Final Fantasy XIV - Shadowbringers

What are your expectations of your class for 80?
What do think they'll actually do to it?

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I'm going to marry Y'shtola!

Don't you mean Matoya

What server should I join for my first character?

Listen... cats are gay.
But I'd Y'shtola.
And Elves can fuck off.
But I want to commit a crime with the twins.

Unless you have friends on a specific server, look for a server with bonus on it, you will get +100% exp on all classes (including crafters!) until level 60.

Depends on what you plan on doing in-game, cause all the RP stuff is getting moved to crystal soon

Reminder there is nothing to be hyped about for ShadowBringers
>More of the same
>Big Feature 1 is playing MSQ all over again
>Big Feature 2 is making the game more SP focused
And as trends go, this expansion will probably lose more content to justify something that not even a 1/10th of the playerbase will do. And no Ultimate doesn't count as most of it is reusing assets.

I love her!

I just want gunbreaker and fun fantasy again already

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I resubbed for a month to play a bit to see if I wanted to buy the expansion and I stopped playing within 2 days. Game is just not good.

Still the best mmorpg by a long shot.

WoW Classic certainly isn't bringing anything new to the table.

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True. That's why I only ordered the digital edition instead of physical collector's this time.

>I don't think it's good
>It's not good
These are two different things.
If you have trouble telling the difference between them, you might have autism

If the game remains in its current state, then wow vanilla will win this time

>Still the best mmorpg by a long shot
Being the "best" in a stagnating genre is nothing to be proud of. Just because you see yourself as the shiniest turd in a pile of other turds it doesn't makeyou any less of a turd.
>Best at anything
It's a streamlined WoW with a JP skin on it, truly the best at trying to be JP-WoW. It's so instanced that the overworld is nothing more than an aging Diorama that will go the way of an ignored cup of milk.
Fair enough user, truly a smart move if you intend to keep playing. Bare minimum for a bare minimum game. Hopefully the story is enough to entertain.

Hopes: Nerf DA spam, or just remove it altogether in place of something else
Fears: Stacking DA buffs
Reality: More buttons to give the illusion of alleviating DA spam, but it still doesn't make everything suddenly better.

>DRK will get the MCH treatment in ShB

absolutely seething

>fucking ever
shiggy diggy

FFXIV's PvE combat mechanics are better than they have ever been in WoW.
Not to mention music and the general presentation

Never played MCH so I wouldn't know what that means.

Was never a fan of DA except the aesthetic. Hoepfully whatever changes come to it are good. Maybe actually sacrificing HP like a true DRK in final fantasy

>If the game remains in its current state
Then i guess WoW vanilla wins? You have realized that ever since we dropped into Heavensward that they're going to keep doing less and less content right? The amount of content loss from ARR to HW was drastic but the polish went up and HW to SB was enough so to notice the lulls more consistently with no upgrade to polish meaning everything looked lackluster. What do you think we'r going to get for ShB? More content same polish or less content same polish?

>he amount of content loss from ARR to HW was drastic
I think it's an unfair comparison, because ARR came out with missing features that should have been in from the outset.

>FFXIV's PvE combat mechanics are better than they have ever been in WoW
How so user? Static rotations? More buttons to press? What exactly makes it better in your eyes? Not saying WoW has good combat because let's be honest it doesnt but what is so special about XIV then? As far as I can tell seems like a generic system to me with basic combos with no wiggle room for actual deviation thanks to the way stats interact with our characters.
>Not to mention music and the general presentation
So style over substance? Rather have substance than pure style though I will give you Music, Soken honestly deserves a better game and company.

>ARR came out with missing features that should have been in from the outset
So the game is just trash overall then? If it took them an expansion release to release features that should have been in from the get go then really a wonder how much the FF name helped revive it from the dead. Honestly even if we had ARR as is on release but under a new name not associated in any way to FF or SE would have it really taken off like it did?

At least check the fucking catalog before making another shill thread

Not him, but you and I both know the answer to that question. Of course the FF and SE name had something to do with its success. Maybe not entirely, but a very good part of it is.
But I'll still play it over WoW simply cause my friends don't play WoW and a few of them still play XIV.

Based and red-pilled. Only winning sub is not-subbing and watching/listening to everything worthwhile on Youtube.

Fire V $40

How ironic to call someone else autistic. literally seething

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For PLD i'd like:

-Off GCD oaths
-Instant divine veil
-off GCD flash
-shield bash into shield dash (gap closer)
-circle of scorn does 350 potency outright. The dot does enmity over time for a total of 1750 potency enmity over 15 seconds
-new trait: Spellsword Mastery: Clemency and Holy spirit and Aoe Holy spirit no longer interrupts combos and do not have cast times
-aoe holy spirit
-sheltron blocks all damage for 1 second
-royal authority combos off of either Riot blade or Savage blade
-Shield lob lets you combo directly into savage blade or riot blade
-Hallowed ground on a 6 minute CD
-Sentinel on a 20 second duration
-Bulwark blocks all damage instead of increasing block by 60%
-New action: Lightning bolt- only available during requiescat. Does 600 potency in a straight line, oGCD and removes requiescat on use.
-Total eclipse gives enmity and learned at level 4

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>MNK got shafted for being "too" fast and got Shittle of Fire instead of Greased Lightning 4
Stormblood will forever the the tombstone for XIV.

was there any gimmick feature anounced at all this time around eg flying/swiming?

>Reminder there is nothing to be hyped about for ShadowBringers
It's not surprising for a casual shitter who doesn't play the game that there's "nothing new to do" but on my part I'm just looking forward to more content to do - more raids, which look neat, HW ultimates, shit, even Eureka-like, i.e. stuff I actually enjoy, and all of that will be new, even if fundamentally similar. Saying there's nothing to look forward just really exposes you as a friendless shitter who only touches the bare minimum of content
>but so does 90% of the p-playerbase
And? Majority of people never finish video games they buy. That doesn't mean shit.

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No, besides the no night shit.

Not really sure what they're going to do. Tack on some new wack-a-mole proc buttons?

What I'm expecting overall is more bad excuses as to why there's a low amount of content and changing more things that don't matter to appear forum whiners.

RDM to become a full on Enfeebler and support DPS. Because support roles need to come back.
Add DoTs because if a class doesn't have positionals, it needs fucking DoTs apparently.

>remove mudras for ninja
its just a retarded anti fun mechanic desu that serves no purpose other than punish less than perfect connections.

I hope it isn't dark arts spam

I expect I will again be the worst tank, and have double the apm because of fucking dark arts.

>entire 4.0 dedicated to truncating dots
You're not very smart.

>They want to make WHM easier to play
The fuck do they mean by this? It is already the most braindead out of the three healers.

No night? They're removing the day cycle? Holy shit the game just keeps getting more soulless.

Until the combat overhaul is discussed in May, I believe nothing they say.

5.0 zones won't have night cycles until you get further into the story.

Shhh, just let it happens so sch shitters can seethe even harder at their shit dps

No, it's the fucking storyline you retard.
The First world is so full on light it isn't dark at night there, but it will be by the end of MSQ when we break the light bulb

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They mean the class is braindead easy and the faggots playing it still can't hit their fucking DoT button once in a fight.

I just want Scourge back as an alternate combo ender off Syphon Strike Yoshi. I will deal with mashing 15000 Dark Arts per encounter if you give me this one thing.

>What are your expectations of your class for 80?
They need to keep Samurai and Red Mage the same. Add VerMeteor for RDM, just give Samurai Midare II, which upgrades from its first form, and call it a day. Samurai doesn't need to be fixed or tweaked it's so braindead easy a child can do it.

t. a samurai main

To good, it'll make WARs feel bad

New Game+, play all of the MSQ from ARR to SB all over again
Well this is the first time someone doesn't call me a Raid tranny in such a response.
The only good pieces of content you even suggested, if anything else had the longevity they have then maybe the game would be better but let's be honest that would mean the Devs would have to actually try and not focus solely on style for content and add depth to even Dungeons.
>even Eureka-like, i.e. stuff I actually enjoy
Good on you then I guess? I'm not gonna stop you from enjoying shit even when the majority of other players turned away from it. Hopefully they leave the relic out of it to see how it can actually stand without a carrot to hold 11% of the playerbase out till the end.
>Saying there's nothing to look forward just really exposes you as a friendless shitter who only touches the bare minimum of content
And what exactly is different with every new raid cycle user? More dungeons that are one and done? Extreme trials you do to get a glamour weapon and maybe a mount? The only thing that even lasts around a few weeks is Savage raiding and even then no point in BiS as crafted invalidates it on Day 1 of a new tier. Any user thats been in the game in a while could probably guess the patch layout of all 5.0 patches and realize its more of the same.

