Why do we never talk about hardware or mods?

why do we never talk about hardware or mods?

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Yea Forums is full of talentless hacks mostly and will not do anything that requires skill. If it isn't prefabricated for the tiny adhd mind that goes here then they aren't capable.

> replacing a legendary d-pad with that abomination

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Oh man I wish microswitches caught on more

>ruining a perfectly good Gameboy

>shitting on THE best d-pad ever made
heed your own advice, pseud

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I have an RGB modded N64. It's really cool. I didn't have the tools or skills so I took it to a shop to get it done, everyone gathered around to see the crystal clear image because this sort of mod is so rare.

that's a freshly cast PCB case with AGS 101 internals, and a rechargable battery

taking the ngp and putting it into a gameboy is a terrible hardware hack

that's not what was done, mate. That thing is a GBA

not with that dpad

the only time its acceptable to mod a gameboy is if you're fucking around with LSDJ

i want that but for a gameboy pocket shell
>what about a gameboy light?
those are actually bigger than the pocket, which defeats the purpose of a pocket sized system.

i would ACTUALLY prefer an emulation station gameboy pocket that can play at least snes games and everything before that

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yeah, it's better.

because is thataway

go play pretend janny somewhere else

They are almost always pointless vanity projects that offer no additional value to regular customers, and Yea Forums is mostly regular customers.

>epic/steam shitposting thread, smash roster thread, epic thread, epic thread, eceleb thread, smash thread, hardware mod thread, smash thread, epic thread....
>wait a fucking second a hardware mod thread?
>better call the jannies

>gba inside gb case
why though, fat gba with a modded ags101 screen is the second best handheld ever, only after the fat ds

I wonder how that nub feels like?

people on a videogame board prefer discussing videogames over technic.
im shocked

it's not a genuine case.
I prefer the SP.

nobody asked for your input, esl.

why dont you just downvote me, newfag shitter

Out of curiosity, would a modern small LCD panel require less battery drain than an OG gameboy screen to use as a replacement?

how about you suck my dick

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this website is 18+

I've always wanted to take my black GBA and replace it with one of the backlit SP screens but right when I found out about it they shot up in price because iirc the stockpile that some companies had obtained had run out. I just kind of forgot about it until now. I've also got a mini snes that I've always wanted to mobilize but also iirc they have to have the cart sticking out the back all wonky because of the way the boards are built. Barring that, a grape64 type thing would always be fun and I've got an n64 I wouldn't mind cannibalizing for it.

then why are you still here on a school night?

what's his YouTube channel again? Its him being a schizophrenic alcoholic

I enjoy hardware modding. I've got minor stuff like this, my 8BitDo controllers modded with face buttons that have the PAL colors but maintain the US concave X and Y buttons (also the dpad tape fix) I've got my Joycons modded with the Basstop dpad shell, I've got my AGB-101 in a white shell with blue buttons and trim, and I even managed to install an UltraHDMI kit into my N64. I like this sort of constructive tinkering. My next project is going to be a GBC-101 in a metal case, just waiting on the converter board to ship out.

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Neo Geo D-Pads are of pretty high quality.

hot. can you get silicone buttons?

Oh I don't know, I just bought some shitty chink knockoff SNES controllers off Amazon, $12 for the pair, that happened to have the rainbow concave buttons in them, for the express purpose of salvaging those buttons for use in those controllers.

But an RGB mod for an N64 is one of the easiest and cheapest mods around. Mine cost 10 bucks, and the solder points are fucking massive.

The only hardware mod I can think of that's cheaper is a PS1 modchip, but even that is slightly more difficult because you need to fix the modchip to the board with tape or something. The N64 RGB mod slots right over the existing video connector.

The price right now isn't that bad, they were terrible for a while, then someone else found a new stockpile or started making them and they were 30 bucks a piece, now they're 50 bucks a piece because of demand.

It's a pretty cheap mod for what you get, it's on par with the kind of price you'd spend for a GBA SP with the later backlit screen.

Are GBA Repos worth it? for example Pokemon Emerald without RTC?

Just buy an EZ-flash IV, retard.

Repo cartdriges are $2-5 and i can get them locally vs $50-70 with 1-2 month shipping for something that also lacks RTC.

There isn't much of a modding scene here

A shame since it can be really cool

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Your save battery isn't going to last forever, user.

those are in the cartridges themselves

>there will never be a system as sleek as a GBA SP made ever again

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Are you forgetting about the Micro? That thing was pure class.

Imagine actually believing that an analog stick is better than a d-pad for systems that only recognize eight (or even just four, if not counting diagonals) different directions. Like, unironically believing that. Sad.

I'm building a circuit sword but I fucked up cutting the case. motherfucker. I got a broken original gameboy dmg with a pristine shell for $20 but the fucker cracked when trimming the final millimeter from the bottom of the screen. I didn't realise how brittle old ass plastic could be. now I'm waiting on a repro shell

Dios mio

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>modding a retro system instead of just playing on a vastly superior emulator

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modding a retro system to play vastly superior emulators on the go

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No. Just get an Everdrive X5. They have fully RTC compatibility.

>analog stick
It's a digital microswitch stick you fucking sped

imagine being a tech illiterate zoomer who can't read and thinks Nintendo's bargain bin hardware is infallible

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