What is the video game equivalent of this?
What is the video game equivalent of this?
One of my examples of a perfect movie. Also wondering... cause I really wanto to play it
Earth Defense Force
If you want to relive the setting and the cheesy bug-slaying action, Earth Defense Force.
If you want something intentionally made bad as a parody and deconstruction of its genre, Deadly Premonition.
>One of my examples of a perfect movie
You need to watch more movies. It's not even the best Paul Verhoeven movie.
the actual game
>marine boomer dad unironically likes this movie for its glorification of the military and is too stupid to understand it's supposed to be making fun of facism
Don't care shit's perfect B movie; fun, no pretention whatsoever.
If you mean bug killing sim, then EDF.
If you mean thematically, with the whole "All government will eventually turn fascist and use wars as a human meat grinder to keep status quo" then maybe Wolfenstein.
it makes facism look cooler so im all for this movie
Violence DOES solve everything though.
t. Literal mouth breather who completely missed the point of the movie
There isn't much more Starship Troopers could have done in its run time to be any better at being the kind of movie it set out to be. It's definitely not a masterpiece film but its definitely the perfect version of itself from its time.
The only thing that changes whether or not you consider it perfect really comes down to what personal requirements you put on the word perfect.
EDF, Muv-Luv Alternative
Muv-Luv even rips off Klendathu Drop
>no pretention whatsoever
>Starship Troopers
You're an idiot. And it's not a B movie, it's a major Hollywood blockbuster. Christ, you people are such fucking retards sometimes.
Holy shit. I never really thought of it like that but yeah. Rimworld ain't far off.
Sorry, lad. Not everyone watch movies wanting to be art.
Nobody teaches younger guys how to use the term B movie. The entire concept of B movie is warped now.
Nice, I didn't know that.
Heres an actual game that ripped off from that movie as well
b o d y h a r v e s t
If you mean being polarizing as fuck, and a way to separate the men from the boys, I'm gonna have to say Deadly Premonition. Both are equally misunderstood as well as genuinely flawed in some spaces that no one can argue with, but still fun rides with very valuable lessons.
Different user but the chuckle being had at your expense is over the fact that Starship Troopers was a little pretentious. Or the book its based on was.
The movie basically stars a 'Space America' that is incredibly tongue-in-cheek facist in this far flung future that keeps itself afloat by a system of practically mandatory military service. It throws kids at a meat grinder war effort with the intention of not bringing more than a small percentage of those kids home.
The reason I agree its a fucking god tier movie is that its both brainless fun AND still hits the note on the satire it is looking for if you're into looking for that shit in movies. They got both right. Fucking nobody does that anymore it feels like.
Reminder that this movie has sequels
Squad with the troopers mod
You shut your fucking whore mouth. We don't talk about certain things here.
>If you mean being polarizing as fuck
What I mean is army of humans vs army of alien bug freaks.
Dungeon defenders
How come none of you faggots mentioned Helldivers?
>Different user but the chuckle being had at your expense is over the fact that Starship Troopers was a little pretentious.
> the fact that Starship Troopers was a little pretentious
I thought that was a given.
>inb4 "I was merely pretending"
quake 4
>Deadly Premonition
Almost requires the player to have watched all the old episodes of Twin Peaks to truly enjoy the game.
>Fucking nobody does that anymore it feels like.
People are still doing that. James Gunn has built his entire career around it. Perhaps you've heard of his most famous example, Guardians of the Galaxy?
B movie used to mean a movie with a smaller budget that tried to make the best movie it could. Now B movie means any movie with lower quality acting and effects, regardless of budget or intent.
>The reason I agree its a fucking god tier movie is that its both brainless fun AND still hits the note on the satire it is looking for if you're into looking for that shit in movies. They got both right. Fucking nobody does that anymore it feels like.
This so much.
I can only think of one man armies then. Half life, duke nukem, doom. Dead space, to a lesser extent. Halo is obvious.
That the type of game that is "fun with friends" though.
Shadow of the Colossus
>keeps itself afloat by a system of practically mandatory military service
there are other methods to get franchise
infact military service is the last resort
>It throws kids at a meat grinder war effort
the recruiting centers desperately discourages people from signing up
>Perhaps you've heard of his most famous example, Guardians of the Galaxy?
Oh you mean Disney Product #3122256?
Where the fuck do you get it
Fun fact: Starship Troopers was financed by a Disney subsidiary. It's a Disney film too.
The fact that Disney paid for Guardians doesn't change what it is but if you prefer I can name drop his other "dumb" satire like Super, Slither, Belko Experiment, upcoming Brightburn (which you idiots thought was going to be a Berserk film a still shit up the youtube comments with that crap), etc.
I can't think of any video games that started their life as a completely different video game but then decided to use an existing thing only to bastardize whatever they did take from the existing thing.
I remember seeing the trailer for this one time and something clicked in my brain telling me I had to absolutely see this movie. I don't ever normally get excited for movies like that.
Roughnecks game when
pirate it nigger
....Body Harvest?
good shit
>EDF ! EDF !