>Scourge back as an alternate combo ender
Fucking why, it was never part of a combo

Oh that's cool actually, is there gonna be some lightsource thing in the sky like Bahamut before 1.0 got obliterated?

Because DRK literally has one fucking combo.

>And what exactly is different with every new raid cycle user?
Why the fuck does it have to be? I just want new fights. Look buddy, WoW reinvents itself every expansion and every time it falls flat on its face. I'd rather have something stable, something I know I could return to enjoy, than devs randomly deciding to sap all enjoyment to artificially increase "longevity".

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If you hate things being the same then why are you here

Let me guess, NG+ only gets you a mount and a pet and maybe some glamour earring?

No Idea, Assuming it's the sin eaters.

No, it's literally just to let you replay any part of the storyline you want without leveling a new character.

That's something that irks me with the post Cata landscape of WoW, you really don't know where your spec of choice will be next expansion. If you don't like it or any of the other specs on the class, time to reroll. What's that? The leveling experience is hammered shit? Well buy a fucking boost or use the one we gave you with the expansion fucker!

But those are just QoL buffs. Theres nothing wrong with making a job feel more fluid.

cant wait to see how broken and unplayable the old ones will get with the new class changes. they will be forced to uncync it i bet. i cant see them bothering to rebalance and bug check that shit for the expansion.

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Instead of removing and shifting around skills every expansion, would you guys be okay with having what is essentially skill upgrades?

For BRD you get Heavy Shot at lv.1
In ShB you get Static Shot at lv.71, which is just Heavy Shot but with a higher potency, still triggering the same effects and procs.

>muh 6 skill bars
I would suggest having templates for skill bars

>What if I que into Sastash when im lv.80 and none of my low level skills are mapped?
Skills are either transformed into their lower level equivalents for synced content or skill bar templates become a thing

I want tank LB to not be shit. Drk LB3 is one of the coolest animations in the game that no one has ever seen because why would you ever use that shitty button.

Less than 1% of the playerbase clears them, probably only 5% attempt it, I'd be surprised if they don't just axe that content entirely soon.

>ctrl+f trann
>1 result
Finally. A thread where it isn't riddled with people being transphobic.

They already do that now with spells, Stone/Bio/etc. Just increasing potency is boring and inflates numbers for the sake of inflation. Better to add something more interesting to keep the player engaged, or not add anything at all.

dont people hate that shit and think its awful? i mean there is skip potions for a reason

I like knowing what content will be happening and having a BiS. Go back to WoW if you want LOL RANDOM.

yes the music and presentation are better than WoW but you must be stockholm syndromed or talking out of your ass if you think FFXIV's combat mechanics are so great. the engine/server tick rate is so bad in XIV that aoes cannot hit multiple players at the same time. they can only hit one by one and the more targets the longer it takes for the damage to go out. in WoW the damage occurs to all targets instantly and always has. XIV cannot compete in feel and responsiveness and never will, even if their rotations are currently better than WoW's.

They kind of already do this, with upgrades to skills like Windbite just making them last longer. What would be shit is if that's all they do.

>Off-GCD Oaths

That's going to be a negative captain. They either have to remove the multiple oaths or remove the active mitigation. WAR has off-GCD stances because WAR's tank stance does not give an immediate benefit when swapping into it.

its really good publicity and acts as a sort of "ooooohh ahhhhh" as something people could possibly aspire to
sounds a bit corny but it works

will we get more bosses per raid tier or at least keep the 5 we have now?

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The real big brain move is to boost to the cap then do story whenever you want using NG+

More buttons means it’s better.
*Plays a shitty boss fight that lasts like 15 minutes with mechanics from tbc wow* hecka epic.

>m-muh recycled content that's fun because f-friends
Holy shit all that ad-hominem cope. Well yeah not all of us are autistic and brainlet to the point where we can relate with retards who actually enjoy the mindless XIV grind.

Only people who would call you a tranny are unironic false-flagging discord sissy erp transhits

>Dont like FFXIV then go back to WoW
>Suggesting to go play FFXIV's western counterpart
If they don't like FFXIV they wont like WoW you mong, they're literally just regional counterparts at this point. Literally a anime vs cartoon argument between the two communities.

Heaven forbid WAR not be as good at something.

Off-GCD Oaths already confirmed because tank stances aren't gonna be a thing so oaths will serve a different purpose. Source: Tokyo Fanfest.

i hope there is no more autistic mechanic like hello world

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>WAR has off-GCD stances because WAR's tank stance does not give an immediate benefit when swapping into it.
the benefit is the benefit of being able to fell cleave all over your moms face

Why the fuck didn't gr'aha just tell us what he wanted, or WAIT until we were done shitting on elidibus, without risking us dying?

Goddamn this story just gets more and more retarded.

If youre counting the special "This isn't my final form" then probably but don't expect anything outside of the current formula. At least the Savage exclusive forms made sense"

fuck off tranny

Argus was a ripoff of Zurvan.

>the new update roadmap is only 1 dungeon every odd patch to make room for more Eureka

>If you don't agree with me you're just coping!
Why don't you screech about trannies while you're at i--- Oh, you did.

What piece of content is good for giving me autism? Struggling between picking raiding and crafting.

>thinking we're gonna get a consistent dungeon with each patch and not a dungeon every other patch
Do you not realize how overworked Yoshida is?

>can't even argue with the post
t. ranny

I just said 1 dungeon every other patch

>9 dungeons on release which is more than in HW and SB

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That'd probably be a smart move business-wise, gets people to actually play the game. Surely even the monthly-subbed wagecucks are getting tired of the daily 30-min dungeon run for a weekly tome cap

>leylines will now move with you
How would you feel about this?

you have to go back

or just become 40%

didnt yoshida recently anounce his team is also working on a new secret project? its not looking good for the expansion when they are spreading themselves so thin

>>leylines will now move with you
no thanks.
>>new oGCD to move leylines to your current position. 3 minute CD

>each expansion has had less endgame dungeons than the last
17 Lvl 50 Dungeons
13 Lvl 60 Dungeons
10 Lvl 70 Dungeons
>thinking leveling dungeons are worth praising

All damage you take while inside your Ley Lines is added to your next Foul cast

Crafting, hands down. Make sure to gather your own mats too.

Most of the HW and ARR ones were shitty Hard Modes, to be fair. I think we got like two HMs in Stormblood.

Shadowbringers is probably gonna have so many things delayed back and forth at this rate. You will probably have people defending it with "They had to spend time to make sure more head gear can be worn by Viera and Hrothgar so give them some slack" FFXIV is a game on the backburner at this point, minimum effort to gain as much profit possible.

Theres nothing wrong with one tank having a better tank stance than the others.

Also equilibrium negates your point. Defiance+ Equilibrium is an instant oGCD stance.

why hasn't square hired you yet

Crafting is painful. My goal was to max them all out before expac, while not spending any money so gathering all of my own shit. All 3 gatherers are maxed, but crafting is a slow ass process. Ive got all of them to 50 so far.

moogles and namazu

healers would love this

If you moved those goalposts any more you'd be a WoW expansion

I hope those aren't as bad as the ixal. using all my beast tribe allowances to go up 1 level maybe was terrible.

adding so many classes and races is just unsustainable. i dont know wtf they are thinking

I just want it to be july already so i can turn my delicious brown waifu into a slutty dancer

FFXIV is so much better than WoW.

9/17 (52%) dungeons are hard mode so you are correct.
3/13 (23%) dungeons are hard mode, actually places closer in line with Stormblood.
2/10 (20%) dungeons are hard mode. 1 less than HW in the Hard mode department but 2 less original dungeons overall.
>moving goalposts
9 dungeons on launch is nothing to praise user. At best 2-3 of those dungeons will be endgame and the rest forgotten as most leveling content tends to do. At the end of the day the one thing people will end up doing the most in terms of dungeon is always dungeons at cap.

they're very, very simple and not at all like ixal.

