Well it's finally happened. All spiritual successors for those old games suck, Just like the originals...

Well it's finally happened. All spiritual successors for those old games suck, Just like the originals. Hopefully this helps people realize they were always bad and it's pure nostalgia keeping people fighting for them.

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This thing STILL isn't released yet?

Wrong, Rondo of Blood is an amazing game and better / more focused /better art direction / better music / cuter Marias than 90% of stuff released today

Late 2020 at earliest.


Attached: Not this year.gif (225x159, 392K)

>trusting game journos
I pirated the last demo they had and had a blast
It ran and looked like ass but it was fun as fuck and made me super excited for more

So who got taken out from that spotlight image? Beck, yooka laylee, and now that doujin witch?

>It ran and looked like ass
Basically paraphrasing the headline in the OP.

>doesn't feel quite right
You'd think that people whose careers revolve around talking about video games would find better ways to actually describe their experience.

It's clearly meant to make you want to read the article.

No the game feels perfect 1:1 with how I remember the ds games, gba games, and sotn
It's just ugly

>I finally got my hand on Bloodstained.
So he didn't play any of the other demos that game out before?
And everything else screams "Wah my aestetic".
>No feed back on attacks
You mean like fucking all castlevania games?
Has this guy ever played a castlevania game?
Wait. I know this faggots name. This a Kotaku writer.
Nothing to see here folks. It's a click bait article.

the article itself is pretty good at pin-pointing what's off about it. (although I think most of their complaints are something you'd get use too after a couple hours of playing)

It made two accusations.
One is "I hate the aesthetic" and the other is "Not feedback on attacks"
The Pax demo was the latest demo from like a year ago and of course the aesthetic is bad right now and the feedback is 1:1 castlevania games.
Did the guy expect enemies to jump back on hit or something?

The slow movement speed and lack of being able to tell the range of weapons was more what I was referring to, neither of which are real problems. My only point was the article was more precise than the title led on

>slow movement speed
You mean the 1:1 movement speed to SotN that just seems slow because of the game being in a higher resolution than a PS1 or NDS could ever hope to output?

Because spiritual successor is a retarded term, especially when most of the time it's a different direction.

you're really itching to argue with someone

I'm itching to correct someone. You don't argue with facts.


>Hopefully this helps people realize they were always bad and it's pure nostalgia keeping people fighting for them.

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I'm not listening to these proven idiots, and even worse im not listening to you retarded fucking OP.

>new thing is poorly made
>this means old thing was bad
Coming to this board and having to read the shit you morons spout even if it's joking has to be the most tiring life.

just because it's 1:1 with SotN doesn't mean SotN's movement speed isn't slow user ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But it does mean it is accurate and therefor not "Off"

>all these assblasted fuckheads already regretting their $300 purchase.

Remember, no refunds.

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>the ten dollar side project is infinitely better than the main game

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It just boggles my mind that in the time it's taken so far to develop this game, Igarashi put out every handheld Castlevania game except OoE.

I mean, I realize he's working with a much smaller team, but that's FIVE different games. And this one looks worse than any of them.

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Much smaller team.
Completely new assets instead of the years of castlevania assets in his catalog to pull from for 90% of the games development.
2.5D from scratch.
Made for more than a single platform.

>Much smaller team.

It's not. SOTN and HoD were smaller.

when will people finally accept that indieshit ripoffs of classic games will NEVER, EVER live up to the originals?

Not true, Yooka Laylee looks like shit yet I still recently enjoyed all three Banjo games. It really proves more that great are lightning in a bottle and not something that should ever be continued or given sequels unless done very carefully

It's like the Mighty Gunvolt crossover game all over again

I mean. Hollow Knight exists and it's incredible and it's just a metroidvania with a bug aesthetic.
So never?

There seems to be a pattern developing involving this man.

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AM2R was way better than metroid II and the official remake

Well yeah. Inti-creates makes good to great 2D games and should be tazed until unconsciousness if any one of the staff is seen working with 3d.

No it wasn't. The devs of that game think metroid is all about shine sparking into random fucking walls to find secrets and doing other stupid fucking "speedrun techs."

Imagine if that budget had just gone to this.

Attached: 156346573167347652.jpg (1920x1080, 537K)

And yet they gave us a free game far better than the embarrassment that was Samus Returns.

Have you never played a Metroid game that wasn't Other M?
secrets in random ass walls and found in esoteric ways were the series staple until Sakamoto got fed up with people learning how to sequence break.

it's shit compared to metroid and castlevania.

If it still was heavy set on that dash mechanic than it would still be utter shit in my book.

It's really not. You should play it some time instead of talking about things you have no clue about.