>To save our mother Earth from any alien attack
really corny scifi shooter where you kill bugs
what a blue-pilled interpretation
I had my fun with both
That show was kino. I'm still fucking mad those last 5 episodes will never be finished.
The director didn't understand that Heinlein was unironically in favour of militaristic governments and so made it a parody.
Aliens vs predator is kinda ok
That was a great game. Fun co-op.
god i want a body harvest remake, that game was absolutely outstanding for its time, depsite the jank. Amazing atmoshpere, those 'huge' open maps with all the different vehicles you could pilot and and all the cool little missions.
this is really the only correct answer sucks helldivers is dead now though
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
There have been at least two videogames. One is the janky first person shooter already linked, and another is a realtime squad command game which tried to lean a bit more towards the source material since your troopers could eventually wear powered armor in limited numbers.
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!
The ridiculous parody of fascism is half the fun of the movie
>cute democratically selected wife is warming up to the idea of having a child
Gu-guys? Should I apply for the C1-PERM yet?
>Perhaps you've heard of his most famous example, Guardians of the Galaxy?
So that's why it seemed to me it was too good for being Disneyshit.
anyone who took starship troopers seriously is retarded
also CG movies which arent bad
probably any battle royal with private hacks
christ even paul verhoven was on board
Fascism is a form of government which is a type of one-party dictatorship. Fascists are against democracy. They work for a totalitarian one-party state. This aim is to prepare the nation for armed conflict, and to respond to economic difficulties. ... It stands for a centralized government headed by a dictator.
Dizzy or Carmen gents?
Carmen > Dizzy
>Taking the unloyal bitch over the girl who is ready to sacrifice herself to save not only you but your squad as well
>father likes a movie released in 1997
Zoomer detected
It's funny because 5 literally had Starship Troopers collab DLC to go with a new movie
in personality your absolutely right but in the body department Carmen is better
Ehhhhh, I couldn't get into it, it just felt lile I was doing the same thibg over and over again.
Fuck you.
But not you. Props for reading the book.
Fuck you for not reading the book.
I like the book. I like how Heinlein tried to portray the bugs as some sort of faceless communist equivalent while not realizing it's Earth's collectivism which enables it to survive.
Dizzy. I remember wanting to fuck her the most outta all the sluts in that movie. I thought Rico was a little bitch for not tapping that sooner and then I got fucking mad as all fuck when she died. That Carmen bitch should have died in that fucking cave alongside the guy who got brainsucked.
I never caught on to the parody bits. If humans really were under attack by terrifying aliens I'm sure our society would turn out similar. I mean, most signs point towards us being the aggressors, but I missed that as a kid.
There's this great Outer Limits episode about kids fighting horrible bug monsters, but they eventually realize they're fighting other humans and just being drugged by high command to percieve the enemy as monsters. They throw down their weapons and try to reach a peaceful resolution but sadly the enemy is taking the same drug and kills them.
>tfw Rockstar made this game
>they probably don't want to touch a series that is associated with two dead publishers and nintendo probably will say some shit
It's a tribute, not a ripoff.
i mean, you can already see the shit taste in nu-Yea Forums when they even have to ask what the equivalent of starship troopers is when we have EDF and helldivers already
sucks that there's no local coop though
Iron Rain comes out in a day
How do you guys think it's gonna be?
Terrible, just like IA.
Here’s the bug killing game with the biggest body count
There was a PC game made about it, well 2 one was a strategy game but im talking about the FPS which was fun as fuck, I mean awful in terms of graphics and it had so many bugs no pun intended. But it was great to just fire into hordes of bugs and try your hardest to keep your shitty troopers alive.
>most signs point towards us being the aggressors
name 1
The opening for that fucking show was beyond kino and I fucking can still hear it in my head
cue music bug screeching and machine guns firing with explosions in the distance
The human colony is a tiny little military structure while the bugs seem to live basically everywhere.
Thank you, I thought I was going to have to be the one to bring it up. Along with Turok I loved ARMORINES. Not sure how it holds up in current day but hopefully it's still worth playing.
Literally starcraft.
No question about it.
I remember the review in PC Powerplay, it was that scathing
Is this game emulateable yet?
I want to replay it but my N64 is in a terrible state.
>duurrrr u didn't get my sooper dooper serious parody
>hahaha those dumb retards that don't get I don't like what I show on screen
Something being made with irony in mind doesn't mean the thing represented is bad.
Besides, you could return the argument and note that the director was a tard that didn't get the original book (admitted so himself).
The directors blatantly left out a lot of shit to construct their movie. It's understandable shit like power armor may have been left out due to budget constraints, but the military in the movie operates more like a poor man's conscript army than any hjgh tech volunteer in actual history. The book is admittedly fueled Heinlein's obsession with changs at the time, but I still like to treat it as a scifi soldier's journal that shows more of the mundane shit you go through in the military.
Thin line tbqh.
UFO Defense, especially when you're trying to deal with those smug motherfuckers.
