Did he pull the trigger?

Attached: CarlosAimsDelta.png (250x152, 65K)

yes and no

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Carlos was the one single thing in ZTD that wasn't shit.

what about the final credits music

>not liking based Gab
come on now
the new Morph Sorrow mix was the best song from ZTD

Attached: my gift to you.webm (426x242, 53K)

too bad it was overplayed until it lost impact

Nah that dog wasn't any worth caring about.
I actually don't remember the final credits music. Probably wasn't paying attention to the music though if it came right after the ending which would have been more on my mind at the time.

p sure you're thinking of BBL
i only remember Morph Sorrow being played in two scenes at most

God I'm still mad I wasted $40 on this piece of shit. Fuck Uchikoshi.

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Of course not, because Delta did nothing wrong

>the game ends before the decision because Delta's not controlling anybody anymore

he literally even says that he wont use mind hack anymore and that carlos can do whatever the fuck he wants. and brainlets didnt get it

reminder that it is completely impossible for delta to have been mind hacking everyone all game so your argument is wrong

does it get better? i loved previous ones but this im like 4 rooms in and bored to hell, what were they thinking separating all the characters lol, do they think im playing this shit for preschooler puzzle overdose and not plot or dialogues?

sounds like the game was a bit too complex for you.

ZTD is an amazing shitshow, anyone who says you shouldnt play it and stop at VLR is fucking insane.

nobody should be denied such things as COMPLEX MOTIVES and the ALIEN FAX MACHINE

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but he was. and all the game segments was him accessing memories of the shifters.

literally wrong because he was dead multiple times that it happened


True but most of the fun is lost since you miss out on all the memes and complaints that were everywhere during release.

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But he was dead in one of the timelines, ho could he influence their decisions when he's dead?

It's actually hilarious when you go in knowing how bad it is. If you were a fan on release and/or expecting an actual conclusion that wasn't dogshit, you're probably going to be salty. Carlos is a treasure though.

Super computer

>Zero Escape is fucking dead

Attached: punished sigma.jpg (500x626, 182K)

reminder that junpei and seven as private investigators found and destroyed the hideout of free the soul, killing hundreds of dio clones in the process, while alice and clover couldn't find a trace for years with interpol resources.

>Preordered AI
Here we go.

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>Every game has you playing as the mastermind
Brainlets will never appreciate it