Weird. Guess he retired to take care of his kid?

why do Japanese people pretend to like western anything?

>backdrop is stacks of games
>shelves lined with toys and useless merch
>harsh light on pallid white flesh
>graphic t-shirt with metal band logo/inside joke
>has his own products you can buy from merch store
sweet lord I hate youtubers

I never watched this guy but I swear this is Yea Forums's complaints every time some online video guy is posted
>Backdrop is stacks of games
>Shelves lines with toys and useless merch
I don't see the complaint's validity
>harsh light on pallid white flesh
I see this complaint, lighting's not that hard.
>graphic t-shirt with metal bad logo/inside joke
So... standard attire? Especially for a metal fan?
>has his own products you can buy from merch store
That's just good business sense desu

You're an anime website.

But I only like Japanese games.

Idk. Silent Hill and MGS is pretty Kino