>hjgh tech volunteer in actual history
>in actual history
I don't blame this type of changes in adaptations (trimming some fat, changes motivated by obvious budget constraints, etc) but in starship troopers the entire outlook is subverted.
Might as well adapt the illiad and make it about feminism.
>slaughter a peaceful colony instead of opening diplomatic negotiations and telling them to fuck off
>then act surprised when reprisals occur
It's 4am, and I'm not proofreading my posts. Forgive me for typing like a retard.
>directed robocop but not 2
god no wonder 2 sucked.
that early cgi is fucking uncanney valley
It's okay, mate, take it easy. Everyone makes mistakes. I was just wondering if I missed something actually interesting happening in the world.
it's not anything to do with fascism retarded zoomer, you think a fascist military is gonna allow let alone encourage its soldiers to quit? read the book, because the director didn't, so he sure as shit doesn't know what he's talking about
Ah nah, I was talking about militaries that were relatively advanced for their time. Like Portuguese forces in Angola and Anti-Communist forces in nam. In a modern war setting, volunteer armies tend to be more successful so I think the movie is pretty disingenuous with the portrayal of the mobile infantry, which makes them seem more like an expendable and incompetent conscript military.
I remember playing that.
>But it was great to just fire into hordes of bugs
Sadly this got old pretty fast and most of the bugs were bullet sponges so it wasn't very good.
Starship Troopers is one of those rare instances where the adaptation is better than source material, but if you read up on it, everything fell into place by luck
>Movie was just some generic space flick not tied to ST at all
>Verhoven gets on board and changes it
>Ironside had read the book, however
>everyone hated it on release because they thought it glorified fascism
>everyone hated it on release because they thought it glorified fascism
Are people really that retarded?
>he asks, when despite having access to limitless knowledge, people voted a cheeto man into the presidency
People still misunderstand the movie to this day. I think it's pretty damn blatant, but a bunch of my friends still aren't in on the joke.
>people can't tell the difference between Libertarianism and Fascism
>People think Starship Troopers is Fascist because the story takes place and war and automatically think that having a military equates to being Fascist
>central government
Dumpf BTFO!
What's the videogame equivalent of Showgirls?
oh he thinks leftists haven't ruined the respect of being a police officer how cute. also yeah i'm bigoted against illegal immigrants who rape and steal, sue me
wat when did it die?
why are any of you still doing this
Libertarianism != Anarchism
doing what
>when the society in ST is totalitarian
are you retarded?
dont (You) me again
how are they totalitarian. you can choose to go into the military, go into business or academia, you can go on holidays, you're encouraged to do your part for the country and are rewarded with honours and the right to vote.
when I tried it bugged halfway through and I couldn't progress, that's just my experience with it though. Was a fantastic game up to that point.
This was one of the games I couldn't complete at all as a kid, baffled my mind back then when I found out there was a stage two.
>everyone hated it on release
oh shit nice
He's not wrong. The film was not well received when it first came out. It happens sometimes. Something comes out. People hate it. Years later an appreciation for it just seems to pop out of nowhere and that gradually becomes consensus. Notoriously The Thing, which is often now frequently listed in top horror movies of all time lists, was absolutely panned by both critics and audiences on release.
the movie promotes fascism
the movie is satire of fascism and makes fun of it
the movie inadvertently promotes fascism
Honestly, MW2. It has an anti war and nationalism plot but it gets way overlooked.
it's not satire of fascism either fking reeeee it's the authors ideal society, it's more libertarian
>Honestly, MW2. It has an anti war and nationalism plot but it gets way overlooked.
a lot of shit does, like every single Gundam series
It's amazing that so many at the time didn't see that it was pissing all over unironic fascist militarism. The satire is hilarious.
Also Blade Runner but the criticisms for that were warranted
>Awful editing
>Bad acting
>Bad script
>Bbut it looks pretty mmuh cyberpunk
Now everyone pretends it's good.
yes the book, but the movie is satire
The Thing was released pretty much side by side with E.T., which did very little for its success.
>make parody of authoritarianism/fascism in order to mock it because you're so insecure about your own ideals
>end up making it look cooler as a result
lmaoing at your life libshits
Buenos Aires unironically being an inside job
While seeming entirely possible that it was performed to give an excuse for war, the landing scene where the ships were successfully bombarded from the surface in the same fashion seems to support that the bugs actually did it.
It was shown they also have an intelligence network with the thinking worms, so perhaps they were actually able to do the calculations necessary to pull the attack off.
Or were they? The psychic felt the thoughts of the bug at the end and detected fear, but were there any other signs that the bugs had human level or higher intelligence? Monkeys fling their shit at other animals doesn't mean they're smart for it. Perhaps the space landing was difficult because the ships were firmly within the bugs' territory, and the bugs were flinging their plasma turds at them.
You're both right. It's one of those few rare films like Borat or the Shining that can be enjoyed on a fun surface level or you can rewatch it and notcie shit you've never seen before and watch it through a more layered lenses
Jet Force Gemini for the whole bug thing.
Halo for the rest of the entire aesthetic, from the theming about aliens taking over, to the guns, to the marines, its what Halo is based off of.