Good to know. I am finishing 50 on the last of them before I move past it, so I hadn't started it yet. Is the last 20 levels on them all any less painful since I get moogles and collectables?

>leveling dungeons
It's the shit people do the most. When was the last time you went to Hells' fucking Lid or Sohm Al (Hard)?

>3/13 (23%) dungeons are hard mode, actually places closer in line with Stormblood.
Hullbreaker Hard
Pharos Sirius Hard
Sohm Al Hard
Great Gubal Library Hard
Lost City Hard

Well that's because they cut it down from 3 dungeons per patch in ARR to 2 dungeons per patch in HW, to 2 dungeons on even and 1 dungeon on odd patch in SB

Shadow Bringers might just go to 1 dungeon per patch

Which is fine if they actually are working on other content, dungeons fucking suck.

you suck

>Which is fine if they actually are working on other content

You know it's going towards Eureka 2.

I'm hoping pld is made fun. All I want is to be a sword and board shield slapping cure-casting ass-fucking monster like I was in 11.

Time to type all this out for MNK again.

>chakra cap increased to 10 from 5, the 5 extra chakra is thematically dark aspected
>using forbidden chakra temporarily increases the damage dealt of the next forbidden chakra, the second cast does not apply this effect. (first one is an uppercut from the right fist, light aspected - second cast is the opposite)
>elixir field's damage rolled into howling fist for one OGCD aoe ability
>steel peak's damage rolled into shoulder tackle for the same reason as above
>remove arm of the destroyer or just make it a standard interrupt
>fists of fire changed to 5% less magic damage received, party gets this effect as well
>riddle of fire changed to make all debuffs you inflict within the buff window to spread to nearby enemies, such as OIP stunning all targets, dragon kick and demolish applying to everything in range
>fire tackle changed to an aoe stun around the target
>wind tackle and riddle of wind now reduce the cooldown on sprint in addition to refreshing greased lightning (no longer grants a stack)

New abilities:
>fists of water: positional bonuses always apply regardless of where you strike the target, replacement for true north
>water tackle/riddle of water: shoulder tackle is replaced with a forward untargeted dash that damages all enemies in its path, usable 2 times similar to wind tackle

>fists of ice: old fists of fire effect
>riddle of ice: old riddle of fire effect
>ice tackle: old fire tackle effect

>fists of lightning: increases the benefit of greased lightning's attack speed bonus
>riddle of lightning: 10 chakra costing CD that temporarily makes tornado kick free to cast and not remove greased lightning during the buff window, also adds a 4th stack of greased lightning
>lightning tackle: paralysis on target

Just let me go faster and give me all the damn elements, don't give me this earth/fire/wind shit and then leave us hanging.

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>Shadow Bringers might just go to 1 dungeon per patch
And yet they haven't said anything like that and the only thing you have to go by is retarded doomposting and projection. Fuck off, honestly.

>Despite the 'bigger budget' of every patch, content has gotten smaller and smaller

just following the graph

or instead of the forbidden chakra change, give us a new 5 costing chakra ability that deals aoe damage.

the bigger budget goes to worthless garbage like the yorha raid that everyone will forget about a month after it comes out when something with higher ilvl is the new standard.

Only it hasn't and there's no "bigger budget", that was just Yea Forums shitposting.

Remove all of the retarded shit on DRK

Im hoping Darkside no longer negates MP from outside sources, blood weapon/price completely independent, new DPS buff that lets them burst, one more mitigation CD, Soul eater gains its grit effect, bloodspiller heals 33.34% total HP under Walking dead (triple bloodspiller will remove walking dead). An Aoe shield and fucking insta grit. I dont care if its OP LET IT BE OP.

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Which would be a blessing, considering Eureka is the best content they've put out since ARR.

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24 man raids are an absolute waste of developer resources. They are pointless content on release that just serve as catchup for casuals. Anyone who raids or does any of that shit runs them once and then forgets about them.

What they should do, is use all those assets they already have and release savage versions. Make it the same ilvl as the 8 man stuff, who cares. Dyable 24m rewards and a mount and some other shit sprinkled in is enough incentive to make people do it. BA in Hydatos clearly proves there is a playerbase for bigger organized raiding in the game, it was just implemented poorly. How much effort would it really be to add savage versions to 24m when the vast majority of effort put into it is all art assets? You have boss abilities and moves to work with, just tune them and make it harder.

It's almost like the game caters to casuals, the majority of the playerbase.

I'd rather have savage 24m raids than Ultimate, a feature they dropped halfway through the expansion because it was "too difficult" to make.

It's not like you have to cater to one or the other, I think that user is saying that they could take the shit they've already made, and get more mileage out of the assets, as opposed to making them, spending millions of dollars on licensing, then having it disappear and 0 people do it because it's deprecated content. Most people don't know that there's valerian armor sets, you know, fucking tactics ogre valerian isles. It's just not ever pointed out.

>Hotshot, Wildfire, and Gauss Barrel, Hypercharge removed as abilities, converted to +potency traits
>Gauss Round reduced slightly in potency, just an ogcd
>heat gauge altered into who knows what
>Bishop turret removed, Rook converted to shoot AoEs with potency in between the original two turret attacks
>Reassemble, Overdrive, Remove Barrel, Stabilizer, and Blank removed entirely, Cooldown and Flamethrower potentially removed depending on how they change the heat gauge

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>0 people do it
I'm 100% convinced now that doomposters haven't played the game in any meaningful capacity and get all of their opinions from Yea Forums and reddit.

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skip soar or disband

You abuse the fuck out of it in o11s and o12s, but sure.

When's the last time you went to go do content that wasn't in roulette?

>making the game more SP focused
Thank fuck. I never want ANYONE to know I solo this game for fun. And I don’t even play a cat.

>wildfire changed to potency
Go play RDM

>get rid of foe requiem
>move the weaken to a new ability unlocked between 70 and 80

If Eureka 2 stays on Pyros/Hydatos level this is ok

hello anime shitposter, please respond to me, you seem so confident.

You have it backwards, most people do 24mans weekly multiple times, so eventually they'll get rid of savage and throw those resources in 24mans.

Was this even particularly a bad time for pugs or something? I didn't do Zurvan (or play HW in general) until a few months before SB release, and never had any of this faggotry. Given, it still took me like a week of mashing my face for hours a day in PFs because other fags are sleeping at their keyboards and can't move a few feet, but I didn't have to deal with PF-elitism faggotry at least.

>is a catposting tranny
Every time, kill yourself coping brainlet

>yfw all the new skills we get involve darkness in some form

just did baldesion arsenal
almost beat ozma
maybe next time

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There was a mechanic that had one of two patterns (RNG in mechanics being the bane of a FFXIV player's existence because muh staticness) and people either demanded unrealistic DPS for the average ilvl required to clear it and even used tank LB to skip it because they couldn't be assed to just learn where to stand.

I just hope that blm will remain a brain dead job so that I won't have to switch to another one

What do you use it for in O12S?

Pyros and Hydratos is good fucking stuff. Too bad Anemos and Pagos gatewalls people from it and everyone assumes Eureka is only that.

Western servers can't die fast enough

You use it in 011S for red fists. And in 012S you use it for meteors plus arrows.

Zurvan's first soar can be skipped if you do enough DPS. If you don't skip it, doing it properly requires fairly tight positioning and everyone knowing where to go in advance for whichever pattern he does, so 90% of pugs would wipe to the mechanic.

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the 24man raid roulette is always popping

Man maybe 1/5 of my PUGs had issues with soar mechanics, all the issues came from the blue/orange tethering move. I'm glad I didn't play that shit at release. Zurvan was fun as hell with a cool theme and style and probably the only fun I had in XIV since Titan and Ramuh EX.

why are you here?

Just another thing Mr Brappy ruined for everyone.

They have way too much skill bloat in ffxiv. Other than the shitty combat I love the game. The crafting and the las vegas place are great.

I'd probably try it out again if the new expansion got rid of or combined most abilities, because right now it's ridiculous at least for paladin anyways.

I don't think you've thought about how utterly broken Sheltron and Bulwark become when they're just lower cooldown Hallowed Grounds.

