How do you feel about homosexual representation in vidya?
How do you feel about homosexual representation in vidya?
I only like it when one of them is feminine enough for me to be attracted to them.
i miss the nineties when people kept their faggotry to themselves instead of throwing a fit and getting parades LoU2 is gonna be shit but still sell
these garbage should be kept out of any form of media at any cost because the people from 300 years from the future will be looking down on us with pity and disgust
Pretty good thanks
IT'S usually fine, but they (Burch mainly) did go overboard in PS.
I'm fine with sexy guys but I don't really care for any sexual or romantic relationships in vidya because because the acting, writing and animation is shit 99% of the time. That stuffs best left to fanart
I miss when people were like "eh" when someone was gay instead of frothing at the mouth screaming about muh Ess Jay Doubleyews
It's fine as long as the developers aren't faggots about it.
It’s fine by me if it didn’t involved ugly characters.
>le cute young punk lesbians
weak shit
>actual fags
Only if they are attractive
I only like homos when they're not fucking faggots
Makes me want to drop the game in most cases.
Homosexuality is disgusting.
As soon as Chloe opened her mouth, her VA immediately and completely ruined that game for me. Found out later it was Ashley Burch. Surprise surprise, the whole family is shit.
I'm okay with it.
Hate it.
Representation in vidya often boils down to no representation, or having homosexual characters but the devs/in-game writing pointing a massive fucking spotlight on it.
For example, Dragon Age Inquisition's Dorian. When he was initially announced, all press releases I heard relating to the character were that he was the FIRST FULLY GAY MALE CHARACTER BIOWARE HAS WRITTEN, OH MY GOD, EVERYONE GET HYPED. That's all I ever heard about him, ever saw articles discussing, even the writer came out and discussed how he was so proud in writing him. By the time the game came out, I was expecting to completely hate his guts. Instead, he was fine. Maybe nothing amazing, but a cool character. But due to the writers and media, I was primed and ready for the character to more or less call me cis scum and that I needed to suck a dick to earn his trust. Plenty of people can also give great examples of in-game writing where someone's sexuality is beaten over your head, such as in Borderland Pre-Sequel or in some aspects of the pilot's story in Mass Effect 3.
I just want to see more homosexual characters that are handled with a focus on writing a good character first and foremost. Give us more Arcade Gannons where I fucking love the character based on his story and values, not simply because developers wrote him as the gay companion. Hell, give us characters who question their sexual orientation like Kanji Tatsumi. It's a great way to put that kind of spotlight on such an issue while making it feel genuine rather than their sole characterization focus.
faggot shit
It's fine, as long as the devs aren't patronizing and ham-handed about it. I do find it amusing when a single line in a character's bio like "X character married his husband in 2003" makes gamers flip their tendies.
Call me crazy, but a game's music, atmosphere, replayability and immersion are what draws me to them. Things like minority representation are important to some, and I get that, but it's not too important to me.
So yeah, I'm cool with it.
As long as the devs aren't using as a tool to get brownie points from jounalists, then I don't mind. Like said at the end, work on the character's personality, writting and motivations first, and then you can sprinkle on whatever gay things you want.
But if the gay character's only trait is "aggressively gay" then the game can fuck off.
>Janey oversells herself as a lesbian
>But proceeds to be Scooter-tier creepo only fully intentionally fucking creepy instead of being autistically naive and innocent in his creepiness
>but because she's a les bean it's completely OK that she religiously stalks Moxxi and attempts murder on any fucking potential suitors Moxxi gets
>totally fine she does shit that's universally fucking condemned by everyone because RE PRE SEN TAY SHUN
Ironically she's literally the perfect model for the LGBT community.
I'm okay if the game lets me kill them
Do you think Athena actually likes her or just relented and accepted her fate with springs?
Maybe Athena's never been hit on before
It's good when because we get characters that are different, and I like having different characters. Soon we will have creepy gay stalkers that don't get the hint someone is straight
It's heavy handed that they're a couple at the end of TPS and then officially in a relationship during Tales, but I thought it was funny how Athena goes from "uh ok?" at the start to the end result