I just popped a tab of acid and I’m about to play REEEEEEEEmake2

I just popped a tab of acid and I’m about to play REEEEEEEEmake2.
How fucked I am?

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waste of acid desu
go on a hike instead

Don’t put the headphones on and play it on LSD, you’ll go crazy and possibly get paranoid for weeks, if you don’t kill yourself, be careful.


>1 TAB
probably just a mild body high and and enjoyable gaming experiance.
Lol maybe if you have latent schizophrenia, i listen to music all the time with headphones during trips

this. Go listen to some tunes and chill out.
Vidya and TV are fucking boring as shit.

That doesn't sound that fun desu. The gore system is pretty good, I feel like looking at that would make you think about your mortality and shit.

I’m not talking about music, I’m talking about footsteps, zombie sounds, scary music etc, while playing a scary game under the influence, it’s likely the person will “forget the boundaries” once in a while and that can be dangerous

maybe if youre extremely inexperienced. i play games on mushrooms/lsd all the time with headphones

horror games? other genres are fine, but horror not so much

>How fucked I am?

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God I miss the pre-release shitposting

I played soma on mushrooms, its not a super scary horror game but IMO neither is RE2

>How fucked I am?

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Soma was really tense though

>How fucked I am?

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>How fucked I am?

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>How fucked I am?

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put those headphones on with bass and surround sound. Let the licker tickle your ear clit.

>How fucked I am?

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Oh absolutely, i loved it and mushrooms made it much more engrossing for me. Thats part of why i play vidya tripping

>How fucked I am?

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>How I fucked am?

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You'll be fine until you get into the sewers or the underground lab.

>Stephen go to sleep?

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>it's a Michael thread

>How fucked I am?

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Ok wtf, I'm cancelling my pre-order now