>Off GCD oaths
>shield bash into shield dash (gap closer)
Oh god yes

Is it really worth it to waste a melee LB for one tank's DPS?

Isn't a Clear Party a party that's just mean to clear the fight once (like for weekly content)? Why would you need to reliably skip Soar unless you're a Farm Party?

If you need melee lb with such high ilvl something went wrong.

Because people are retarded and think that pugs should be doing risky farm strats like a few days in

Tank LB doesn't suddenly give a tank better DPS. It 012 it allows everyone to stick to the bosses. (Unless the eye moves to a bad postion) Let's healers foucus on DPSing as well and generally makes it smoother since there's basically no mechanics to worry about one you get to that part other then tankbuster (Which are covered my invulns)

Clear parties are meant to be for people who've practiced alot but haven't cleared yet. Also skipping soar is demanded just like many other things, because most people are shit and need every single advantage they can get or they can't clear anything

Hope BRD stays relatively the same. HW BRD was a mistake.

Void Enochian
Void Fires
Void Thunders
Void Blizzards
Activates lamplight eyes and unlocks a sidequest that gives you an action to toggle the eyes out of battle.

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>class discusion thread
>trannies proceed to talk about their characters/erp/glamour.

Sums up this shitty game.

If you really need to use an LB instead of having tanks learn a simple mechanic, something went wrong.

>It 012 it allows everyone to stick to the bosses.
But they can do this even if you're doing the mechanic properly?
>Let's healers foucus on DPSing as well
Okay, so at best you've got the 2 healers doing more DPS and 1 tank that doesn't have to run doing DPS. I still have a tough time believing that's going to be more DPS than an LB3. And if you're not doing it for pure DPS reasons, then what's the point?

Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

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I'm 100% dropping this as soon as vanilla comes out. Does anyone know how long vanilla will come out after this?


Forgot to link

>Activates lamplight eyes and unlocks a sidequest that gives you an action to toggle the eyes out of battle.

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HW BRD was basically ARR Bard except you couldn't run around in circles for no reason
the amount of shitposting over the castbars was overblown, they weren't that bad, this is coming from someone who didn't particularly care for them and are happy they are gone

As someone who started in SB and plays mostly BRD, how were they so bad in HW?

my expectations? to stay as a joke class
what i'd like though is enough of a DPS boost to justify my place in a raid despite no raid buffs

cast times like a wizard

Some user said something about Dark Knight getting a devil trigger in a earlier XIV thread. Can anyone elaborate?

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I played Bard since 2.0, the castbars were cancer. It's not even about needing them, but going from being free to move to a planted turret is shit. If I was fine with being planted down I'd just have played BLM for the extra dps.

No one knows anything any jobs are getting.

Probably was a joke, like someone hoping for it

I want you to know I'm always rooting for you user. Every thread I show you to my roommates and cheer you on

Their abilities had casts times, like playing a caster. People weren't happy about this. That's about it. They worked fine, their mobility was just taken away. I think ranged classes like mch/brd are best being mobile ranged classes. They should do slightly less damage than other less mobile classes but they can make up for that by not having to stop their dps while moving.

A devil trigger would be cementing DRK's current bad class design as something okay. Dark Arts doesn't need to be used more than it is, it needs to be reworked. Flat potency gain on abilities should only be the DA bonus for the end of a combo or Carve and Split. Dark Arts needs more fun and interesting options and be less spammy overall.

How the fuck does PVP work
I tried that grand company 80 man match as my Monk since it was in the duty finder and all I ended up doing was just running around and mashing numbers

I had like 50 assists and not a single kill

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or just give them a raid buff. Problem solved.

they weren't, in ARR Bard was breathtakingly easy and you could run around and keep up damage, in HW, Minuet offered a large damage boost but added cast bars to actions, procs were instant, MCH was the exact same with Gauss Barrel
they weren't that bad, yeah adding cast bars to ranged was an odd choice and one I wasn't happy with myself, but actually playing it wasn't bad, it played just like it always did but with new skills to play with, the only difference is that you had to be like a cast and keep your feet planted because you had cast times for most of your skills
like I said, people were right to complain about them, but people acted like the job had become an unplayable shitheap despite it literally just being ARR with castbars, I do prefer BRD as it is now however, best its ever been, they reworked it beautifully
Cancer is hyperbolic, I agree they shouldn't have added castbars to ranged but come on, it was literally the same shit just you couldn't run around, which I never did anyway so I hardly noticed

If I want to play a caster I play BLM. I had issues with my internet connection back then so the turret-castbars fucked me in the ass without any lube additionally to my personal disdain of them in general.

It's shit.

Imagine seething this much because somebody expressed an opinion that doesn't coincide with yours

You buy a bot to do it while you sleep/afk

i like SAM because i dont have to worry if my teammates are gibbering retards, i can do my job just as well regardless
that said, just getting a valuable raid DPS buff would still be better than nothing though

You already replied to him 3 times, we get it.

Wrestler job when?

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It was plain incompetency. The DPS would be even if the casting stance didn't lockout certain abilities. It was supposed to boost ranged dps but then it removes auto-attack damage which was something like 23% of your damage. Honestly can't trust Yoshi with anything he says.

>thinks its the same guy
>giving a shit when someone calls out retardation
Inb4 I'm him

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personally i liked the cast times just because the numbers were bigger and im easily amused

>HW ruined Barrage
admittedly this is still a sore spot after all this time, I miss it so much

If you're in a big melee, hitting an enemy with several of your allies, save your OCDs until they're low health, then pop the OCD to get the kill.

Though generally speaking, in Frontlines kills aren't nearly as important as doing objectives as a cohesive unit. Learn the map, and what the objectives are. The team that can move towards the correct objectives, while anticipating the reactions of the other two teams, is typically the team that wins.

It's possible to brute force by farming kills, but it usually requires a very coordinated, pre-made team.

Whats that?

How does having a buff that you use every minute or so, or something passively in your rotation mean you have to rely on teammates? Every other class in the game has a buff/debuff of some kind.

>no more triple barrages to separate
it was the simple things

>what is an anonymous
I'm on lunch break and just saw the thread

He was one of the hardest fights I've experience in this game in a pug group, and that includes savage fights. People just couldn't get their heads around this 1 mechanic. Granted that most people that do EX primals are not always the same ones puging savage. You get a lot more casuals farming ponies/birds/dogs.

Get it together you idiots. I can't follow two threads

The ones that are getting full reworks might end up okay. So will the new jobs.

SAM and RDM will be fucked same as all the others by patching shit that won't work unto a toolset that currently does.

Can i use one sub on a ps4 and pc? Obv wont play both at the same time

>Void toggle that changes your next spell and makes it way better.
>BLM just becomes Dark Arts Spam.

Could actually work on this class. So long as I get a big dumb spell that shows a big number and shakes the screen a bit i'm happy.

Yes, but you have to have licenses for both platforms separately. So you need to buy the collection on pc AND ps4. When shadowbringers preorders come up, that'll be the cheapest time to buy since it'll be $60 for the complete game each.

The main RP server Balmung (and I guess Mateus is a big RP server too) are getting moved to the Crystal data center. So if you don't want to be a degenerate, start on one of the non-Crystal servers.

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Shhh don't follow general-mentality

stay out of party if you play rdm
I'll lock you out actually

>love the aesthetics of MCH, using guns, turrets, support, etc.
>class plays pretty shitty and have to jump through hoops and play perfectly to do remotely competitive DPS
Haha, this sucks man.

with you there, I liked it well enough in HW, one of my favorite dps jobs, but the changes in SB just sucked ass, overheat sucks
they are reworking it for ShB because they are aware it fucking sucks shit so there is a slim ray of hope that they will unfuck it

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Janitors have been pretty chill lately, but they're still more likely to freak out and start deleting if they see an unsightly TWO threads up at the same time.

Yeah it's definitely one of the most complex jobs to get right, and that's even just to do mediocre dps. Then again if you're looking for something challenging if the rest of the jobs seem to basic it's great.

But why? Because you're taking a moral stance against the job being too easy? Or because you think RDM players on average are so bad that they need to be avoided?

I mean it's like 60% of the playerbase currently on mateus and balmung as is, the other servers are going to be dead, so it's more like "if you want to have anyone to play with, play on crystal, if you want to hang out with raid trannies, try aether"
and then primal will just be dead.

you say chill, but there was a fine 14 thread up a few hours ago and it was deleted randomly

a raid buff is only as good as your temmates ability to use it to their advantage

>complex to get right
loving this meme

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>but they can make up for that by not having to stop their dps while moving.
Instead they now have to do a mobile rotation with 0 room for error in order to do shitty damage. Especially in a game like this where people maximize their uptimes even as melee and some mechanics dead time affects everybody equally with the amount of leaps and invuls this game has.

>finally kill a rathalos in MHW
>come back to the """"""""""extreme""""""""" fight in XIV
wow this is shit.

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why can't I get acceptable dps with nin? I always parse green/blue and I don't understand the reason, maybe I'm retarded
I'll stick to blm and smn

it is.

What is your problem with it?

It really isn't
use everything on cd at the same time every minute
that's it you're done

Whats your uptime in those parses, and are you dropping dots at any point
also keep in mind, without raid buffs, its harder to pull higher if youre doing everything you can

Reminder that this fight was complained about as being too hard because there were no red donuts LOL this is your XIV playerbase, don't take raid trannies seriously

I changed to NIN after healing for the first half of SB. I couldn't get it right either. I kept fucking up and it felt so easy to completely fuck my DPS up. I literally felt like trick attack was the only thing i was brining to the group. I can get orange on MNK and DRG but NIN i just couldn't get my head around.

This is how I know you don't know what you are talking about.

Most savage fights lose their red circles for certain mechanics. But then again the same people that farm primals aren't always the same doing savage.

>use everything on cd at the same time every minute
Yeah that's so easy to set up and execute on a fucking training dummy.

no one cares bro.
trick attack

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Only thing I complained about it is that it was a shit fight. With some jobs that encounter just feels awkward.

You're basically a utility bot for your team. Give them trick attack at the right time and no one gives a fuck.
Oh, don't forget shadewalker so your WAR tank can out damage you.

People that do savage fights werent complaining about rathalos
Also on a side note, it does hurt me when i meet someone in this game then we start talking about the raid. Then i slowly realize they are talking about the normal version. A lot of this community does think of themselves as raiders because they did the story version of tier. Fuck why is everyone so bad at this game

too late bro

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There is no incentive to improve except +40 stats which gets outdated within the same expansion within 3 months.

imagine playing an fflogs meta slut

I don't do savages because I had too much experience playing with fucking shit players that I am tired of it.

It'll only get worse from here. Yoshi is going to cave to OF pressure to put savage gear in the story mode versions and the only thing the savage will get you is a title :^) At least savage won't disappear since it's basically part of the process of designing the story mode version

>more of the same
You mean high quality MSQ story, well designed trials, dungeons and raids? Good.

Normal is so braindead that when I'm forced to do them i literally feel myself falling asleep. The fact that people can refer to that as raiding is so funny. I don't often run into randoms like this any more though, had the same static for almost a year and a half now.

I only pug the first 2 floors of every tier before stopping, what am I?

I don't really like how they have to raise the cap and add new abilities. The jobs are already fine, adding new abilities just further complicates things, then they remove other abilities to avoid bloat.

It's about having fun user. If you don't have a static of friends that you chill with and raid with a few times a week, you're playing the game wrong.

>Experienced women
>in a young catgirl body


>the jobs are already fine
mnk, mch, sam, drk and whm want to have a few words with you

How do I find these?

The shitter was likely you then.

I have 21 scale+ and still need 29 more to get the mount. That's all I'm upset about, it's a fine fight just not fun 50 fucking times.

that's the eternal problem of mmos

>finally kill a rathalos in MHW
Fucking wow. Come back when you kill Behemoth Extreme.

>constantly wiping because of 1 shitter

>the jobs already fine
>camera pans over to MCH

not in a million years. I'm just lucky enough to have 3 friends in the current static which makes it bearable.

isn't mnk fine? I very rarely see anyone complaining about mnk
sam is fine, the problem is the same as blm in that it is a very selfish dps, but if you lack a warrior or a ninja, the slashing debuff is very valuable

That makes sense, doing a fight where 2 people constantly fuck up mechanics and I am the issue.

this post is cope incarnate to the point where I'd almost say you're a falseflagger, cringe

I'm gonna blind 1 shot him bro. Just for you.

I want SMN egis to be replaced with demis, but I'm expecting more non-summon shit like bio 4 or whatever the fuck poison spells that have nothing to do with summoning.

Well maybe they could use some reworking, but I don't know how adding 5 new abilities will fix things, it will just make things harder to balance.

It's hard with this game, most of my friends that actually play video games can't stand the mmo grind of this game, so getting people who can actually do the raid shit easily are never around.

>if you lack a warrior or a ninja
so like never?

just remove fucking titan-egi desu
also ishgard housing when

Don't care about this kusoge, post Viera

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Stay mad, wowfag.

Most jobs are definitely not fine. Most are either boring or overly complicated, and some just flat out suck ass. RDM is far too easy for the damage the do also. Then again, nothing they do will fix these issues. MMOs can never keep classes different enough while also keeping them balanced and fun.

>also ishgard housing when
Hope you've got your crafters leveled. Also, hope you like instanced housing!

A shitter

because people want something new to play, seriously, I enjoy quite a few of the jobs, but I don't want them to be unchanging, new buttons and new tricks keep things interesting
point taken, I see plenty of parties without ninja's, but very rarely will they not have warriors

>removing the thing that lets you solo boss fates where other dps can't

Kick them and find someone else. Or are you one of those pussies that can never tell someone they're dogshit?

What is wrong with samurai as a class? It's pretty complete I'd say. Nothing complicated, but the 70 kit seems fine.

Sam is fucken perfect right now meta-slave

I wouldn't even care about instanced housing as welfare housing, I just want somewhere to dump all this furniture I have.

Mine if fun, i enjoy playing with all 7 of them. Guess I'm just lucky.

I thought we were talking about a static of friends?

You did find the location by yourself, didn't you user? You're not so stupid as to need help, are you?

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I have only been in guilds/statics in MMOs that have had leaders that never kicked or talked to people being bad.

but a raiding shitter or a regular one?

I have all the crafters and gatherers with BiS gear (not that it matters since it'll all change with 5.0)

I feel you. Even some of my friend I know that are hardcore MMO players can't get through ARR without giving up. It's a dull boring slog which is only easy to get through with $$$.

I can't relate really as I did everything as it came out since the start of ARR. That being said, going through the hundreds of hours i've spent doing MSQ all at once sounds horrifying.

they're all shitters, they're taking XIV seriously

like it or not what dictates the balacing of a job is the meta, SAM deals a shit ton of damage (but not nearly as much as BLM) but takes a melee spot
it's not about being a meta slave

If it's anything like last time crafter BiS will just be the white 80 set with melds so it really won't be a huge deal, at least to start.

Just apply to a midcore static that fits your schedule, from postings you can find in the pf/discord channels/ or even reddit(yeah i know Yea Forums will shit for using these tools but it works and fuck what Yea Forums thinks)
Think of it like joining a team
I only started raiding in sigmascape and had so much fun meeting people. Making friends shooting the shit with staticmates on off days in the raid discord channel.

Yeah we are, so what? You can't tell your friends that they suck ass? If anything you should be able to tell them easier than anyone else. I've kicked friends out of our static before, it didn't feel great but the rest of the group wanted to get shit done. There were no hard feelings, I didn't tell them to go kill themselves.

Is the story going to be better in ShadB?
Stormblood kinda killed my hype for the msq.

They're shitty raid leaders then. Raid leading is hard for anyone that isn't a narcissistic piece of shit. You have to be cold and kick people when they're not good enough, as simple as that. Doesn't matter how you tell them, at the end of the day you're still telling them they're too shit to be in the group. I get tired of it, it's like a job but eventually you get a group of good players that you enjoy playing with. It just sucks when one of them leaves and it starts all over again.

>shit raidleader is shit
If you have a raid leader with no spine. This problem will never get addressed then i guess you can spent 2 months wiping to mechanics because one person has no awareness

It is horrifying, and it's the barrier to entry that stops any of my friends from playing with me. It sucks too because every month I lose more and more of my friends, and it gets harder and harder to justify dropping $10 that month to play with randoms.

The HW main scenario writer is taking over for ShB right? So I'm going to expect better than SB.

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I really want them to introduce repeatable skills and charging skills, similar to Aion

The raiding is so easy in this game that the one that the real losers are the ones sweating and tryhardiing over it. Ultimate is the only thing in the game that would be worth stressing over, if you even cared.

My main worry is that if they don't retcon the artificial echo sharingan, every story character will be condemmned to be an eternal jobber, except for the WoL.

my understanding is ultimate is even more scripted so i'll ignore that too

I just want [Comet] for AST.

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what needs to be retconned about it? There are ways of dealing with those souls.

The WoL already jobbed twice by losing pathetically to Zenos. Echo sharingan didn't even provide a good explanation for why he was so strong, and there was no good explanation for why you could beat him the 3rd time. The entire thing was a mistake.

>leveling 1-50
now I remember why I bought 3 level boost potions, running dungeons with leaf shitters that don't even know what their skills do is a fucking nightmare, I won't even bother queueing as mentor because 90% of these people don't even understand basic English
fuck leaves and fuck ARR

>get o12s kill
>Feel good about ranking at top 20 on my server in lollogs
>realize only 120 people have done it on my job
>be in THE raiding server
Fuck is xiv raidng really so barren.

Why didn't you queue with your friends?

How have you not given up on the story yet? I watched all of it up to about halfway through SB and you can bet your ass I'll be skipping everything from now on up to and through Shadowbringers.

alphascape came out in september, what where you expecting? also the logs you are seeing now are those with the echo, look up how many fight reports are there without the echo

I had to make "new friends" when i play FFXIV because none of mine stuck with it, except a couple you were so fatigued when they reached endgame and had finished the story that they gave up on the game.

>playing shit job like WHM or MCH
based brainlet

Haven't you seen that one stats autismo posting the numbers? Seriously something like only 1% of level 70 population (not total pop) in western servers have cleared it.

I expect more of the same.
Not sure if that's good or bad.

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This was before preecho patch.
As of time closing only 170 got the kill

Fuck Zurvan. Fuck Zurvan so bad. 450 clears, no bird, had to buy the fucking thing.

It robbed me of my faith in my fellow man. I would solo heal it ON ASTROLOGIAN dishing out cards constantly. With SIX DPS we still had groups who couldn't fucking skip the first soar. I don't care because Soar is a hard mechanic, I care because if you can't skip Soar with 6 dps you have some truly incompetent players - at least two - in your group.

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I have one friend that needs to level up a couple of jobs so the other two people in the party are always randoms

Doesn't seem terribly unlikely for them to get it at some point, both because they're not-time mages and because they're star themed. I suppose one thing that would speak against it is caster lb2.

I did that too, but even they leave, if you have real life shit that stops you from playing for more than 2 months at a time, you end up behind for two-three days of 16 hrs/day story slog bullshit and that's enough to make anyone want to die.

guess that depends on if you like the game or not, huh?

Why don't you make more friends?

based brainlet coper

It was War. Say what you want about the job but its one of the more popular tanks

You're supposed to spam palace of the dead unless you have rested exp bonus and are/have a tank/healer for instant queues

my in game friends or fc mates won't even bother leveling up other jobs, they play their mains and that's it
my irl friends won't bother play ffxiv so yeah

The whole thing existing needs to be retconned.
Just the ability to dodge attacks ahead of time makes it impossible for anyone without echo to compete and then they add the ability to control an elder primal and being immortal on top of that. Making Zenos superpowered from the start also set the whole story up to not matter except for the part where you defeat Zenos.

>Echo sharingan didn't even provide a good explanation for why he was so strong
I was the reason for it though, right? Atleast it was related to some imperial tech iirc?
Either way it was the reason he could not be assassinated by a sneak attack and is fucking immortal.

Why would I raid, when it's impossible to filter out all the morons that are trying to get carried?
Progression takes time, and I'm not going to spend an hour waiting in a PF to gamble the next 90 minutes of my life on whether the other 7 people in my party aren't mentally sub-normal. Because there's good odds one of them is, in which case it's categorically impossible to clear.

>my in-game friends don't play with me
I and others in my group will party with others even if we don't personally need to level something up. It's enough to help out a friend. Get better friends.

potd is the same thing: full of leaves who don't understand that you don't need to pull everything to reach the next floor or keep opening the gold boxes only to find mimics
it wasn't like this even a few months ago, you could run 51-60 in like 10 minutes, now it's impossible

Your understanding is wrong.

I just hope RDM's basic concept won't be altered too heavily but they'll probably shove a bunch of pointless shit onto it

It's so amusing watching asocial shitters trying to cope with an MMO.
Get friends, fag

For people that dont do the savage content. Genuine question what do you find engaging about the game?

shinryu is a brand new primal, not an elder one though. still, not a huge fan of zenos overall but he had a few kino moments. he's just a minor tier villain in the overall scheme of things I imagine.

HW was good.

Right now just more would be enough. More anything. The game gets so fucking barren and dead both in terms of content and the playerbase around this time. The best times are 3-4 months into an expansion, but I think they could change this is they did't almost abandon the game after the early stages of an expansion. Then again, that just seems like MMO's these days.

They are shit raid leaders but that is all I have ever experienced and it kind of soured my experience. I would absolutely love to join a good static but the chances of that are so fucking low that it isn't worth the hassle. That and i am recently returning so I have 0 logs.

How so? The script goes off, just in a more strict fashion.

Fuck dude. I did 125 clears when he first came out and got it, and that felt like a lifetime of hell in pugs. Honestly the most challenging experience I've had in this game having to put up with pugs for that long.

>someone reasonably and wisely weighs odds and chooses to do something productive instead of wasting time doing the same thing over and over
>s-stop being asocial!
is that the best you can come up with? the absolute state

I want to join a static, what jobs are statics usually recruiting for? I generally am ok with playing everything, I just want to make groups happy.

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All the other content. You can enjoy anything if you just set yourself goals and work towards them. To me the people who fixate on raiding are the weirdos, especially the ones where it's literally the only reason they play.

Well, you could really just go where every homo afks and shout that question. I'm curious about the responses.

I play with my friends and do EX primals and other shit. I don't play very often, so that ends up being enough.

I'm not one for statics so I never cared for savage. I've always heard it's thoroughly unenjoyable to pug unless you no life it, so I never felt like bothering with it.

>what jobs are statics usually recruiting for?
meta jobs + drk (there are few tanks)

Not him but I've never had as much trouble making friends in an MMO as I have here.
I swear I need to constantly harass people to get them to talk to me ever.

depends on how hardcore you want to be

for dps, you cant go wrong on brd drg nin rdm smn

mnk and mch will maybe be a little tougher, blm and sam and you will have to show some serious skill and high dps to get into a group

any tank/healer is desired

I thought elder Primal was kind of just like a higher tier of primal, so I guess I chose the wrong word. The point was that he's stated to be potentially on par with Bahamut (although probably weaker in the incarnation that was summoned), which is clearly above the regular primals. What would the word for expressing that be?

>cleared it maybe 10 times to get about 6 weapons on 2 characters each
>Both characters got the bird
Didn't know it was so rare

Huh really, why did the playerbase turn so bad? Last I did it was maybe 6months ago and could still get quick runs for the most part with PUGs, well in HoH. Haven't done PotD in maybe 2 years.

Brainlet here, I love RDM for dungeons since the rotation is
Scatter > Scatter

They're not here, they're erping on /vg/ but to answer your question, they play barbie dress up and talk and tickling each others furry cat balls. Some even have enough gil to get a house and play The Sims.

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hello literally r*ddit

Hrothgar? More like Hrothgay.

He must have parsed high and not died. I think that negatively affects your rolls.

This was when the fight was new, bird had a lower drop rate and couldn't be purchased with 99 totems yet

>got 6 weapons in 10 kills
>2 birds in 10 kills coincidentally split between my two characters
>lol i didnt know i was so hard
You are either pretending to be stupid and know you got god rolls/drops or this literally never happened
Either way you worked me into a shoot brother

It was mediocre. You still had to slog through tons of boring shit to get to anything mildly interesting. Like fucking around with those moogles. I wanted to end myself right there.

I also say the 1 thread on reddit that has to do with the game.

WoWfugees isn't just a meme.

I didn't say it wasn't scripted, but it usually has more random stuff happening well at least that's true for Ucob. Ultima has less random stuff happening and apart from titan gaols and suppression there's really nothing that challenging there.

Make your own static, that's what I did. I made an FC, made friends and then formed a static. It took time and work but in the end it was worth it, and fuck logs. If you have anyone talking about logs when they're recruiting then you're going to have a shit time regardless. My group gets oranges now 90% of the time, but we didn't have shit before we raided together.

You have to start of raiding with casuals, but I slowly turned the casual friends i raided with into people that actually want to improve and beat stuff.

The best groups you can join will let you play anything as long as no one else is playing it. The "meta" in this game doesn't mean shit because savage is pugable level easy, even when first released. You won't be happy in a static requiring you to play this specific job and having top 1% logs and shit. You need to raid with people you enjoy playing with. If you can't stand the people you raid with, every victory will feel empty.

good posts

In my years of playing I've never met a group that's obsessed with the meta, and I feel bad if there's actually groups out there that are so called "meta slaves"

just got to the light step, what am I in go-- ONE ALEXANDRITE FOR EVERY MATERIA?!?!

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>apply for static promoting as a midcore, send my logs.
>raid leader, "oh id prefer no logs. Just wanna have fun man"
>politely decline joining
If that works its all fine and dandy but if you are setting up a new group to get the clear in a reasonable amount of time. A static leader being offended about being shown logs is a huge redflag. Ive already done the softcore song and dance before. Just wanna get my clear in a timely fashion while enjoying myself so i wont feel burnt out by the time a new raid tier drops.

please enjoy it, user.

Maybe he doesn't want autistic people who have to go outside of the game to get logs and parses and shit to ruin the fun they want to have.

They exist. Honestly the only group i tried out for that i would deem metaslave just happened to be the only group that was all male.

My issue is just I know from my WoW experience there are often classes or roles that aren't recruiting because they don't need many or there are 100000 of them like WAR. I also have a very bad habit of having class indecision and right now my main to play is MCH and i know how people are with those.

Oh no, is this the feeling you get from being a healslut? The (you)s... They're delicious. I need more.

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I never commend healers because sluts like you need to be punished, not praised

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>logs are only used to see the colour of your parse
Imagine recruiting a tank without knowing what you're actually getting.

Now please commend any tank that isn't WAR, thanks.

That's because they were in the party.

But they look so cool when they explode in anger and get red eyes and those throbbing muscles...

Personally i wouldn't be offended if someone showed me their logs, I'd actually be happy i was getting someone competent, i just wouldn't require them to. If someone with logs joined and they were far below what we needed to clear fights then I'd ask them to leave, simple as that. It takes a little longer but it's how i've always done things.

That being said If someone joined and tried to chat about their logs every 5 seconds and shit I'd get rid of them for that too, it's just fucking boring. We always clear savage content no more than 4-5 weeks after release. We raid 3 nights a week for 2 hours.

Why do so many fags play this game?

I meant without logs joined.

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I'll never commend a tank, they get insta Q's and they have the easiest job of all.
Healers i'll only commend if they actually attempt to DPS, because doing good dps and healing is actually a hard balancing act.

Dps will always get my commend, mainly BLM or nin if they use trick attack

>tfw I'll forever have 2 grey parses in sigmascape staining my sheet of mediocrity because not pressing broil to heal the MT is hard

>Want to do my books for my ARR relic
>Try to get to one of the place the monster I need spawn
>Everytime I get near my DRX11 crash and I need to reboot the game
>Can't even move my camera near the area it still crash drx
>Any other area is fine beside this one
The fuck is going on?

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>lose 2 members
>have to replace
Id like to see you not ask for parses or at least get em anyway and make a decision based on the color of them when recruiting.

I always comm DPS unless they really don't deserve it or have some kind of meme name or glam.

That's the kind of indelible mark that stays with you forever.
May as well just change your name to Theon Greyparse.

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I actually don't mind my greens and greys in sigma, at least I can see how much I improved in alpha.

Never happened, only ever lost 1 person at any given time and it's always been manageable to just take someone else in the FC that is interested and see if they work out. If not we try someone else. Doesn't take long at all to find the right person.

noooooo validate my parsefaggotry pleeeaase

Girls cause issues though. Always have 100% of the time, sometimes their fault or sometimes one of the lonely losers we've had in our statics. I prefer just playing with the boys in my group, drama free.

surely my amazing blue alphascape logs will make people see my worth

So how do I find a static if I never did any Extreme primals or Savage raids? PF? I am on Primal if that helps.

I'm a static leader and if a MCH did decent dps i would take them. Simple as that. I've not experience looking for a static for a long time though, so i don't know how hard it is in general as a dps.

party finder, discord of your data center (id it exists) or reddit

Best looking relic in the game though. Was very pleased after i put all the time into it. Don't do the HW one, it's not worth it.

that's no sasuke's blades zeta bro

Would it be good to post on reddit? All that place is for XIV is fanart and other dumb shit on the front page.

>tfw don't even care about content
>only logging in to erp
>occasionally make lewd screens
>currently playing a mi'qo being mindbroken into slutty pet

i think there's a subreddit that's exclusively for recruiting

Just hit 70 and finished the SB MSQ (not the post-MSQ) i have a lot of questions.

What should i do first to gear up? Someone said just do all the roulette DFs and buy mendacity gear+Centurio hunts in HW/SB areas, then focus on unlocking omega.

lets say i wanted to become omnicrafter, anything i should prep with now? i'm supposed to do CLN to 40ish first but i figured i should do FSH before even that so i could farm my own FSH mats for CLN, FSH currently is at 42.

To speed along my omnicraft levels i'm using the FC buff+food+craft/gather manuals II from my GC but i will run out of seals soon, what is the fastest way to grind GC Seals?

How did you enter this world?

Monk has always been fine but it's never been desirable. Why would you ever take a Monk when you could have a Dragoon or Ninja?

you may wanna go back to /xivg/

Buy gear off the MB.

my old static used a monk instead of a nin because our melee kept missing trick attack and pulled lower parses as a nin, but was shit hot as a mnk, I played drg and it worked very well
depends on the group I suppose

Not in xivg, they're all talk and no real erp

Joined my servers rp community and flirted a lot before someone finally fell for the tease and grabbed my kitty by the ears, filling her holes until she couldn't walk anymore. It was great and quite dynamic.

There's 2 discords I used for recruiting. One is called "The Balance" and the other is called "Europe Raiding Central". Not sure how active either of them are any more as it's been almost a year since i recruited on them, but I found one of our best members off of EU Central.

Has the gaping wound between your legs started to heal up yet?

That's really good too.

>You need to be a tranny to enjoy sexual rp
Sorry m8, they're all busy raiding content.

Oh for sure. My group's only melee is a fucking Samurai and we make it work. But we're talking mass appeal here, and on the whole MNK isn't super desirable for raid groups.

Should I buy Shadowbringers now or wait for GMG to have it on sale before the expansion hits?

If you preorder it you get an Aetheryte Earring which boosts exp gain on jobs up to lv70 by 30% and stats that scale with you, always keeping it relevant. It's going to be nice even for the new classes in ShB.

Having BiS now gives you a huge leg up for 5.0. I remember for 4.0 all the guides were like, "It's really easy to level up to 70. Just do these repeatable levequests you couldn't possible do with base gear, but that are no problem with levle 60 BiS!"

It'll probably be a token sale, so it depends on if waiting months is worth it to you. I'd rather have the CE shit early.

Crafting is a huge waste of time. The time and money you put into it isn't worth what you can make afterwards. There's less stressful ways of making gil in this game.

If you want gear just run dungeons and normal modes of the latest raid tier, then the only thing you need to do is meld that gear and progress to savage. Crafted gear on the marketboard is a faster way but you'll need a lot of gil for that. Also look up a BIS list and figure out which stats your job values over others.

Eh minus drg being the only way to provide piercing debuff. And whm.
Id say the game is pretty damn balanced at the moment.

Nice meme.

Unless you want those earrings (which ill admit are far better than the stormblood preorder earrings) i'd wait. Early access doesn't start until June 28th so you have a good chunk of time until a deal pops.

Same to you my fellow reddit browsing memelord.

They changed the tank LB name for Blue Cucks, so it wouldn't surprise me if they did it again for a real job.

Botanist will probably get you more mileage with Culinarian leveling. GC turnins are a great way to gradually level your crafters and gatherers and it's a decent boost to your seals. For any seals more substantial than that I'd honestly just recommend running 70 dungeons, grabbing all the loot you can, and turning it in for seals.
I'd personally recommend getting Weaver to 50 first, the whole raw > thread > cloth production pattern is a chore, but careful synthesis II made leveling my other crafters feel so much better.
Beyond that, I'd make sure to use the beast tribe dailies, they'll save you mats if nothing else. Ixal can be annoying, but Moogles and Namazu dailies are a bit more convenient once you get that high.

But GMG usually has a discount off for the expansions before they hit, right?

I remember it being like 5$ cheaper than the SE store for Heavensward, but I think it was the same price for Stormblood.
That said Shadowbringers isn't even on GMG yet, no idea if they will get licenses to sell closer to launch or SE is just being a cunt about it and not giving them any this go around.

>Can't use conical AoE without a target
>Dashes set my hitbox as the entire length of the dash until the animation finishes so I can't dodge shit on reaction
>Animation locking out the arse
>Debuffs don't show on nameplates
>First 50 levels are spent mashing 3 buttons
>Certain classes can't interact with their unlocked mechanics properly/at all until much later
>2.5 second GCD makes the game feel sluggish no matter how many skillbloat oGCDs you throw at a class

>the 5% of the playerbase that even touches savage is representative of the entire endgame population

t. the balance discord shitposter

I kinda stopped caring a while back, are we getting small bunnies too or both tribes look pretty much the same?

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when it comes to mass appeal, it can be quite difficult to balance all the jobs to be equally desirable, though it would be nice if mnk had its time in the sun for a while
I know that job synergy can be horrible, I went into a farm as a mnk and we had 3 casters, brotherhood was fucking garbage and I was sad the entire time

Free trial and free server transfers

Are you one of those people that complains about people being anti-social but then refuses to join voice chat?

They "leaked" that the other tribe kinda looks like young elezen.

>Certain classes can't interact with their unlocked mechanics properly/at all until much later

This was a massive problem i found with MCH.

Does SE hate GMG or something?

We don't know with absolute certainty yet. There is some NPC dialogue that would suggest the other tribe is fair skinned and petite compared to the strong darker skinned Fran look-a-likes, but so far we've just seen the Fran-Viera both with lighter and darker skin.
I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Link me to this please, first I've heard of it.

Young elezen face, not young elezen body.

Yeah they're shit. I did all of them just once in SB and honestly can barely remember a thing about them. They look so good and clearly a lot of time was spent on them, but god are they fucking pointless and way too easy.

If you really want to level a job based purely on what the most desirable one is, you should wait until Shadowbringers comes out.

Fanfest, some QA or smth where a VA? Writer? Said too much and was silenced by the producer.

The same goes for a lot of endgame dungeons. You run them as long as they're relevant for dailies and then almost never again. The one in heavensward that was full of plants and shit looked so impressive, now it's just useless dead content. I guess it happens with everything eventually, but at least savage content has at least some longevity to it.

Right now WAR, DRK, SCH, AST, BRD, and DRG are what gets you groups by far the easiest.
Could all change completely in a few months time when ShB comes out though.

I join whenever I'm invited

The second Viera tribe should be like FF Skaven. Tiny, industrious and in love with crazy tech.

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>doing more than 99 runs
I genuinely do not get it. You already know you'll have it eventually. How can the appeal of having it before everyone else be that great?

>shitposting here
>queue pops
>start doing the dungeon
>completely forgot about defiance
>only dropped aggro once
>chat gets spammed
>within 3 seconds of the spam two people quit

Second tribe should be little loli bunnies with less than 140cm height and under 40kg for easy handling when you pick them up.

>just realized all the hairstyles besides the race-only one are gonna look awful on hrothgar cause theyre all designed for human shaped heads
why the fuck did they even make hrothgar, it's like they didn't even think about the consequences at all

Next race will be reskinned potatoes, can't wait

the shitter ladies and gentlemen

>I get more commendations as SAM than on my Tank or Healer
I don't really give a shit about those, but I don't get it

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If a group of friends queue up and you're the pick up member who doesn't suck, you're going to get a comm bukake. It doesn't mean you're a great player or that you stood out, it means you did your job acceptably and they literally couldn't commend anyone else. You have to be garbage to get someone to choose to commend no one rather than you.

how's it going fellow blm CHADS

Something to do outside of savage. Literally all there is to do at endgame outside of raiding on your main job is farm primals.

I did complain about doing it, but it was still something to do and it's more fun doing it while it's relevant.

It's definitely most evident with MCH, Gauss Barrel essentially just becomes a 5% damage buff that you reapply sometimes.

I just don't know why they made them, was anyone really dying for a bara furry race? everyone was expecting male bunnies, no matter how they looked, people would have been relatively satisfied, Hrothgar just confuse me, I honestly can't see it being particularly popular

Good thing Hrothgar, and Viera, can't use any of them.
They said that both new races have unique heads that have their own hairstyles and currently can't show any headwear, though the later might change at some point in the future.

In hindsight, she was most likely talking about Viera children npc's, which is why Yoshida shushed her to avoid confusion.
The Viera clans are known and have already been shown. One is milky pale skinned, the other is tanned to dark.

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But seriously what's going to be the new healer now that DNCfags got cucked?

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You do realize they basically have Roegadyn heads right? The only difference are cat ears and the front of their face.

50:50 shot the only difference between clans will be the same skin tone colour gamuts as Suncats and Mooncats.
At which point the only reason for a second clan is tradition.

I would not recommend leveling FSH to get mats for CUL. With BTN and MIN it's worth it, because you go out to a specific location and get exactly what you need. With FSH you could spend hours fighting RNG. If you enjoy leveling Fisher for its own sake, do that, and be happy that you happen to be getting CUL mats while you're at it, but it's not worth leveling for CUL mats alone.

>DNCfags for cucked
Speak for yourself, I am a DNCfag and i am thrilled it's not a healer.

>implying Viera and Hrothgar will be able to use any of the current hairstyles

>people would have been relatively satisfied

The only ones upset are the trannies.

healers have no rights so who cares

Chemist or Geomancer are the most likely ones since they've been alluded to already in-game. Chemist having a much higher chance since Astrologians are very fucking close to the Doman Geomancers already

>4 ears

People probably feel sorry for your useless job.

You're right, should've said healslut.
I would've been down to be a dickass jester if it have to be a DPS though

It's kind of pathetic to find out that both clans were being shown here, but not really surprising. They've completely given up on clan identity.

How horrifying, they all look terrible and have elezen neck lmao

>why the fuck did they even make hrothgar

Probably to shut up retards screaming about no male bunnies. But it's easily going to be one of the least popular races and keep eating resources just for armor redesigns.

Don't try to tarnish my moment. I want the (you)s, I want to receive commies.

Maybe it's different for other groups, but my FC has a general Lounge for people to hang out in. No one gets invited to hang out in lounge, people just go there and talk. Then people who refuse to join Discord complain that nobody talks.

Honestly it's kind of retarded that clans share racial gear at all.

yoshi will separate sch from acn/smn, remove its fairy, and give it a new name :^)))) preesu rooku fowaadu tuuu ittto

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wrong, plenty of people are upset at the lack of male viera, not just trannies
its the debate whether or not they should be tall or small is where all the autism is at

Hrothgar at least have the horn difference and colors seem to diverge between earthen and tundra. Viera is literally just a skin color gradient.

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>queue as gunbreaker with 2 dsncer friends
>dungeon pops
>ask the healer "hey how's the new healer you got in 5.0?"
>seething healer leaves the instance and uninstalls the game
can't wait

Thanks, that makes sense. It can be frustrating only wanting to bother logging in for 4 hours of raiding per week, so I can see where mount farming could fill a void, even if I personally find the tedium of it to be mind numbing.

They're so ugly